Snooker Champion Playsï¬xhihition Matches Here SCHOQLS nu nonncutrunar pants Second and third place priz es for the best kept school grounds in Barrle were pre sented to custodians of the winning sdiools by the princi pals 0n the lefl Smith principal of Steele Street school presents an award to custodian Bill Courtney lion Kelcny principal of Johnson Street presents an award to matad lan Harry Slessor Examiner Photo IN TOWN TONIGHT CITY NEWS LOUNGES BayahoreThe Millionaires QueensThe impacs Coutlutnlli innKay Cook WellingtonNeil Jackson BrookdlleThe Three Reeds MOVIES RoxyThe Dark of the Sud plus Guns For San Sebaslian ImperialThe High Commissioner LOCAL AND GENERAL PANEL DISCUSSION panel discussion including Barrie public school superinten dent Angus McKay Secondary school superintendent Jack Ramsay and the coauthor of the HallDennis Report Lloyd Den nis will be shown on Channel this evening at 1130 AUTOS COLLIDE John Henry Whltc 45 of Woodcrest Road and Thomas hirran 44 at Strand were involv ed in collision Sunday morn ing Damage to the two vehicles was estimated at 3350 Police report that the Curran vehicle was westbound op Bur Finianst Rainbow tan Ave when it slid into the eastbound lanc Roads were re ported to be icy N0 INJURY Victoria Street driver struck utility pole at lnnlsfil and Per ry Streets Sunday afternoon Earriepoliee report that Paul Robinson was not injured in the accident The PUC pain we malned standing STRIKES POLE Douglas Woolsey 11 of Stayner struck telephone pole Sunday afternoon on Tifï¬n St Damage to the car was estimat ed at $300 Police report that road canditioni were slippery THE BARRIE EXAMINER MDNDAYVNOVEMBER Id 1968 MotoriSts EScape Serious Mishaps Accidents during the weekend wereminor even though roads were icy alter freezing rain and light snows covered the area Barrie police were busy with complains of cars that failedylo negotiate turns OPP in Barrie reported several cars in ditches along some at the county roads The most serious mishap oc curred well before the snowiall at 530 pm Saturday on High way 93 near Craighurst Four people three at them passengers in car driven by lilyrna Simp son2lai RR Shanty Bay received minor cutsr The other driver involved Prank Lockhart 51 of Churchill also receide bump on the head 1A Bright Production By MURIEL LEEPER Don Gillies starred as the leplt rediaun in Saturdays bright pro duction of Finians Rainbow Central collegiate was packed to the doors with theatregoers anticipating another firstrate show by the Kitchener Water loo Musical Productions known to us formerly as the Twin City Operatic Society What the and ience did see was wellpaced show with some strong starring roles but show which at times showed obvious flaws The tempo of the production was well chosen llhere were no dull moments and much of the credit or this and for the con tinued enjoyment throughout must be given to Arthur Freund musical director The Wpieee orchestra played in professional style and quality to match any good musical As result audi ence interest was kept at peak The role of the leprechaim was big one and one that Don Gil lies filled into as if tailormade or the part He leaped twist ed androlled about the stage like true lrish elf and his making voice had finelight tenor quality that suited welL Todays frecaing rain in the name district will be followed by rain changing to snawiiur rtes tonight the Toronto wea ther office predicts it will continue cold Tuesday with snawflurries expected to tinue Winds Will be northerly 25 to 40 tonight The mercury will dip to lo tonightrising Tuesday to 32 Freezing rain will rn Iv Haliburton and southern Gear gian Bay regions later today Farther north the precipitation ill fallln the form of snow iuesdays weather willbe snowi flurries and continuing cold in all regions Hamilton London Windsor Lake St Clair Lake Erin southern Lake Huron Niagara Snowilurrias and wider Tues day Winds increasing thls ai lernonn to northeast ZI to 30 and night to northerly 25 to 40 Northern Lake Huron eastern llr Gillies was also stage dire actor and choreographer and in this capacity gave some bril liant spotsto thestory that al ready is becoming dated One of the ï¬nest moments after stun ning npeningwas at the begin ning of the second act The sight of the Irish immigrants en tering the stage draped in bolts ofclath fromShears and bust Ltd was shawstapper Thisshort scene could well have been enlarged upon for more effective tew minutes The scene too featuring the three Passion Pilgrim Gospellers in The Begat song was one of the best moments in the show RAY 0F SUNSHINE Wendy Blake as Susan Ma honey the dancing deaf mute was delightful ray of sunshine running through the whole pro duction and she danced her way right into the hearts of the audi ence She ianni only gifted as dancer but her personality shines throughrto her viewers Mary Hunt and Bryan Wiens in the roles of the two lovers were both visually effective Un fortunately neither seemed to aisinicr nonn ILFreezing Rain Snowflurries Triesqu Lake Ontario Erecting rain warning issued Freezingrain changing this afternoon to rain and overnight to snowtlurrles Snowflurrlcs and colder Tues day Winds increasing this at ternoon to northeast 20 than and tonight to northerly 25 ad to loronto westetn Lake One to Freezing rain warning is sued Freezing rainchanglng to rain andovernight to snowtiur nesgsflownunies and colder Tuesdayswinds increasing this attention to northeast 70 and an aliburton southern Georgian Freedng rain warning is sued Framing rain changing ti venlng rainand over night tanight nowflurries snowflurries nd continuing cold ilMday Winds increasing this afternoon to northeast 20 to go and tonight to northerly 25 to Sault Ste ltlarie Sudbury North hay northern Georgian have large voice so at times their parts were lost to the audi ence Nevertheless Mrs Kuntz gave sweetness to the role of Sharonthat was quite appealing Her voice is always true an never strained quite convincing but somehow seems to have cast himself as former film star Barry Fitz gerald He too keptthe show at an excellent pace and pre vented any sag in tempo Uniortunately the group at singers and danners were on part One of the basic require is young glamorous group of girls The choreography the set tings the entire show would have been titted from the somewhat amateur presentation if the con temporary dress had been on young swingers The few young girls and young men there were completely overpowered by their more mature partners The Ladies Auxiliary to the Lions Club of Barrie brought this musical production to Bar rie Theyare to be commended to their work Todov Bay TimagamifAlgoma White River Snow and blowing snow today Snowflurries and contin uing cold Tuesday Winds northl easterly 20 to at today northerly 25to toTnesday Forecast temperatures Law tonight high Tnesday Windsor St Thomas mutton Kitchener Mount Forestu Wingham Hamilton Toronto Killnloe Muskoka Etirltun Scult SteMarie gtKapuskasing Mike McGralh as Finianv was the whole too mature for the mean for good musical Show Passengers in the Simpson ear Ann Miller Nancy hidean and Alberta Simpson received cuts and bruises Another passenger JanlccCiark was unhan Atjaas am Sunday cars driven by Frank Sblendorio 2a of Scarborough and Joseph ltilazga 47 at Toronto wenaln collision on Highway 400 Just north of the Strandivy overpass No one was hurt but total of saw damage was done Hugh Parker 51 Burlington and Shirley Thomson 21 of Tor ontowere unhurt when cars they were driving collided on Highway 400 near concession in Essa township at lizlsSundny morning An estimated $150 dam age was done to Paflters car and $25 to the Thomson vehicle AtsunsetSit ayliighwaytoo south of Barrie became snow covered and icy again This can ditinnwas said to bemoving north from the Toronto area Héalth you Has Busy Month Registercd nurses at theSim coe County Health Unit began hearing and vision tests in elem entary sdioela during October Immunisation clinics tor var iety of diseases were alsocon dacted along with tuberculosis tests total of 4435 child immuni zations have been done to date this year 340 of them in De Gganaétas eSpook ge emu sea Si no Barrie men Saturday alien and was beaten by ans Ken WWMMBI Chet in an exhibition dialledgo matdi that Awas part of open lng attivitics at the renovated The Mp Billiards ball on Dunlap Street Howasawarded priu at $10 by the manager Mrs Shir lsyGobeen dealer who suftered stroke some LInengo but say be is stul as active as or played two live game sets one begin ning at pm and the other at pm During the afternoon be played Thoroughgood Roy Juncuka Vern Smith Bill Mb lfiever and Bill MeAlcer Sr Following the altemoen set uranier performed some fancy shots or the audience it spectators uha had gatheredja watch th action in the evening Chealer play ed against Roy Zmitls Bob Carrudiera Tel Letourneau Bob Powell and Gary Anderson lhenler once madea record break at in mixing perfect game by only few points He has played challenge mat dica an televisionregularly and Is currently North Amurlcan snooker diampian was in Barrie seven yar eight years ago and remcm her they had quite few good players here then he said be fore the games Barrie Art Club Plans Session Gravenhurst artisi llirs Marie Aiken will lecture in members of the Barrie Art Club in library hall Wednesday evev ning Mrs Aikcnwhojust re turned from an art tour in Peru is graduate of the Vancouver School of Art She has taught at the Elliot LakeVCeEtretar Continuing Ed ucatian and is an authority on nraitsShe has also studied needlework The meeting the last of 1963 beginsat pm Representatives 0i Ilrea Industry Will Take Tour in ial representatives from Barrie Georgian Bay and Muskoka will gather in Allistan tomorrow evening or avlourvot Saladn Foods The tour spon sored by the local industrial Accident Prevention Associa tions branch precedesdry ular monthly dinner meeting at the brandt buffet supper in the Notin wasaga inn on Highway 89 east of Alliston begins al730 pm The tour which will be primar llyrlo emphasire safety mealt surespbegins at 630 pm Mrs Normalie Watson branch secretary said turnout of close to 91 is expected tober Adult rimmuniiatiens gainst tetanus and polio for October gt Quint vaccinations at child centres tathllzu in October longwith 38 for live measles 126 for quadruple antigen and aim that 56 children received small pox vaccinations Nursing visits were made on total 76 total of 939 county families of which 36 are new since 0c tober total at 330 school vis its zoomsschool and 234 in taut visits were made Total musing Visitsfor every thing from mental huth to fnom municabla diseases totalled 526 in October on conga Adviser Quits MILWAUKEE WIS MP rllev James Groppi who won prominence as the leader oi openhousing marches ago announced Saturday his resignation an adviser tote Milwaukee Youth Council of National Association for theAd vaneement of Colored People The white Roinan Catholic priest had beenadviser lathe council since loos He said he was vrasigning devote more time to militant sa ci action involvement within th St Boniface parish of Which he is member of the pastoral team The church is in Milwaukees predominantly Negro inner Core Diamond some Faund Murdered Unawanx Ear ewivYorir diamond salesman who police aid had been car ryingauonsgnment at $500000 in uncut diamonds was found shot to death at Newark Airport Saturday The Stamper wound in the left islde of his head at of his 1968 Cadillac banking lot at the airport as found in the rlm ou cheat on diets cannon mammalian American snooker champion makes the first break against his opponent Roy Janetzka during opemng of the new Tuwne Billlzirds on Dunlap Street Watdting the break is assistant manager Emerson Stain air utcnier known in Canada as Mr Snooker played total oi to local men in aiternoon and evening sions Examiner Photo COuhtv iSChools Boar it will be the beginning of the end for municipal school boards tonight as nominatlons for seam an the new county board are ac cepted at Central Collegiate by city Clerk Henson Strnughan The nomination meeting for the two seats Burrlc hnsbccn allot led on thenewJBmembcr noun ty school board will be held in the Central Collegiate auditorium this eveninghetwcen 730 and 830 oclock ltlr Straughan said he will call for nominations at 730 pm and will close an hour later Namin ees must be Canadian citizens and cum voters list When the ofï¬cial portion at the meetingis over achairmnn will be selected by the rn illn auctions Wednesday Nov 27 BARGAINS GALORE Community service project at the Barrie Rotary Club Rotary 55 And in your secret payers attending the meeting It is up tothe chairman to de side if candidates once nomin ated are going to speak and how long they will havcï¬ said Mr Slraughun lhc mecting will mark the be ginning of process that will sue the disappearance of the manic ipal school board The 33 school boards in the county will goaut of existence on Jan and be replaced by one board with in members The tirst meeting otthe new countyschool board will beheld Dec one week alter the olecT tion of tntstccs The candldatcs far the two seats allottede Barrie an the LOW LOW REGULAR DRY CLEANiN Plain Dresses25 Skirts Plain Pants 27 Ladies Sln Mens Suits Fast Servica Free organ HURONIA pa rum sell you irnowtbata whyihey dont work Bu aka courage Nowv meal sliced Hollywood Breedlmtadtétallliyilbeli1tlust Diet Book shows you how loaf ofvoouraqe Police said an attache ase whichhéhad beeniearryin the diam ndslw like freefillpoWer urs whar Siniully satisfying theres diet plan that lets you cheatat everymaal It works on Fillpawer1iot will purer The Pillpcwe Diet hearty Hollywood Special Formula Breddat eva keep your mind from getting hunéry light or dark Baked with eightweqetableilours and thin you borrow board will begin their campaigns as soon as nominations close 650000 See Santa Parade TORONTO CF meds estimated at 650000 stood fich deep with children standing on shoulders and peering through legstowatdi the ï¬lth annual Santa Claus parade Saturdayl Military bands andbrightly unharmed girls tingling iistfulls ot tiny bells marched along the ï¬llsmile route dawn Torontos Yonge Street They Were fol lowed by hugc floats raters sits Delivery parser DRIVEIN cha on CLEANERS