Seven Candidates Stand In Collingwood ooumwoon ml6m enundidatee mind Md tor ehctlon as Coililgwbodr my oeotetive to the new county see ondnry endponlle moor board Rowaggehn Coiling wood voters will make their dlolce include Morley Ford Burv now has toniLtornqui ï¬ï¬‚m hhn as meensfoi indw mm Wasnt one we or mould hxnciooe rele tlon to services renderedrather than be based on propertyvlh ushonnlone IKEIVIHuDEMpselER vCandldstes tor reeveiniho manila election onltooday DmiMatthewVeolMeeJn 3$lliï¬m in reere are ml muom Van Gallon and WilliIn Hodge lament Ins In ma owbich includes Councillor Calvin belladth mumw been prmnntcdto Mrccve twiilgetbllioutovotaontwo by reclamation which will make mm mm mm him Tossorvniioe second county bers ol the county board of edn council menbee or 1969 Iod ImlgxmmmimeiWé it VernonA Mullio Ray Gun Councillor tor the newterm lepy and Mill Ask Candidates To Brentwood Member of Esse ToerslIip Fulï¬l School Board OVirally interested in the welfare of our children OWould continue to make on honest attempt to better our ruorl educational environment You nachos Counrvj BillllliNG punts WANT YOUNG MAN WHO IS WILLING TO WORK FOR THE BEST INTERESTS OF YOUR 0N DECEMBER 2ND SPECIALIIl nuts IllT TIIE VESSEL s22sf seesI uaor 25 Or Maul TAX DOLLARS VOTE KEITH DEMPSTER didatee for word tor the coun ty separate school board and JUST ARRIVED Maximeimrargmos Munh lammaeMNaucusmmmn EASYTflUSE SlZESl 31 or 32 $215 lllllei in SEE GASHWAY Fl AND REALLY SAVE was 115 mm 315 some notes zPAIEL LUIIVEB torn seeeo 2er sass Maul Complete with lindle StamSenen ALIIIIIIIIIIII zIoxsIo VIIMoons COMBINATION illMlNlJM willows fits 142 Electric on eoinpiete vltlrgroundl Order CENTRES TO SERVE YOU mmwoon steal also iar candidates at large or separate school represeamuon on the county board at education have been invited to speak at Our Lady of Assumption 5me Brentwood on Thursday evening Nov 28 at 830 prn Wardvtlve includes ninrmuni alpaiitlu which will elect Oiiv tnlstee to mullmember sop arate school board Besides Son oidalc these Include Madonie Goldwater Elmvnlctos Ves pn 0m Oriiile Township and Mnidiedaali ihe choice will bebetween two candidates Gerald Dumond ad John Van Vught Six are loathe ï¬eld or two separate school seals on the county board of education These Include Ray Gariepy and Whalen ol Barrie James Mll iignn oi Orlllin Rottis oi Bola land Mash Muille and Varney aansnlunvaawuio TEL AVIV AP ND Arab vehicles will beallowed to cross betweenlsraei and Jordan under new irraeil ieclnlty regulation Informed sources disclosed May The rule doeiterate etteet nextiweckg comet altersalmon hiewoo market place In Jerusalem last Fliday killing in persons IIIIIIIII Will HOUR HOUR on CLEANING SERVICE DRIVEIN 103 BAYFIELD 51 72c553Iu Simeorownty Coundl will meet onTnesdsy llcc 10 wbenNottawasege Deputy MDHURST Stall Deplor ing the present condition oi coun ty rood lilrom hlldhurst to DalstonDepuly Reeve Carl Dor an told ratepayers here he in tended to again ask the county roads committee to give this road attention The Vespra coun cil was raturncd iorllol byao clamation shall continue Impression the county road committee bout the need for work on this road statedtha deputy reeve aitcr ratepayers in the audience criticized its condition Countyroadfll north vitrom Dalston through Eldgor Rugby and on to Orilliu wulnvaxcei ston it was described as very poor Deputy Reeve Doran also re faxed to in pointing out the cost had in creased tor Vespra over the to caiaystem He said he believed that local municipalities could have donethe assessing at less money ms own who Turning to thacountyrnuseum aod archives Deputy ReeveDor an said Midhurst was fortunate to have this tourist attraction lo cated in the vicinity The mus eum pays its own way tram rev enues Reeve Wellington DobsonIre viewed Vesprasposition in re gard to Royal Victoria Hospital where he is memberiot the board Healso besrerved on the busy property cormnlttee of the county council which has been negotiatingwith provincial ofï¬cials for rent agreement or lintcondlï¬iin hféhdh3 Dai county assessment ingwemay soon havs to in that Vesprae location with the more commercial development mews Edgar Glrrie left will pment report on nemtletiou to meat county administration oi Justice Vboildlngeï¬o provira buildings Extension oi the county library service to Christian island also war mentioned by Reeve Dob son who was member of the county library board DRAINAGE PROBLEMS Counciilorilsrry Adams retor red to drainage problems in the townshipng out it was moot proceed withmon icipal drains since there is two thlrdsnrhndy on drains on agri cultural land Consideration of an oiiicinl plan and need lorranertiiicinl iconan tolerve both Vcsprl load and Oro were alsomenttooed by ouncillor Adams ihe depart ment ot municipal attain in cur tailing development in Vospra because we havent an nltieial plan Heprwosed pension plan for employees Work done on roads was re vie by Councillor ï¬eorge lint who rnentloned the paving part oitlle lth concession We keep within our budget in Vesprabut as all costs ora ris crease our local mill rate he said Vespra mill rate or local purposes during the men year wart miiisr Mother eliorts toattract in dustry and ven tures were advocated feel Ml roflwayï¬mmgd was the township wa supply could be attractive to certain industry and also help without interiernng with agricul tural lands he commented Possibility of the Nottawasaga clal governanan llr Currie discusses situation with Adlala Reeve Fred Baxter Examiner Photo VQSpiq Reeve topperth Vallcy Conservation Authority taking over on Breast Widow Creek at Midhurst was mention ed by Councillor Alan Johnston He sold the authority has to proceedzslowly because at link lted funds but this had been discussed Advantage to the area oi Geor gian College also was mentioned Vespra cooperated by notcop posingdlarrie annexation land and tiIeeity the services armor councillor Russell Harris presided loathe ratelt payers meetir alter Earl Rich ardson c1erkteceived the name ons During the questionperiod ondiiion at county road 11 came pmposal was made that in nomination meetings he held in the evening and there was also discussion about abam doned gravel pits TRUSTEE VOTE Area candidatee ior cdunty board of education Georgern lilacKoy Norm stoddart Rev Haynes and Gordon Bidwe spoke briefly Mrs Titian oi Mlnaslng also is in the ï¬eld Mr Richardson announcedtha eight polling booths would be open in Vespra on Monday Dec from 10 am to pmior mention oi county school board and separate sohoolboard trus teen loud at Orillia For Beatinnghild ORILMA 4C IIarvnyJIe sephv Guemette 52 of Port Crew Ont Tuesday was sen tenced to one year tor heating his ï¬vemonthoki daughter Irene Susan and breaking the ioiants leg Guemette pleaded not guilty to charge of assault causmg bodfly harm tollowlng the inci dent last Feb 25 la passingf sonicace Magis trate Alben Glass said tha mans conduct was most Elms type of thing