earliest pressmen of Thefloronto Globe éEï¬Ã©Ã©if £59111 FromIHugenanometer in last year the United States See retary of the interior Stewart Udall appointed panel of scientists to study thesonlc boom as torn of an cnvir onmental pollution The report presented recently is dis turbing news for Canadians as well as Americans it is another warning that what peace of ndnd we have left is on the verge of being sacrificed to the greater glory of technology and speEd Aircraft flying faster than sound com the air waves ahead of them caus ingshock waves that hit the earths sur face as sonic booms Depending on the speed height and size of the aircraft and on atmospheric conditions sonic boomscan cause rockslides wreck build lngs break windows or just scare people out of their wits With the governments of the worlds leading statts having committed billions of dollars to the development of super sonic passenger aircraft and with arr lines having committed more billions to purchasing them it would be surprising if such aircraft didnt go into service in the early 19703 According to the distinguished panel if the su ersonic transport now on the drawing oard is eventually allowed to fly regular routes over land the nega tive public reaction to its booms would be exceedingly largelfz Now theres an understatement The panel report said that anticipated commercial overland flights by supersonic trans ports after 1975on subject some 20 lmllllonto 40 millionAmericausto from five to 50lboornsaday each one as loud as fourenglnc tot taking off Another 35 miillan todo million wouidhear up to 50 smaller booms day while an other 18 million to 25 million would lllll ill nullity have to put up with one to four high intensity booms day Will people put up with tilis kind of progress Canada has at least madea start in asserting the public interest by settin maximum penalty of one year in jal and $5000 fine for anyone damaging person or property on the ground or in the air through sonic boom Per haps the airlines will be deterred by the risk of jail terms fines and lawsuits Technology must be served Accord ing to Dr Atheistan Spilhaus president of Philadelphias Franklin Institute We dont know any way to reduce it sonic boom and theres no place to hide Canadians wont be put off withrsuch cold observations As the Toronto Star pointed out recently Wouldilt coun try that prized people above machines insist that the sonic boom problem be solved before allowing supersonic trans ports to use its air space DOWN MEMORY LANEi 65 YEARS AGO lN TOWN Barrie Northern Advance Dec 1903 Death recorded of Thomas Fox Davies one of town pioneers who was known as Canadas oldest printer Mr ll Davies founded The Magnet Barries first newspaper whose name was later changed to The Northern Advance In terment was at Barrie Union Cemetery Pallbearers weretprominent citizens John Woods William Caldwell Alfred Wilkes George Coles George Haggart Robert Buchanan He was born in Man chester England in 1820 beganlhls careeras printer at age 15 On coming to Canada as young man he was one of founded by George Brown one of Path as otConfederation Mr Davies in 1M7 began first newspaper north of Toronto The Barrie Magnet One of Mr Davles first projects was promotion of need for rstlwayconnection with Toronto It had taken twodays by ox team to bring printing press and other equipment from Toronto via Yonge St vUltimately the OntarioliumnSimcoe Railway reached wasbrought around bay to Barrie rig ï¬rst been extended to swampy harV bar area on Georgian Bay now ltnowll as Collingwood Mr Davies sold Advance in 1854 and returned to Toronto to print Allandale in 1851 and two years later Valr and Mrs Martin Burton patronesses Lieut Hugh Kortrlght who was com missioned with Barries Simcoe Forest era is serving with Gold Coast Regt of West Aï¬icanhrontier Force Mem bers of Alexandrarbodge Daughters and iMalds ofEngland were at home to large number of friends at their co rooms in Bothwell Block Aliandale Ex cellent programby local talent included solos readings instrumentals and select ed graphaphone records played by Ern est Burride Leading editorial was headed ber till Practising Decep tion prior to omlng federal election Polici ffoi thd West are entirely idlfferi cut to what is being fedto Easterners Curlers will elect skips next week Bartie will have strong junior and inter mediate hockey teams this season New sweaters donated by Nathaniel Dyment have arrived llarry Jamieson has been nominated for OHA executive Several new bank clerks recently arrived are reputed tobe fine players Plans are ishaplng up for Barries big annual pouli try fair in two weeks time Pantech nicon Entertainment will be given gin Town Hall aid Roya1Vicioria Hospital Auxiliary lihis affair will be novelty in this town comprising entertainment for all ages addsale of homemade goods Johnny Dyment is in Washington nego lion Imp which the price ofnloal ml double in one bout Indoors clnrencyltbecamcrortblus or psychological he Whethlottted amortfordsclufldmma Idon have made the Sunni snark strong The hintth who voted for dc Gaulie in such large nunr hers voted insecurity lhttan rmby riots and unlit301 the c1ulty and security is Wounds Frenchmen fecl De Gauiis rarestsoled lhe Hone force that co it bring back re possibly the strongest pcllueal lnnlbctiln tnanlt may be moons than the wish for freedom when the torrllwi REPORT Find No Moss From Atlantic aimsarcs mmorsou OTTAWAgThs migration oi people into and out of our Atlan Ilc provinces was explored by question asked in Parliament by Kenneth Robinson the new Liblt cral MP for Torontos Loire shorc constituency The reply revealed that there zy is no mass exodus from that neglected outpost Our Domin ion Bureau of Statistics says that no actual count is possible of people moving from one province to another but estie matcsban be prepared on lhe basis of the known movemanla oi families receiving family al lowsnoe paymentsknamclydamt llles having at least one child under 16 years of age Thus DES has made guesstimste of gt Area lion from each or the four lantic provinces wast530000 fell steadily until pcoplc some of whom may the 1011 census showed rover hsve moved to another Atlantic trend and titers has province But the total flow into been steady increase ever fact of those prgvhcesdurlng slnc some porn wsslhm people from other provinces igmalchfwnn 1° ma Maw was minceth era prov nccwhlch has recur the total Middle lmmigrautsl mu WWW into Canada whnintended censuslflmesilms cemm us man mac Fromm population grew very last in the first three decades than ac PEl for example lost 34 tually dropped during theTblc 900 departing residents but es and Forties Alter that it corned 31000 newcomers from began to growysgain although other provinces for net loss of during the past tew years See 8900 Part1y offsetting lhIs ï¬lfl kalehewan has been overlailen Immigrants into Canada chose by faster growing Manitoba provide so thgsiélwlllilg from being norm nu out ï¬rst sti 1p ill province to of 45700 but welcomed 115ao Fla lbgmm 0th new Cainsdians New Brunswick and Mm two the wish for security and with for fleedom conflict This may be hard to under stand for Canadian who have never not even during the depression known the depths of onmlnstml papcring cruksln the walli Parmcunnencr sun has lrnhucdnlany Euro was with habits that are hard lo root out Freluhmcn for in stance baveltterrllic fear of their own paper currenew gt The revolution in 1738 began the business oi printing money which lost its valuotoo quickly The German occupationtlo the Sccondworid War was another lraumslic instance of runaway inflation Altcr war the French cllrrency was so sick so often belore do that no man could plan his lulure in ltrms of tram In the out sign at threat to pcrsonfl fine ial sculrily those Frenchmenwho can buy goidaor whatever currency seems stable Currently the PARENTS because or ctmilll aevrathc scrusswesuaossr you seafllslomlasnll auralemiurenltnlomt tan GASSMANN OAY aoxvt parlor Ll IMIIMNNEIWI riotous starts will 51 We will ALLCOLOR PROGRAM amnion IN TOWN 1anLr ml OWER the number of people moving had arnet outflow but became into or out of each Atlantlc home to 7492 new Canadians province year by year this dcc and Newfoundland had net ads DBS explains that such outflow cl 15300 oid Canadians moves include those to or lrorn yet perhaps surprisingly was another Atlantic province as chosen as tbeir destination by well as those to or from prcv 4235 immigrants into Canada 9°95 ElseWhFlï¬ï¬‚ Despite these migrations As to Immigrants actual sta every one of the Atlantic prov first four places in that ordclf Iistlcs are keptnf the province Jones hnsgrodn in population tun which each oi these is day over the past decade This birthrate in three of those prove stems from thevery high N0 MARITME DRAIN The picture sketched by these statistics does not show any large scale outflow on balance inces Newfoundland currently IBpfllfthlio highest blrthrste in Canada at 264 per 1000 popula tion Newlirunswick hasour The Law Journal of Upper Canada Later he returned to Barrie and worked many years for The Examiner which was start ed in 1864 byWiliiam Manley Nicholson of Hamilton Work progressingrapldly on Sunday School addition to Collier St Methodist Church Wes Cline hascon tract St Marys Church crowded Sun nary on charity invinterests of St Vin cent de Paul Society First of series of dances givenby Barrie volunteer fire brigade held atTown Hall wit new For thosewith yenior overeating Boys Mrs Falling Mrs ames mnlnlzllztnmmntalui wmnnmlmmmsrnumumanmunmm callers sroalt War IAlrhosi BY Shooting BOB BOWMAN day evening for address by Rev Father tiating purchase of fine twoeyearold Fort Hunter for Brookdale Stables Celebrated 48thliighianders Band of To rontowill playconcert at GrandOpera House hereDec 11 Seats now on at Andy Maicomsons office Pertinent Paragraphs and time is fleeting cdttsedf been listened The Melts led disusls minutes to surrender sale the other side oi the flood tvvhose land ye dwellbul is for rnelnd my house we will serve to have something tosay about Lead themto Christ and from our jless developed prov laces During the years from 1960 to 1967 inclusivethe total emigrae blrthrate has dropped very sharplyby nearly oneqcarter in the past three years And tritium EV EVERY PROVINCE GROWING to serve lheLold choose you The population at every prov thls day vvbum ye will serve idea is today higher than it was whether the gods which mutter years ago Such stesdy fathers served that were on growthi nrmal for nearly all of any provinc the gods of the Ansorltcs In the Lord Joshua 1415 The head of evey home ought School of Music which way his lamily is going la them to Church SPANISH cumin with every enrolment hetwéut now and Dec 21 Limited all Phone 7255153 Uhcï¬durrlr smother lsihayilcld Street Barrleh Ontario Authorized as second class llllll by chemist OtilceJJeg pertinent Ottawa and for our pruvi es But in the early lljthrate rand just less than EC Our national average STARTS WED ma 905PM LAST snow to pat llayimclatlle salient Christopher pp the llauniless haruaswitn haidiile talent in In 65 Britain and thsUS might have been drawn into caused by the shooting of The ownershlpof San Juan Island souihol Vancouver Is land was in disput lt wastset tied bygBritlsh and us citizens pig belonging to the Hudsons Bay company strayed into garden of an American cm and was shot There was such row that the US senttraops to San Juan and Britain ordered three rla go tiles Fortunately Rear Admiral Bayues he brit hip baseda Vlclc by Louis RI did not know JWhen they emerged they were what was song on formed provisional meat at Fort Garry to protect it porters in the Red Riverarea were led by Dr Schultz and belted been sent alargc supply at pork to 9611 his men including to surveyor5or the Dawson sentto Fort Garry as prisoners Dr Schultz dragging his wlfc5on loboggan because shawss ill Later she enabled her husband toescspc by smuggling knife to him in plum pudding But the uproar over the pork del agreement between Canada andthe Melts for many weeks it might be said thatthe pork at San Juan andlled River IS men lt beeh barrels of dynamite Louis Riel had been negotiating Bill Ten years later aye the west from the Hud sons ompany Red River turmoil cause Cana urvay had started Wing toretho territory thad ol fRightswith moderate meme bers of the Canadian party but flew into rage when he heard about Schultzs fort and supply PP yed Canada from tak of ioedile lelt ccrtalnihat the Canadians were going to attack his headquarters at Fort Garry Riel dulld placed guarded by On new his the Lbarrels at might just as well have were real hot dogs Government forces lcdr ol Gore enteredSt headquarters of Lo Canada rebellion SitGovernor Douglas tabllshed Supreme Lit of Vancouvartlsland tilltaélinllway service cued between Winnipeg andSt lmJames Irom the Yukon ntqu created locoNat nwids rail was averted by Parilimen nlversity wa slons $25 yeorz Circula ions aul gt Ross was the flrst member of Parliament strike payment of postage in cash it turn postage guaranteed Del Sundays and StatutoryHolidays excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier 50 weekly $2500 yeslly Single copies me By mall Barrie $2800 yearly Ontario tlsooyeor motor throw all $le year Out side Ontario 520 year Outer Bide Canada Eflllsll posses SA and forcigng$32 year National Advertising Ofï¬ces its University Avenue Taro to 010 lCathcsrt St Mont real Member of tha Canadian Press and Audit Bureauol The anadian Press is ex elusiver entitle to the use for republication of alllnows dlspatchea in this paper credr lied to it or The Associated Press or Reuterssnd also the local dewspubllshed therein MiGHlEiBATES Galnphby Mtctlltttjntwnltlttntrams RICHARDUONNER inhuman ADHlilitlllli willwsuwllonnutt as Billflil by baton in their handsand illdptlé CHillSLlW lRACEMllllliyluna elm til ll rtnllllvltnf Cannon sponggre LASgtT TlME TOPAY Vitalls Cf was slot sroltlix