mm BARRIE EXAMINER urunollr provisional up ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS YQUR SPECIAL N931 ECASII RAM ants Marrth Toqu maximum to lords Cardl ol Thanks 15 Iordsl additional lords 6c In emotion no verse Vera per count itno emit Culling Event BIRTHS AlKlNSm and Mn Tor Alklno ol Peel scmt aorrtc wish to onnounu EM birth or dluthler Nrnnilu loan on Wednudtvt Novcmber lm In Hon vlctom llosoltol AlIlLSAl in novl Vlcinrll Ito oo lllnmu Novmoer 1v Tl lo Ill and Mrs nounr REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE PLANNING ON BUILDING NEW HOME Could Petal lam BEAVER LUMBER REAL ESTATE rnoaallrr FOR sale MARTEL yolNAoAjs magssr REALTORS srtrmlooltalas mammmm notwlmx W05 mm too so into also or silo coupetoll llinott mail mum tinting Lilliu Service my mum mm mm PROPERTY FOR SALE Barrio and District Red Estate Board inc woman comls maul On pivgam to moan mwflif mm OR RENT mmtnadolianmnaw mt Barriers Finest Location momma DIOOM bunnlovr Mr tlll If The easy care andeverlasling beauty bfs Treason FOR LI id Mk COUTIS TOWER MORTGAGE HONEY AVAILABLE Photo ins Realtor in REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE Gibson Close to highway il Iols oltrees Indtrout stream Will man ultll oolton to boy and Lin pelted merits Ideal lor Tummer inn and rnovwndliiing in win mm llflfllm kII III ll tor CaiiDenleaIIluotIWZ no Lamarioiflawmrt at Newton Smel aunts Imfn Robin lRobblel in rather Tor sarllzv and st wmni and Mn alu hut ol sunTenant and lint Borden actor to announce an aim or ran all IItursdl No vember loss at in Royal Vio ant lloclul ante FREE Frcm Classified AN EXCITING NEW MOTH ERS PAK Value to $250 Containing very useful assortment at well known items tor mother and baby Yours FREE when you pacc May announcement of your babys arrival In the Birth Notice Column ol EXAMINER WANT ADS trained Birth Announch meat writer will assist you in wording your annouucc meal and arrange or you to receive your ircc Motil crs Pair irom PLAZA DRUGS PHONE 7282414 Barrie and District Residents Only PHONE 72M ENGAGEMENTS Eh aAnlJINEIlIIITCIIIIN llr nd lln Morris Gardlncr ol Toronto mounted to cloutmoot or illclr dauthN Marv Also in Albert Dale lrllcnon son ol an and Tim Albert Kiizllcn allrte no man llac In like piaoc 710 pm Fri Nnvcmbcr Tout l95l II Kew Bollolljlllllud cnuno Scarboroulh DEATHS coon WIlIIamAl tn Royal Vlclt tori lluroltl barrio on Sltnrd Nolefllhll loss willlsrn Coo beloved husband or Ellubcltt Mycll no our like or Gcorze oT Hamilton and Gwen Mrs loo Curtlsl ol nanlc nosllnr Al the Transit hmcrllflome 152 and rord Slrccl llzrrie tunersl orrmrclnenls later wALrJN czvl ErlaSudflenlv II no home 311 Day Point Onlario an arrow November lass Carl Wlllln beloved husband of mono Knuk no dcar mm or Iilrbarl Mrs llllton Webb ol Barrio Allml and Anne both or Pilnawlokt and Nancy Tllrs David Clan ni renownnllr Nwr bro or or thon Julian and Ann or Snedrn also survived by 12 tinndchlldrcn Ruling ll the Lnilljl TunerST Home is and am Slrcol arm Funcnl Ir rillzcmtnu lulu nowz Elsi routAlter lulllhv IIIllcu LI Ur homo Ilbr daugha Scncli ol Rrentwood Nuvullllnr lrsa Elsie umnmon ithu wile ol tn ltc Walson Run an Iiuar ninthzr oi Vial Mrs wllnsm Manual or Dilllriai II lilrs Prldnami III NEW Low unld I1 IIrlmllldll and Ironc Ill Schellt oi Ereulwood Also survived by ll orarlornllaren ml 13 areal mod children sum or Mrs Ros lo or romolo Pmdtceasad by orolners and sisters Rcsliug at tho Tunnel Funeral llama la Bunion Strut atrrlo Tor more on llondsv at mu om littoralan Suynlr Union cometary MEMORIAMS NlNGln lovluo memurv or Tathor James Dillllllll wno away November 10 1963 ulll pass not your mcmurlos out on mi Ecr rnmamhcred bv ron Dour Ias and daughterlnIaw Jean CARDS OF THANKS ELIIIICKM sincem hanks To illulds ond ncifnbouls Tor cl kindness and remain Emlrlu my slay in sunny ond stuuensn ltrmorlol IIDiDIlIIl Sncelal Thank to Rev Robertson Tor Ills vlslls Dr charters nurse and surr Tor their wolldtrlul CHE lrcne Eiphlrk COMING EVENTS PREVIEW OF HOLIDAY FASHIONS Wednesday November 13 COLLIER STREET UNIIED CHURCH PM FELLOWSHIP HALL FEISIIIOIIS by Walkarsand Joan Christie Grandmas Boutique and Streets Boutique Door Prizes Tickets $100 AVAILABLE FROM SOROPTIMISTS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE 7284414 Classiï¬ed ndlcfllacmenta oo nou no im these must be ultvnd day nreudllll ll urday with The circulation ulrled Dlltnllv odvcrllscmonlr will mm be in noonurcacdlnl any 21 Ivonnllmmluln CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Cnalt liscnunt Rite Ipnl tl onto tutti Sinkld linemanI nor nominative nrtlnul oonr utlvo lomtloonos per word in Tcrllort total our six coll leouLTv tnmtlonr War Dar word BfrlmorlIbnuthlll rant Mllltlple urtl mly be ordered luulect Lunnaf WIIIoughby MLS Rellior 29A Owen SI MIMI OUR FALL FARM WEEK isoACRE dairy or beef larm Churchill area 10 room bridr house barn 112 water bonds steel stanchions now conveyor silo to on strums Ilia drained Produces best corn crop in area Jersey milk quota 770 pounds per day By appoint ment only looACRE beat arm room modernized house barn capno iiy l25 head Plulty of good water Light clay loam Out buildings in excellent condition it miios trom Barrio paved road By appointment only TIMCRE tobacco iarm com pIcle equipment 150 acres un dcr cultivation n1 acres hlRR room house Piece bath all heating barn so 36 Imple mcnt shed in so it kilns greenhouses its and 100 21 Terms $15000 cash balanco Crop inlcrcst included at too ACRES bedroom new bun galow piece bath oil Illrn aco lull basement altacisd garage excellent dark loam plenty or water Asking price $5000 Terms can be arranged Siayncr arca APPROXIMATELY 15 ACRES 2200 net river irontaga Exch Icni opportunity or snowmobile activitycottage lots Situated in heart oi ski area mllas from Mansfield Asking price $9500 31000 down Balance mortgage Evcninga Barry Dchlde nil3253 Miller 726403 REALTOR HOUSE BARN AND to ACRES bedroom aluminum siding storey and hall house All conveniences Good barn or Altan Aluminum Siding cleverly blended with Angel in The New Residential Area of Lovely Stone or Brick EAsrvuvv Next to Steele St School The Home illustrated Is One of Five DisiincliveModeIs PLUS All services underground All services paid for Many extras including the no maintenanco wllito piasticimd siding screens and storms Lot soddcd trout and Tears Gravellcd driveway gt drycr wilhlhe Quality Built In Features of GEORGE DAVIES HOMES IN FACT Every cliort has bccn maria to make each home complete and ready for comlorlahlo liv ing without Hook up installation for washer and THE NEW HOME COST FOR EXTRAS EXCLUSIVE AGENTS HAROLD FORESTER AN MLS REALTORS 98 samurai ST uuill II CO hé T5453 chard and nice bush choice piece ol property Soulhof Bar rie ideal lor ratirod couple or suitableior VLA $26500 Con lnct ANNE SPENCER Thorn IOll TSDWII BUILDING SITE looking for building site Then site these 25am parcels of land Some are cleared oth ers partly wooded lvithamali creek at back of properly Con tactANNE SPENCER Thorns ton 45m INCOME ROME Small 7patient licenced nurs ing home in village bover storey house with all conveni ences on doublo lot and gar ago Complete with furniture luciuding hospital beds ltuil price $26500 with terms Con ion 4589211 KEITH NHL REALTOR AREA REPRESENTATIVES Ealxock Barrio 7235095 Colbourne Stroud Milk hi lilacLeod Barrio 7284759 Spencer Thornton 4584 Fitzailnmina Cltlllll 4554620 Snow Stroud mud Ed Green Barrie 7mm Tom Fitzsimlnins ChurCilill 4564520 Betty Newtcln iiswkcstonc 4872103 Lillian Roberts 7264927 Marguerite Moore 181 EGLINTON AVE TORONTO 12 PHONE 4873333 MIN Realtor 109 Bayfield St 7281071 Appraisals Listings invited ELVA MILLS W749 JOHN WHITE 7239170 Real Estate arokrr SDOBAYFIELDST mom aramuzmcm now rlloranrirs Eivenlnncwl Larry Torrey 7Wlb HIIIRRWII 7268999 Dick Draper 4234378 no Ls Realtor Dens Tattooed Mt mllond wiser satlllaclori re sn AIR meow 1er Itslot and wltAEu ANITA swiPl lllni swrrr 2M6 DEWSNAP tact ANNE SPENCER room mvlvton Elmer nap uuon imme an wllr Law llm Ri Jame stewrt Wondr Ddttudl Ibedmom storey borne with garage Minimum NHA ï¬rst mortgage $18160 Nelv $3000 down to qualiï¬ed buyer bedroom brick btnlgolow galage VLOOMNGTpD FOR HOME Why Not Brand New Horne MW Take advantagetol tho 829000 full price Full pri co LTD alts REALTOR to Collier Str Barrir 77114401 Anglia tillsoul Sheillurne 9153440 Wasaga Beach 293540 Taurus TENUET TIAKIN ml 7m 72ml mosdi ad Wily in elm PIC Cakl mm MalariaisDocoraiion and Styles VISIT our Now Moons salsa for yourself why wc say these homo aTe Idirieroni Enquire About Our Guarantccd TRADETN PLAN cul of mono Real ollraanioo till pogo mun vuI luck Illl Elmo ï¬eaidllitare Broker an raiscrs Moi lst and Ionmortgages onliowrrnonthly PamedlglfgITa Ally your LAURA mn human 1me ram iflUlBflJ muss womav mm lro mo didntth Estate raiesmell listed under mama DAVIS mm Errol on ma YONGE sr BUS OPPORTUNITIES AN urronruNrn Tor men and woolea To earn utn income In DENNIS H1660 W7 TORDMO Telephone 7152111 DCARSON PHONMIS REAJIOR IELEPEONE Ml OPEN HOUSE APARTMENTS FOR RENT 27 QUEEN Starting Saturday plTl and allweok end you Ire looking lor one or two bedroom apartmentI lecturing elevators Drop in and hue coiled it com carpeted halls and parking annula baiconica cableTV inter lacilities This modern apartment houch uses natures wonderful natural gas or building healing and water heating immediate possession Norm Slmndlt 7232533 ituss Carson W161 Elli Hamilton 7W Rupert MCGHIII Elmli Tallll Lang Tzoatll ODVEL HOME5f any on display in BARRIEVIEW SUBDIVISION sue them at HIGHCROFT ROAD SPRING and HOMER Builders Gold Spring 7W II it to allow sr IRO Doug Homer 7234897 anoro ms ammo mm APPRAISALS MORTGAGES RENTALS it iDichI Hartlcy Jacinta All Ros Res millld lll motor STREET EAST Bill llacilnrls Russell Smith Res mom Ru 7299996 CONNELF SReaitor lite Five Points Phonc EVENINGS CALL FRED EFLETT 7289793 rTuvnl Mal Home clan to lea SIJucoel hodmoms in autos ilvlnx room dining room Itltchen Elfin lol efiosTnlmnlllv arm can tuflul on Tlsolu CTlas ROGERS mason an nlclnurl bedroom hrth horn is minutes rrom lmle luo mum cut lull linisncd has met huled um lunched luch atoll ilreul rto ol commando Lo 75 zoo rrtvm ule com lime in the worlds room In and most minor lodurtry gavel and Darin rne cameo vmlta Fellowlhlp club Can union vol umnlutlon an alien eulultuc Irauchix to open your own local Club Colour No investment mum on ml lad Tm IMJIuIruc lion llvul lo rotllnr you llulea In ullln me Clubr newlu noun and lootvtduul holdy Irina TI youre type and Ilka mole and who norm respect and Inlat or uulv Trlends nld nominalInce To vow communllv not could arm mu nwudtnz Ind lmrmunr occupation lull dalllls Tom communeIla lloothlp Club to mum Cm Damnvlycw on MoaTLE HOMES TRAILERS SALE RENT RUSSELL CHURCH lliobilem Homes General Glendale Iraveiux Parts and Service Cash or Terms up to Ycars no BURTON AVE moose Imam III Illa on uled INCH Cltlunns1 lehlor Holiday BlmDI l5 Tool nockel walkend min Also used mobil haul nnlul 0m lilohlie llomsn MORTGAGES llllllaomra lst and 2nd Mortgage Loans Anywhere ON ALL HUME FARMS AND COMMERCIAL murmurs 9097 OF VALUAIlONS if You Need Money To ronrolldto dools or ulsIInr maria mortalch cumin ul Imbmvemlnhl nv worthwhile rluxa Write ortPhone 72oootl1 Mortgage Funding om Slmuson Sears l2 DUNLO ST Utmch Omar llcrlllu Ilmkm uoclluan on roll own amount nu ma ovuloalo lo outcast um We olll rm 1mm vou manev oo vour roomml anouln uonnn Fundlnll mogul rnlvhrz funds syllahlr or Tlrrtmnnoau ol llenurchlEl In existlnr monore city or runl 7151032 FIRST nonfat money nouired IV For Turtner nInnnIlIan plus all 7161545 Illlr 500 Idm LOTstFOR SALE Gunman To In loLI lnoro some to Ranin mile to druoo 000 oowo Talcohnnc lawn CALLleHasni We are Skilled inyour Prompi SEPTIC TANKS SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Modern radioteontrolled trucks TILE BEDS INSTALLED AND REPAIRED ROBERTSON ANGUS 449555 MNTNG Disk allvmo Tranrylvani lng Experts 15 Years Exiled co italianVExpert Co of Bar nossrum SERVICE minnow minus sum Bamyards Driveways Etc FOREIMEN ESHMATORS No charge or consultations goalion and prices in so mil radius izoaral anytime Free Es ate Work guaranteed Taooom 134 Essa no alcvctEs lacllsoflu Ilock ecton rm to Bil Elton HDyen PRESSURE Pumas rim Cookstowa lasso HEATING DIVERSIFIED IIGIIIIix Ind Con linlclion Walnutclaim In all rimtees ventlillltzn systems to muumroomspulzo calllms nd floor Ind inundation Tel Service Attention CLASSIFED SERVICE mam GUIDE ALUMINUM SERVICE Selfstoring doors siding store fronts COMPLETE INSTALLATION Dirch lactory pricel WATTS imz mono mm JANITOR SERVICE mama so alum alum so homer mm mu Clltnlu Service M7 SHINGLING WOTIND mt Roofllu ll Lrougal card My strand 0n urlo 2161551 INVISIBLE MENOING um osmium Wm n1 ax all room room 11m SEAMLESS FLOORING SEAMLESS FLOORING Heavy duty plastic skid limit and need waif only type of floor unalieéiedby acids alkolu AL noaanrs 9534s FURNACE runNAcao lnltulledumtmo Raglan anon done is all st Inn osulootu Cali Thoma mass STONE BRICKWORK mamas lneolallxed Aii ston In hrictr work 20 you parlance Wash mnntul Aorur walla INSULATION llvnwnm moo JamiHon Im enimltun Eumntud not rolspooo soululnlr TITton SAW SHARPENINC HAIR Shlrocnlnl CenIr um KILNW knives skates chine numerator Tamil so but CARPENTRY mamcao curatorTor Inmtwork nourer ucottllur te rollooooonsllao LAND SURVEY and windows and vvill givelyoui COTTAGE REPAIR JACKING COTFAGES Insulating and ramodellilll HURST Howkestone TELEPHONE ono ART5160 DRIVING SCHOOL limDmNTrmu soan Lelm To min to mum Rï¬ï¬‚tdir EAVEsTaouoTlmo NORTHERN EAVESTROUGH ING 487ZIZI SEAMLESS ONEPIECE EAVESTROUGH No joints No leaks EAVESTROUGHING Free Estimates 4361543 IGORDEvANs Stroud Ontario SIGNS gammuaan m5 Lagging in servos ms at nr In so In exponent 12mm SIGNS or ALL TYPES by compelantsign writarv Ume BENNETT 7288872 or 7283536 PAINTINS PAINTING dz UDECORATJNG INTERIOR EXTERIOR Also sign painting European experts VAN NOORTWYK iii Rose Street mom Pouu Painting interior and mm or on rennmhlo Tm ea slut milvnrlc Tanom PAPRMIANGINGGood work also IllI lIO ELIMQIIIIIO Din 21alli5 Coil Tidal no