dwdvrdsï¬réllreéénted At Victory Asserjnbu Tennis award know that they By trn army 1th was the week for Best view to receive her awards for all her efforts so far this year On Tuesday morning victory assembly was held There were several things accomplished at this assembly Les Cooke was present to receive our tinge to the harrle United Appeal it was announced in that our total vvns $1111 Since that time fur ther donation was made and perhaps there will be more in the near future acted as campaign chairman for Easlview but it was printed that was president of students council son for the error Pete tieler oy in really our president and good one too Also at iha assembly Mrs ttuih Edwards presented our Junior volleyball team with their crests They are the GBSSA champions Debbie llicgcr pre sented hir Mitchell with the plaque stating our victory Since we also received recog nition at the Georgian tiny Dre ma Festival to Orillle last week end these presentations were also made Heathcr Lender and Cheryl Sullivan really did fine job on the costumes for Full man Car Hiawatha and sincerely deserved the honor of being nem ed as helpful oi the Best Coo tamed Playewani Even though theyllest nightgown some where along the line they did great lob We else received the Ltd cators award for best so If facts This was presented to Dan Dobbe FRAME BASKETBALL The basketball teams are both practising fearlessly They are acheduled to start some exhibi tion games shortly so We will see lust what the basketball sea son holds for us We have such slouihelrted players this year as Lulu Lalonde Jet Johnston Boopy Brandi Exceptional El lie Ripping ltoblllard and Goofy Grandy as manager Wlfhe team like that how can we lose These boys are also quite helpful at cheerleeding practise in the halls Thanx guyal The curling club and the hedm minton club are both strong with large attendance Maybe we have some champ fans here also Oh have something else beat our assembly Lucy Tersa logo and Pauline Bryan were awarded the 63555 Girls Bass BORDEN HIGH both worked hard fortniehonor and no one deserves it more Perhaps some of you noticed something out of the ordinary happen while the cheque wee beingpresentedioitir pooke Zipper Zimmer and his Band of No Good Nogoods tried to steal our contribution ltfr Giller step forward gallantiy in the tee of this danger and inform ed Zip and his boys that three they were wearing hats end smoking In the school they were not fentlllar with school rcgul Lions and would have to leave How heroch Well that about does li for this week On Friday we will be having an usemhly in the morn ing to honor the dead on Re mambrance Day The Prefecte will be acting as ushers for this occasion and it is hoped that thI will have the air of church service Mr Branch and the stage crew are now working very herd to make this service so proprieie Must go new lflyou would like somethingpleeed in this column please contdct me by Wednesday of each week will be pleased with the help Bye now Senior Grid Team Hands In IUniforms By KILBY COTTiNGflAM Tbis weck at 3801 saw the end of the senior football sea son the end of the peniw dnve andthe lest efforts of Drama Club toward their play The senior team reluctantly handed in their uniform on Monday They didnt quality for any further competition toward the Georgian Bay title Our juniors however have won every game and are now fight ing for the Junior champlon ship for Georgian Bay North They won game against Ceo tral Collegiate last Friday The score was 204 Sorry about that Central Not really What is the Penny Drive Half of Borden High doesnt seem to know much less the schools in Barrie it is my benndcn duty though it may he bit late to enlighten the populace Each year 3801 rate ea title toward the education and feeding of foster child Our foster child is Eml Dora Trench ELMViiLE HIGH the She lives in West Bengal and is 15 years old To raise thlsmoney each class in the school collects few dollars in pennies and to do this dozens of projects cropp ed up in the school There was tricycle race in the gym last week for instance The contoa tents were all teachers and this money went to the penny drive lot of it in voluntary contribu tions By the way woman driver Miss Burns won the race Also in aid of this penny drive there were lolly bean and caramel counts sponge throws with human targets raffles rope climbing contests and fudge and cookie sales The drive is over now and themoaeyflbas been raised Whewl Thedrami club deserve round of applause for all the ef fort spent in preparing their play for the dramafestlval in Orlllia last weekend The Old Lady Shows Her ltiedala won no awards but the experience was well worth the work that the members or the club put in to it BIG DANCE gt We had big dance with the Quiet Jungle last Friday The group arrived late but once they started playing everyone had great evening The laugh oi the week occur red after school on Monday The powderpuif football players scratched bit and kicked their way through alt game cheer ed on by four choice male cheerleaders The seniors won the game or was it an out and out nimble School Comencement will be held this week Another solemn ceremorgv was held as BECI commemorated Remem brance Day with special as sembly News has run out so until next wocir leave you with these words of wisdom from certain gifted individual of BBCLThE wind may blow in all directions but only God makes trees iThevré On Lookout For New SchOOISong By JDANN FAGAN Another week at EDHS has passed by marking memorable events in the form oi sports trips campaigning or just plain hard work In the field of sports the New market Pickering College and Elmvaie Junior Soccer Teams met on Wednesday October 30 1568 on the Elmvaleiield Here they matched wits and physical ability as theyzbatiled for the GBSSA champion ship gt Great skill was displayed by the Elmvaie players as they strove to keep the ball out of home territory The score was tie one one with the hall in the Elmvale zone With their best foot forward Elmvaie broke the tie winning the game 21 With this win Elmvale walk ed away with the Georgian Bay Secondary School Chem pionship which theyfought so valiantly to obtain Geals were scored by Peter Kenneyand Tony Stone The outstanding players although it was very difficult to choose wcre Bob Finlay and Doug lJamiosoo To these players and all thegresi of the team and lNigerieCanada Relations kiire Returningj LAGOS CF Relations be tween Nigerla andCanade are settling down after an upsetting diplomatic interlude arising out of Canadian reaction to the Atri can countrys civil war High federal Nigerian officials makc no attempt to disguise the fact they were bewildered and upset by thecritical tone of vstatcmentson the war thattat one stage gushed out of Canada jafmost daily The fact that the two coun tries haddeveiaped an excep tionally close relationship since ngeria becamclndependent in Co 1960 perhaps addedran extra mansion of anguish ngorl reg ded Cans asa friendo lb other side the their coach Mr Nevnrra we saycongratulatlnns Nominations for offices of treasurer and secretary in the GAA were made this week Weexpcct to hear the results in the next few days Thursday was Halloween with no evidence showing up on Fri day morning Elmvale Dil us ually has Halloween dance but instead of having it on Thursday night it was thought that itwould be best to post pone it until Friday night Fri day broughttforthvno lack of en thusiasm which was displayed in the costumes that many of the students were The Noon Rose supplied the music Which made the dance very lively in deed Although it was day late the spirit was still there and good time was had by all EDHS min the process ed making new school song The tune of the old onewas too high forrmany of the boys thus the responsibility of the singing was left mainly to the girls Therefore we are on the look out for new rhythm is new tune and new wordsthai each student can take part in thus making it school song to be To Normal moderate progressiveminded whiteblack racial division in the Commonwealth What they felt was prorBiaf ra bias in Canada tvas particu larly puzzling to Nigerian lead ers betause theysee the two countries facing many of the some internal problems They egrpected sympathyrniher th is censurajtn their attempts deal with secessionist Biaf What really eaused asfonl intent was External Affairs Min later Sharpsstatemant to the not hesitate totake theNigorian Question before tital UN should mmona hat Canada Would sung and enioyed th vhol student body School ended this week with geography trip to Toronto for Grades it it and lit The has left school at 915 am and ar rivedin Toronto at 1045 am At Toronto we yisilcd the Royal Ontario Museum where we were given two lectures Thevtlrst lecture was on the origin of glaciation andils re treat Our guide explained that the Great Lakes were form ed when glacier was retreat tag northwards0ne amadng aspect of the ice age was that Alaska was never covered by ice although the rest of the nortlt was Our second lecture was on the value of rock we were shown gems and jewellry made from different types There was engrock thatwas pointed out about the size of baseball worth $500900 The lectures ended at at the spot where we were to eat our lunch Somc went to rest aurants and others to the mus oum cafeteria to lunch we were allowed to look through the museum We caught the bus att30 pm when we settled back for our journey home We arrived be at school at 345 pm It was most enjoy able and worthwhile it CLOSED Eon Carlton Nara naarncs memos and SHARON screams The main elated marking the end of the tiueeday Geor gian Bey Drama Festival at which our drama society had acted an awardwinning perfor mance Porn Asquith Centrals first lady of the theatre was selected best actress and Don Tikkala best supporting actor Don president of the club also directed the lay An Overprals cd Season ih the help of staff advisers hilss Milady and Miss Clark The Georgian Bay Athletic As tociation Volleyball tournament was held Saturday at Eastview among 30 schools Centrals Sen ntws rnonnonni By puma tenants and th ruormon This week we take pride in congratulating our intermediate Soccer Team With the coach ing of Mr Ward the teamrnme to capture the GBSSA champ lonship The plaque was pre sented to Wayne hiarchand Even though this was the first year for North as Karticipant ey strove in this soccer field for the top and ended up vic torious During the course of this successful season goals were scored by Bill Mason Jay Faulkner Harry Their hard workand efforts brought them just rewards it was unfortunate that the Masque of Aesop Norths entry in iheDrnma Festival did not place mence deserved commends tlon fora fine show of talent think the North Siaifteam also should be praised for its successful the Harlem All Stars in their game the Allstars won by single point it is possible that the entertaining antics of the GoldenGoosa and company during the course of the game gave our team slight edge Butcven so the staff team merits recognition as tireless and formidable adversary However it was fungame and we thank Mr Smith Mr Austin Mr Chdmhers Mr MacDonald Mr Ward Dennis Kowalechuck Mr Paddison Brian Maclnan bfrWhitfield and Mr Anderson fortheirspirn iied participation and skilful strategy sport which hasnt been in the news too often is Boys Vol leyball lna tournament on Sat urday North encountered some diallenging and nervewrackA ing moments Although we lost out in the playoffs the senior team displayed some astonish ing teamwork coached by Mr Wellnhofcr North won easily gainst Central tend Eastviaw but were ladto quick and Painless defeatrat the bands of Parry Sound The Port Perry team gavcNortb quite the game and viceverse North was losing 144 it was Port Perrys serve andallrthw need ed was that one point to ywlo But North would not die ray nxannnaa Wane has PHONEmmt on oeioasr as the Organization of African Unity taun ac on ltforrlson Wayne Marchend Dave Clark Henry Devries made four shut outs in the seven games However their perfor opposition against AwardsllilAt Drama FéStivai for Girls team coached by liirs Bearcroft heat Parry Sound 15 Sutton fail but ware detent cd by King City 100 and lint lifter winning over DDCVI to it on luesd theittnlor fool ball team on to play BBCI in the Georgian Bay Champion ship They were elenlnatcd af ter hard struggle when Bor den won 107 BAND EXECUTIVE The Band under the direction of Fisher has elected its executive which is headed by Jerry Robinson as President and Bob Skeldlng as Vlcelres ldent The Secretary is Anne ftemaay Treasurer Tom Epp leit Glris Representative Joea They saved the day with some quick maneuvering end soon balanced the score to iili Ten sion increased an alternate teams crept up notch at time But our boys fought until they had gained the compulsory twopoint lead at tit16 Even though we didntgo far in the who BmbLN¢WsPdPerl In America RIO DE JANEIRO AF bomb exploded Thursday at the warehouse of the newspaper Jornel do Brasil tearing Marge hole in the main door and knocking the night watchman unconscious it was the third unexplained bombing of Brazil Winchester and the Boys Rep resentative Dave itodgcre tinny familinrfaccs filled tho school triday night at Com mencement exercises David lfoung gave the Valedictory Ad dress following tho presentation The Class of 6715t boasted nine Grade l3 Ontario Scholars 0n hand were many other award winner ncluding Julie Pellet ler Head Girl and Slave Parker Head Boy The program includ ed selections by the Band and the Glee Club Following there was reception inthe caie teria and dance in the gym for tile graduates This Friday night the BAA is sponsoring dance featuring the one and onlythat fabulous grouplhe deo Reception Soccer Team Captures Title didnt try and thats what its really all about GROUNDIIOG We present the gold medaifor boldness to the mystery girl who expressed admiration for certain male teacher at recent assembly ian publishing facilities in to cent weeks REFUSED ENTRY WNDON theaters in the lastihree months in foreigners have been refuudpermflsion to land in Britain to study scieniology ilerlyn Rees iunlor minister at the home office Iold Parliament Thursday The Brit lsh government has condemned the tnindtreining cult as so cially harmful and sought to curb its growth herring entry to prospective orelln slu dcnts under an aliens order SENATOR DIE DUBLiN AP Senator Margaret Poersa died here Thursday at the age of as She was the only surviving sister of Patrick and William Pearce on ccuted along with other leaders of the 1th Easter uprisingin lreland against British rule PRESENTS CREDENIIAU OSUD AP Canadas new ambassador to Norway George Kinnear Grende Thursday pre rented his credentials to Klan Olnv The ibyeanold career diplomats last post was direc tor ef the National Defence Col lege at Kingston Ont MAILMAN ARRESTED TORONTO CF Peter Buitlvant 2t of Toronto mailman was charged Tharp day with mail their following the discovery of two mail socks in theattie of vacant house Bntiivant was arrested after the new occupants of the house noti fied police train now PAY iATEIt on our convenient annals PLAN EXPERT Mechanical Body and PAINTWOIIK Phone 726181 DANGERFISLDS 33 Bradford St Barrie playoffs no one can say we BLROOKDLE ofyconsumers in use the Brookdoiemoltesfuliuseof Naturei 3HEATING WonderFuel in ONDiTiONING Accolade swatsansarino SOMMERIAIR musics orrtca ROME tAPt Police report ed Thursday that the Irchita ef fice of the Vatican ccuntcnicai council was ransacked over night lnrestigaiors said Mr glarl left the actual archives inlt tact but made off with all the valuables they could find in eluding locked cash box type writers and recording equip ment nanca FUND nor ST THOMAS The tool United Appeal campaign in St Thomas reached its ohlec five of 3100000 Thursday The announcement was made by chairmen William Golden THOUGHT 0F MAO DAR ES SALAAM ilteuterel young Tanzanian charged with stealin savings account book which ad been dropped In the street was given an abso lute dltcherge Wednesday when he told the magistrate thought it Was Just cop of quotations from Chinas ir mnn hiao Tseiung HELP STAMP our sranuaras None are outtaso alone the alvanlsr In town or the xeemers to the neighbor tne moving van pu led away how you more then finished youd navelco at are your new neighbors iepelin such as these Let thaws comeWagonHostess bring greetings and gifts to make them feetet home Hel stamp out strangers Gel welcome Wagon badly me wigon fashion usuvtho errononrd ST pint mists installation the Natural Gas thinner hitqiapmeni by HAROLD TtIEAnNo YANCH