Barrie Examiner, 18 Nov 1968, p. 2

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deep in rehearsals of Wendy Hldts childrens musical nigh The Princess with Problem This tun notary written and limited at Mrs Hicks with arrangements and incidental mu do by Mary Morley won the ma Canadlan Womens Press Club Award Seine changes have bee made to the original shrill aaldhtrs Hicks during brifl broil It rcbearsal Including the addition at gymnasts from the Barrie Gyrnnostis Club coached by David Boyd The part at the Good Witch an amusing and enchanting char acter will he played by Joan George in this production The Princess with Proh lem will be presented in three pertormancea at Barrie Central Collegiate Auditorium Nov 29 730 part matinee Nov so at 230 pm and again In the evening oi Nov at 730 pm The performance runs no long er than one and hall hours For the first time the ionisrrl School District is planning to sent night bus loads of school children accompanied by teach ers to the Littles Hill Players presentation The play will be sponsored by the University Womens Club The Princess witha Prob lem stars Nip Parsons as King Charlc Fannie Hodges Queen lililiicc Dianne Adair Princess Belinda Mark Hutchings Gal ead loan Gengc Good Witch Bill Porter Wicked VIrard The production stall is headed by Wendy Hicks playwright and director John Hicks producer WENDY incns author and director olPrioccss with Problem the eurront Littles Mdfisfitela Sinke Enters 9ih Duplicate plant golnsod Barrie police report several windows mm the was bound Mandield Denman Gen rerai toaDyrneatitosddurt iag mfld The strike now In its ninth week with no prospect ointlle meat In Sight fluted when 300 United Rubber workers refused to accept changes In piece incentive program that was at tached to an acros the board wage increase The rubber work ers said the changes In the In centive program would remit In is money ior them Hill Players production Is an pervising rehearsals at the union ball on Owen Street Maurice Ellison stage manager costume design lean Gram being handled by Laura Coop and set design loan Genge makeup Ticket distribution is er and Jean Keith blown sham and Mark Mulchings actors in them gt rent Littles Hill Players pro duetion pose during reheat sal breskrrMisEIAdalr played the part oiv the princess when thavplayrrrst ran two years ago The play was sell out them Examiner Photos vEnrichmethcannons7 Mdin Canferni10i£ rGovjt WINDSOIHLOnt GP If people in Ontario are enjoys iull lite in the mos sdmetiing will have to bedone aboul en ronmentalr conditions From John Roharu orientario said ton to miles outheast of Wind sor the preyniersaid the main government or the next decade ouldhe be qual ity of tile for our id grandchildren Consider the lane freeway on which you have to drive arbour toiravcl six miles newsman my gt ay have lot of moose pasturesinflntario but of what use will theyvbe it we are um able togeLIo the Mruilobarts said he is contin uallybeiug asked when taxes will come down Pointing to the enormous sums of money required ioren vironmental controlsuch as pollution oi air water and soil aimways aha at traver rm SUDEURY al depar at of agr pen clinics next week to vaccinate petsagainst rabies Health inspector James Sandui caseshave been report ed thisyear in thc Noelville area about miles southeast oi dudbury other clinics will be In Hagar Estsi rAihanSt Charles Warren avignegMo neivill anls indian Reserve Verner and Kipling ms sanocrous VALPARAISO Reuters Hundreds oi hungry ieroclous rats are terrorists section at Why riot preserve what ouhava created by good IEsiaiaf Plann rig Today the ndivldual can no longer provideservices iorhimself and has to rely on moiety to provide them or uws th Chilean port city andhave lien jeightrchildren and an adult All nine were treated against rahi stand alifnight guaid In their homes to defend themselves againstfiattacku SEVENJHE IN FIRE BRIGHTON AP Seven persons died Saturday In the second seafront hotel lire in this British resort community in 24 hours oiticlais reported No one hands to has was injured in the earlier tire confined to one roo Union and management have notniet for the past our weeks The strike means alas oi more than $11000 week in pay to the workers Management personnel are nrnnlng theplant while the strike is on Trucks delivering loci and Candidates Will Speak In Innislii Ibe Alanna Sunnyhrae and Warnica Home and School As societies has announced meet ing Thursday Nov 21 at 730 pm in the Lakelands Common ity Hall on the 8th concession of Innisiil township The meeting wll give candi dates running tor the two seats available totbe district on the new county school board an opportunity to put iorward their views Later in the evening is pan el discussion on Your child and Narcotits Films will be shown bciore the panel discussion Report Minor Road Mishaps Provincial police In areas round Barrio report fairly quiet weekend in the lace oi arrow and ireezlag rain which made some stretchesvolhighwsy hazardous Detachment in Eimvale Brodiord Drillia Allisth and Stayner oil report several minor accidents most oi which were caused when cars slid Into dit ches Little damage was done and there are no reports oi in jurIcs so lar Highways in these areas are now reported mainly clear with odd slink spots Treasury Board Estimates Go Beiore Commons OTIAWA CPI Control at Iedcral spending probably VIIII be the topic today astbe treas ury board spending estimates come beiore the Commons As treasury board president Drury has amonghis res pon iiities the control oi gov ernment spending Opposition MP5 havebeen bracing the government about the hows andwhys oi an unex pected $670000000 dellcit an nounced by Finance Minister Edgar Benson last month The government said last spring it hoped to keep 196869 spending near balance with tax revenues The estimates oi AuditorGen eral Maxwell Henderson an eagleeyed spotter oi wasteful government spending are to 101 low those of thetreasury board which thi give the opposition another chanceto scrutinize what beingdon th public money TheCommons probably will spend most oi the week dealing with the detalled tarlii resolu tion sesulting irom Kennedy hound ncgoti Ions atjieneva the General Agree eat on mm was ranious GBAND norms Mi or EricEnstrom whoSe picture inhabitants id man saving grace in many home died Saturday in hospital bera alter Enstrom took picture arhedrded man eyes but and iolded with loaf of bread and soup etnra hint on the table Enstrom entitled it Grace Millions at copies of tilt print were so $90 Q0 pa month SAVE CAPITAL EXPENDITURE INSURANCE MAINTENANCE lNCLUDED shqhiasizssm BARBIE DRIVE saaoroaarsr gAR wtarnderapolloo Hampers oitlctlis rahsate cannot ontha number or tires tint are being produced Most oi the ltrikcle have louod honorary lurk mi pre pared to sit out thedirlkc flle union said it lahavlng ditliculty iinding man who are tree to man picket lines Angusblank Without Hydro Ior Three Hour An as yet unexplained iault Saturday oiternoon letl Ontario hydro subscribers in the Angus without power or three Crews still havent located the trouble but have narrowed It down to hailsnile of line near Angus Power is now being badrdjed ironi Mitxljigrstdand the area now supp lb tr say hydro niilcials The blackout was not related to two short breaks in the Ben ria area Friday morning which occurred around 5pm It took all night to narrow the area at search down oneminute break In Barrio Friday morning which happen ed just after threeoniouto break which affected only the surrounding arcs as far as Iti llston was caused by an equip ment change An improvement program ls being carried out at the Barrie station sayolticlais and it Is being done without cloa Ing down The threeminute break was due to an incorrect switching sequence used during the place ment of new piece of equip ment Stable Currency II Chief Problem In Separate Que MONTREAL or Iha chiel problemthat would taco an independent chem that formed loose economic union with Canada would he to main tain stable currency Robert Bourassa Quebec Opposition Ii caudal critic said Saturday Mr HourassaJnid branch meeting 0Ltha SILJean Baptiste Society that it majority of the economic unions members de clded on tax raise androne member opposed the effec tiveness of central bank to protect the unions currency could well be paralysed This in turn could scare ois outside investors to whom the union would seem wry trag IIe organisation Mr Bourassa said that it Que bec were to separate it might find that Ontario had lomied an economic union with the us his stead of with Quebec Mr Bourassal said that Que bee wouldgundeago period of austerity after separation be cause there would be little con no In the newunion Zara roan mas icentrei gives instruction in how to keep leap in mania condition in the field to Iprs Carl Dickln Militia Holds Exercise lit Base Borden Militia troops on exercise at Basn Borden yesterday stopped the war long enough to res cue drivu In distress Mernlt hers at squadron the Grey and Simone Foresters tak log part In reconnaissance exer cise Scimitar in the Black down Park area at the training base raw sports car taking part In road rally slide Into steep ditch all an Icy road Piling out at their vehicles they heaved the car back on the road paid their compliments to the driver and went back to the mock battle The troops forming recon nalssance unit under command at oiiieer cadet Art McNeil cov ered most at the motor roads In the training area perfecting driving radio and scouting tech niques Regular force Instruction ior the militia begin soon Mean while their own instructors are planning exercises such as Scimitar to ready troops for manoeuvres on much larger scale As many as 400 men took part in Mobile Command train ing atthe base last winter see Heavy Show For onlario TORONTO 0P Heavy snow warning ior Algomn northern Georgian Bay and Ti magami regions issued at 930 am EST An Intense storm moving rap Idly northeastwsrd ovcr south ern Ontario is dumping heavy snowialls on the area to the north of Georgian Bayand Lake Huron Winds are moderate to strong causing heavy dflitlng in some localities Accumulations jot three to six inches are likely over the area before the heavy snows taper off to snowflurries late today or tonight in the North Bay area the show will at times be mixed with ireezing rain this morning him OUT mos AT lakesion RESTAURANT AREMONDAY T0 THURSDAY ROASTIOM TURKEY with all the trimmings or BRAISED SHORT RIBS natural gravy 1557 Includes soup or juice hot rolls choice oi potatoes vegetables dessert and venge Special Childrens Menu Kentucky FriedLChiekenv MON TOLTHURS SPECIAL Regular valun buyti BUCKET OR BARREL oi Kentucky Fried Chicken ion hot More to start ex ercise Scimitar at Ban Bor den this weekend The Barrie militiamen members at Squadron the Grey and Stan coe Foresters were part at reconnaissance troop Exam Iner Photo Urban Renewal Unaffected Here The call or halt to new urban renewal studies by Trans port Ministerlaul Hellyer dur lng the weekend will not at Iect the study that is currently being conducted in Barrie Mayor Robert Bentley said this moqu that Barriea study had been approved in principle He sold tenders were going out now ior an Indepth study at the DEATHS was chairman and CalgaryJohn Mayer 79 chairman ot the board and pres ident oi Home Oil Ltdand former director oi the Calgary Exhibition and Stampede RonreAuguslin Cardinal Ben 87 German Jesuit who led the quest intha Roman Catholic Church ior agreement among the worlds major crocds in hospital of bronchial inlection siiecting his heart Rome43h Riccardo Galeaui LIsI To former personal physi cian oi the late Pope Pius XII who gained notorielyiln 1958 Ior selling deathbed photographsot the poatlii and resigned as di rector oi the Vatican Health Services 3In in panama aoaui downtown NFC oty planning committee will advise city coun oil on the group at consultants who can do the best job tor the least money Once approval tor the Indeoth study Is granted Irom the isle oral and provincial govemmants the city will sign contract and the study wIIlbegln The next step is Implementa tion of the suggestions contain ed In the lndepth report Mayor Bentley saldfWe could be mak ing some at the changes recom mended as early as ion The lodepth study will be con centrated on the downtown core oi Barrie ltlayor Bentley des cribed ua Indepth study as one that would come up with ilrm recommendations as to the type at change that should be made The study would be very or clllc he said woman omit HAVE KIDNEYIRRITMION Common Kidney or Bladder Irrita iion liiect vimI mlny Wnllllll as men ullln causing tenseners and nervousnlu irom reorient pastas secondarily you may lore slerpnnd have Helduhu Bunches and itel older tired depressed In such cases crslsx usuatt brlnss relaxing comfort by curb germs in not urine Illd using Set CYSTDK It druulsts today sloped asiAnpskalIPaM 1° yadsad sAnpsanl uptoM autiM strait Illinois Iluo loosens clung moronic out dolrrna

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