Canadians awarded the Can ada Council Medal for null standing cidtural achievement get together for chat lion iuimiaAutz may TUESDAY NOVEMBER boards CANADIAN execs creamow rui 1eusx Camden imtlve cannon COUNCIL MEDAL winners at Otlawa From left hi Smith poet and pro fessor at Michigan State Uni veisity Lansing Jacques de Tonnancour painter and teacher at Montreals Beaux Arts Erie Arthur an archi tect professor at architec tural design at the university of Toronto Earle Birncy poet who returned to Canada train tour oiAustrnlla re ccntly OP Wirephotol day night following ceremonies Rap Ford Seeréclf In Switching Pldnts By TOM MITCHELL OTTAWA CPI In the words of its eurrent advertising icampaign Ford may have better idea in snitehing plant Iih Windsor to engine manufac turc But urea hiPs gave the com pany raking in the Commons Titionday for not iculne nomad workers and the federal govern ment in on its thinking Mark hlacGuignn lLWind sorWalkervillel referred to toy offs of some filo Ford of Canada workers in Windsor on aweeks notice He wondered whether the company would have given even that much advance warning if it had not been required by law Herb GraythWlndsor West said the Ford incident is one of growing number that indicate teompanies are using advanced ltechnolngy to read public de fmunti andcome up with good designs but still have no con eern for their workers The 196869 spending mates of the labor department provided the vehicle for the comments aimed at Ford TO BUILD ENGINES The company announced the gtlayoffs in connection with planned expansion of engine production in Windsor About 1000 workers would be laid off Tduring about 18 monthsas the WILFRED HLGOURV Services were held Nov 14 at Stockieys funeralchapeltor iii yearold Wilfred Lawrence Kil goui of Barrie Mr Kilgour sui fereda heart seizure at the ONE Station in Barrie on Nov it Mr Kilgoiir was for some years with the CNR bridge and budding department and trans icrred to the CNR signal depart merit in 1942 llvhere he tvas em ployed until is death Son of the late Samuel and sEmma Kilgour he was born in Barrie and resided in Barrie all his life except for few years linGernldton and Parry Sound Heléaves his iviietheiorm =er Thelma Smith of Vindere Emere Muskota and one daugh ter DOTlIElMISR Melsonl four grandchildren Ronda Laur venee Gary Davi He is also survived by sisters Alice Mrs William Muyesl Gladys Mrs Colesi and was pre deceased by one brother Vi Ven Read of Tn ty Anglican Church Barrie conduct ed the serviee Burial was at Barrie Union Cemetery The tall ibearers were AllenI Cap reol Mountain Capreol Russell Orlllia Estrength Washago Clark foni Reynolds Ear esti FERGUSONERALICK 5er es were held 21 at tSt Pauls Anglicanllhurdi Bar lrie ior William Wesley Fergu ison Fraltck who died Oct to his hom RRJ Stroud and chd ln esing untilal9ao Fro MIIIESIIIE helinoved to St Paul re joining the armed force Since 1947 he llv tStroud company expands plant to triple engine output The result will he net in4 crease in Ford employment in Windsor The Commons critics ent along with the idea But they were certain Ford must have had an inkling about its nlnns before it gatie the workers and the government one weeks notice The company had not decided on $100 000000 expenditure overnight The Commons polished of spending estimates oi the labor department and the National Ca pita Commission during Mondays sitting Today it de votes days debate to the tvhule question of the civil war in Nigeria The House also got brici rc Tacing Trial Commits Suicide VENICE Reuters An Ital an engineer scheduled to go on trial todayior his alleged re sponstbi 1963 dam disas ter that killed 1900 persons corrnnitted suicide here Sunday police reported Mario Pancini 56 was found by relatives in gas fumedilled room He and eight other engi neers war to go on trial in Aquila nor hwest Italy trict iiigh School Board for one term On Feb tango lti Ffraliek married GladysE Spring Be sides his wife he leaves three sons Gary AWilliam and David all living at home Mrs Kevin Wice oi Stroud Also surviving are brothers Gordon oi Leaside Rev John of Scarborough Douglas of St Pauls and sister tonne itirs Winston Smith of Willnwdale Grandchildren include Craig son of Gary and Pamelaltra lick BevnA lialdenby conducted was conducted bythe men of Minerva Lodge AFand AM Pallbearers re Bl it to Black Jack Coleman Russell Lowry Art Tifiinp Bruce Wice and Kenneth Wright Floral tributes were received from relatives triends neiin bors lnnisfil Public School Board Alcona School Central and Sunnybraestafi Copaco Northern Electric lnnisfil Credit and AM MRS EISIEVPEAIIL ROWE Service were heivaov at Jeanetth Funeral Home Ba for Mrs Elsie Pearl Rowe who daughter Mrs George Sche Brentwooda Death occurred er length illness twatson Rowe She is survived bythreednughlers and one 5011 Metal Mrs William Mapesl Dundas Helen Mrs Lloyd ham New Low Hamilto she also leaves 12 grandchit dren id great grandchildren nd sister Mr PoseTaylor iToront She was predeceased by four ro raandour sisterS Wallace Cudmorer of Barrie conducted funeral torment was in Their only daughter Donnai is services Masonic Service Union and MinervaLodge AF diedNovi in the home of her Mrs Rowe was the widow or port from Finance linitstcr Edgar Benson about economic troubles particularly in France and massive currency spECLla tiun that has bedeviled Western Bloc currencies this year BENSON ENCOURAGED Mr Benson said European nu thorities are determined to strive for better balance be tween what they spend and what they earn abroad and the outlook is encouraging Throughout the period of dis turbance the Canadian dollar has remained strung he noted Opposition spokesmen said that if the currency speculation continues there trill be ramifica tions for Canada II New Zealand Te Manufacture Cars Aucxiann new Zealand trlil start its own domestic automobile industry with the production of rotary engined ear Various overseas makes are assembled in New Zealandbut until Mondays announcement of the new car program the coun try never produced car of its own for mass consumption The new car will he powered by 15litre twin rotary engine invented by New Zoaliinder ii tiundlton Valk The prototype is near completion and produce lion is planned to begin in one year The rotary engine weighing about to pounds is said to give the some number of firing im pulses as conventional izeyl inder engine and isclaimed to have numerous advantages over the Germanbuilt Wankel rotary lotion tutti snownooiiino noon run Wirii Avaliableln aania At These Loeatl on 72835917 anew iviiiiiiite keshtue Dr arith hero on 379 of Poland and mortar la the Allied novice during the Second World War who was decorated $35 foamiii me mar brief Illness BonnOmel Anderson 51 chief correspondent for the illu tual Broadcasting Syitem in West Germany for therllst ilve years after brief illness lilrvcy fitJames Phillips 57 tan vocalist who per formed with handseonducted by Count Basle Fletcher Hender son and Earl Hines in his home in this southern suburb of Chica ED Chtcagodhillip Francis Lord as stage ndio and television actor for more than 65 years of heart ailment Parishiaurico Malnan 81 the seventh Frenchman to re ceive new heart died in hours alter the transplant open atlon of what boqtital offldala called an irreversible ktthiey failure Bound Brook NJUpton Slnclairao wdlritnown author who come to fame in 1806 with his book The Jungle Parliament iii Glance mi CANADIAN ritess MONDAY Nov icon Flnanec Minister Edgar Benson said latest market trends in the Woman eur rency crisis are encourag ma Defence Minister Leo Cod leux said the pay increases announced Friday for the reg ular and reserve armed iorces will be paid before the endot1968 Student leaders showed re served optimism about ending sixday oowpation oi the so cial science faculty quarters at the University of Ottawa The Co at me approved spending estimates for the labor department and the Na tional Capital Commission TUESDAY Nov 26 The Commons sitsvat 230 pm EST for oneday debate on Nigeria the West African country ravaged by civil war The Senate meets atdp am anoor lent Anierlean novelist than Slodair maximum The Jungle uposlnx the horrors log of the muse stockynrds shocked tbevUnlted sum and ledvto the passage of the Pure Food and Drug Act diedhiotv day aim at total ours home He WM 90 yearn old largely forgottenviigure In recent years Sinclairs career spanned more than 60 Years 89 inlilength book and 100 differ ent causes nnd controversies lie hlniself once estimatedrthat he spent mostof the 31000000 he earned from his writings on his causessocialism social justice and reform within the framework of Democratic insti tutioni lie was dubbed king of the Muekrakers in 1934 Sinclair ran for the governorship of California on an End Property in California EPIC platform lie was narrowly defeated in what was one of the most bitter cairn paigns this century After being graduated from the College of the City of New York and doing postgraduate lied gt we at Columbin University hineklalr moved to shock in Quebec in moo Ind started erl His firstviour novels made lit tle money and no impact But then after living for seven weeks in the pitklnghousn dis ing trlet at Chicago Sinclair wrote The Jungle novel of the op patting conditions of workers In the Chicago stockyards annexed NATION He had aimed at improving the lot of the workers in the meatpacking industry but in stead it was his descriptions of the unsanitary conditions that shocked the Us He later recalledi aimed at the publloa heart and by and dent hit it in the stomach As result of the book Presi dent Theodore Roosevelt ar dered congressional investiga tion whldi led to the passage of the Pure Food and Drug Act The Jungle was translated into 17 languagesjnd is consid ered classic of American liter ature despite critlcs coimlalnta about its clumsy style Promtha success of The Jun gle Sinclair turned his hand to other exposes His cowl Oil hlI out at the scandals of the Harv ding adndnistralion and the Brass Check It the reality of American journalism he also wrote defence oi prohibition But his later fame as writer was due to tho linovel Lanny Budd seriu which traced world development from laid to 1949 The in volume in the series Dragons Teeth which dealt with the Nails won him Pulitzer Price the only major literary award he ever won In me he was nominated for Nobel Prize but failed to get it FIRECLAIMS FIVE SALEM NM AP Five membersoi one family died Monday In predawn fire that swepitheir zhstorey home Two children and their grand mother survived police said The dead inelue Robert Rae hiswifeAnnand threeofthetr five children NOTICETOTNE PUBLIC SCHOOL surromrs THE CITY or BARRIE record of communi experience in Barrie IN EDUCATION ltiember of the ammo rustic sotioonaom it years Chairman of the Board years Chairman Edu cation Comm years years aiairman Property Comm rysarviee and Ihoenndidnte withtha most Vice autumn of the SlithOE COUNTY lNTEthl SCHOOL ORGANIZATION OOMhflliEE and Giolrmnn of the NANCE COMMITTEE Director of the PUElilC SCHOOL TRUSTEES AWA years and member the TlON of ONTARlO for Executive Committee Pnst President of the first HOME is in Barrie and Past President of the Hillerest Home and School Association IN THE commenter Past Presidentand CLUB for 21 years SCHOOL Association omberof the BAle HON Past President and Director of the BAREll FlGUilE SKATING CLUB PastPresldent and Director of the Parents Advisory Committee to the Served on the Board of UNITED CilURfll Barrie Collegiate Bands Stewards ofIOOLLIER amnion vote STEPHENSON none roe YOUR REPRESENTATIVEON rite St 53°55 °F EPUCATW MCOE COUNTY lltSltltltittlltllt zrripseveodai ilia TransCanada Highway ï¬AvéLMDA jwnnne REGINA ONE 2875 tsAsKAioon CALGARY trveroMonN VANCOUVER annals aus Tickets and Ittormlllan It RMINAL Byrno Agent petunia i2275 $4325 5465