Barrie Examiner, 3 Dec 1968, p. 2

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aUOCESSFUi CANDIDATi gestureras he speaks to wife to represent Barrie on the Sim Pelgy and canpoaign workers coe County Board otEcha tlonyljr John Anders ieltt Monte Barnes seated and Del Jackson in his home last night shortly after receiving word of his election Examiner Pho tot Committee Hears Brief From Ijlaza Deoelqper Cher Bette Ltd the developer yvhose plaza proposal for the est side of Baylleld St at Brndles Rd has been turned down by the planning board nppearedbeiore councils city development committee as de putatlon last night Many Wolfe and David Wis Emfl two at the threeqnao team of investors in Cites Belle told the board they felt the west side of Hayiield St was the better location for major plaza development it the city wished to protau the downtown business district The west side of the highway would attract shoppers coming into the city and perform re onalsbopping function they aid holh Towers and and chose the west side of the street because traffic surveys indicat ed thiswas the best location the pair said The planning board decided week to support 134000 sq are foot shopping mall pre fienled by Warren Scott and As codates for ihoeast side of Bay tield St at Cundles Rd and hm asked city council to re zone that firms rtv acre site to permit the development smart for the Tower City Centre north of Bar ie told the city development ornmitteelast night the com pany Wfltlidoppose plaza devel pment in Jihr citys north end Eat every level of government ssihle Geoffrey Still lawyer for he Oshawa Wholesale who coin Towers store which in nu Inghway 27 just outside the city irnits said he ieltthe city had cted unwiser in setting the lmlt on plaza development for Hayfield Cundles area at 50000 square feet in oiiiclab plan recommenda on originally recommended at plaza proposal be limited to 40000 square feet by 1971 to jheexpandedlater to marti mum of 170000 square feet ot commercialspace flhe section or the rcialérl was amended Eons city planner Ian McPher qunra wo ave detrimental etfect on the downth Earrer pproachedithe Barre PlanningBoar and econorn at dies done by heir or pro township Will OppOSe INeriTPlazas iii Every LeVelOi Govt insulin cated the city we Both Warren Scott and Cues Belle presented the planning board detailed plans of their proposals Nov to in bid to gain approval Warren Scott originally pro posed 120000 square foot con tre Chez Belle wanted 250000 square foot centre City council decided Nov 11 to limit the size of any major plaza for the area to 50000 square feet oitshopp lngapace Planners ielt that morethan 150000 square feet would have detrimental client on the ec onomic health of the citys cen tral core and prejudice pro posed urban renewal by limit ing the amount of private funds availableJor downtow At the samatime they felt smaller limit might encourage one or both oi the firms to build outside the city limitsin Va Chez Belle said last night they considered the property now owned byWarren Scott on the east side of Bayilled Street but decided the west side was better location They told the comrrrittealhat having commercial development on both sides of Bayileld Si would create traffinhazard at the saturation point as far as commercial growth was con cerned orsrn fCloudQIIWiéd1ieSdQY Wednesday will be cloudy and colder in the Barrie area with snow and light nds increasing to northwest 20 Thefltoroato weather office wed ts low tonightrof 31 and high Wednesday of 00 Noon temperature outside the arrle Examine was 42 tie North Bay Northern Georgian ag mi Aigoma ccasinnal snow depth of 600 feet or WEATHER with shoppers crossingbati and forth to the stores in the area litr Wolfe and Mr leenhurg reiterated position they had taken before that the city had already promised to rezone their land from light industrial to commercial At an earlier meeting of city council they threatened legal ac tions it the city did not follow through on thepromise which they said was contained in motion at council last march The motion read Thatsutgt lect to the approval orcity c0uu oil of detailed proposal we will sponsor th necessary so emestyside oi hayiieldv SL vudrth of Candles inttot yse nThe company says that on the strength of this motlonihey bought the property commonly known as the Brown farm The purchase price was $405000 they said which was 300000 more than the land eduld have been purchased for earlier The city development commit tee reached rtodeclaion on the plaza proposals last night but will meet again Wodiresday night to discuss the plaza pro posals further Their recommendation which may or may noticonctrtvwiflr decision of the planningboard toaccept the Warrensth pro posalis clipectod togo before city council next Monday night The plansot Warren Scott ac cepted by the board are for 75000 square toot department store aloud store of 22000 Western James Bay few clouds and colder today Wednesday incr ng cloudi nessand milder Winds ght Montreal ta Cloudy with low sunnybreahsioday and avfew flurriesCloud snow beginning thlsevanin or tonight Wednesday snow or freezing rain likely chag ram Temperatures near nor mal Light winds today becom ing easterly 20 tonight Iohlglrthlghywednesday Windsor board member directly rm night report the following re Eli who madam Mi iiordonfid Matthew km WARD futtfecornseth Adlaii Beeton steer and 1m one seat iunofftdalt George List see Robert Melielvcy 017 ll John at in Alex Frith 167 Prank Prothem Lawrence Copeland 341 These figures are subject to final confirmation warn innlsfli and looks town two seats Donald Butt 75 Stewart Fisher 70 Mrs Katha Jana 805 Donald litonhnan 450 WARD Essa Toasom ntio and Sunnidale one seat Douglai Day 272 Keith Dorrrpster Arthurhiaocinl 111 Maurice Miller 11 Maurice Patton set Russell Pogue 41 WAR Collingwoodl seal Dr Anderson 1V7 Ronald Br9 179 Burton ill Camp at Morley Ford 10 Mrs Dorothy tiartla 141 Lachlan McAlilster its ry Wright 90 one maritime axnum Board Election The foliowingsre the result oi votes east tor 14 members on the Simone County separate school board The figureswere obtained ram the returning of ficers in eachward WARDJ Barrie three seats Brennan El Mrs Margaret Kelly Sld Saunders 430 Clohosey rro 17 Connolly 216 Rayston 30 Swick 14 WNW Orlliia two seals Leo Huffman Acrdnmationl Mluflee hioParland reclaim WARD Tiny Penetang and Baxter two seats Father Guy Hamel 25 Gabriel Mlndrmd 195 Mark Maurice 102 Urbain Maurice Mo Robert Scott WA Midland Tay Mchcdll andlfrotorla Harbour two seats Lloyd Wm 41513 Rev MdtaneulE Tom OShaughnesw 210 WARD Matehadlsh Orllii of 1oto no small boutiques 0n property south of the plaza land the company has an auto mobile showroom and service centre under construction they also propose town housing pro ject fornearby land stores and szf as 35 Mount Forest Vingharn Hamilton St Ca Toronto Peterborough Kingston Owen Sound Trenton Klllaloe Muskoka crosses theEASlEST to please him worthwhile Christmas for the one you Jove Gift Cer ytlflcate for anyamount tormembershl in the Health Studlo will bring physical irn provenient ltaliy mum county Separate School squareieotand shopping mall an will swear in the newsap Canadathe Commons was told Monday1hyirnmigration alimhrtmen WARD tNottawasagr Wasag Drum and Mouton not Cast camtiaers 7111 Will Downer S73 Errbi Draco Dalton Middleka on WARD ItVeapra0rot one in Gordon lflyflt tar Haynu 102 George Murmurs Normalt Stoddsrt Eileen Tiifln WARD onte Ori Haidath one out Roy EdselIda Norman hicuod Droppedl GordonA hlullin MO man lElntralvFlos Toy victorln Harbour Nicol one see Nelson Jones no Alex hinAuie £55 Verne humorist Ray Spring 9513 Fred Webb 318 WARD to iiiny and Pene tang one seat Alvin omen rum at Bernard Ioclairsot WARD 11 tltild one seat Dr Peter lirashrer 529 John hicGriiongh Lyle Wedrman 416 WAR tBarrlet two seek Dr Johnll Anders El Mn Thelma Cochhurnl HE Dave McClyrnont 709 Noel GIStepbenson 1012 WABD rt tortilla two seats George Church 106 Dltis hlaoDonnld1004 Phelps 1301 Harry Tissl and Port rre 1mm nemraen use lit il Glance Township Oro liespra IFlos Elmvale cgoldwater Mednnte and Sunnidalo one seat Gerald Diamond 14 John Van VIlght 141 WARD Collingwbod Notin wasaga Stayner Creemore Wa saga Beach Tossorontio Essa and lnnisfilt one seat Willilm Hodgkin Peter Van Ganlen lli WAR Adjalat one seat Gerrard Bergen Acclamstlon warm Bradford vést Gwil Iimburyl one seat Lewll Dlrocco 179 Williamildortarlty 117 sr WARD tTecirmseth Alliston Tottenham Beeton and Cooks town Unofficial one seat Vincent Eagsn 171 oxoy 142 iswealingrin Ceremonies Sat Dec Members of 31ch Countys first board of education will be sworn into olfice at meeting calledfor nixt Monday night Dec it was announced by Gordon Watsoncounty clerk Mr Watson will preside titr the declarations The tomemher board has thepowers to make appointments pass resolutions and do other business effective trom the official start oi its firmon Jan it was explain The meeting willhe held in theSimcoe County council all rn the county centre her arrie Barrie City cIerk aen Strnugh arate school board on theesame event CWTLY SETTLEMENT OTTAWA m3 of Nov the Canadian government had paid an calibrated $1300000 to transport and hclp settle 5000 Czechoslovaidan refugees in ter MncEnchen IERITisil AME ICAN The British American DitCoanp Fitawtltiarnas Mphager Griffin who has ac Gill Great Britaint Limited with head Minis sunnormoen or man and campaign workers liter aaud of royal last Thelma Cockburn lie Coun night at left is con Steiien age while younger son Scott is herelectlon to the Slmcoe hind her isth John and at rier Examiner Photo Improvingcommunications ngosj Task Dr JohnT Andere and Mrs Thelma Coelrburn won thetwo Barrie seats on th county school board to come into ef fect January The our com didates won over Noel Stephen son and David Mcclymont Thevotc was Dr Anders Oifl Mrs Codthorrl 1449 Noe Stephenson 1002 David hicCly moot 709 Mr Mcclymontconeeded shortly a1tcr 000 pm last night Mr Stephenson left city hall early alter seeing the re sults come in The candidatesjn Barrie fought close hattlelhe turn out at the polls uas disappoint ingly low in spite oi time and efloirt by thbse who wercirvvolv ed in the election The candidstcs now that the election is ever feel that they have come out of it with better understanding of the feel Ellgihle separate schoolvoters tn the Barrie ward elected yes terday Erennan Mrs Margaret Kelly and Saun derslo represent them on the Simcoe County separate school board The department of education will propose an entirely new pro gram to the newly elected school board Well gowithjt as We can said Mr Saunders ing it by ear at first The new coirn separ will be controilm all over the county sar hieSaunders cur Brennanvagreed Mr Saunders statement and added The consolidation of separate schools throughoutthe county will be big advantage tothe Mr Saunders also the motiy theesls mm ANT Prioun resmt interior Divisiong opted an appointment as sales diatribe agerLtProfitablli school Mrs Cockburnsald she found that there was svreal heed hotter cotnrnunlebtlon parents and teachers We as trustees are going to havelto do something about eduoatrng parents about what education is today Parents dont havethe understanding of ti hangcs that are runny place in educa tion to iully graspw at is hi Vsha said following her rn aid the 0600s who worked for mes the ones who put me inotfrc who vimmis first election nightnpre viously he had always been ap pointed to school boards said etwee ings of parents with children in there is atrenrendous need for muaicntilons between ache and parents

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