Kissi Ullwdnteti Itérï¬ MdkeLOivei To NewFound lsm nAnITIIl EXAMINER REAL ESTATE EllIts REALTOR slim some ACREWith mo square tool in new himgalow INESON FRIDAY DECEMBER 27 ms PROPERTY FOR SALE 7284294 LI miles Irnm city lam pond emellent tlnandrm NEW WHITE smut BUNGAIDW with stone Lllm most conven Qut to shopping sdlools and tranSWItation Colour schematic Lyour personal choice Toms can anlne ineson 1500 nearly new bedroom ran and bungalow Labelled livingdining room Famin sized Itlldlen with brehklaslnrea Cllries or us principal interest lattes Call Helen Hopkins Elaine loosen7mm aflelen HopkilLv7731662 hits netbron lip DUNLOP sr 7mm 415a Tiltr columns nouns Catherine hides7260040 Turn Foster7286248 SHELSWELL WILLSON As DOWN PAYMENT ON Ptilt2w HOME Call Us tor inlarmalion re new homes 7284631 7289796 7737205 72m 151 77172531 7273an 72mm Jack llllson Deed Atkinson more Drown Bill Dull Isabel Fisher 37 Chuck Lambert Everett Loughocd tacit hlacLarcn Iseith lldiasler Norah Raikes Gladys Sinclair Jane Young North Shelsucll Joan Lang rat1950 tasacs ml 139 moo mam 72am moral CHOLKA Zco LTD Ills REALTOR lit Collier 5L Barrie 7234401 Angus tracheal Shclhurne 915mm Wnsngn Beath 4294540 rte76o Dd thl mu 72 I1Iron Nmnah Allunn HIYIIC ec Baler llm Klein Jams stewrt Wanda Dowrd Yvonm Rom nilslot 72mm 7158288 72ozoll Tanml 72mm 7mm Ld huh Tlticrnll melts 7150561 Doom mom Albzoos menla mzlza mam ItsMon lllnlhm Dltrlwlo Dollv Mortell Ilarllvn Jcnhlnrs Pal Carter IIIrIIIIll Pcnllmd wood AIIn valdle Ictcr nlnn 7177709 MEMBERS BAHRIE ORANREVILLE TORONTO BOARDS io SIIIIII Rani marl LIMITED PHOTO lllLS 19¢ DUNwP ST Charlie Road Don Campth Fred Taylor Paul Penman Smith Campbell HARO l8 Hayï¬eld Street sMnrtgnze Funds Available 77373 72647243 7284205 771883 7287389 LD AARN KLooerIlltllN GLORIA KossAIz 331ml Folthrs LDIINE Ill IIAv IRITA SCANDIIm mom 7133757 new vanI555 notes 15 OWEN sr RES 7287389 EVENINGS CALL REALTOR mom 7290i 7260 Hugh tlnnmnn Doug Campbell Ron Allnn lsbszta Dull Marshall 7231357 Richard Dick Beer 7268 FORslER COMPANY PHOTO MLS REALTORS 723645 trea Customer Perkin mam 456on 72mins MILDREDK hioonl IrwosrnnllAN LOU GOEDDMONUT GRANT MhtAIITHUII W7 cLlPlunD GDDDILEAD 772m PHOTO MLS REALTOR SE APPnlllulbs Donnalacs RENTALS gt 3A All Rose hes mdtloï¬ill hladtncss Res 7754725 111 Dick Hartley 7mm EMORY 7261831 REALTOR 71I7530 1ch FORD SAIIISIY BENITA norm nosml FLEWELLING 72mm 507 sPIhtCIm Home KKNNETH MILLER LIsllll Russell SmiLh lies 7753935 Frank Iardine 7234670 MILLER 67 DUNLOPST with COLE HARVEY WEBER PETER GUBUELs DON MEREDITH EMORY MILLER 1IaIult duals 7mm tan6635 7250561 ROGERS CONNELL Photo Realtor DUNLOP STREET EASTAI the Five Points Phone 7235769 FRED EPIEIT 7288793 EVENINGS CALL CHAS ROGERS 7233582 CARSON PHOTO his so WORSLEY srnnnr Norm Syllnotl 7282533 Hill Hamilton 325 FRANK hennae TELEPHONE 726643 Russ Carson 172617161 RupertMcGralh Elmvale Hill Lang 7ZEIIIIA NELLES WPholo palmetto 719 BAYFIELD smear Prank Wainwright Leo Clvnllillgil Frank Nelics Rollie GIIIIPeaU CORBY Real Estate Broker and Appraisers 9G Dunlap St Phone 7282419 lsl and Did mortgages arranged DD low monthly payments We buy yourme Is and and mortgages MABEL MARSHALLmaï¬o GREIA zllrtARA 7235177 aLAURANS mat Hl Aillrtfln AISma MlS liehltor 1109 Baytield St 7281071 Appraisala Listings invited ELVAMILLS mom JOIIN wtIITE mono Gibson WIIIougllby llls Realtor LARGEST FARM AGENCY INCANADA 9770 St niluni Eventngs darry DeWIlde Miller LI 72773253 1261032 down some ll rent Telophnhe EVENINGS CALL 7zsl7llslan Mammond 71d120I Mike Magus 255596 Erncst Watts 7256651 nob sum 7250561 71546582 7277203 mutt COUTTS AND co OWEN ST 72827455 MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE PhotoMLS Realtor EVENINGS GORDON COUIIS m7275 SANDY COUns mazes WALTER COUTTS 77mm HENRY ELRICK MICHIE Real Estate prplalsals Mortgages COLLIER ST 7236533 Harry Michie Appraiser Ied Brignell Paddy Miles wiEZOO IILS Realtor GRIESBACHI 7289844 PRIVATE nicPnsesalpn January comlhrtahla bedroom home lu name Pull price tuna 000 payment wt or LOTS FOR SALE hAnnlp armID acre lots rlver alsn highway 27 ma moo up uldasl Toronto FARM wanted to buy with 726816 REAL ESTATE ILLS Realtor 38 COLLIER ST aces MM REALTOR LAMONT WAGES laketront cottages bedi rooms living dining kltch en blessed sunroom piece washroom Arlesian well DRPNSSIIIO garago unwell sand beach private road 31am bedroom living room din lug room kitchen piece colored bathroom nicely tur nlshed electric ï¬replace and heaters garage sandy beach 70 seawall nicely landscap ed private road 23000 Don Iact ED SNOW Stroud 436 1116 or DOROTHY mt gtBOUHNE Stroud his1381 LAKEFHONT HOMES 433000 bedrooms bath rooms sulldeclr electric heat furnished $37500 bedrooms all tur pace lirepluce double gar age furnished Contact TOM and DOROTHY PITZSLIMINS Churchill 56 2M no toll charge VINTEH BARGAINS $2700 old church frame building ï¬xas also gar age zl 72 on highway hlake good workshop or dio 44500 Cleared lot now well shell 38 22 some matur lhls close to lake Contact TOM and DOROTHY FITZ SIIILMINS Chllrehlil LSD70 no toll charge sANDv cove Ilakntronl summer college bedrooms combination living dining room front and rear sunrooms glassod andscreened piece washroom water on pressure garage beautiful parklike setting niccly land scaped all sand beach Bil 750 Contapt ED SNOW Stroud 4363116 or DOROTHY 00L BOUHNE Stroud 4361381 it KEITH LTD IIEAIJOII AREA REPRESENTATIVES Babeocll Pflllie WitSON Colbourllc Strolld 436 Spencer Thornton 458 Show Strand 4353 Ed Green Earrie 72mm Batty Newth Hawkcslnne tblZIIK Lillian Roberts Marguerite Moore and Fitzsimmins Churchill 4562620 Torry Stevens Elmvnle 177W 81 EGLINION AVE TORONTO 12 PHONE 4873333 RAWN Real Estate Ltd Ifla HAYFIELD ST 723945 SPECIALIZTNG IN RURAL PROPERTIES Evenings call Larry Torpey 41280715 Hill Rawn 7258999 Dick Draper 4277377 Simon Beekhuizen 728M122 PLANNINGON BUILDING NEW HOME Contact Peter Light BEAVER LUMBER thadIord St 7235541 NEW nphciousJ bedroom brick house Is minutel area Barrie lzrn square feel lIIlI ï¬nished bana mot heated rum attached ru Ium stuhe mealcs atoll plantai It entrance nan walled driveway 7250927 7282256 Lot 75 xzoo Private sale mow PRESTIGE bedmnm home 1le able February Fireplace In llv Illl room separate dlhlnlr mm close to uohnsnn sh public school and Eaatvlzw Cullentn mutuala only $175 per month Write Post otlloe Box 156 Dame FARMS WANTED to or 15 miles 01 Danie 100 Icrcs htust have and hulldlngs Ind nntmore than mile Porn butghlvay Box Din lrrto Enum er MOBILE HOMES For the Ultimate In Luxurious Living ACTIVE MOBILE HOMES Nowbn Display SEE THIS WP 60 It In It model today IllYEAR MORTGAGE PLAN AVAILABLE KNOTTY PINE SPORTSARAMA 7284 TRAILERS SALE RENT RUSSELL CHURCH Mobile Homes Ltd General Glendale Northlander Parts and Service sane RIer Cash or lcrmsrup tnlo Years 11 Hwy Horton Ave 7269366 LOTS WANTEU alluvian butlrllnlt lots wanted BIDWELL and screened rdlltlas phone mom IPIrt PROPERTY FOR SALE Mariam quds IVIIIIDIO TELEPHONE IZWO amwxu mun IVAANNCY IchENZI sum worn cam MORTGAGE IMMEDIATE lst and 2nd Mortgage Loans Anywhere ON ALL HOME FARMS AND COMMERCIAL PROPERTLE 90 or VALUATIONS It You Need Money To consolidlln dehu Pu oll extrltnr mp hm Or momes somlnz Home Up menu Any Ivor while cana Write or Phone720931 Mortgage Funding om SimpsonsSears Dtmmr ST Member ontuip Marlan umxeu Auoclntlhn no YOU own atomu Ready cash available to purchase some will even lend you mnhu on mal murunl metreIdem main Mosul nus OPPORTUNITY SPARE TIME DOLLARS PART 0H FULL TIME GUARANTEED BY CONTRACT Sumsslul munulacturcr of in lérrlationally advertised pnten ted automotive product requires stable dependable person to service existing accounts in the aniomolive trade hardware trade and all leading superman hats in your arch This product has been proven in IhtI retail market Product and training provided by the Manufacturer Business can be operated from your own home For small investment areas will be assigned under License Agreement For Iurthcr information write Boom Barrie Examiner evary week with your own lucra tlve clnarsllc vending machine business established bvour com nn tor veil In vnur own ma helable people are uttered lull Issletux service and tlnnnclne dead man more lmportlutthan cash to enter business whlhh rt aulru only Ilto hours at vullr weekly lime to beam with For lurtbea details write tnctudlfll phone Illlrhber lo nox D74 llarlle Ianminer WANTED WANTED in rent or lolsc snack hr varlatu store with living hunters write to hex Harrie Examiner INSURANCE MOVING Dont target in transter your iNSURANCE and it you need 4an coverage at any kiudser STEVENSONS 113 DUNIDP ST mISM RENTALS atva nooll house tor rent lob baths recreation room larcs lot Children welcome $150 monthly Telephone taslm sDt mom solid brick completely Iurnlslled Stove lr washer 197 Um lord SI Isn Available im mediate Write Ilsx Ilnrrls Exlmlncr or call 3664566 Toronto BEDROOM home tor rent living room kltcbennnd bath lull base metal with recreation room garage close to schools and bus Good residential area all Napier strut Rental $175 Der mouth Posses sion immediately Ilcply to Box Barri Dianliner ROOMS To LET FUDNIslIal room In rem room cleaned and linen chanted weekly downtown Iocatlno Good paralnc Telephone Home PUitNIsIreD bedroom slule lady no In on use oi kitchen TV prlvtlenes must havelinen truhs panatlon Unlvaasal new DzDImUIl tn DIIVBIA home IOI re uable yuuplr pentleman Buy and snack bar at door 54 Penehnï¬ street Telephone 72mm zsn Patterson ltd past Cooler Melv mu slotSEEESPING room Ibsen lup piled on the bus route wotlung Idrt pretaxred Telephone lzsolno romance hcdslttlng mom tor rent linen and dinner sllpplled nanretle and ul at no erat vary clllLlaI limitless air on Telephone mom ROOM AND BOARD new and board available lunanas puma central location parking factltuu sandman only Tara phonic mono HOUSES WANTED YOUNG Couple Innva to city wish to rent house In or on to Barrie ram least 2year period No children Must have occupancy by end or Ianuary All rzpllps answer ed Write an nloo Benls Exam Der gtt zAPTs FOR RENT nANormmoourhahodrwm Alannub gighall sligrlnhcrhll ï¬lm Prod tor Tm huh Intcomma huh nave Ila upphad no 11 Available January not couple who user on THE KEIIIPENFKLT Dunn an bulldtnn beald the bar only III kn InIIdI Wk aauna bILh an electric Ellh SIN Telephone 745 nNI bedmom Inlflmtnt lot ml on Codrlnflon Street Reamertor and ltove tinled On bus rauth Talentam mom Allison Haynes HOD apartment All can venlc cu nova hennaIon bu tony Elevtor Inuadn mm I7 alua st ralaphuaa mom CENTqu Wont street Iueen Owen and uleuler up suln apmment Uedrhnm Iti cbeu tlvlo Avauahl lulu arv IIIta children Telephon meow alter on Avaahn luaun he bed room belted apartment norm Incl Rehuennr lava lupplled an DUI mule Ampl ullns $115 monthly Awi vio cent sh ApL IL AUTOMOTIVE sPcaAr while shop that hintIt Motels Installed In Fill Pusot 10 Marceau he Triumph cluon and la Your new Durln Flat assault and Alla Roman ruler Paul Robinson Halon nor Highway mill north Barrie mint CARS FOR SALEl Kerv Iohnston Motors Ltd YOUR Barrie Volkswagen DEALER Gowan St at Essa Rd Barrie 7268488 Ian 07x speed disc brakes dark blue with white Interior no relspbonu sumo luhland II Wm DIRTY CAR TRUCK Interior shampoo melon clcliltd minted WIX ohd reasonable flies ltlaen as Service mean 1955 FORD Inlcen tor sale excel lent condition ssmu ollllllll mllu new studded snow tlru tinder automatic with radio II cphnn mom ISSI CONVAT Wlth I953 Enlinl laoou miles Good tar winter drivlnn student needs money Telephone Home llaLcnevebbe 2door hairi lop black Interior bucket seals nuatnan rnolo tachometer +5th tilla mlsuuu with Ilum Ipeed chlmzur Tinted last ass cubic Inth chain are hone power Ponitrartlon rear cud Craig III wheels and Ida pul um Dltrasrlou mounted Low mileue owner must loll due 47 total nuablutv mm In Ac dent be seen at I7 Hlnview flood mean SNOWMOBI ES POLARIS Snowmobiles SALES AND SERVICE ALBERT KELL AND SON SKIDOO 69 AT RONS Snowmobile Centre Sales Scrvice Parts Accessories 151 Iiffin St 7237592 MOTOSKI Sales and Service UNIROYAL CENTRES 110 Bradford St 7285965 SNOWMOBILLNG AT PORTAGE TRAILS Halt way between Hwy 90 and Minesing oil Simone Road 28 Tallow Fort Willow Road RENTALS hlEMBEHSHIPS 72751537 GRAND OPENING APARTMENTS To RENT AUTOMOTIVE AUTO REPAIRS HIST Transmissioh Ltd Automatic cialisls so Mange metal ARTS Eon SALE PARTY Domes Wide selection ot styles and colors in velvet sheer organ lace etc Some with bead Original design and tech styles included sous in in in PRICED FROM 35 Horton Ave new anytime NORTHWAY RUG co LTD The house of line hroadloonl Remnants all sizes and prices DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED BHOADLOOhl 57 Collier St Phone 77518 SKATE EXCHANGE NEW AND CONDITIONED Buy Sell Exchange Repair Skates MARTIN RENTAIL CENTRE DUNLOP ST BAHRIE Open Monday to Saturday730 tun to 530 pm Friday night until pm PIANOS NEW MASON RISCH Also Good Used Pianos Free delivery and tuning Low est prices anywhere 117 Hruce St THORNHUHY Ont near Collingwond Dial 5I95992713 Open till pm daily SCHOOL DESKS for It on It also National Dru Telephone aslgflillemolï¬ul 5H TmIsloN DY HIE DION consul model lunch Scrotum Ood workl diuon lephone iffyTil Curran or sale Hanstrorn II one you old ortzlual call 25 Must hall nulckly CamInc cue strap etc Telephone Home Imla IoI ale lo white urdboalrd laxInlet In to haul House or Sail etc Available at Darrl loghither hurl nets ornce OIL BURNER or sale tor turn ice conversion National building garrolltion Oro Telephnnl nulst lull Inr ulc nlvy blue size to in we Pond condition nunhahlc Tc ephone 7zaeon5 SHOP It bum nclvlce clrnlll up holstcrrlx dflvcllcslntcsl rubrics HudLTorlt and Awninl mom IIleAnth Ild battenIn all sites Auth Zenith Dealer hlAcKlys Phamluv so Dunlap 72771908 IIPalvnmzlts Special milki nle tor students Rental ap ullad on purchase htlctlln bourht mld rented repaired Free estimates stal Dlnelvrlter Co tat Dilllloo Street West moses SAVE money on quality winter ciathlnz at traction at the orlcsnal cost Ladys teens allls huya younx menl mens Indoor an outdoorryzelr Illurnlty clothes and only dresses All ranInputs In Al condition and lmbly clashed snaps never worn sultan Av enue 7159387 nhytlmc ARTICLES WANTED an boot wanted ladys size Must be in laodmhdluon Tele phone lemon gt WAmDmlture stoves Appli ances dishes Irlliquer Roth Seo nhd lIand shop so4570 UssD clnthluz wanted rood uuallty all types all rlzes For resale 7289387 OLD china IIIISWIII unnllure ARTICLES FOR SALE FRUITS lt VEGETABLES nun cc and lm In Delklou Una rentInch an up bus 01 Santana mule APPLE tor salt Knoll can union On Tllkpbonl 7mm Please Mal flII containers No sum ulu DOGS AND PETS IOHNSIDNS PETS TROPICAL FISH BUDGIES AND SUPPLIES 736 Caliord Street ANGUS Open awnings use lionFri Saturday mason bulls An otherL nemnlhla mm POODLES DACHSHUNDS duality Duwln It compehuu moan Doll on our bit1n en we plan tar thrm urn have In mind when 1n nae heap an In SHIT 735an H¢GSI9Â¥L mil rooms rrhnmlhn Pmltsatnnsl moralnx All orator blahUp has fltiivuY TIEI793 POODLES Purebled black mlnlltunvpooolcl re tun reduced tor chaisean thpllnne moose FARMERS MRKT DEAD STOCK Dead or crippled cattle and horses Small animals removed Irce For last service PHONE BARBIE 77am Collect or ask or NICKS DEAD STOCK ZENITH 91130 NO CHARGE 77 hours day days week HR Foxmead Ontario Licence No 798C Nick Montague Prop LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Plus WANTED Woehl 40 lb and DuhNot SPF It lar TaoIssue gt REGISTERED Yorkshln hum and Ollie serviceable are ll Mayor Egg Mincllrlfl Telephonn FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH on some we can New Holland David Brown Beam CASH HAD TERMS tlï¬ BURTON AVE 7232373 EQUIPMENT WAYNE BEATTY Pro PATZ SALES SERVICES Sllo unloaderstaitle Feeders Barn cleaners COMPLETE INSTALLATION RR STROUD 4363717 HANK BROWN innDeIaval Sales Service DAIRY FARM EQUIPMENT Completelille DI Dairy Farm Equipment SuptIla Barrie Holly Hwy 17 mflSSB PIONEER CHAIN SAWS Accessories Attachments DELANEY BOATS LTD Foot of Bayiield St Barrie 7266413 PERSONALS noun Now Did ashiorlcfl Ilellth Itdo parties Family WedIs 718 nlzt alter IF YOU DBVB dlIIIIan Nb level and want not phone any line mom or nor Barrie ANYONE knn or the whereabouts li or Mlss shlrlcy Abraham recently munted and now living In Emilee Ontario please haw hsr contac lilvcr erockn hooks AhUduu Callu 259 Dual mean III hie LIIehIII we 9th Ave VlrlchsrtE Michel Montreal Quebec THE WILLOWS 255 Dunlap Most centrally located bdln maisonette or rent pstairs downstairs alconles onlntius Dlvided washroom gt over lotto so it of space Stove Iridge washer dryer lectrlc heating 140 per month Phone 7264341 TWO BEDROOM urIIMnIIlhed apart merit IEIIIEEIIIUI stove in and water dupplied Close to schools and bus stop $12750 cable TV Telephone mom Two BEDROOM aparimant untur ntshed slave uld relrlzcrator Iv redecorated Downtown Incllon sss monihlv sulta adults Title or apply canclua Fruit ca l1 clappmpn st 0N8 BEDROOM apartment tor rent Itnve and nrrlmater YITHIIIL $95 monthly Allandhle riot Avail able now Telephone mllau BEDROOM upstairs Inmished nan rnd nay CokIlBIIIIIH Illcllmonfl IIlII Mr Knowles or write Box ma narrln Examlner Ilo mollth includes heht wltrr par inn Available Iry No pets wlnphnnl 77olsol utter 5pm lncludlni sATUréDAYDEC 28 SNOWMOBILE RENTAL QCENTRE Fer the Ultimate In winter funviulsl luring yourself The raslis here SNOWMOBILES SUIIS BOOTS cochEs lam PLUS 125 ACRES TO PLAY IN Rentals Available by the Hour Day Week OPEN DAYS wand 10 AM T010 PM 7286531 FOERESIERVATIONS VCQNTINEN7AL anthracite Room 29 customm Au mall Thorough training the or beauty col crly It remapale than now Ivallablt Innlm in Home IILas BrUn In or Vesvn Please telephone hm IO HELP WANTED MALE 8a FEMALE CDRflNAS halnhvlilll Antit plm require erdrcsler nod warez Telephone H151 run coon noon on your nauleun Cool aauk nflw Ind Internation how in mm morltv stdInl lelli maneu lull Ul purl the erc Rnwlellh Dept LuluPC one Richelieu so at Ucnry Montreal MALE HELP DELIVERY BOY Ior Gaslight Chinese Cale Must have own car and be lamiliar with Harrie for hours between pm and am Telephone 7751203 CHEF WANTED Apply Mann er Queens Hotcl Dun lop Street Irrle YOUNG mln to 35 Ptqulnd to share In Bantel mwth Mem bmhlp now open In the Baal Janets For lhronnatlou Box lus Burric FEMALE HELP EARN that extra money showing beau tilul cosmetics as advertised in leading magazines and on TV by AVON Good rearnlngsrldcalrï¬ tor housewives Write ELIZA BETH POHLMULLER PO Box tsszarrie or call us 6551 LADIES EARN $40 weekly part time with miller Telephone mom APPLICATIONS will be received by Coleman COLIN Treasurer county Hellxlry Bull Int Harrie or an atol or the wine bar at the ounty Registry nuildlnl warstcy Street nanrte For nrteulars apply to th¢ColtnÂ¥ Treesurerl Orrin Telephone ual Ddxar Currie Chzlrman County Property connmlttee SALES HELP AGENTS WHY TAKE less than 31000 in month Oberlin in Barrie am or man nver to with to contact 7mm PO Box wrpronth l7 Ontario I4PUBLIC NOTICE THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF BARRIE IN THE MAIIER oi the closing of that part 01 Al bert Street according to Registered Plan No Ill 1Y ing north of the north limit of Collier Street and south the south limit of Ther esa Street in the City nl Barrie in the County of Simone gt TAKE NUIICE that the Coun cil oi the Corporation of the City at Barrie will alter the poollcationol this Notice at least once week for Iour successive weeks in The Harrie Examinerat seven oclocir in the aIterIloorl OrrMonday tho 27th day of January All 1969 consider and if deemed experi ent passa Bylaw to close and stop up that part of Albert Street according to Registered Plan No It lyinglo the north of the north limit at Collier Street and south Of the south limit of Theresa Street in the City oi4Barrle in the County of Simone AND FURTHER take notice that any person who claim that his lands will be prejudic ially atiected by the said By law and who applies to be heard shall be heardlyy the Council ot the Corporation the City of Barrie either in person or by his counsel soli citor or agent llllS Notice is first published on the lath day of December AD 1968 BEN SIRAIJGHAN Clark of the Corporation of the City at Barrie by its Solicitors BOYS SEAGIRAM ll ROWE Is Owen Street DAERIE On tario