news neuron TORONTO CF liberal Leader RobertNixon Monday accused the Conservative gov ernment of misleading the pubiic in the last nrovtcc at Eiedion by failing to disclosean economu siiltallnn government leaders have since described as financial nightmare it was not until two months ago that the people at Ontario were given the lads misting to said in his reply to the throne speech ll Premier John HoharLr be licvcd oil was well during the election last October then there had been grass failure or communication between his ministers and himself or be tween the public service and the ministry He told the Ontario legislature the government had been in climate oi euphoria when the Centennial Sc or Museum was allowed to gestale beyond our ioolh birthday and to swell inta 0000000 extravagance which may still pmve absorbing to Visitors but which lets face If we cannot at this time ei ford Poetry Awards OTTAWA 0P Canada Council Medals for outstanding a1 achievement were awarded Monday night to poets Earlc Birney and Smith andarohiteet Eric Ar thur novelist Gabrielle Roy and painter Jacques de iionnancour All but Miss Roy wore present at reception hero to receive medals from the council presi dent ican Martinaau cash award oi $250Q accompanies each prizc Mr thirncy Frihoi Calgary wo tuo GovernorGenerals awardsfor poetry in 1942 and iiiis His novel of wartime hrrv published in 1949 won Stet phcn Leacock medal for humor California Grapes TORONTO CF leon Veinstcin president ot Lohlaw Groceterias CoLtd announced Monday that his company will join Steinborgs Ltd in posting signs in its stores to discourage customers yin Caliiornia grapes Steinbergs was the first su permarket chain in Ontario to iolnthe protest against the low wages paid unorganized riarm workers in California who have been on strike for three years to gain collective bargaining rights Park Logging TORONTO CF The con troversy over Algonquin Park continued Monday as loggers charged the Algonquin Wild iands League with being emo tional greedy and hypersensi we OMSIP Rates TORONTO CPt Health Minister Matthew Dymond said Monday he does not know yet whether higher doctors feesrin Ontario after next April will iorce an increase in Ontario Medical rv Insurance Plan prcrniums Replying to question from NDP Leader Donald lilac Donald the minister said let ter he receivedironi the on tario Medical Association Oct Ia indicatedthat there would be icee increase oi aboutio not can whooping Cranes WASHINGTON AP The worlds population of wild whooping cranes has hit reel out 49 with maybe more to be counted thellnited States inte gar department reported litan ay An aerial surveyat the Ann sas National Wiidiiie Rciugcin Texas Where the big birds spend the winter revealed 43 adults andvsixoung cranes Military Pay 0ITAWK OP The pay in crease announced Friday for members oi the regular and re serve armed iorces will he paid before the end of 1968 Defence Ministerle ux an pounced Monday Hewas replying ND VahcouverEasti who was concerned tba the in creases retroactiveto on th year would not be paid until next year and thus be sub jcct to the new twouperccut eo ciel dévelopmeutta the true situation Mr Nixon Trudeau Receptive omwa GP Commerce say they ï¬nd Prime Minister inidceu very very receptive to the ide oi coop erationbetwecn husiness and government in managing the countrys economy Executives at the Cenhdiaa Chamber of Govt grammar 0nOntTimpaniNightmdre were nine and Barker lorhd bloodstained crossbar was iound in nearby toilet Barker unstea are dry antsscd to policems lawyer Arthur Maloncyseid in court Monday Mrs Phillips ceine to her death by his blows ainhlaloaeynid Barker was pleading not guilty because ot Chamber President my herb oi iVinni who led crosscountry de egatioa of 57 in meeting Monday with is gov ernment ministers seidriater he is very optimistic about our re intonewith the government Jain Twin Cities TOROMD CF Legisla tion ceiling ior amalgamation oi the cities oi FortJViiliam and Port Arthur and parts at two suburbs will beintroduced at the current session at the legis lation Municipal Aiiairsitiinisi ier Darcy McKeough announced Monday rah Stocks no Umwa iCP Fish stocks on hand in Canada create the Rockies Oct at were down to per cent from year earlier due almost entirely to lower stocks in Newioundland Figures released by Dominion Bureau of Statistics Monday for all regions but British Columbia show total stocks at 703111000 pounds Oct it compared to 7eoaaooo pounds year earlier Killer Insane TORONTO CPI Reginald Aubrey Barker 21 of Toronto who admitted clubbing to death Lucynn Pbiillm oi Oakville was found notguilty ltionday by rea son of insanity Iiirs Phillips 31yearold secretary and mother of two was found last February in the oiiiceï¬i Toronto steel plant iroaonoow ilsifi HE NIGHT Get ï¬neror For BarrieAnirnal Hospital Peter Scott Velkay MatemityDressShop IIopeTailor Shopl Eric Deivsoap Real Estate Broker Howard Morris Biiilder thson Osteopathic Clinic Henry Diriclt hMtchle doy Dr Barker oi the Outer to Hospital at Penetlngulsheuo tatificd theaccuscd has path ologicalpersoneiityand multi ple sexual deviations He was sentenced Monday to the Penetaoguiehrne hospitals maximumsecurity division Police lissn IUIVIIENER OP Direc tors oftbe Police Association oi Ontario mcei today to pre are an agenda or the Isocia aas quarterly meeting to he held here Wrdnesday The association In the bar gaining agent for 12000 Ontario policemen and civilianeniploy ees About no delegates from most Ontario police forces are expected to discuss arbitration sbiitdiifcrentiais and reduced work week at the oneday ses sion Wednesday Air Freight Boom TORONTO CF Alr freight transportation will experience dramatlc growth and help revolutionize the tranmortation industry in the next 33 years delegates to the Automotive Transport Association of 0a tario convention were told lou Heck president of Ad vanced Products division oi white Motor Corp of California said utrJrcight has been grow ing at rate in excess of to per cent year in 33 years air ireight is conservatively iorecast to in crease by zoo fold he said 1281409 Plate Your Beds 8xlINES TO SERVEYOU Acknowledgement CASH DONATIONS to the Rotary Club din Auction Barrie Veterinary Hospital The Dental Prolessi McEachern is FiynnCartage Huron it Erie Mortgage Corp WayncoLtd Nixon instance Powell CA ram Alien Whelanv insurance Chief Meets PM GARDENRIVEH Ont CPI Cbiei Richard Pine oithe Garden River Olibwaandiao head said Monday he has an up poinltnent with Prime Minister Trudeau in Ottawa Wednesday to discuss hand council election problems Chief Pine former viccpresi dent of the National ladien Council of Canada told news conicrence we must make our points clear to the head oili clels itenousetotalkiotbe middle pram Unite Farmers KINGSTONCPt About 300 delegates to the Ontario Farm ere Union annual convention dismissed Monday three pro posed plans for organizing all Ontario iarm unions into one or ganizatinn to serve the needs at Ontarios 70000 commercial tarmers yirfénch In Ont WELLAND G9 Conicder ation secondary school the first Frencbianguage composite sce ondary school in Ontario was oliicially opened Monday Fernaud Guiadon minister without portfolio read wetch by Premier John Roberts un able to attend at the last min ate COOKSTQWN INNISFIL TOWNSHIP FOR SCHOOL TRUSTEES TH Inns Kathe yonryour radio dial of Barrio Hinton Acct sm In Commons urnawn cm mcompu cued situation surrounding Ca nadiaa eiiorts to provide relief supplies to Bieire remained jun confused after Commons exchange Monday St tawrencel industrialE Belt KINGSle The 129 mileion north sbore iron at the St Lawrence River between Kingston and the Quebec border could booome prosperotu in gulsltriei he says Stanley Han Mr Randall Ontario minister of economics and development told the Kingston Kiwanis Club Monday that program to find Jobs ior eastern Ontario rcsl dents will probablystart in this ciiY He said Kingston is being con sidcrad for grants under the program for equalization oi 1a dusirial opportunity which ea couragcs ï¬rms to locate in in dustrysbort areas Andrew Brewta NDPéim to Greenwood one of four We who visited the breakaway re ou oi Nigeria iasked whethe government prepared Itlrt dayiirbt tellel rota by Canadian Hercules aircraft Into Binlra In lite light oi ratemcnt byth Diairen re gime authorising such flights Prime Minister Ikudeeu said be welcomed the latest state ment but unfortunately it orbits the precisepert insisted on by Nigeria that there be guar antee against daylight arms Ibipments Mr Brawin nought ciariiica tion ot report that contrary to an earlier government state meai the Hercules are not too heavy to land on Nigerian air strips Mr Trudeau said both Cana dian and Nigerian ofï¬cials say the airstrips are not duigned to take the pounding they would be receiving from thehi aimit rav EXAMINER wim ans rnona nazm achhoï¬+aw 728378I iints Perms Postichcs 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11 Petes Bi DIAL 7263536 Each week word will be scrambled in two advertisements on this feature Read the ads find below Scrambled words and spell them correctly mentioning the two names oi the advertisers in which the words appeared Send your answer to The Barrie Examiner eo Qsz Editor The ï¬rst two correctnnawers drawn will be cash prizes gt Wine It Mrs Harrison 2nd Mrs Sayers HENRYS FISHNCHIIS WeFryIiellbutOniy Onion Rings ShrimpNï¬iips BAthiE weer PLAZA not erLL seavrcs Mileage is our Business PointsPlugs Tuneups Goodyear Snow Tires Drive Sately this Winter Burton Why Wait Skiduo It Now mace Roan MARINA an Ornstrr 4312211 ALLANDAL FUELS Bruce Fauceckhtroleums Ltd Simeon Countys Largest Deindentpcu Fuel Oil Suppliers Stove Oil sFumaceoil Gasoline 7285226 URENCE SEWING KNITTING CENTRE earn Automatic Delivery Service Metered Trucks 448 Bunion St sHAGGY rum undid aivra EAaoENs $500 RESTAURANT price pr Banquet utilities for CHRISTMAS PARTY reason PLANTO navaimun TIMI ANSWERING SERVICE altering the area zlhr prompt courteous service for the past it years 39 JMAIIYisT LA DEBONNAIRE HAIRSTYLING sTUDiO is pleased to announce the appointment of its new manager and hair stylist Stephen NewmanJones 156 Napier 1281698 51 as nErim grams TRAILER SALES Thisis Where Winter Fun begins KNOTEY PINE SPOKTSARAMA Hwy 21 Midhprst mam VDSEi Previewersurname LAKESIDE Tass sxrrars By Hair Styling Experts aTONYS BARBER SHOP Hair Coloring or men only Angus Plaza meant IPOWHR IIUMIDIFIERS installed on any Gas or OilFur on HAROLD ANCH HEATING LTD mains Fropylon Carpet Wood Gundy Securities Ltd Miss Jessie Bryson Music James Voitch iuclrChiropractor CgrswellrBroker ewins Ha sslag 5mm MacGi vray Bentley Co insurance Sandersont Monument Co Ltd Angus Ross Music Rose Real Estate Huron Motors Greer Transportation Co ud Starling must Corpoiatioa Skyline Motel Pethick Funeral Home Coin Laundry V6iirls1ieiuvt Dealer Mr Jack Eutlér Mr CiitfordElrick Dydts Food Market Northland PlIlIitbi Heating Simeoe Block Co Dev isstCanadat Ltd geaborrd Chiropractor VnaNeedham Wright Tompkins and Hills Monuments American Hotel riderwriters Adi Bureauwi Rogers is Council Jenncttluneral Home Barrie Answeng Service Bank otNov Salter Chailie Dom oCanada Geaerai insur Saryeant Insurance Agency Ltd Kennedy ContrLtd Hector DewarCenerai John Stevenson in route RoharLPoweli Saunders Ltd Simcoa therinar Mortgage Funding ii Dobson Sproaie Maritime Life Amuance Co Bveychme tar Plaii Sewing Mnflriues Knitting Yarns Necdiepoint Fling Kits no Dunlap 726636 srrwim MARKET lfl Icuotlng mam Residenti Treat yourfeet to comiortl seasons SHOE STORE Angur Plane lotH91 DELUXE JANITORIAL SERVICE Commercial jlndurtpinl macaw Day or Nigh Bonded Ind Insured $1050 Sq Yd installed with underpad hng onoaoran any CARPET SERVICE Phone 42832 Liqudt licences availabl For saccessiul hanq or wedding reception at reasonable prices call 7266944 Hwy 11 Wentberwise Wlnieriu Today TBUDELLES aanvrca Free iubricatiops With AritiFreuze 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