cast Sunday night He said re T3wo olefin can lireman stands by the Ewmckage at twin engined alrcrait that crashed in Eto bieokes Centennial Park at PARIS AP Prmï¬er Mau rlc Couvc de ltiurville today an austerity program includnrg $1200000 cut in gov ernment spending or presenta tion to the National Assembly inthe second phase of President de Gaulles fight to prevent de valuation of the franc The bclttightening program as igned to cut the govern atdciicit almost by halt in crease exports jmprave the tax collection machinery and pre vent rises in wages and prices It was companion to currency regtdetlhns announced Monday to keepspeculators lrom ship ping more lrancs out all the gantry in wholesale lots The only advance word on the austerity program came from de Gaulle himself in his broads duations would be mad in sub sidies nationallzedrndustries and in previously planned ex pensions oi me military and university programs De aulle also said wages and es would not be allowed to and export industries would be aided by removal of rtain taxes which weigh ex sively ontheir returns Cauve de Murville fills in the dctaiis tor the National Assem bly today BORDERS WATCH eanwhlle as the new curren griiations went into effect security police manned border cm andairports and searched travellers to matte iure they took out no more cur rencyvthan the relatively small amounts decreed Monday ortgqge Home Builders Association bout two miles southeastygol Toronto International Airport Monday night Two men wore killed in the crash The plane rénéhm eh Air lines and touristagentx reported heavy cancellations You cant go to New York forz days wnnsuo in your pocket aldonethat being the maximum amount allowed French tourist These are the regulations that affect the average Frenchman but they are of secondary portaace in the governments light to keep the franc at home Tracheck the big speculators who converted billions of francs into West German marks in the last three weeksthe govern ment decreed that all foreign exchange deals must clear through ofï¬cial hannela lt re mains to be seen how well his canbeeniorced The iran iiimed upwhen Eu ropes loreign exchanges re openedMonday and tradl was generally cautious EndlMayBeNeajrInfllttentpis To Rescue 78 Missing Miners MANNINGTON wIVa AP Rescue leaders and company omens indicatethey may have to reach an immediate decision on whether theyhava gone as far as theycan in trying to res cue 73 men trapped tor six days in coal mine wracked by ex plosion and tire Most of those directing th rescue operation said they were notouite ready to make adecision but time and contin only brie lrom trade arrangements available to it takesto provide cu eastsbynotusiag to provide the new mortgage money so per cent of pension lunds need to be laveied mortgages over the years The task force ended by Mrn Hellyer he dbriets troruprov ineiai and Mo governments vlrom ihor the building lndus theiEagiaeerlng Institute ot Canada cooperatives and be threslndividuaia Public hausln cotdd providehousing for IV to twoiamilles at thesama cost as nilding speciï¬cations requiredtor housin which are would also Jeduce costs Fore aran pntcrrocevhomes eoul sh Meiucan Students My Monday ttirerto the deskthumping ap Drilling crews continued to men bli houso was apparently approaching the airport to land when it struck high tension power lines that run across the park to Virephoto Comm ndee Bus imxrco cm iAPtAbout 150 student commandeered citybus ar the interiorminim do all aboard arid known Expropriation Bill Mayor Aldermen Cityi Stati Get Retroacive The mayor arid the citys all dermen last night voted them selves salary increases that ranged mm 5600 to $2900 year 111 mayor who had had salary of $3600 now gets 86500 year The increase came as council accepted recommenda tions ironr the scncralgovern went committee to give all coun cii members an increase from $1311 to $1700 per annum The new scale is retroactive to Nov The chairmen of standing oommltleesgeta pay increase from 51400 to 32400 while vice chairmen who previously receiv no special remuneration will get $1000 cannons menasse City employm will get sc oral ihcrease of eight phr cent and council has hired comult aat for $1000 to conduct lob evaluation glor all civic employ ees which may mean additional pay increases in April or May The general government cora ssalary recommendations were accepted in recorded nlnetothree voto ItldDortan Perk Aid Frank Hersey and Aid Fred on marma saidshe was gainst any pay increases for council members did not run otflcerlormy personai Aid Park said There Iveral new menthe of Wflï¬dtu hallo ary period amagainst any measure of this sort thit copies in midterm belore ooua Qï¬eISiFQlrf Deal mnom roe Aibiu ensure that homeowners wo layout of pockei when th homes are expro atedwas ia tmduced Monday inthe legisla provalot opposition parties Thehili givenlirst raadi adds zip to the principle of homesforaliome by providing in effect that compensation be generous enough toeaahle home ued setbacks are Working against them Almost every réscue method almost every device knownex cept for sealing the mine and the late of the 78 along with it has been brought into play in the teasesix days since the ï¬rst blast shuddered through Maunt taineer Coal Co No 9mine bore holes deep into the ground to try to contact the missing preterable tosubsld edrentais Musset chairman of the Halitax housing authority said which has to be sponsible group owners it they desire tomove to better neighborhood AttomeyGeneral Arthur Wishait said the clu benefici aries will be personshvmg in areas slated tor urban rencw ve to pay miners of coatiscat ed property 100 per cent of mar ketvaiue plus an additional al lowance of five per cent to cover costs ot ding new equivalent homes The bill defines maria values as theamonht that would be ob tainedby ng seller ona sale iag buyer on the openmarke talas most or the major propos alsmadeby the royal commisr sion on James Ojltdenuer former chief justice of the Ontario Supreme Court and the Ontario Law form Commission public inquiry Theinquiry officer hen ports to an app politicallyre he eve home owner ship wasthe out for everyone Fatherless landlles shouldnot own hoine believedlhirty per cent of public housing low The Examiner Toms Ann Linden6 Clty Nealg Classiï¬ed12 or icei play areas newbie0o puhiq income families here Were with otit father Public housing tenants like row housing best and high rise apartments least Mr Musset said Heibel there should be more raial protects throughouttha meats in one area There ahould also be hon gytenantai social worke on aft of public housing ad miniétrationa toldeal wlth social ation feelnthe iataease rights headed by April 1968 and what union olticlaissald era 27 ng utbority ty rather than large public lion Increases Ald Smith and Ald Hersey tcmpted tobavetbe salary in creases refund back to com mittee but whenthls measure we unsuccessful moved to have the increase reduced to eight per cent in line with thatslvea to thercitys paid employees Horrors harassed lha motionto rater back to committee was dadeated nine to three with Smith Ald Hersey and Aid other in Elioabcth rum and her husband Richard Burton talk to aewsmen briefly before boardingan Air France plane to iris at has Angelugln tavo fihe move to he etheiacreas he kept in line with the eilbt per cent givende employees wasdetcated 10 to twowlth on its movers Smith soy la lavor pay would lead periods running lor couacll bo were seeking only the ney You cant puta dollareand cen value on council canine he This means someone who short of money cwld say to himself thinkilll be Il alderman Ald Jolliltb sauteed with Itld Herseys view hink onthe contrary wa can geta better classnf people it we are willing to give the little more for thelrjifofls in the Canadian Aï¬aoclatlon ol hreachupauaze Agni rotdcssto avprou bounced that legislation will be introduced as arty as possible in this session llement to We bretbe ardot otfa livemiliion dollar oorpo 3000 Quebeciliquorvli ployees returned aiter livemonth strike on the provinces liquor aims opened torbusineisafor the ï¬r tinge since June vwhelmingly Monday to end their strike and accept threeyear contract hammeredout in 100 Meetings oigovernment and union negotiators Thewatkout for higher pay started Wednesday June What liquor mores had been closed since the previous Saturday be cause of the Stilean Baptiste Day holiday June 24 andrtbe lederai election June 25 The contract retroactive to ri March 31 13711 cs workers wag ultimatomricioen At Simon Fraser BURNABY no ice tie is annoyed motion saying About 2000 students at bel 1th and guercdï¬imon Fraser University Monday approved fourpoint ultimatum and ga President Dr Kenneth Strand Another meetin until in PST todaytoaet on today oh he campus in an arrest YR01tfl arlyf urday of 114 militantstudents who had occupied theSFUad minlstration building tor three days ihepolice were called Dr trand 3A large majority of the stu LSPE ciai senaterneeting to recomid ertheibodyrsadndssion and ac problems and lestahlishment of ai RKadi at can aflishway theAlbbrta harder without pick downtntvn Yeh itsGreyCup week we stashed them Harry the for mer wrestler who presides over Alia iha creditatio policies which he ammo consort onto Fro auton ternationalval lastninht The Burton arrived in HollyL wood last week to attcndthe funeral of Miss laylors feth Francis through mprice thatirls pro lnce dcmandsthc cash equi lyitrather thaaJouislati measures from Ottawa thederal legislatlo ï¬nch eamearance the Greeks because they ttaeh to it candida whlch most nevercorres tadto its ties premier told tars that itvis not the hatchet the bmadcas eiroé into elec tor laid Moinlay nighttbat two persoaskili HY th Sotitherflflralisi bestway aids or ii velopin federallycomradede liitis relation other broadcastingaod lions iacilltitLi VRadiofleiévisioni Com is stunwould granlfpeflnllafor stations which would broaden educationalprorrains pprd by the Toronto liens llll Hatches Fo Coming Grey Cup Blast no sensedaiung aac normally ado weekihere wont be esticlrrot Harrys Hideaway bar in the iurniture in sight in any hotel been re lobby by Friday The move is of thy precautions that will be taken the downtown area in anticlp tion of Greyï¬up hysterra expected toreacb ciim Sat urdaywheaottatva an er of day wercvprobably tims oftha landslide team oi mine detéctor hon diers rent it armed forces base at iitmhefl over the mmmtatn the highway 10 ingnprany trace of metal moved the combination draught been houseand bar on the second floor otlthe Metropole Hotel said Manda think maybewe yanked th mallewndays early but its iCASULE EWS sols as Open to noun us planes have ed North Vietnam duiproc their search er aircrait us spokesman said today for two missing tholb at WHM isrnonthold sonwho di