Barrie Examiner, 20 Jan 1949, p. 1

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THIS WEEKS 77 ISSUE 8050 Copies AUlnonlIED AS srcoan CLASS IAlL 70 DEPL OTTAWA RIE EXAMINER 86thYeorNO BARRlE ONTARlo CANADA THURSDAY JANUARY 20 1949 Section lPoges to nnua eatlng Board Membersior1949 SDDRUGGSTS Povmce 91s Club 29 Next Tuesday gEACHEINED $10 HOSP 11131 at Barrie filirnuary for having retriainrd Llectron of the 1949 otliccrs and iioiird of directors wrll highlight llre Chamber of Conunerce annual Five sitting directors have AK gt rreeting on Tuesday next at Clubiagrced to stand for rigelection Eilfidntiuxiillllfml iii The ML ii Fish Jacdihitirir il iii coir al oi Norman Clarke has been none obi Knight 11 1t Nettletonf president Both have several years li mated by the election comnnttcc and Dr 12 Wilson The colnlnib iullwlb LU plndud tor the presidency and Charles tee has lillto nominitcd Chit gum my mum ille ml Th it 12 71 rtillllt for the position of my via tlck Lari Cox Gladstone Ciii nut il liliilii uiirrsmn1 ill an lo 10hr untht has Oifered to buy the Royal rig my iiiinwiml Di it Mb 18 or allows Li Airs Victoria Hospital at Home for $100000 Hon Russell Kelley rxpericnce on the board and were vicepresidents last year Jack litchinson and Dick Steele llind irdelxrl Domii iimiiiiii iv Maciarm KLhionklmtnllki in WI Minister of Health explained the proposal at the Monday ii liu pm minim afternoon session of Simcoe County Council 10 010611011 0f the second itc In all 13 candidates have been 34 bviiip irii be litisstt it Mr Kt lty xplainid that the offer ms or prisldtnt is piiliiips the must im nullllllllltl for the nine posrtlons on iii iiiiiiiibiiiiig dim Swim made on in iii ltliitln$ iii lt iliilcllt tlit Ulltlltloti tliiitthc countV wouldsctr itmlmt hound ll5 FlllKU ll Dldd lllLlOIt Ldlel ll frotn remaining open rm Walla5 Joln lo Operate rlllllVlS 10 llh lllildtllcy lll lWU Town Council Wm WM llll day afternoon mm mm JOHN 1h 1105pll Ur COIWMCSCCHLS ymrsv The cmnmmcp is suggmlmg lioon Judge lllilvie congratu gtwo candidates Fred Kelly and Iloli Leishlnan liied Kelly proprietor of the the new board Home Appliance Shop has been Nominations are open until the pure the privilege of remaining llltllllJCl of the directorate for three electron next Tuesday which will open Thih 11ml HimCi hm uni years He is chairman of the to be one of the first itcmsulf bUSllitllglit and Stewart KC Itail mcrcliants section and super ness at the annual meeting Meiii lawyer for the defendants assured For each indigent chronic patient the Government would pay $365 per day The $150001 Would be paid to the Royal Vlttlillli llusplll board on tile llSSlllliplltln they would turn it over to die Barrie and District their iiieirihers is Chamber direc Tim gt was no siivnig nillht in ilated rte iii tll cilnziilttei ii to lllll 104 1110111 Wllll It 1945 cluded in the bylaw whereby when ii iTV ii iii Ii Pllillltlll llll TVISS Will make there was public lltllflllV llltllll My UI NC ii ii lt iflllltnlllti the acoustical qualitas or it it lt lug toirs toiloiiw miiiiimim Judge illirvie also spoke of the ceremony to be held in the Court room iiin kednesda afternoon Memorial Huxpiltl committee itised the nances for the farmers bers may submit the names of ad the magistrate that an lmendrnentiv1n Mufm mm the proposed new loslitil liv tti UWilH VUUlll lllLFtlllNl sllt Ulllllll k0 ditional candidates to the harrith would he made in tire bylaw Th iii ii ii Mi lire Minister of llcalth said GEORGE JOHNSTON lll 33 MmluM5 Mm Ob liflblllium manager of ilm office or present the nominations Tm iiupgmg iiiiiiiiimi iiiiiiii iiiiiif lap hlfd HimC was ii Uni fiii i000 beds for Vice liltilmltn llairnran of the Board illon lullls Gibson Ltd was one of from the floor prior to the LlCCllOIlvlch was mmi 310 and who iiijiiif Jlifivt iii chronic patients The average cost ltm Emu Mum founded the low Those pmlmsnq addmonal om lllililmly ml ll 5l llf ll mow limcms he lid was from illllitltl He has been on the ilratioiis have been asked by time since the livlliw was passedllmi tiff 151 NH 5550 ii 37 ii diii iii ii geiiomi hop hiiull for each of the ve years Morrison MBE the election that Christmas has fallcli after lii E3li imiu pillll iii priirircii out the cost had and iii addition to his position as committee chairman to first obtain Wednesday iii the week lupin um liht 11m been onlv 83 cents day at tile idireclor he has served as treasurer the consent of their candidates rown Attorney Frank 11am $311 11 xiii ni tim mlllil ids beginning of iiic miiiiiiv ll llll Clullllbtl During the dinner there will be mundremarked that it was 101 itiimlinf Wllfillllf in iiqmiiw who iim manic Sandy Coutts who liasimusic by concert trio and vocal 1va well worth the fine incurred iiuiillidliiillei Eli1kltgllyiililE in liosplltl iii13 chronicypilierils ltiinort lftlx fwl div iiina or post ion st ections lllL ollur bl United for tlir said diuggisls to Ioninn vv lKclle hid it wis costln less 1tieasurei was member of the Church male litillrtetle open srnce they experienced their iyhiiliituylliflllff int min 34 Ai Million Snihi illllilld last year The election com Following the diliiier there willlbcst business day on Wedlicsdayl Ct menm hospital wcll staffed with nurses was caring for soldiers at $430 day There are 53 cilroriic patients costing $050 lay in Simcoe Coun You can thank your equalization corriiizittec and the county asses ii sor declared Judge Haivie Inteludenonlingtion11 think we have one of the lies county 550530 pmwncu ty and they should be cared for iYoun PeC les iii lin til tl Wm lit 33 or $350 he declared reve thzt tlly int fl IS Planneg asl 5515 to bottlsiiltutheullolihtl iussmail KELLEY MI Kelley Sam the hosplml at Barrie was not very satisfactory assessor It is notorious fact TUCSday Clcnmg Jan that lirert majority have enlovcd If we had We Some Of these and Monday evening Ja 17 ice 1111111 it would be too bad ii1 33 ll lgroup of representatives mm the Lillililimm musmum WIN lmlvnc Wc ought to be thankful we imrmus ChmCh young peoples Dr Tumbuii who 15 Ti Do you drive car in the win have our health and strength Let in we bdby Clinic was held Judge ilaltic also suggistcd llial groups of Barrie met in Trlml Vicepresident at the first meeting on June 29 1923 with 14 present action taken to liSCOlllZlLc WNW Helm 50 What cm do to put vi mlttee has nominated one candi be dancmg December 22 Parish Hall and discussed lans for II It tlt tl onvalescents in comfortable of the Victorian Order of Nurses for ti marauucrs from the cit who hlMS Silhhehb 53 all Interdwommmlona in January 1923 lOOde back OVCI 19211 tlreniicrlrgd lllllcl IllinlcalfMZlTllg can WkQ l0 lemme Ojlll l01 Wule this WSW luarlqrsn dared MF Kaliliey 11 lid car in February as suggest the 25 yeaisof iiic VONS existence rst car had been secondmand 0513 by Sieiiiiiig ChristinaS miesy you drive an stop in time Orvrlle Todd of urcil it IctULLOlTGll the Canadlan COUHCll Ol in Barrie at the annual meeting one bought with the medes of no thought bylaw light be We bupposij the road or street is shil spoke on behalf the Baffle and JAMIE BLAIR Chairman iii primer Clillliiltfght ti last Thursday evening mg day The Stair and iiiipiiS of pared requiring the trucker to 0b pcri With ice or packed snow or District Memorial Hospital com chairman of Finance vep10gmm 05 He remarked that today the or Ovcndcn College gave the next llllli purchase receipt in procur meld ml mm Ak 301115 lf mmce devotional period speaker mu ou ould stop in time to avoid special hospital committee was Sicai seieciions ami social hour der was doing as lnucli as they 931 m1930 Vllll the Proceeds Of mg CC claddinv mid somethin or some appointed by WardCIlCTS EVallS of songs games and refreshments used to 910 but they were doing it garden party Since the ovcnden Ime PCrhaps visibilitvis poor be laid the matter was referred to EachmrmwiiLaiwibciaskedto with hutcinorc cncouragcmgig has 3501 EEC9LLh9Siii fund Makes$1 WWW 0i gem mung mathyiiisicnmmitmeh lstress young peoples lctivities When my began the Saw Phe IODE was also one or their Ask voursclf if Vou could stop well The brief presented by Todd iii there had been opposition from the est boosters in the beginning and errevcnin crv Bos onbealfoftlic preceding 50 Smefiengthe sunday nursng alumnae and some doc an they dSDded they turned gllpitddllucigzlfl filgntsgllglgrii ilrld Digtrict Meliiorlal Hos tors As always there had been over their funds to the Victorian great deal of financial difculty Order Hospnal iUu Sllddonl Stops blows d0n pndl Conlmluee IOHOWS Mr Robinson who has been so Ask yourself beforehand if you An the has 11313 in the County CglgN lllOllghl lhey dldlll m3 Etultmuingllicsoriimaigi generous to the hospital over the could stop within the distance you 3f Simcoe iii3 overcrqwdeidi par He recall that twice ovcriim had been presented during the past years made the condition that can see ahead Be sure your brakes iicuiay ihe Royai thona Hos past years on August 12 1924 and evening compared with what they the mick from the bond be used are gond enough 4310p you pital at Barne wmch has 03 on June i7 1927 the nioiion had had been during the rst days of for Chrrmmas treats for the public time to avorcl an accrdcnt in case Dagny of Sixty beds and has been been ih the organimiion and childrcns wards each year of traffic emergency treating as many as mgety patients 118th IS dn Organ with the result that many patients lgatfiigkfefiilliliiehfdiedlvcroullavgf Vrllsafaglaxlgfigf are in the corridors and even in the basement they had decided to carry on and that there was no question about The Royal Victoria Hospital at With 10 aid 0f gram 0f $300 the Semce commumg It Will g0 campalgn Balm and sur Barrie will receive the largest from the Kiwanis Club were able on fowlpm It has place in the sharcvof the $12250 granted by the to continue commumly that cant be taken by SimcoesCounty Council TheRVH What really Supported US in any other organization It Still Share mm be $40824 This amount those terrible days Was the Metro has its financial difficulticsand as was based on 2112 indigent pa politan Insurance Companyfi he 1011 as llfs voluntary service it item days from July to Dccem recalled They gave the VON always Will have But sometimes ber 31 1948 flat sum of $25 month for ve Pleasure arid sometimes its The grant was madeafterwthe 191151 fun hospitals had submitted brief In192577lePersuadEdrlherrrTOWn 91 Eoncmsmn he warned the showing that theywerc operatinngounciltogivethemarL annual lQenECiSjLWatChthetrendof the at loss on the basis of the amount granl At rst the grant amounted mes toward government comml paid for indigent patients to $300 and then was increased to health SBFVlCGS H0 lOld them The other hospitats in the county $500 It was dropped ve years to fmuclpate hem and to trim iwill receivegrants as follows 501 back When the VON found itself thelrsalls accordmgly He added diers Memorial Hospital at Orillia With bank balanceOf $1000 at that he as all for the PUblic $250778 St Andrews Hospital at the end of the year health unit and for the scheme be Midland $221891 Genera1 and Beforethere wasaVON in Bar mg Inaugurated 9mbat TB Marine Hospital at Collingwood rie there had been Barrie Com Bul when the government gem $191391 Penetang General Hospi munity Nursing Association It mi 5691111955 is ended tal $113124 Stevenson Memorial had been formed on June 1921 Dr Tyrnbull was introduced by Hospital atAlliston $106992L implemented by report from the Ernest Burtonv PreSidenl and The number of indigentpatnt IODE regarding the high infant thank by Mrs Frank Hammond days in these hospitals for the last mortality rate six months of 1948 follows Orillia Two years later on January 15 rounding district has been under way to obtain funds for the erection gt of new hospital with capacrty sufficient to take care of the dc mand for hospitalization but owing to the extremely high cost of build ing sufficient funds are not avail At the Town Counctl mecttngi Ald Wilson thought there was able last Monday night it was suggestrtoo mrrch discussed in committee The Hon Russo Kelley Min ed that regular council meetingsiof the whole that had not been istei of Health has agreed that the heelieldeonethe 2nd and 4th Mon dealt with in committee Referringlpmvimiai Government will buy days which the public would be to statements at public council the Royal Victoria Hospital at Bar welcome to attend Deputy Reeve meetings he added If we are not rie for approximately $150000 for Griffin gave notice of motion to prepared to act in fearless and the purpose of estabushing hog rescind the present bylaw which deliberate manner we shouldnot pitai for the treatment of chronic provides for council meetingslact Speaking further he sug patients from an over the county MRS RODGERS WILLIAM WARNKA Chairman of Management Innlsm Appomlee every Monday night desired The thing thats killing provided the County Council will The subject of the ratcpayers COUFCIl 19 People Shirkmg the set up board to operate the pro right to attend council meetingslduues posed chronic hospital was introduced by Mrs Mercer favor 0f 09 Coun At the present time there are in Hamilton She asked if rate 0115 dedared Ald Hambly a11the hospitals in the county ap payer could attend and sit throughi Ald Corbett declared that the proximately fiftythree chronic council meeting without being rule book did not exclude the pub patients fourteen of which are in asked to leave when the council lic buthe was not in favor of the Royal Victoria Hospital at Bar goes into committee discussion giving up all his evenings to sit in rie IiVIIdItandivi752ufgogllngwoodii923 ffter Elscusilgg babou1 3116i In the absence of the Mayon committee He serves on srx com These chronic patients occupy Th ene ting istocril 663 8111 ion at ranc te who had left Onaimoior trip souih miiieesw beds throughout the year whereas repor was presene to the came ino exrs ence in IS Reeve James Hart was in the hail Deputy Reeve Griffin suggested the averagevlength of stay of an place Dr William Little and Dr Youth for Christ Rally Jan 25 Turnbull were two promoters Central United Church pm 3p 0f its organization Dance at Baxter Friday Jan county council at the Monday af ternOon sessionvby Bensopr of Penetang The report was adopt Mr Hart recalled that the iiiiiOi that the lst and 3rd Mondays of ordinary patient is 3110de delys Chamber of Commerce had asked each month be set aside as com Therefore if these chronicpatrents if they could sit in on council mlllee Dighls these dal05all could be taken care of elsewhere There are stillthree women on id 1d th con estion in 28 to the music of Paxtons or meetin butthe were ruled out mem 95 COUHCI Von 999 It Ou ire leve Ree Ben509was Chauman 05 the executve th VON Whichestra Dancing from 930 to Tomi Clerk Smith said he allending Committee meelmgs the hospitals Very greatly at speclal commlltee that had been were on the orlgmal exeCUllvex 130 38m ihOugiii any citizen had right Tlienitlie regular council sessions About 90 ofall chronic patients ii fpigggrgoogugefmmiiie were M15 glggociifgheiscoffj EUChre and dancer Ivy Hall to attend but there might cmdcigulfilte Iliad and blilh are dgent agditheiforer 23 James Hart of Barrie George bull Euemay Jan 25 pm Ausplces mm committee alscussm OlCoanis ll titteridpless an viierenigiirgsziiiarrtivouis Irileargthat Fm unior Farmers Prizes Lunch hn council ht to 79 To Shepherd qreemore and W111 Dunng the St 25 years there rovided Admission 400 xcluf notice of motion is neeessar Praetlcally all Of the pallenls bemg 15 12 have the pu lic id e8 18 0W 19 am nurses me an Ald Currie referred to 505 to rescind any bylaw and the de treated in the Other 0591 aswou Dance Orange Hall Ivy Friday Jan 21 auspices LOL 450 Admis sion 50c Lunch counter Stroud my AN EXAMINER 1mm AD PHONE 2414 recidivism No Accommodation eight secretaries and foumtreasur ers The rst nurse was not VON but board of health worker tion of the rules of order which cisiOn will be made at later be patients who 818 able t0 Day authorized the Mayor to order the meeting Turn to page three please Mountaineers orchestra 45tfb doors closed at any meeting and 01d tyme and modem dance Ma have the councrl chamber cleared Sonic Hall Friday Jam21 Bob However Ald Cutrie thought the Powellfs orchestra Auspices Co pr andthe pulillc Shqum be ad pace Recreation Club Admission mttEd to counclr meetmgs ardeI Of SIIIICOe 191$t ln ICEYears cci ngiviyas ha he pub coud BritishIsl ael OI ederation he ODHRCCV 13f 1075 Mr EVVEIIS is the meeting Barrie Library Hall Mon $311966in igesijgif 1133ng chools gNext Fall 9151 WardenJOf Simcoe in 106 years day Jan 24 Speakerz Rev EA eeiai session mum be cane COuldrey Subject commumsm from whiCh the public could be Reeve Evanswon electionon the rst ballot OVer Reeve George gt Challenges Christ 3b excluded Drama ClUb mailing allhele Deputy Reeve 3Griffin recalled rary Hall Thursday Ian 20 300 that in 1948 his motion interior of 1m Speaker Miss Elsieuaikes permitting the public toatiendhad onThe Elizabethan Period of been turned down However Mr Dramaz Everybody welcome 3b Griffin thought it mightnotbe Dance euchreand bridge Com g00d thing to havelhe Public at EVans KC Reeve of Bradford was elected Wairden on Simcoe County at the openingfof the anuarysession Monday after noon He succeeds Walter Middle gt The area School boards of Innis filandVespraxTownships will be school board for meet two new advised that there will be no aci schools icommodation for their pupils in Onmotion of AlfredHarriis Sec considered by the Baffle public Eliltbtliifal2ii rattan 123 ll mumy til gt Greets Jan 21 Auspices ChurchillSoit councx ors or usmess reasons 9Wneri 0x 1in andglrls mm Inlllslllnfl $53923 l9 sum SuggeSli9ng ball Club Dance at iooclock tO might hesitate to express their Thirtyeight members votedmr essernumbel from qupla Whov 0r conrmation gonpec 10n Wilsons orchestra Admission 50 OpiniODS Mr Eynsioix for Mr Shepherd aFe npw 3de vsh15 l3 wlh thte nexsflhoglslt cents 3p Ald Ayres thought that it the and three for Mr Downer Eighlz flat meQtlng 6f the Bariie pub ticegldzig afite Snug 031312 The Agricultural andHorne and itemswere ferrng t6 their re thOSeWh vted may lice school boardiast Thursday the Educational Association cementum Community meetings foothis area Pecme committees the WWII wilfigltiim fuglcmslizshgg problem was discussd Alfred Eaten are being held weekly each Mom no hard feelings With the pu enr em we lic He thought personal refer ences could be confined to com who voted for MniDowner had two Harris chairman of the property Thechairman of the preperly day afternoon at Gumrie com votes committee spoke of the crowding committee suggested that in view munlly Hall from Jan 17 t0Feb The eleconrwas conduCted by ttee meetings and the motions in the schools and said the lan of the building lans being con 21 All Interested In farmr home would make twoextra classmlms sideredi all membgrsofthe board and mmuhity betterment till 2331iileif3iiliiliinthe em 55iglfiileidimmrle available for Barrie Pupils Should be authorized attend the be welcome 28b Ald Currie ointed But that Cont 15 The motion to send notice to OEA convention this year The Euchpe budge and dance in Le Statements made in council were Two former Wardens the school area boards was made board endorsed this suggestion troy Community Hall Jan 26 privileged but lie did not think Miller arid1Wa1ter Middleton to by Charles Newton and was sec The mnvemmnwn be held on sponsored by Lefmy womens In any member of council should appointed vscrutineers and onded byTrustee HarriSvand was TulSday wedneslay andi Thurs SlltUtei Mus by SlroulMoumain secoh 61 carried day 01 Easter Week eers munch provided Admission iiialcrluiiiilariialiizmiiainni $3123 lNiiZrlifolSiuTiinir for at EDWARD JOHNS FELT Last December the members of on who 0f Alfmd Harrlsr 50 ems 3b ed to make to his face He felt the James Patton or Norm County Appointee secretary the board had met with Innisfil 0nd by 10 Db3nv the board WednesdayTFeb at 815 pm council could become too much of Lawrence you may wind up in jam The Give yourself time and space to Department of Highways says lstopisafelyn trustees and an reement was vowi favor 9f permitting home in Trinit Parish Hall the eretta ss USE OF BRAKES sureon the brake pedal Jamming reached to provide tgemporary ac and 30h 01m to se the SChls Patiencey by Gilbert and Silllivan aredqtlgdtmhlttegbhc math gment LiDontjamonthosebrakeswhen onthebrakessuddenly cauthrow commodation at King EdWard for the meetmgs WlthQWechPgSt Mllbe givenrby Ovendn College When Ald Harrison isukgested youredPiVing9n lee 015n0W of your car skidding out of control School basement classroom was RECREATION CLASSES Costumes by Mallabar Toronto that if the public were admitted established in this school and an Ian Welsman and Mrs Proeeds in aid of War Orphans he might be silent rather than extra teacher was engaged and In Wheeler the East End Home and and kimo Mission Admission make remark that might be nisfil ratepayers are now paying School Association Were present by ogram 50 cents On sale detrimental to his business Ald when the roads and streets are ii Slippery Start Smpplng bFfOre Y9 THAN EXAMINER WANTAD for this service with MrsHarris Redmond to at Ovenden and Crosslands Drug Merrick replied Thats the price to stop Use light pres PHONE 2414 In the meantime plans tire being Turn to page three please Store 34190 democracyl WARDEN 913an

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