Perfect belly loading by cripple twincngine tracker news nouuoup LOp no PERtECT Borrrtmioiuc plans Wednesday afternoon on foamcovered runway at Patlt ricln Bay Airport was met by spontaneous opplauso fromits poses Federcil Withdraural sums Wednesday to new vurvico or CNN in Education Health welfare TORONTO lihe legis lature was told Wednesday federal government withdrawal or education health and wetan programs would produce jungle of remive taxes to finance those services Donald MacDonald Ontario New Democratic Party leader said if the federal gomernment goes ahead with this proposal Canadians will not be able to more from province to provrnce without greatly disturbing their lives Mr MacDonald said this would alien the most crucial areas of our national well hoing and if the federal sov ernmnt transfers education health and wcifare responsibili ties to the provinces with transfer of taxes Ottawa will not be left with sufï¬cient con ch trol of fiscal levers to stabilize the economy The Ni leader praised Pre mier Robnrts for having seen the danger to national unity arising item the federal govern ments stance but accused the provincial government of hay lag shown an unwillingness to face reality when it asked otto wa for more tax room within an unrcfornied tax structure liquor Revenues ionourc ca Ontario Liquor Control Board revenues leaped nearly $42000000 during the ï¬rst four months of the Que bec liquor strikethe legislature was told Wednesday ProvinciaLSecretary Robert Welch replying to aquestion from Elmer Sophn Hud ai bury said LCEOrevenues ho tween June 20 and Oct at this year were $152655000 com pared with $110605000 in the same period of 1067 Log Algonquin HUMEVULE Ont CF new development plan for Al gonquin Park came under heavy criticism Wednesday and one southern Ontario company charged implementation of the scheme could mean an export loss 323000000 hcharrity woods man ager for Weldwood of Canada Ltd told departmentof lands and forests hearing that Algon nuin Parktimber makes up 60 per cent of the hardwood used for veneer and furniture in On tarlon Ir If the government plan which calls for the prohibition ofall logging during twosum mar monthsis approved $75000000 export business to the United States could be lost and his company would be forged to lay off workers he sat lroiecl Proceeds in Sudbury ronomo CP 510 000000 office development plan downtown Sudbury has not been abandoned Michael Griffith area manager forMar adion Realty Co Ltd said here Wednesday The plan was rejected by Sud hury city council earlier this lt Meekbecause it was considered incompatible with the commer cial phase of motor downtown urban renewal two blocks away Mr Griffith said that in the next week the company will de oldo whethertn appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board Birth Control WASIHNGNN AP Methodist bishop gave his full backing Wednesday to birth controla subject of contro verys within the Roman Catho lic Church Bishop John Wesley lord of Washington said Methodists be have that planned parenthood practised with respect for human life fulfils rather thnn violates the will of God Soviet Currency NEW YORK AP While maior nonCommunist govern ments light to buttress their currencies the Soviet Unions rubla stands serene An interna tional monetary crisis is as for eign to the Russians as base ballzame Why is the ruble immune to the problems of free world cur rencies Basically its because the rubie is not traded on the inter national monetary market The ruhle is essentially an in ternal currency immune to fluc tuations of other currencies ft is worth only inRussin whatev er number of dollars or pounds or francs the Russians say it is worth When the Russians buy some thing from Western nation they pay either by selling gold the AU Silk is the second largest producer next to South Africaor hy barter They do not use rubles because most other countries will not no ccpt them iruit Boycott TORONTO CF Theflana dian Fruit Wholesalers Associa tion has warned that condo uing boycott of California grapes may result in the boy cott of Canadian goods inCali fornia In statement the associa tionWhich represents fruit han dlersand trading companies said theontarlo boycott was based on grossly distortedin formation about the California situation and was direct in terference in the affairs of an other country vSiock Exchange NEW YORK UP The StockExchange announced Wednesday there will be no trading on any Wédnesday in December to aid brokers still trying to clear huge amounts of back paperwork it saidthe market will be closed on Dec Dec 11 Dec la and Dec 25 Christmas Day The market also will close at pm onJan but no further plans for Januaryhave been an nounced Question Ruling WINDSOR on om 0n tarios first intermittent suspen sion of an impaired drivers li cence is to be challenged in an appeal to county court Crown Attorney Eugene Du chesne of Essex County said Wednesday the Crown intends to challenge only the principle of parttime suspensions and not the facts of the case The test case will he the intermittent suspension handed out by Mag istrate Joseph McMahon to Windsor milkman Robert Gray 34 on Nov The interrrdttent suspension of Lillian Cosgrove 49 of Wind the legislature that all meat his drivers licence allowed Gray convicted of impaired driving to drivc during working hours but banned him from the roads outside working hours on Sundays and on holidays Seil Norihland NORTH BAY GP Simonett Ontario energy re sources minister Wednesday challenged Northern Ontario to sell its good points and stop its gloom and doom talk Every time pick up newspaper or talk with anyone from the North its gloom and doom MnSimonott told 200 people strthe North Bay and District Chamber of Commer 74th annual meeting lt Dies Under Van WINDSOR Ont GP Mrs sor was killed instantly chnesday night whcn she was struck by van while crossing street near her home Dont Inspect Meat TOROMO There Bf no provincial inspection of meats in to slaughter plants in Northlt ern Ontario and only partial spection in four counties of cash ern Ontario Agriculture Minfsb ter William Stewart said Wednesday He told MortohShulman NDPToronto High Park in processing plants in the prov ince will be inspected regularly within the next few months in Of Sitéln TORONTO OP The stu dents administrative council of the University of Toronto Wednesday night endorsed proposallor sitin to protest the refusal of university otfi cials to disclose details of at brief to he presented next week to the committee on university affairs The somemhcr council set Monday as the day for the butdeierred decision on the matter to general studens meeting on the campus Friday Canadian Sabres mum 0P Itrrns mar chantsI mainlyAmericans have been trying for yearl to let their hands on surplus Canadian Sabre jet fighter planes in formed sources aaid Wodnes day The informants added that Canadian exportm have been frequently approached by the arms dealers to try to make ar rangements for Sabra sales to them Noneof the approaches worked Sources said thatin the next month or so 50 Sabres in dynble condition will be turned over by the defence department to Crown Assets Disposal Corp They said the cabinet is likely to make tirm and final deci sion that such surplus military aircraft can he disposedof only as scrap to private dealers Honor Dean GUdJPH GP Dr Margar et McCready who retires at the end of the year after 20 years as president and dean of household science at the Mac donald institute will be honored at reception in Toronto Sun day Dec The Canadian Press erroneously reported Wednes day that the reception spon sored by the Macdonaldilnsti tute Alumni Association War to be held thii Sunday WHY WORRY PARTY ARRANGEMENTS for your BANQUET RECEHloN DINNER MEETING SPECIAL OCCASION Brivata DanquetRnom seating 100 guests All details can be arranged Amplepirldng Call DUW RIVER GARDEN RssrAURAN Phonon Ayres 7mm To the Electors of WARD SimcoeVCounly Board of Education Cooksfown VVOTE Innisfil non MONKMAN On Dacemho QEXPERIENCE grid for cornicmou correction scenario Years Secondary School Experience =Musrokr rourii RALLY FREE nation hzoo aAv erAKsR RE isrcuuncii lELDST non Nov 29 Kim TOTH castc THARiNrs Music seams Anson QUARTET or SPRING ARBOR MICHIGAN ciu utiv opposition triedgwithout fIllkcale Commons ddrate on taunt grain problem tofarrntraoofmlaafn monthrthrlammd Spots ladenhlhourcox laid dampwsternpainlrom the fall harvest was contin ningemergency not aud den elhergcncy as required by Alan thenduforanemergency do More enamel than the 0am muggy an woman in the go toued an empty plastic mens lotioncontalner on to the Common floor Tho container in the shape of small green hitddha Wed over glass of nter on the table of AlLdair Fraser the Commons clerk Scarrity guards hustled the mfldleaged woman out of the gallery and she was later re leased confused note air uchodiioihe éontalnerde scribedPflme Minister nudeau as stupid innocent Despite this diver it our wheat day in the Home There was climatof sort Eldon Woolliarns PCCalgary North nngrily char that Portia inert hld la to pieccl FROM Nil NAUGHI His outburst followod ultra warding Conservative attempts to prod the government into statements on how it planned to help western fanncrs dry nul lions of bushels of damp grain on the fields and in grnln eleva tors What thisl he shouted la the absence of Agriculture Minister Olson and Trade Minis ier Pepin Otto Long minister without portfolio fielded many of the wheathuestlnns in not commitol way that angeredthe Conservatives Earlier Richard Southam tPCQuAppelleMoose Moun tain accompanied hlr plea for the emergency debate with the claimthat 250000000 bushels of mpgwhcaï¬ could be lost spa ago uness pron erly dried It was worth $500 Mr Southern charged there had been anatastrophfc ure in government wheat no THIS meat klod is government is tho wudamhndththhdw porhionparty nipportedtboCoonmtm to meeting Wednesday of the Ontario Police Mood tion saidprcmirehas eased from police chiefs and police commission following recont publicity about Initiated police quota system for afhclenforoc Most departmemdeoledthey used the system said 1de tion President Syd Brownlofio ronto but aoma Torodo depart montriand perhspsotbera across the ome subtlesyatcm of giving men with tnpcnforccmentrecords In Mr in prep ng Ontario government asking for dosages in the Municipal and Police Aclr The brief will reoomroend an end to police cornmlulon pow eroto dismiss aman without hearing be sold unit aina FRIDAY Riciir our in sin to monomer nonr cancer oUR asouLAR ROAST BEEF rue THURS kilowatts iiiii Dunlap so opt rHiz tunes Avnmnon Ar snomy ouettejile 7r Featuring Betty RichardSon Jock Admission $150withcutmomhouhipgt Pav OrilliaI Tolepho omits BR0KDME INNS new nan Preroan 1130 Hill stirrinij nun edthe The invitation he laid includ advioc that Quebcchad been invited iMepepdehtlyxm government hoped tweendfl delegation that would roman Canndxnr whole benediction ollrlouly HOME coorEo Fullcourse Maulsn Special Businessmcns Luncheorir and Sunday Dinner NORMANDY RESTAURANT 1a Dunlap 52 23 EM uni2m Hanlelllams Jr Ltho singing son All on Mun show WWHERMANS HERMlTS THURS FRI FROM EM SAT CONWVOUS FROM now SHOWING 630 910 PM SrHéStoiygrowsyourlgefl