Barrie Examiner, 18 Nov 1968, p. 1

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EWNER rstseuohss adulation audited Alhttlifln mm Aiilother Departments THE NDP vrcroa ald MacDonald right and lorries Renwtck clasp hands in victory salute following Mr MacDonalds rc Dubceks Appear Numbered PRAGUE All Thousands of Czechoslovak students contin uetl sitin strikes at their schools today as Communist party chiei Alexander Duhceks leading hole in the occupied country appeared to be nearing an end The students barred by the governmcnt from demonstrating in the streets shut tb in Harris sch onstrate the sappointmcnt at the party central committees retreat uudcr Soviet pressure from the reiorm prngtamDuh cek had hcndcd it was the tirst organised stu dent political action since the Communists took power in 1948 it threeday central commit tce meeting that ended shortly betnre dawn Sunday set up an eightman executive committee that was believed likely to re duce the popular Dubcek to iig urehead status The committee was expected to establish collective leader ship tbat some Czech sources predict will result in public apa thy and the eventualeclipse oi Dubcek the symbol at the re form movement Student leaders said about 10000 students were on strike in Prague nday whenno classes were schgduled and other stu dents in rBohemia and Moravia iced in The students said they would occupy the buildings until Wednesdayand perhaps longer in an cifort to get the govern ment to recognize them po litical torce About 300 youths marched from the national museum to Old Town Square but dispersed election as leader oi the On convention being held in Kit tario New Democratic Party obencr CP Wirepboto MacDonald dcfeatcd Renwicir by margin at the partys Days Heavy Fighting Hits Lowlands Near Da Nang SAIGON AP US and South Vietnam iorces killed old North Vietnamese and Ignefnl his in the popu ouscoas aw 13 it fifinslaiiid lgngsltzlelnysDndNanathlarfgrie es un ay but the we mm spokesmen reported today It was the heaviest lightingin the area in thrcemonths 1115 Iciest Thousands ot US troops were swceping the seacoast and ion Ends In glad toothlllsln an nttemptto LONDONDERHY Apr thwart any plans the Wet Cong Leaders of Northern lrelandd might 3359 D3 NW ciyilrights movement tur in one W54 court bearingtbdayinto spolit cal demonstration that ended the list lights Will Policemefl mandcr oi thrnortbern prov crowd at nearly 10001 inccs saldthe lighting marked sembled outside londonderrys hp opening of me grimma court where Gerry Fill Re comrnands winteer offensive in pnblicmr who is member of his area Howavernhe told the Parliamcni in Loud and news coolerence he doesnot ex 45 other Persons were changed pect any maiorv ground attacks with breaking therPublic Order against the larger citics includ Act in demonstration that led lug Da Nang Quang Tri to Northern Irelands wave finding Ngai HoivAn and Tarn South Vietnamese corn unrest Oct en Hoang XuanLam immediately at the request at police Patrol cars and boslnads causes me LE Bombing Halt Fails To Help Position Oi Captured Pilots PARIS tAPlDespite the bombing halt and expectations that the Vietnam peace talks here wiliresume soon pros pects do notuppear bright for speedy release of United States airmen held prisoner in North Vietnam Hundreds of US ilyersa rough estimateused here as 400 were captured when their planes were shot down during the three years and nine months of American air attacks ended by President Johnsons order ot Oct 3i 5N UrgesCrown corporationftirMines or The memo New aromaticrang would like to see crown corporation established that would look fornew mines in Ontario and then develop them with orwrtbn out cooperation trom private companies lit Least 18 Die In Glasgow Ijire GLASGOW Scotland UP Fire swept warehouse on the Glasgow waterfront today and firemen battling through flamed reported sighting it bodies and fears were expressed the toll may be higher Firemen recovered 12 bodies Sight Flaresln lirea Oi Stricken Ship haw York tAPl Asearc continued heath nasal tic today forihe source otsever lftares reported sighted Friday night in thescrne arcawhere 25 crew members abandoned tlhl crippled Nomegiamfreighter Et PolarrestrainingStudém we an Eskimo student as his horr lessly Sunday atternoon Paul polar bear attacked nd killed school mates look Meeko 19 of Great Whala River Quedied less two hours attesthe attackwhicb occurred at midday in the heart of FortChurchill amniotic oonnnunltyt of 2500 near here Th outira throat was stashed Iacciuelineonassrs WillVi tUS DONDON iAPl Jacqueline Kennedy Onessialeit hero by for New York today on her first visit to the United Stated since her in riage to Greek shippingvm gnate Aristotle Onasstsi persistent effortby Amhas sador Averell Harriman and his team of negotiators pro duced meager results on the prisoner at war isSue duringthe last six months at ItsNorth Vietnamese talks Harriman plans to press ahead on this matter whenever he sees an openlhg lint many obstacles seem to ll delay For one mg the Paris conr ference is indefinitely sus pended because the South Vie namese government retuscs attend This has suspended most US¢North Vietnamese contacts tor the time beingswirilevUS diplomats focus on the split between Saigo Washington to resign Qtiididis Silent On FranciCrisis anset Switzerland ca Central bankers at Western Eu rope completed another meeting ioday on the currency crisis surrounding the French ironc but maintained silence onwbat steps were planned to case the pressure onthe tailoring curren cy nro money markets were quieter asspeculstors or parently held back inthe expec tation of international emergenv cy action to prevent disruption lend VI 13 Back MOSGOW MP Moonshnt lead landed Sunday in the Soviet Union alter sevenday flight to the moon and back the Russians annotmcedtodity 0n lis return flight alter rounding the moon Zond Vi had been trackrd byWestcrn obser vatorin which reported it reached the earth Sunday But Soviet space authorities made no announcement until today Priests Rebellion bishop iarbéginniagvits in vestigation which the 63 dis senttn priests already have called pointless toothless gestur The commi will eartesr timony today through Thursday spokesmapsatd go have asked to testify Thedispute has rocked the Roman Catholic archdiocese of San Antonio 1t Tbe 6t priests have demanded the resignation of Archbishop Robert new 77 who has been spiritual leaderot some 500000 Catholics in the 31 county archdiocese or 27 yea The commission is made up or 11 priests and six laymen formedvoluntarily as lact tindlng body An ohserverapl painted by Pope Pauls delegate will attend Dissenting prlests hav ques ti ed the commissions objec tivity saying that some mem hors have publicly criticized them Expect lIlalian Govt To Resign ROME AmItaly today be gibs hard week during which government employees go on strike lot 7A hours students will be takin to the streets again and the government is expected at the worlds motor currencies Pressure on the tram eased trom the nearhysteria level reached at the end of last week when the franc plunged to its lowest level since the riots and general strike of last June The pressure was accompanied by speculation oi an upward reval uation oi the West German mark French oiiiclais said the crisis was causcd byuntounded re ports that the franc would be devalued Government oiflclais to Paris stehdfastly denied the reports The centrrl bankers met here for the second dayamid reports that the West German central bank was prepared to give France an emergency loan of 51300000 Their meeting this morrdng canto alter series of weekend connotations on the currency crisis Speculators in France who bought an estimated 51 500009000 north ol West man marks last week in the hope that the mark would be re valucd and the franc devalued appare tly were less sure today Observershero said it was DB MOINEE DIES AT 61 DETROIT AP Dr Joseph Molnar ti lsyltdlcated health columnist and former Detroit and Wayne County health commissioner died Sat urday night at the age oi or The cause of death was not immediately dctermlned hlolner resigned as city health director in roar andArestgned as county health commisrioner in loot becouke at health spokesmanlor Publishers Hall Syndicate which distrib utcs Mothers column said tha lecture will continueiha Spokesman added that Mother was onset three people who wrote the column Nixon he sat wearers creams valuth Malawi mouthwashSeep no Movesrowan roofs Trade Bénson Tells ULS NEW YORK CPtFinan Minister Edgar Benson bi Can ada warned United States inter national tradc executives today that reversion to protection ism inthe US could set all worldwide reaction We must continue to move in the dlrecttonut freeing trade and this wccannot do unless the United States sure and cor tainin Its leadersbi and its sense of direction herald ilensonspoke tothc National Foreign Trade Council whose conventioii litled the Waldort Astoriailotelballroom with the largest annual collection ol US businessmen involved in inter national trade it War bis llrst speech abroad since the terms tton oil the Trudeau government iii Canada Making new trade policy for the mm is going to boom of the most complex and tap reaching tasks the new gov emment headed by gt Richard Yonr new drntnistratloa can certainly count on the under possible the central bankers meeting heremight take some joint action stmilarJo the 300000000 eme ency arrange ment they antedhranco in luly in agreement with the Men Going GENEVA AP La Tribune daGeneve says the French gov ernment has decided to devalue thefran The Swiss newspaper says the French government has with held annnuncementoiJhe deval notionibecause talks with West Gorbrany concerning revalua tionot the WesLGerman mark are still continuing The paper says mark real uati is required because of Britains financial position Britain cotdd support only small devaluation of the French franc and in orderrto keep it wit that limit it must be ac companied by revaluationot the mark Theiribune Explains Beer Kept TRENTON Ont ca Ca padians who returned Sunday night trrxn flying mercy ll5 stuns to Biatra claimed that beer was the only thing that kept us happy Majaul Hope said the S7 members of the 435 Siiuadron Canadian Armed Forces Ed monton got water but it was mines there said hehcd six standing and strong support at Canada in this Enid he sat But Benson added it will not be unquestioning understanding or uncritical sup port But it the US continues to reject protectionism we in Can ada are certainlyrcady to work with you in trying to tackle the ditficult problems While he broke no new ground in Canadian trade policy the timing ot Ids speechshortly before the inauguration ol the new Republican administration was significant in his restate ment at Canadas position gt lie lesrcd the revival atom tectionlst sentiment in the in the last several mon nd ascribed it to reaction to ingthc successful complettod at the Kennedy Round of tariff cuts negotiated under tbeGen oral Agreement on Tariils and Tradé Pcrhapa it merely part of therpolittcal processes of your democraly he said In any case must obs that increasedprotecttonism in tbc US would inevitably result in similar reaction elsewhere because oi the large role the US in the worlds econo Agreemeniuear now your or two reached end the teachers htrtka ml flow our back city Tents Ontario ManProgressirigwell OUS TO CPAPlLeo AllanBoyd so of Chlppawa Ont who received the heartol 3yearold Mexican woman in transplant operation Satur day is reported inrsatistactory condition in St Lulrer Episco pal Hospital Hes alert awake and pro gressing satisfactorily hos pital hpokesman said Sunday night Boyd arrivedin Houston 11 weeks agoby air ambulance from London 0nt and physi months to live Boyd had been suitering Iron coronary arterial sclerosis chmt scar ring of the heart mus Mrs Boyd ina telephone in terview with London radio sta tion CFPL said her husband hlm in hospital She said her husband was able to reco ze her and resv ponded to questions by nodding his head The donor was la Acosta or San Luis Sonora Mexico ftooked good when she visited unfit to drink or completed In comm inbiri nsi r1 Perpin Johnston is in saflatac tory condition today afterreo new heart Sunday night in lotho roperation at chaels Hospital The styeariold orontosre tired professional cngineer rc ceived tha heartol oyeawld Ronald Marks studen who died of head iniurlesbelia have been suflared in diet The youths tw kidneys were the heart an edbeating The next medical bulletin was be rule ed no am RT transferred tnToronto Western Hospitaiswheretthey were trans planted in ten separate opera tions hospital spokesman said both recipients were in satisf ory =condition bu th es wouldnotber lease untillater Tbc transplant the it St Michael Canhda and the world to oiwhomsilrylvc otg anada oohrctions era pcrlorrnedin Montréfi real good the blood pressure and pulse tb as the per Johnston wile nurse at SL Michaels said that once her husband had made the dectsion lor the operationvhe was in betteriramc of mind He had hope shesaid Sister Mary thebospitals ex ecutive director ston whohad his tirst heart at tack 13 years ago was admt ed to hospital 0ct 18 in cri at George Brown college of appli ted to hospital at Permission transplant the heart was venbythe youth ct Beavcrton youths She Was tlown tram Yurn Arr Friday and suttered an intr cranial heniorrhage before death occurred at EST Saturday savas manna Dr Harold Gordon otYuma delivered Mra Acostas two pm head aid Mr John irrtsrandtechoolocy was admitI grandmother OlivoTaCailaghan illfer Texos Heart Transplant pound twoounce girl early Thursday He aaidthebaby was two months prematurehut was doing well Transplant surgery was per ormed by team ledhyDr Denton Cooley whorhas pervised 15 such operationsat St Lukes Nine persons havevreceived transplanted hearts at the ady centMath Hospital 701 the 24 recipients lZsurvive am was the worlds aoth heart transplari recipient The oist operatic was performed in Toronto Silnday nlghL cred dier Refuses Defence transom his andros Panag soyearold Greek armyvprivate under sen tence of death inr plotting against the armydtacked rgo erpmentretused his avlyocs plea to seek clemency anagouiis former student LAtheua Technical University was senteccedf to death by courtmartlal Sunday night He was charged wit assassination at mier Georg Papadopouios in order tooverthrdw th government and edahhsh Comm isot wit Mar ctiust beforoh entered operating Toronto ae Inifleacher strike greemen has been th Lindsaynana normed the hopedior accord Sunday following 27 hour talks at his official maid Gracie hiansion The rankunderlie vote ofthl 55000mernber United Federm tion pixTeaclrers held Sunday night from 19pm to continued this morning Pending outcome Tthe ing theAschools will remain close Union President Albert Shanks said sbaoker cheered by 17000 union teachers packing Madison SguarciGnrden Sunday alter was ecklc however at meeting of th msdelegatc assembl ithxma persons about and some shout doing lion does not require me to cooa duct amtb NoTSettlement Rhodesian Tallrsx George ThomsouPrime manna sons special negotiator wrtb Rhodesian Premier ian Smith returned lromSalisbury Sunday to report apparent tailure of the plotting the administrationi theco 17 ur Sciodor night he heait or air

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