Barrie Examiner, 27 Dec 1968, p. 2

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County Council Will Study Orillia Separation Agreement Simcoe County codbell Monday will consider details ot terms tor Ortlliss separation as new tty it was announced today tom the council building we also will be cleaning up Dottie yearend bttslnesg said Gordon Watson cotmly clerk mentioning there will be at least one item finance report is anticipated from tho county property committee chairman Nottswasaga Deputy Reeve Edgar Currie but unless there are last minute changes It wont include finalization oi agreement tor renting county buildings dealing with adminis tration ot Justice to the Ontario government proposal that Orillla retain all county services except an oesrment and roads tor fix months will be discussed The new city would pay taxes on this share of services it such an agreement is ratilied it was Stated Orlitla ls ready to enter the suburban roads system at once The new city also ls anxious to control its own assessing The sixmonth period tor oth or send would pr do time tor turther negotiations it was slated Sunnldnle Reeve Lloyd Prldham is chairman oi the coun Single Mishap Boxing Day itsrrie police report light trntfllc Boxing Day Roads were slippery and required sanding however ther was just one accident Robert Davis 19 at Thom ton and Austin Whitesldc 27 ot Churchill were involved cob llslon on Dunle Street yesier day afternoon Damage to the two can was estimated at $600 ty committee nbllo News in turn Card and MIli Burt Mclulc are among Orttiia rop ruentntives At the 1m inaugural the neighboring community ol 0r utia wont be represented on county council for the iirrt lime in or years Union Says CGE May Discontinue Nuclear Products TORONTO tCPr Canadian General Electric Co Ltd is can riderlng dismolinrring the nu clear products division at its io ronto plant as well as the pro duclinn ot turbines Walter Lucas business agent of the United Electrical Radio and Machine Workers ol America Local 508 said Thursday hlr Lucas sold the Company informed union olticinls at the possible move earlier this week lie said the nuclear products division at the plant in the bor ougb ol Scarborough could close by April and turbine pro duction mao be discontinued within in months Walter Ward the companys executive vicepresident laid it was policy to keen employees lrrior7ned ot possible changes The plant employs about 600 production workers mostly on turbine manufacture as ucll as an administrative and persoan stair ol about zoo EMERGENCY NUMBERS City Police 7M OPP Fire Dept Hospital llsrrrdous driving warnings have been issued by the Toronto weather otllcs for the Barrie arcs lreerlng rsinovernlght will turn to snoutlurrles Seturdsy atternoon Winds will be southeasterly 20 to to Saturday morning shifting to westerly 75 to to Saturday at ternoon low tonight at and high Saturday oi is predicted by the Tomato weather otitcc lg was In degrees outside the Barrie Examiner at noon today Synopsis Snow and rearing drluls will cover southern Ontario today hnxnrdnus driving advisory has been is sucd The lrcczlng rain will change to rain tonight and to snowtlrwries Saturday Snow and blowing snow will rcnch Northern Ontario by tonight Windsor Lake St Clair Lake Erie Hazardous driving advl lTHE BARRIE EXAMINER Brookdalc Park innThe QueensThe Spoken For Trio Wellingtonlire Playboys lmperlalSialako rotorsrev WEATHER Freezing sory issued lilider with snow and lreering drizzle changing later today to rain alter Me riod ot InclingJaln Sal ay showers changing in the morn ing to snowflurrlessnd turning colder Winds easterly is in creasing later today to south east 20 to 30 South 10 to 30 to night shilling Saturday morning to westerly 15 to to Hamilton Monto Southern Lake Huron Niagara Lake On tario it rd driving Mllder with snow and ireenlrig drizzle changing this evening to treeaing rain and overnight to night to rain Saturday rain changing in the afternoon to snowilurries and turning colder Winds easterly is increasing Inter today to southeast 20 to on Saturday south 20 to so shitting in the nitcrnoon to weslcrly to ill Northern Lake Huron iiall burion Southern Georgian Bay Hazardous driving Milder with CITY NEWS FRIDAY DECEMBER 27 1968 IN TOWN TONIGHT LOUNGE inventions lllynhulhBOnnie and the lthodctlcs MOVIES RoxyLive little Love Little 68 In REVIEW Rynardv won PC 3th Here Beer Strike Left Barrie Dry lhe lirst day at April earm as sombre attermath to weekend or traltic accidents which killed tour people In In nistil township residents were seeking council action on quag mire finds that Iliad them mar ooned on their own property Representatives is Local r739 lnternatlonnl Brotherhood oi El estfioatWorkcrsaml several lo cal contractors metln the Bay shore Motor Hotel to sign an agreement setting now wage levels lieacre site on the north east outskirts of Barrie Was sel ected as the setting or the manent buildings of Georgian College APRIL petition asking that GO transit services be ex tended north to Barrie was pre rented in the legislature The petition trad been signed by rose Barrie and area people Jottre John Fortin of Angus was committed for trial on charge at attempted murder in connection with the shooting of an Essa townthtp policeman Robert Clive Putnam 32 APILlL George Davies pres ident ot the Barrie Home Build ers Association warned that mul tiple tarnily housing may be on the verge of snowballing in Esr sic in the next cw years APRIL High Winds and ice Iloes caused extensive damage to cottages and boathouscs round the lakeshore APRIL ii Ralph Snelgrovc president and manager oi CKVR television in Barrie announced that an mlication tor the sale of the station to Vancouvcrdras ed Saturns Properties would go before the Board of Broadcast Governors before the end ot May APRIL Barrie fireman Ted oak was in hospital suffering corn burns received at grass tire in Allandsle One of Simone Countys oldest residents James Coles 102 of Minesirrg died at his home yes tcrday APRIL Fisher dir ector ot the Central Collegiate Band was awarded centennial plaque or service to Canada APRIL 10 imam Ca in Greg ory pleaded not gut in court to change of posse dan gerous weapon witness told the court Gregory had threaten ed to shoot her fiance and eom mit suicideio the parking lot at Royal Vlotoris Hospital March 25 APRIL 13 Three waitresses were hurt when man throw firecracker at them oublde Stew arts Restaurant on Hayfield St in the early hours of the mono Sharon Stone was chosen as 1968 queen of the Elmvale Maple Syrup Festival APRIL 15 The mayors cow scenes on recreation and leisure time passed recommendation that the city investigate the pur chase of thogolt club grounds tor use as possible park spun is Cooke tormer mayonw chosen tread otthe 1968 Barrie United Appeal mm 18 Provincial opposi tion leader Robert Nixon was in Barrie and spoken the possi billly ot snies tax increase to mewhers of the Rotary Club He also addressed i50 Central Collegiate High Sdrool students span is North Collegiate do nated atrophy to Enstviow Secondary School Anna 22 Altred Page who had owned shoe repair shop in Barrie tor 51 years announoed his decision to retire He was 68 Vandals did $400 damage to parks and recreation property in the city over the weekend APRIL EernieSritith hilltime youth worker was brought to Harrie by the branch of the lnterSdiool Christian Fel lowshlp APRIL 24 Simone North 1th Heber Smith announced that he would not seek reelection when Canadians went to the polls June 15 City Hall announced extension of three Barrie bus routes cites tlve April APRIL ihe0ptimistClub of Barrie announced plans to re now lLv Respect tor Law cam paign lilay APRIL 27 Fishing was gener ally poor across the district as the season for rainbow and brook trout opened APrur so No freight trains collided at the Allandaielevcl crossing No one was injured but cars were pitched otf the track at all angles MAY The iirst trans in city wide parks and recreation commission program were plant ed The first occupants were taken to the new animal shelter by Humane Society officers Ross Stephens was named head of The berrielibernl Associa tion MAY More than 2ooo Bar rie and area restderiu crowded into the armoryto register for the Eimvsle Oxfam walksthnn MAY Mayor Bentley announced that he would seek the Libech nomination or North Sirncoe The nomination was won by public school principal Wil liam Bell MAY Russian official Alexei Makarov was in Barrie and spoke to students at North Col legiate MAY John Roberts 35 former political adviser to Orr tario Liberal leader Robert Nix on was nominated as Liberal candidate tor York Simcoe MAY 15 Dr Eynsrd won the Progressive Conserva tive nomination in Simone North unopposed MAY ll Dr Scott of the Simone County Health Unit announced his decision to retire at the end at the month MAY Barrie Yadtt Cid members took ndvnntsgc of fine weather to launch their boats MAY 22 Bombardier SkiDoe Ltd announced plans to build branch plant in Barrie MAY zs An early morning explosion rocked the home of George Mdean on Johnson Street causing $4000 damage MAY Well known Barrie florist Arthur Harris died af ter stdtcrlng heart sttsds while playing golf He was 46 MAY 29 Alderman Dorian Psrker announced her intention to torm citizens cormrlttee to muchasetha golf club land tor parkCity eounfilenrlier refused to pinchase the pro Perlyt MAY so Progressive Conser vritivc leader Robert Stantiold arrived in Barrie and held press conterencs at the Con DE RYNARD elected linenul Inn during which he said Canada should review her role in NATO RoseOttaway ratepayers de manded that trucking route be established for the new Dom bardier SkiDoo plant in the arcs MAY The Continental Inn was sold to Ed ONeilly Sud bury businessman by former owner Del Jackson JUNE The RoyalBank branch in Cookstown was robb ed by an armed bandit who stole car and made his escape with stoooo Tom Hughes general manag er the Ontario Humane Soc iety opened the new animal shelter unfetterson Road JUNE Aid Dorian Parkers citizens cormrrlttee met in coun eii chambers to lormulatemays to raise money to purchase the golf cltlh land JUNE Civilian pilots from all over Ontario cama to Base Borden tor the annual Flyin JUNE Cpl William Leonard Arhing of Base harden was charged with murder after the stabbing death of his wife at the city marina parking lot More than 4000 people visit ed Baselorden tor open house JUNE It 450 Barrie and area residents gave blood at Red Cross clinic in Barrie thunderstorm cut lines in the district and slowed highway traffic to crawl JUNE 12 No Kirkland Lake youths died when their car DORIAN PARKER Sam The Park crashed headcn into truck on Highway 400 north at the city JUNE 15 The registrar of Georgian College rr lyn Beggs at old youth Allan Dutton were killed in car crash near Mid land JUNE 16 Candidates in the tedcral election stepped up their campaign in this last week he torc the polls opened JUNE 20 WilliamJ Rocks the oldest active renltor in Canada died in Royal Victor ln Hospital utter all day ill ness He was 91 JUNE 21 The beer strike started sum 22 More than 1000 tez topped Shriners invadedBarrlb or their annual summer cerelt mania large mid city par ade was followed by initiation ceremonies and banquet at the Barrie arena JUNE 24 Police chiefs irom across Ontario met in conven tion in Barrie JUNE 25 Polls opened in Bar rie as across the nation Dr Rynard retained the Progres sive Conservative seat in Sirnv coe North although the Liberals wan nationally JUNK kidney from the body of Ian Eonella at Grav enhurst killed ina trailic acci dent near Barrie was transfer red to the body of 16 year old Paid Pope of lnnlsfil Paul ral lied and later died alter cons traicijng pneumonia diliuroniu Cleaners Low Low REGULAR CLEANING PitiCES Plain Dresses Skirts Plain Pants Ladies Slacks Mens Suits Fnt Service the Pickup Delivery II MARY $135 65 65 $135 was onrvnm gunman Honours CLEANERS Sault Ste arro and andsyear RCfin Tonight Snowflurries Saturday snow and treertog drlrrle changing overnight tonight to treezlng rain and Saturday at tcnroon to snowflurries Turning colder Saturday stternoon Winds easier t5 increasing to night to sou easterly no to 30 and shifting Saturday afternoon to westerly to to Sauit Stir Marie North Bay Sud bu ry Northern Georgian boy Algomn milder today with light snow occasionally mixed with ironing drizzle Saturday snow and blowing snow and risk ot some trcezing rain thds easterly 15 today lit to so Satur day lcmsgaml White River in creasing cloudiness and not as cold today with 50m light snow by utternoon Saturday snow and blowingsnow and milder Winds easterly is today 10 to in Saturday Cochraner Sunny becoming gt cloudy by this evening Not quite so cold Cloudy and mild tonight and Saturday with some light snow Winds light today easterly ii to 25 Saturday Western James Bay Sunny and not quite so cold today Sitt urdny mostly cloudy and milder with chance of some light snow Winds light increasing Snlur day to easterly to Montreal ncss with light snow this evening Saturday cloudy with snow and chnncu at some reeling rnin Winds light be coming easterly Zo tonight Ottown Increasing cloudiness with light snow beginning this afternoon Saturday cloudy with snow and chance of some ireezlng rntn Winds light east eriy becoming easterly 20 this evening Forecast Temperatures Low tonight high Windsor St Thomas London Kitchener Mount Forest Vingham Iinmiiton St Cnihdrlncs 25 Toronto Pctnrborough Kingston 20 Owen Sound 20 Trenton 20 Klilaioe 15 liluskokn 10 North Bay 15 Sudhury l5 Enrlton to 20 Kapuskasing White River ltl hfoosorrec Friday 32 40 32 30 so 20 it 25 as as ss 32 12 as as as is 32 as or 30 30 15 30 20 25 10 lncrcssing clnudl 32 Snow is in store today for dcnsciy populated areas ot Canada tram Newfoundland rir rumour seas lt through to the custom por tion of British Columbia Western HC portions of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia and PEl were fora cast to have clear skies Tom pcratures arn on the cold side Wirephotol Delcry Construction Of New Township Hall Plans for the constnrctlon oi procscd rewmmw ionis til mo 21 butting hnve been set aside tor three months it was continued by Reeve Jos oph CUCthIlLn We decided on the delay to glvcus time to get more in formation on regional govern ment and how it may street Inn said the head ol the lnnsfil council which now meets at the municipal ofilre at Stroudu lnnislil meets Lire mlnirnum requirements tor municipafity as proposed rcccently byliou Darcy hlchough Ontario min ister of municipal affairs who suggested legislation was forth coming tn mnke 8030 people the minimum However MS has not yet advonsed beyond the discussion stage We know them nrFI he changes and we teli we sh know more about than be proceeding with the new buzid lng said the rceve poiniing out he was supported by Deputy Reeve Allan Todd and Councillor Russell Stewart in it recorded vote Opposed to the delay were Councillors William Git bins and Emu Grass The rcnvc said the short de lay shnuldnt aflcct the protect it it is ultimately decided to proceed He stated the estim uted cost ran irom $100000 t0 slogan Minutes nt Innlslll council yearend mcotiny showed Coun cillor Glbulns had assumed the chair tor the voting at the re quest of Reeve Cochrsne The rccvc then moved seconded by Councillor Stewart that council reconsidcrrcsautton one oi the committee at the whole report dealing with the proposed new building and want on to specin that no action be taken for period of three months pending more information The resolu tion was passed to The lnnlsiil council ssked that Gary Alex at the county assessment department he not iiied of the decision to delay ac tion on the building Councillor Stewart said Deploy Reeve Todd moved the motion Now finishing the first part of Mayor term the lnnldil council will be unchanged for 1965 Veteran Newsman Dies ilt Toronto TOIIONTO Lnughlin 55 one of the original sports writers with The Toto gram died or heart attack today alter or ycarsot service with the newspaper rrnd tour days bctora his retirement Best known both locally and internationally for his covernge at lting and curling events he red nlticiully Nov but was to remain on stall until next Tuesday TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS CPl George

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