Barrie Examiner, 20 Jan 1949, p. 2

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PAGE TWO THE BARBIE EXAMINER MEMBER OF Class Weeklies of Canada ilt unread of irculatlons lunly Newspapers Association THE BARRIE EXAMINER Small Garde ESTABLISHED mu Published Thundny Morning by no BARBIE EXAMINER LTD hiaeIAREN 51 hliTlONS FRESJENI AN IANAGIHu EDITOR EA hed Brian 3300 year WALLS Ur ed Stuns year vscznzsicrnr mu austnis IAIMGEI mpm 5c emu lint1131111 Sun 24 nl Hull Shaver icilionlisl for Sillicuci tounlms lziolis discussed 15 Prime Minister of Canada while lthe new leader of the Opposuion George Drew will be making his first appearance 11gt 11 fipiitil North Suncoe flu week LORI BEVERIDGES NEW KEPURT both 15 Member of lll11nent and 15 11 10111 siresski 1111 111110111 0N VOLlNTARY SII WORK Ii 1qu 111 ppnmm 11olcs which Another important social ductiniciit coin Ag minute 11 Heiy gillvtl by Lord BCVflitige was published 1113 501A113T5 SEEK lllAll 14 illf October BISI Entitled Ultlltl Atlloli 1111 mpqu Dough fin 11v LI hluwhww in UK 5117111 Welfare This surveys the lrv report llltlli oI Saskatchewan has bltll searching zmivzi 53 21 Hill fl We whole field of voluntary social work it llri 01 mm pm4b me 3mt$ mt 1111 Ari1w ut Wt 11111111 of 31111 and puts forward valuable sngetstzons punt mtg Tm 01111001 pitst no mm ll llilri lE ll1 11111 plnlanllnopu action 111 1111pt hugmm mm bwwm apparently wm Mil rim the changing conditions of society The report is logical stqllfllte 111 Lord illiteridges famous plan for complete social 1lliiliy which he drew up in lfHZ and which has since made his name known throne ioiil 1111 success because 11 recent press despaleli 111 21111111 1011 1111 gilitltll plot anuoniices that Mr Douglas was selling out ll lit ll5 ll Ill Ii 1111 New York 111 contact United 511115 111 tinstrialists and mining interests regarding MM In an M2 v1l1 1111pm treatment vill grow possible investment 111 Saskatchewan mineral lie world development ilaizd potash as well 15 pulp nal i=1 140ml lcrlilill is PH it is pointed out that wide range of work and mum1 mm gtwqml no Old 1111111 hind humane essential and 1l111l1l11rllr riu is Him bl milk 50 41 story Socialists on both sides of the Atlantic Ml if Lmlmn Flillilllmmpm msmuumls MUM alum do all they can to discredit and weaken the wits Arm mans 0119 mi low in ml in relation to the social progress acnieved markTummy hm who 11193 mu pm 122111151111 and should 1111 balanced llli complete fertilizer landlud fertility treatment in lm home garden 15 an annual 11111t1111111 of 30 tons per acre of bar 11yazd manure plus 1000 lbs of tl mug the past century The future of volun iziiy action states the report must be oii idered in the light of the conclusion that whatever the Government of theday the State will seek to do more for the citizen 11 the future than in the past The essence of the report lies in showing how much has been achieved by voluntary action in the past and how there is still as urgent need as ever for voluntary social work to supplement State services and to pioneer and experiment ahead of the State The State cannot see to rendering of all the services that are needed to make good society Voluntary action is necdcd to do things which the State should not do such as the giving of advice and organizing the use of leisure The reasons ionvoluntary act ion liave not been diminished and will not be destroyed by the growing activities of the State Lord Bevcridge suggests that there rcmaiup large scope for insurance above the mini mum provided for by the State In addition he recommends that friendly societies should cooperate in providing homes and clubs for old people and should help meet the growing demand for holiday accommodation following thcittcnSion 0f holidays with pay Inmaking these and other suggestions Lord Bevelidgc recognizes that in the more equal society of the future voluntary social work must broad cn into work of social advancement for the whole of society and that democracy must do for the public good what used to be done by few At the same time new forms of cooperation between the State and the voluntary worker should leave the maximum freedom and responsibility to the individual TO BE USEFUL AND HELP OTHERS This is rather blunt We hope however thatyou will take it in the spirit intended The Boy Scouts and Girl Guides of Can ada1680000f themare observing Scout Guide Week from February 20 to 27 Will we etake the Scouts and Guides for granted theyll mark the oc casion by themselves For four decades we have seen Scouts and Guides quietly per forming worthwhile service Have we really watched and appreciated Certainly the scouts and Guides themselv es ask for no specific recognitiontheir Daily Good Turns have always been with tmeimbursement they have been taught that their duty is to be useful and to help others Nevertheless do not merit more than friendly distant approval0r casual acceptance of their efforts to be better citizens Their theme this year isi Preparing for TomorrowToday The sole obj cct 0fSc0ut Guide Week isto demonstrate the training in citizenship Scouting and Guiding provide for Canadian boys and girls This will be achieved by carfullyplanned program whichseesnome branch of Scouting and Guiding demonstrated each day fScouting and Guiding form one of the few real hopes for better understanding among the peoples of the world for it is common basis on which people of all count riesand creedscan meet If ScoutGuide Week did nothing more than to emphasiac and spradjbroad that ivyouthful spirit 0f tolerance fellowship and ==n which er they find they can neither pay the bills for their social security measures nor un derth the development of natural resourc es without appealing to freeenterprise 811 111 la clalism spillahsus in deficits rely mg on the 13 umwdmg to Ned marketcconomy for rescue from reriodical the gtorl and the cm is to he is l1gtl$l Some gardeners supple 1111111 liiis by additional fertilizer ELILTION Ql REEL 11 planting lime or side dressing of on February llCXI tilt electors Nillilet nitrogen fertilizer for leafy crops Yumaska will go to the polls This eoiislitu fl plfmmr llllllllllll1i1 crops Slitl HS l1 tiny will be the only our lll Canada not 11 Hm mm an also um be presented at theopcnmg of the session few grown 1711 Winter protection and weeks from now The Liberals have already 01 11111115 10 50 selected candidate but so far no other mwmled my llie best seed avarlable should be party has manifested any intention of con pummi 111111 except for few crops testing the seat Tins leads observers to be home production of seed was not lieve that the Progressive Conservatives are lbl 531mnb 01 31 t1lltll require l0 5170 l0 tncountcung SCIlOllS difficulties 111 getting mum and mo doshubmy of started in Quebec They have already by titiowing plenty of vegetables suit passcd LavalTwo Mountains and their de 01 If WW 51011100 should be fault in Nicolct Yamaska would indicate that My ginning hrmwcmm the problems of selling conservatism 1310 111 was outlined by Hungph gressrve or otherwise to the voters of Quebec 111125 one area being reserved for are more numerous and complex than origin ally foreseen by the new general staff of the Opposition Mr Sabourins silence on this matter and Mr Drews departure from Ot tawa for gun cxtendediwestcrnitouHwould lalc vegetable sections are rotated each year the area having the early vegetables being plowed in Tidslirnfb riff crop chd control was also discussed and the value of mulching using clover hay whcrc leafy crops are required and straw for fruiting crops was recommended Bulle tins and leaflets re recommended varieties insect and disease con trol and planting dates were avail able to the growersv SMALL FRUITS In the discussion on small fruits Mr Humphrcys limited his rc morits mainly to strawberries and raspberries These cropsipay big dividends for proper preparation of the land and where at all possi bit the plots Should be prepared and manurcd 21 year in advance small fruits Second area for early seeded to cbvicr appear to confirm their reluctance to llSk vegetables and ma thirdarea for late vegclziblcsThc early and at this time humiliating defeat in any Qucbec constituency SOCIALISM DOWN UNDER Professor Copland one of the original braintrust of Socialism in Australia now expresses misgivings An examination of Australian figures available suggests that the increase of production over the prewar level is in no way comparable with the in crease that has taken place in the United States and Canada In the United States policy of decontrol has resulted in rise of industrial output to 85 per cent above pre war level Australian production has hardly anywhere risen above 1939 levels and in im MI portant areas is below them 97 Years Ago THE BARRIE ADVANCE January 19 1899 Barrie Local Notes The Farmer Institute meetings held in Barrie Town Hall were poorly attended due to inclement weather Drury presided and the chief speakers were Raynor BSA on The nutritive qualities of the different fodders Alex McNeil on The Use of Con crete in Farm Structures Mayor Wells on The Local Farming Community Among the Most Im portant in the Province James Goodfellow on Wheat Rust Inspector Morgan who stressed thntVIligh School Educa tion was over done with over three times too many secondary schools in Ontario Geo John son son of Martin Johnson Kemv penfeldt had one arm broken while working in the bush The stores of No 5Co 35th Bat taliorl transferred from Mc Phee to Alex Cowan preparatory to other promotion changes LT lady who attended some special services in Allandale the previous week was accosted by man as to her religion In the conversa tion he said Im Saint In deed said thewlady fThere are not many like you around theSe days During the past year fos ter homes were secured for the NEW BRITISH COINS FOR 1949 Britain is to have new coins this year Royal proclamation recently ordered that the words Indiae Imperator or Emperor India should be omitted in all the instru ments in which the title was used The changes in the coins will consist therefore of the omission of Ind Imp from cupro nickel nickel brass and bronze coins and the Kings Maundy money The new coins were designed by Mr Paget the artist who modelled the Kings cffigy for number of previous coinsnThey are expected to be available very shortly EDITORIAL NOTES Canadian Boy Scouts are proud members of the WorldBrotherhoodof Scouts in which the enrolment is five million boys and men in 11 countries including sections of the British Commonwealth r7A uu The existece of the church as strong independent community claiming its own al legiance and throwing its weight behind the defense of certain basic rights is one of the last few remaining buttresses of freedom in the desperate struggle for free society in the world today says Miss Barbara Ward of London England Wellknown economist and 00 $1000 an Acre Says ARRIE ONTARIO CANADA ris Worth phreys 380 The llIlL Hf hiai=rlllig mil ITllg Crop straxvutrras per planting Wai 12 usual as 111v tittulicl tlulil dots Hui 51w 215 good yield and legtlalale production 211 the Weed vufllltll problem is much Lilllt lliilil Wh ll gt11 siihl ltictiiligslrnorr 101 11115 Strawnerlles impure iezlu sligzuly livid loneulrzil soil 1111 the 31tlttl ltl system lIl ludh ft or iiirit apart the reconfmended for Ontario liiiiti1lioli3r The ileui gt11111 With Valentine 111111 Fairfax giving good risulls for home garlic as Well Little tune was available to dis cuss the raspberle crop lue Culiiberl Taylor Vllillll and Her burl varieties of red raspberry were eeonimended For variety the 1111berl1nti Bldtk Raspberry and the Colombian Purple Rasp berrv 11111l1t be Well worth trying The lli like the strawberry pays gool dividends for extra fer soil and heavy mulching not only to protect the crop from frost dam age lut particularly to conservv moisture and control weeds HEATIll FROM VEGETABLES Duran the second period of the afternoons program Ruth Shaver home economist spoke on the topic Fruits 11111 Vegetables for Ilealth She pointed out that the science of nutrition was subject in which everyone should be vitally cori Owned WWW has pmwn mm Partridge The litunbcrs 111111111 vitamins were essential for life and diet even slightly lacking in any one of them would cause re duced vigor and definitely louv ered resistance to disease In some countries where the choice of food is very limited seri ous forms of malnutrition chelop which frequently cause death Miss Shaver stated that since malnutri tion is not an obvious condition in our country where we have much wider choice of food it is difficult for people to realize the import ance of choosing food for health Nutritionists have set up conven icnt guide for us known as Can adas Food Rules which if fol lowed will lead to wellbalanced meals Now that we realize the import ance of nutrition in general we may think specifically of fruits and vegetables for health Miss Shaver continued Fruits and vegetables which can be grown in our own garden con tain useful amunts of minerals and vitamins They mustbcp10 perly cooked and frequently serv ed raw if we are to benet from their healthgiving substances Therefore when gardening time comcs around Miss Shaver con7 cluded let us realize thiit the fruits and vegetables from our gar dcn have plenty to offer in pro moting our familys health If there is teenage daughter in the family who is interested in gardening it was suggested by Miss Shaver that she becomea member of Girls Garden Club sponsored by the Womens Insti ttitc Branch of the Department of Agriculture By assuming respon srbility for the garden she would be making worthwhile contribu tion to thefamilys welfare roads Shields of Toron lo takes charge of the Dominion Hotel at Angus On Sunday Jan Mrs Taylorof Minesing had the misfortune to slip and fall on the ice fracturing thigh Simcove District Sons of Temper ance held their annual meeting at Edgar on Jan 13 and the hall was full to overowing with repre sentatives from Eady Hobart Prices Corners Shanty Bax Crown Hill and Guthrie John Ledster of Rugby was elected Dis trict WP Mr Quirk sold his mill property at Edenvale to Mr Carter of Fesserton who intends opening store James Russell sold his farm to Wesley Moore Ash Warnica Painswick lost his house by re originating from defective ue but nearly all the furniture was saved Building was valued at $2000 number of young folk proposedattending classes in elocution and physical culture at Bond Head conducted by Miss Brown ME The annual oyster supper of the Knock Gran gers held in the Grange Hall was attended by over 50 people Messrs Young and Tracy had the contract for supplying the school Fisher For First llepuly 25 Years Ago IIIIf IHIUIIE EXAMINER January L924 Barrie Local Notes Large attendance at le lltlllilllll lllrli instill TU Elwincilia fliElIItiS tllrtllsitd UI JULIE fourth Attacks of ilyrne 111111 iiuxlable lcplied it by men tilis 1023 oulnjli tiliill St Ivlelhodrsl choir in111ml tl cantata Sat11111 and hunt 11 lit1 131 21lnyill1 ciielj was the 11mm timely elllctiuly under thi 1i11v1t111zi 11 in ieic IIUIltIltv lt11p1111t iunl 1111111 1111l1 l1ni i11 I21l1 31111141114 liiilt Il1ll tNll vvuu the pl1lllltl liono1 llre rv Shield ll the fourth annual show gtlillIlSlilvti bj the Iillilt Poultry and Pet Stick Avocu Ernie Joodnuin and leslie Chit tick who look over the Fold 1131111 ey here on Jun lst veie honored liy the Masonic liltlllltll before leaving Sloney Creek Local hockey season opened on New 11 1ttilillt5 11 1111l1uln to light my mg manic mm You 10 he flair 111111111 beat Iliumbridge 1057 John Li lie and John raig named 1111 Mayor also ii Robertson lhos II iqutuble Fisher Jackson and D11 Spioll Olli ers nominated were For Reeve Patterson W111 itusk and ilowe l1 Robertson lI Ilvrne Patterson louchei For Second Ilcpuly II Byrne Hill louciier anti for the wards Were Isl nd 71 3rd lift 5th 0th lllt Education Board IVIIlo Alex Towan installed officers of Corinthian Lodge for 24th year lirli11gscasoii opened Jan At meeting of Boys Parliament 111 Toronto Barrie was asked to raise $150 of the $0000 asked to promote hoys work Report of County Treasurer showed surplus of $5 995 New Your ushered in by blizzard heavy snowfall and tem pcrature of above Al lcn proprietor of the Allandale Dairy bought the confectionery business known as tlieEd Bryson Confectionery Allandiilc II Wright Mrs Hargreaves and two daughters sailed for England where they expected to spend sev eral months Industrial liven ing classes were opened in the Prince of Wales Scl1oolwith the following subjects and instructors Basltctry II Jarvis Motor Meciianicsl Palmer Telegra phy Hutchings English and Arithmetic Shear DressMak THURSDAY JANUARY 20 ll til il did Mr 11111111 1111 11i All Merrillll lIlii UII mhix i=1 ll1 llilrrl 11 lint1n 11lf51l Ill Il=lilil lll All111 IJMC ll l1lItlltli ulslmjved in il illt Illiitlilllil liiitzit trim l11 1111 Ellh 1111 1t1 THE FRIENDLY ATMOSPHERE VIIIIN llItI what el1elilwd about Sterling llurls depmlor 111 our Savings Illpart 111111l1itl lIv ilw friendly allimspiiere liri pleased 11 tlrjillY for in our dealings with tllt ills Il111erv 1parlmenlwsavings winter aiiueil at ol fruinilv viioperation elliticlicy inoruaur 1111 have bliil it UIHIIIIHI tllli 111gt11111al 1iltili Ill those we life illillitnl to gt1lt your THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION Head Oite Toronto Barrie OITice l3 Dunlop Street 37 years In Busincsi dilllut 1949 21111 Slui All11111 litliilum gtiil on l111d1 1111 AH 112 1mg llllliii Pills lllli 1litlli51n llniili pm cnls Illlv part tffuruu1re and 1111111 ing Mrs Lolly Simcoc County Briefs Moisc Duvalbf Tiny telephoned doctor to go out and fix him up so he could attend his fathers fun eral On arriving the doctor found bad case of pneumonia and int two days the son died and was bur ied beside IIIS father In F105 23 gentlemen were nominated for the municipa council Those nam ed foriRcevc were Amos Train Thos Smith PA3Coughlin and Wm Malcolm The hall at wood at Grenfel Speers oflvy after holiday at home re turned to the School of Pedagogy at Hamilton Lemuel Sjtiglcy Holly arranged to sell his large Oro Station sold one of his btg horses in Orillia for $140 ML and Mrs JIMFuhhave moved to he Williams Chillrns AidSociety which ha about adozen active members and gt membership fee Was 50 cents collection tkn at theunion pray er meetings mounted to $1420 SMALL BUSINESS 01111071 Thirlyfw litigants were MW Christian Science Monitor gag ths zeal to the Houseof maltbusinm means so muchto 50 man e0 le 9i 551 30mg by 319995311 1331 fIEOIIRTH SESSION 20THPARLIAMENT in tile United States that its full length mild illst tamed to the regul Inga days Ottawa will be the scene completed by the Committee for Economic Develop Thomas recanted lime the with of Canada5 20th Pa ment is of considerable value The little fellowshfmm his brvthel MuThms iurnish onepfthe nationsnotabl resources as th W110 hadbenimissmg 50 mm This Parliament elected in Juneicms researah director points out when he says working for the YUkon Lumber 11945111337 W11 extend int01950 and another 893 Coswgim the melurthzsf 19w gt lsa gym oppor unity enterprise innovation 85 90W 28m 93 01115 most qbservgrs all to and achievcmrmt It is an independent way of life 0f daylight and 11 hours 055 agree thatthe present session will be Its last It stands for something essential 19 our freedoms Whisky was 50c drink and $8 and mg general election Wm be called hglompaigtiveg little has previouslyheen done to 3109 oui 13120 ham 51 xt m1 go we of small business in the economy Wages an 130 were ve 15 m1ef=or to appraise its questions This the present study month At the 135 municipal are ea 15 Wing signs proelectoral does in its book Small Businessflts Place and Prob elections bylaw carried by 621 activity 1115 CED leaders in this field who arranged for to 350 that after 1899 the Town Bxem msmw 1945113 not altered research term it the first attempt to get Counil COHSISI 0f Mayor and Iany ngth of the Liberal go my mpplete overall picture The work took two years 701100111013 On the third 193de in esprcsent House of Uommonsandg still probably strong enough to with would be fagaronde world writer on visit to the United States Lets all take little more interest in tho Scouts and Guides They are Canadians in the makingand ofga truth thyare Pre ppnggfor TomorrowToday and was nationally Kaplan one of the the bylawfwas killed 0n the follow leading eccrmmists of the Brookings institution at in division NAY+Lovei William Washingtou son Tyrer Sonics Paacuck Brun Kapllm numbers the small business firms ex tOn POWEIL JOhnSOh Brennan 19 100mg agriculture and the protestnous at more than YEA FfaWIBY MGM 3005 W00 and the enterprises witliabove 100 wage Caldwell Rogets Warren the mg analowes at but 25000 HeTinds that small Mayor undo somethings betterrthan can large bunting also brings out ways in which the Sham Myld WI can help themselves His survey is The school trustees on Can by its lack ofgqurrrv Vespra dccidedilo give the headh AW the CED study yields conclusion that er raise in salary Strong should veg smallbusiness men and women west winds blewmariywli the cauiagmn nt Show off the elds but on him in 11010 icailiouie pulls beaming raciorrin one iVA 11161001111 ttitwwm pewaiemj mm= 301110030011 1901551 an lathe house or com sfoclcof horses cattle sheep and pigs on Jan 31 Geo Crawford Tcgislcfctl lipgtvqod to Bradford to give Mid land direct connectidn onto aboutflfl miles ENvALg School Edema WI Ilie Womns Institute held their were read by the secretary Mrs gsuii think life as just begunl books Mrs Aubrey Gillian con jduated an interesting Eu IndMrs afflimnwi At meeting 0f Midland Board of Trade motion was passed to run loop line railway from point betWeenAllandale and 001 vwith rail Januaryl7 Owing to lack of pupils the 12th Lind School was closed last week and the two available pupils willi be transported to the 1401 Line January lingering at the home of Mrs IN McNabb with goodi attendance Roll call was answer1 baby fA Favorite Hymn Several items of business were dealth with and letters of thanks for treats Ward read several poems on 101er motto With ieVery rising of the M1331 Gillan gave goodreading from one of Nellie McClungs quiz and Mrs Bhutan poem At the platen the Mrs Ill Gji en served deemable in Canada dwm part of the world thtp may bi 1111gc111111111 BARBIE BRANCH TgtFosterlt Manager obtainch convcniently and quickly when transacting your other Bank busingssgt any of 001 branches Next time you sendmoney send Its gquiyilelicacinadini Bankiof commerce Money0rder or almost any l5Mvnc1 Pnevoltders anmmvnmmommu tiansfers Can made safely and easily by Canadian Bank of commerce Money Ordeis Inexpensive and re

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