Barrie Examiner, 12 Nov 1968, p. 5

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LITTLE GIBLWITH BIG BANK ACCOUNT rvr Deborah fincberc aeo Convina banklobe add ard Finchar ova no In and birthday and shes turn ing In 11000 pennies to In NottawasagdAreds NEW LOWELL Slam Dev elopment at ISacre Carrutb or memorial nscrvntion area at Avening will be given atten tion by tho Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority next year master plan tor this devel opment hasbeen received and fencing brush and other pro liminary work done The pro perty with furnished house and born along the liauliiverin Nottawasaga township was be queathed to theauthority by the Iain Duncan Coulis Carrutb era of Avcuing along with the sum oi $7000 toward its devel opment BOYNE RIVER PLAN Another master development plan expected to be given early attention alter it is considered atAlIiston calls or Boyne River greenbelt Prepared by Michael Plough Associates land scape Planners thoplan was obtained in response to request from Alliston which asked the authority about carrying out properly planned development the site as conservation project More correspondence is now awaited trom Allistou At the request of the town of Collingwood the authority will be constructing special chan nel lo divert flood waters which have plagued the south portion of the town for years Approval hnsrbeen given by the provincial government of $36000 grant representing so per cent of the estimatedcost The remainder will be met by the authority and the town of Colliogwood Collingwood Deputy Reeve Donald Spooner the towns re presentative to the authority board which is headed by Sun nldale Reeve Lloyd Pridham has been made chairman of the water control advisory board The channel around the flood prone area to the Pretty River will carry the water around Col lingwood Another grant the sum of $3500 represents hail thccost oi $7000 river bank erosion ed to her savings account Her parents Mr and hire liow control project In Esraa ConA lennlal Park on the Nottawasa go hive west at lvy PROGRESS AT UTOPIA progress report was given on the dam work and construc tion at Utopia Comtruciiou oi areservoir to hold back ihe waters at Bear Creek has been in progress since last Febru ary lliore plans for development of sandy beach swimming area Wildlife area woodlot nature trails and camping tacilities are planned at the new New Lowell park The assistance or the people of New Lowell and Sun laidaicwasmornrneuded At lottenham new tables trash barrels and barbecues were added andsigns installed The site Was used or the Sim coe County dayrcarnp childrens program and swimming lessons besides local youngsters and visitors Reports showed the pi shel ter grounds and boat rampwere well used at Edenvale Purchases or various parka included on picnic tables to upright charcoal barbeques so trash barrels and mismlianeous work tools TORONTO STOCKING Chairman of the fish and wildlife commiteeM Patton or Alliston reported on the stocking ol the Mad River with trout in the Osprey area and also further stocking ot the Tottenbampoud The committee recommended leaving New Lowell reservoir for about year to allow the characteristics oi the under water envimnment to establish it was felt that wa could then more accurately analyse such things as water tempera tures plant and other aquatic life and thereby determine which type oi fish would esta blish themselves best he said in his report Various wildlife and water iowl Iood plants are being aval unted tor establishingin num ber of areas next year paws or onions nynnao carvrenon Rev Leonard Self of Midland eonducted the service at the Prmbyierian Church on Nave Special music was provided by girls quartette from Port lic Nlcoll gt Mrs Robert Hesse was dele gate irom the Barrie schools at conference for the Council of Childhood Education held at Windsor last Friday andSatur day Jilirs Norman Sloddart was the winner of the door prize ans electric can opener at the District Vomerrs institutedem onstration tea and bake sale ch 29 The trip to Hadassah Bazaar in Toronto last weeltpspousored by the Junior Guild was suc cessful bus and two cars were required in transport those wishing to go about hall of vhom were local riadies the Iriendsin ore and Stroud ETEE GIFT TIME rs Norman Campbell was esslor the November meet ing of the WMS Mrs Samp are the worship service on Jrcthcrly Love Mrs Hesse save the topic ona study oi the Jewish religion story on the life or Mchammed and his search for religiongaboul 600 AD read alternately White Gift Sunday will be Dec ii The next meeting will be at the homeof Mrs my the home ofMrs Lloyd Sam son reports will he give this is the year or election of new oifieers Mrs Campbell served lunch ssrnanmvnnsanr The next womens Institute meeting will be held at the Com munity Hallpluesday Nov 19 at pm As this is the 55th anniversary of Guthrie Branch charter members and Bloomer members are beinginvited to attend and specialprogrum is being planned by Mrs How ard Campbell NEW norms Mr and Mrs Charles Sander son and Don have moved Into their new borne on the ard line the new home for Mr and Mrs Morris McArthur has bee All C31 Irchm aryliguruoooounty tomcat totalind assessment of Allistona 199 in shows reduction from local of The total loci mutant was listed at 3898 and this rnsl unified in 58 or county taxation purposes Sup pennlos or Debbies lirst birthday and added 5120 for the second AP Wirephotol All conservation areas have been designated as sanctuary areas and posted against hunting except the Osprey area where more than zoo acresvoi rough wetlands were lelt open lot the purpose Midland Council Nomination Set MIDLAND Stall Nomina lion meeting for Midland coun cil and members at the public utilities commission will be held In the municipal building on Dominion avenue on Thursday Nov 21 it was announced by William Aiiacir clerk Nominations will be received by Mr Hack between 730 and 830 pm alter which rate payers meehing will be held If an election develops it will be held on Monday Dec Mayor Leonard Seltis now completing his first year as head of council Two Nominqfionsj Comma AiBeetea BEETON Stall Beeton community centre will be the scene of two coming nomination meetings The first will be next Mon day alternonn when lion King clerk oi Tecurnseth will re ceive nominations for the area school trustee Beetonlotten hamAIllston Adiala and Tec umseth iorm ward two and will elect one trustee to the new is member county board Nominations for the area rc presentative to the new CathnIlc school board also will be receiv ed at the same time Beeton is combined with llistnn Cookstown Tottenham and Tec umsetn to form ward nine of this 14 member board VILLAGE MEETING The village nomination meeting for council will be held week later at the same place on Mon day Nov 25 William Wat son clerk receiving nominations between and pm or oiiice oi reeve and tour councillors Reeve Earl Brown and col lengues Councillors Boynlt ton Lawrence Hawlo Sheri dan McGinty andPeter Urban elti are now completing the sec ond part ot two year term Reeve Brown has headed the council for six years ELECTION DAY elections develop from the nominations Urey will he held on Monday Dec Beeton separate schoo sup porters also may make no erecled and closedinMnand Mrs Stan Jackson are alsoliv ing in their new home who highway JOURNEY TO RHODES RHODES Greece AP Honeymoonlng Aristotle and Jacqueline Onassis arrived Monday night alter 1unfulida crulsthromnorthoastern Greece aboard theiryacht yChristina Largest reduction among div municipalities listed ior mo plcmentary assessment my my vise the figures munbrn this was said to give general outline taxation was or the town Collinwa where the IMAI assessment nI $40138150 wt reduced to £37760 in brim it in line with the general rotio Midlaods localment oi 825 was reduced to Old West Gwillimbury To Have Election BRADFORD Staff Provi slon has been made by Meat council for In ad vance poll it an eledlondev claps mm the nomination meet ing on blonday Nov to The poll willbe open at the municipal building here on Sat urduy Nov so Monday Dcoc emberlwasehosenaatherc gularclocilon day Memch oi the corindl now completing two year term include Reeve Keith Lanyard Deputy Reeve Arthur Wright and Councillors John Fennel Robert Sturgeon ani Orvflle Hughes Deputy Reeve Wright has Indicated he Intends to re tire irom the municipal held or business reasons West Gwillluvbury and Brad lord Iorm ward one or election oi county trustee For separ ate school board election Brad lord and West Gwillirnbury Iorm ward eight Cookstown on Allision Rotary cooxsrowrv scam Lloyd West of thc Cookstown dairy call club has received the Al lision Rotary club trophy for the highest 4ll score among South Simcoo members West also received the Vander post and Lalnson trophy In re cognition oi winning the Cooks town dairy club showmonshlp title or lose The Sproule memorial trophy for the most points or Cookstown 4H beet club went to Paul Wilson IIreiltoyal Bank of Chokatown special trophy for the most points for atirst year member went toKaren Culliton The Cookstowu tli dairy club won the Lions trophy awarded tothetop 4H club in the area while the Coohstown tll sheep club received the Ellwood Madill trophy for best educationaldis play by south Simcoe club General proficiency certifi cates in recognition oi attaining 75 percent on the wmpletloir aLions for their two representa tivetn the county secondary andpulrlic school board at meeting at Barrie Central Col legiate onMonday Nov re at 730 rnvnxaimvm warty nos PHONE 7232414 BLLGHTY iMrAssv HALL are BLAKE si Tallow AMMUIS vinrrns mum oasessiemenr at too tor county NW Pen eniurm ruduocdlrom H739 to EN Brudlotds localnsesunrut oi 8951 raised to 736 or county turllon and Etoyoer raised imn SUMO to 5001 Stayner no recently reassessed Iadwben this new yuflltt ll med Ito loud wanent will be reduced until all other munldpahtu in the bounty on reassessed DulyIIooithe nine village For 7Equalrzat1O11 pm we we or were Totterrham Iron SIM to 315111 IndeIclorIA lrom $101557 in Mr will greatly ln 3181c NEWS manhunt axamruuoov novmn it torex Alone Poll 15 arranged For Coming Ildjala Voting mm sun Chair man or Slams County roads committeeRécve Prod Barter and colleague hrc completing the second part oi two year Nomination For Tossorontio Will Be Held TIOGA Staff with Reeve Matthew Van borce and morn be of his counul ilnlshlog the second partni two year term Tossoroniio townshlp nom ination meeting will be held at Central Sdrool on Thursday evening New Nominations for rceve deputy leave and threecouoclllorsor Tossorontloand three trustees tor the police village of Everett will be accepted between and pm by Gordon Mooadren clerk Tossorontio voters also have theright to make nominations Ior area school trustee at meeting at Ivy 10L ball on Mon day Nov to bean and pm Tossorontlo Em and Sun rddale form ward tour ior elec tion lor county trustee Nominations to the county up crate school bthrard aiso willube accepted attc Ivy mee ng at ivy LOL hall on Monday Nov 19 between and pm Tossoronlloi Essa and Sunnidnle form ward our Iotjplchion oi county trustee Nomination to the county sep arate school board also will be Member Gets Club Trophy oi six projects were won by Marie Fisher Alan Robertson Eric saunter and Doug Black Reta Morrow received the South Simone Yorltshhe breed ers trophy as the high scoring swine club member in South Slmcoe Miss Morrow and Lloyd West also were given proficiency certificatesior completion 12 proiccts hill Wood registered the most points tor Cookstown sheep club members Reta Morrow tor trac Next Tuesday Incepted at the ivy meeting from Catholic ratepayers The two separate school members to be eleded at large to the muty board will be chosen tol Iowing nomination It Barrie District Central Collegiate oudi torlum on Monday Nov that 730 pm Saving with Reeve Van tom on losoroutlo council are De puty Reeve James Wales and Councillors Calvin lrclaod Stan Bailey and Clarence Arthur The coming election will be tor two year tenu Ior council and trustees Barley Benefit To Cattle Shown ALLISNN Stall Harley as feed is high in energy be ing only slightly lower than abet led corn or wheat and consider ably higher than oats itwua st in South Sinrcoe ogri wral oflim bulletin on cattle Pointing out barley contains about 11 per centverude protein tor cereal the bulletin com mented that this excelled com considerably In this respect and equalled oats The major draw back to barley feed is that it lacks the palatahfitly of either com or oats This could become problem when It Is desirable to Ieed high levels of grain or maidmum muk produclt tion said the bulletinwind went on to explain Barley la nlsosomeutrat lower in tat con tent than corn or oats although the role at lot In the diet oi lactating cows has not been clearly demonstrated tor club Paul Wilson ior beet rah Lloyd West to dairy and corn clubs Bradlord Rotary Nears Birthday BRADFORD IStalf Rotar ians at Bradiord have beendis cussing plans for the clubs observance of its 17th birthday The club received its charter at speda1ceremony on Feb ruary 22 1952 with James Webb the Iirst presidentlhere were 22 charter members oi the club which through the years has done much community and son ial service work in Bradtord and vic ty BVringthswholeInmyandeni aaour PARTY ARRANGEMENTS for your BANQUET RECEPTION DINNER MEETING or SPECIAL OCCASION Private Banquet Room seating 100 guests All detafls can be arranged Ample parking Call IIDW RIVER GARDENS RESTAURANT Phone Ayrca 1mm oy the biggest and best or orytlring Sea Canadas Gold Medal cquastylans campers wnlr Bri Australiathe sa and meat again atiha Roy Smock your tips at giant displays enzirwnen on morning Olympic am at pri vegetables and dairy products See iivasrbck champions being shown and Judped Eru equipment no load show and Sea Rex Harrison in not short singing Talk In the Animals the IoarumnoDr Delititr and Enjoy the Inn and exciteman ott Cometothe auctions andlho sgioolstars cnoking demonstration with prizes and giveaways the latestlaml lioon shown uh Is Friends atillo RoyalThaalic beg ssrsncuitoratlairot Ii the meqnl Wihter Far Cont zour local Gray at Tours to ItrmlnAdlalnlohnlhip The could cboniternrberc will be the nominatibg platulor ratepayeraouhfonday Nov 18 between 131 and 130 pm It my announced by Mia Jarnleson retunilng oliidcr Adlrln voters also may make nominationarlor area represen tative to the new county school board at Becion between and pm the same day and In the evening at Barrie in separate school representatives to the county board Monday Dec has becn Paul Keogh and chosen as voting day with an rangerneals having been made or an advance poll on Subur day Nov 30 at Mn Lauder Hamiltons residence Eection oiIlcera appointed and poulng places are No Ham Ilton residence Arnold Youog deputy returning oIIlcer and bin Hamilton Watson poll clerk No council chambers Edwud Oleary No John Smallo residence James Dermott and Elton Hail No mi Ward residence Grant erllams and hlrs lewis Word No Lem ard Baxters residence No Cum Moylea residence Leo McKeoun and Mrs Murray Breedou FESTIVAL 68 WWW CENTRAL CDLLEGIATE DRAMA SOCIETY AND RRADFORD HIGH win uov SCHOOL DRAMA CLUB I3 EM AWARDWINNING PLAYS The Wheel and The Overproised Season Winners of am Play Best Canadian Play Best Supporting Actor Best Best Actress Awards Supporting Actress and Won at Georgian Bay Drama Eanlvol MUSIC BYContrel Corlrgtirenrneq Band TICKETS $100 Available oi the door or from member of the Drama Society sranrs VWEDNESDAY awe 905 PM ma Monitor us COULD as use and the only man who could save film was yoln to arms him for murdofl momma anuuvmownumwui runner uwnwnunulsnwmuum THEHIGHGOMMISSION Adult Entertainment LASTVTIME TONIGHT loom on rotatory aIso OS$II7 MISSION FOR KILLER KW Musicar anonucrious TWIN CITY Mar rise ADULTS t2 STUDENTSi formerly none socmvi sent

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