contest iongaannnunnoonn flit31 in the ellow over trail local school boards to Lcounty wlde school aye ttmtootpaee 1m uax Cellini twatlo auditorium nbcoll people allowed their names lnmndlu nomination to the two new school boards that will into eliect Jammy Four barrio residents out their namesJorward lor the two selil allotted to the city on the it member county school Minty come board Mrs Thelma Cocloum Noel Stephenson and David McClymont all members at tho Barrie public school board and Dr John Anders member or the Barrie District Collegiate board stood for nomination The three seats allotted in Barrie on the it member seplt arale school board are being contested by seven Barrie resi dtnts Mrs Margaret Kelly Hoyslon ll Saunders Connolly Clohosey Swick and Brennan nll supporters stand for nomina tion SEVEN CONTESTst The two seats on the county school board reserved for repre sentative from the separate Aschoois are being contested by total at seven county residents The separate school representa tives run at large in the county and vote only on issues direct ly Biiectingthe separate sec ondary schools in the county Running tor the two seats are LMullie Varney llcltig Vhelnn ligan llierrlen and Ray mond Gariepy Mr Gnriepy raised the only laugh oi the evening when he told the and ience of 115 that he hadnt spent much time with youth because my own ll children keep me pretty busy The nominations were accept ed by city clerk Ben Strau ghan When they closed Ed Candidates Outline views In AGCGPting NOminéitiOns The tour candidates for the two seats allotted to Barrie on the new county school board which will come intociiectdaiy uary delivered prepared speeches as they accepted their nominations last night Mrs Thelma Cockburn told tthe meeting tha contrary to what some people interpret as move toward centralization oi veducationai authority close analysis of the legislation re ea that acounty board system is very definite step towards de centralization in many areas Our own officials will have the responsibility or supervising and implementing our school programs and the school pro grams will be under the juris dictionni the trustees on your county board she said Noel Stephenson emphasiz ted the need or experience in his acceptance speech This neWboard in ils formative stages is going to require the most experienced and dedicat ed trustees who are very iam iliar with all aspects of mod two seam were all impressed tsaid Dr John Anders covered LOCAL nun GENEltlil NATURALISTS EXCURSION ilhe Brereton Field Naturah lsts Club of Barrie is planning another exclusion into Minesing Swamp Saturday morning 0o ject of the iicld trip is to loc ate the elusive Miocsing heron ry The group oiso or more tree top nests has so far elud eed the naturalists N0 ACCIDENTS Barrie detachment provincial policehadnt had or accident to contend with or 12 hours at noon today INDUSTRIAL ACCOUNTANT The national president of the Society of industrial Account ants Darrell Campbell Vancouv ill speak tova dinner meet ing at the Georgianan branch PRINCE ARRESTED CAIRO Reuters Priacc idrlss son of the late ulttii loader Abdel Karim lflialtahl was arrested here Monday for attempting to smuggleflflmo worthol narcotics into Egypt the Cairo newspaper Al Ahram says Authorities seized dbl 9packets oi narcotics packed in France and smuggled from Bet rut= the paper says NOEL STEPHENSON Mills was named chairman oi the meeting while the candi dates Spoke for live minutes Ross Saunders told the meeting he was running as trustee on the separate school awjde range of problems the new board will be faced with Part oi ids acceptance speech covered the necd for dear lines at responsibility between the boards at education and the tax paycr The government of Ontario has accepted the recommenda tions oi the Smith Committee re port on taxation that hoards oi education levy their own taxes it will be my objective said Dr Anders to make sure that every tax dollar that is spent by the board returns full value in educational services to our students David McClymont said in ac cepting the nomination that de mands on the new board will be so diverse that representa tion by specialists even in ed ucation would be handicap for the taxpayers The four candiddtes tor the diam 505 anal 393 with the Work done by thein terim school organization com mittee The committee consisted of representatives irom all the school boards that are being phased out Dr Anders and Neal Stephenson were both members of the committee which handed down series of at the Continental inn Meeting beginsato pm tomorrow gt HOLD CONFERENCE Tomorrow is the last dayot the special Christian Renewal Conference at St Andrews Presbyterian Church in Barrie Guest lecturerDr Mariano Di Gangt will to holding general meeting tonight and tomorrow ght at 45 Auction Wednosdoy Nov 27 BARGAlNS GALORE Conuhunity service protect oi the liarrlo Rotary Club on Joan moans hoard to save the Catholic schools He expressed some concern or the education Catholic stu dcntrare getting rom the school system recommendations to guide the new school board when it comes into being on January Unlike some school trustee el ections oi the past thisjyears has all the slgns 01 good battle The nominations gthad no sooner closed than advertisements be gon appearing on television Committees have been iormed and telephone campaigns are minnows4 rummnomman lIJISI Damage $1775 Iiiivlllisheps Four traiiic accident in the city yesterday three otthem occurring vdlhln an hour at earl other caused total oi $1715 damage There were no injuries At am an driven by Al lardns Procee as or John Strut and Vernon hichIy $8 at Mountbatten heaoeat were in collision in the intersection at Wallinan and Owen Streets The Procce vehiclewar north bound on Owen and McQuoy wls eastboundoa Wellington at the time oi the acddeat total at $350 damage was Mono At li5 collision on Codrlog ton Street calmed 15 damage to two cars William Ewart Mayes so was puttingout of his own drlvvewny at the that whcn hls car Wu struck by one driven by Doris Dunn at Vancouver Street She was driving west on Codrington Tltiln street at innisril was the scene ot another crash at am Cara driven by JohnLcroy Veltmh 51 at Midhurst and Ken nethFildcy 45 ot Stroud were involved Damage to both cars was estimated at $650 ltunning tor the three seals scat county separate school allotted to ilnrrie on the li boardarciromlcit to right Ii FBrcnnan hi Shirk At 125 pm carsrdriten by Bruce Law of Maplcview Drive and Michael Smith 19 BI Bill ï¬eld Street were inrcolllsion in the northbound lane of Maple Avenue Lawwas driving north on Mapleand Smith was pulling out at the labiawa parking lot and turning north when the mis hap occurred Police place damage total at 5125 lCIahoscy Connolly In MjostMunicipnnnes Vcst Gwillimbury council was Ens room PRICES TORONTO lCP thnicsalc to retail carton eggs average weighted prices quoted by the department oi agriculture as oi Monday Alargc 552 me dium 50 small 393 Wholesale Canadian 1915115 MAY MOVE SANFRAiClSOO San Francisco 49cra conï¬rmed Monday they have commis sioned studyot their acute APt prices to country stations fibre cases quota ed by commitment wholesale egg dealers extra large sun 5311 large sonarz medium iiiiii small 3855 3345 Tl nutter prices Dairy Commission lcnderablc cariots buying 39 score 64 buy ing 40 score 65 selling 65 being mapped out nan also stadium problem and that the end result could be move to another Bay area city Lou Spa dia president and one of the owners at the National Football league club issued statement conï¬rming report carried by the San Jose MercuryNews that Optimum Systems inc of Palo Alto Calit had been hired to make the stud fiadnd sjnpsaupoM qatnM Imus Eugen sin adsPcatlaaM J°l elected by acclumnlionkhiondny but indicntions lrom most other Simcoc County municipalities which held nomination meetings yesterday is that there will he council elections on Dec Nominees have until pm tonight to sign oualitying docu ments it they wish tostand MEDDNTE OUTLOOK An election is indicated in Mc donle township following yester days nomination mceting at Moonstonc with possible contests for all live council scats Dec item Dalton lcrmcy oi Coul son area now completing his th year asn member of Me donle council and Deputy Reeve ingram Amos oi Hillsdale area were both nominated as move and each indicated he wuuld stand Howard Robinson clcrk said candidates have until pm tonight to decide Thrcc nominated for deputy recyc were councillors llorace Vascy and Morley Ball andcx Keith Langiord councillor Howard Dunlap Mr Dunlcp disowas dominated or council along with Councillor Boyd Miller Donald Voodmw Kenneth Hamilton Paul Me Hugh and Lytic Johnstonc CONTEST 1N TINY Thaic isa good chance of an other clcclion battle between in cumbent rdevcv Michael Assclin and or waidco Montcalm Maurice Tinytownship cinc tlon on Monday Dec Both wcrcmominalcd tor the reeveship at nomination meet ing at Perkinstieid ycslcrdoy along with linur soilicrs Dcputy ilech Eugene rhiaiiioux dccid ed against scckingf reelection but there were ï¬ve othersnom tnatcd tor deputy Eight werc aominnledjonttirea council seats held dudog the past two years by Etienne Marchildon Ernest Lainvrc and Charles Robb Guy Manriccis Tiny toivnship clerk and chief cicctiuiloiiiccr WEST GWILLIMBURIY in West Gwiilimhury liceve returned tor second in year term by acclarnation nt vyesterclays norri ination with Councillor Orville ilughcsmovcd up to deputy room to take the place oi Arthur Wright wh witiuirew tr municlp hi or the jmscnt John Fennel SaWytr and Stanl Cairns ware elected to counci In Adjalaliceile Frrod Bax ter whorls county roads chair rnannnd Deputy hegvelir cis Kelly rWDre both nominatedior reeve at nnomioatidn meeting atIioret gt gt Deputy llceve Kelly was ono of three Inomjnatcd tordaputy The others were Peter Calms an iiussell Sirr both present coune ciilors Five WerevnominaiedJchhe councillor seats and nominees have until tonight at sign quaiillcation papers STARTS IN COLORAHO Thetlio Grande starts in 7001 oradn dropping 1W0 iéet to the Texas plains stEEKI stairs fonjxscpnnnis SCHOOL tonne Mrs Margaret Kelly and tin Saunders lExamin Photoi DEATHS CUNYINGMMI Marian nunpaw of at in itoyai vLcwm Hoo pm Home on Saturday Nov it can Marion nuxn urncx Ink to lovin Mud Austin Cuanlngham or llarrlc Ind lov my mama or iir no sin it Dmclmankol amazith sum oi um or Ortllla MarlRt thin Lloyd nnvconunt Jean Mn lJCiInnnnt Toronto Sumo Washgo non of Gmcnirnrst Dar oinu nus Armttrvnitt oronn ill Caivln or Pcterborw Malhcr or nuin Alin thin Works or trauma Austin sham or Guelph Myrna Bmoc Linda Paul Peter at home Predeccued by kiln dean and 50 3wiuiaxn mso suzvlvcn nytwo grandchildren Restl It the Conw and uvul Funcr Home Graientltlfl Ur luncrllscrvlte attha Calvary anv Im Church on vzonescy at too am intennent Mick omi Cemetery Gravnnhurr which um ADS 1933735231317 NEEDANEW VOLKSWAGENL NO PAYMENTS TlLL FEB 1969 at BARRIE VOLKSWAGEN thaovyléiylagerf fstesgttrgr0wingbeer