ICornnunder rant froamm in lrephre Now liar New Hongltongflu By 105an Hm Doar Dr What should one do trotn this new askols flu XJJ Above letter is lake just the boileddown more at ques tion lot ot peopiahau been asking Rerewiih my answers and hope the situation wont chanta stgnitiuuliy in th than it takes in get this into prln The Honskons twig will lever name may su uen be applied to it seems to be rnutal on of the Aprirna or Asian itu at some years ago influenza we know exists in several tnrrns variants ot tha same basic virus But vaccine that guards ua tram one strain at the trim doea not protect against any other stra Our present flu vaccine Iheralore is combination oi vaccines which combat the ar lous strains The Hongitons strain being dlttcrent evidently requires new vacclnl prepared lront that particular strain of the virus ltow rapidly the new tlu will spread and how serious it may be is not yet apparent but it does scam to be risk Experts are working dililt tently topertect new vaccine My inquiries indicate that it my be the dead at winter or on next spring betore such vaccine can be readyit takes time to gather the new vinla raise more ot it maltaa vac elne test it tor saiety and eltec Iiveness and ï¬nally produce In in quantity What then should we do to protect ourselveal why my ad vice is to use the vaccine avail able now and depending on how the situation looks in anoth er ow manlhst have the new vaccine later it it seems needed How do we khow The flu is only partially predictable and we cannot say yet whether this llongltong strain is going to TELEVISION BUFFALO BARR BUFFALb BUFFALO TORONTO ll HAMILTON amlrncto re lGullolna Light lDat Game 9Pernr Probe llrerry alason 245 nzGrana rm llAlmanae son 32Hour warla lTake no rseurt Sta 74mm natal ll gigant In coatuea IJo WT on an Iy gEdlze ot Nlaht Snv snort LootNam aria Strum liRonsymoonlfl mo ml aPeulcoat amtn or ran therv Grmln awoalter Sex 7Rnusa Part 971 Art Lucy illssuper Heroes srltce at Your own 4GlIJlllnI Island lFilntstones Vhtovie lAlnt altaoena giHuch Inn on llo Iilltgxenlures Buck Hm klenv Mason an 14 Love um ltPenll Mason Ur awnata My Ltna knitMe riparian phlansl THURSDAY NOVEMBER MORNING ANDJFTERNDON ant swrnrtow ot the wane unrise Eastrem Get Gains Emoioment sti Hrtondly too arotlay 4Doctnrs Renal Cali 7Rackelsntn lms lth ms srartonallts Evt 7AnAy Grifï¬th Thom uan Alien Tian 4Nawa 1ss 5K oumnv ano tCIntato Kangaroo has BAtilniveraity or rlnoory azln nnmlna Metro sus 55 llMr oregano szss hornum tor Dollar simmer court lCnntact Snort 2310th Room 4NM lPu Cards lstrlisenvsurela Misses IMata 112W Hearst lrls FleI 00 asnn rttartnettt Hannah schools sLtteul atu ncutona muttona rrtunsna IM zltierv Grillln 3Waakcr Sex aHntm ran 51 larv bury usuoer Reroes ill L1 ntwma soTnii III 1rllntalonea Weat Pointl lx dc Inn Vast rem Maran 74 Lava Lucy rtrury Mun 74 so Bewitched tone but WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER EVENING sanu nttnrnr rlrllntttonas aln thetrs Wkatltar ilNswl Weather sports oaswlteotca llPllrn hattor oNewr weather Centenneneea 7Nawa Weather orta Irumloaea llRawall tho mo rwar oi the Wilcnaul That DoFattv Duke llAndy Grillth 1Hera come The Loon Hana snaclal oluevle the Young Ph 2Conrentnilan tBeveriv Hilibltllll Imclt Carers IUncla Robb gt sqner neltoa page Allan Tuna zuouvwnoa squares azno 4chk Van 1m Lalo spenders rtseton Noon uNen Wsabharr sport hler Wellspf raewttcltea oWomerrt World rrnlnn at no punts by llsbthr demise it tho Ronghongatraln is run on the prowl when thsnerr vac cine becomw available then grounder rnttr Iy lavj BECKER 03 AQIII the ulitrislrpeopla certainl should ï¬t itnregnant Iomen chronic heart patients those with respiratory ailments tba toilts In trhttm tilt is especially dangerous because at their con ditlnn gt With the till vaccines are al ready have it was readily proved that two inoculations were necessary about month apart In te maximum pratw tion the irst is sensitizing shot then the second shot of the same vaccine builds protectinn to hish ltveli Presumably this will be true or the Hongkong vaccine when it Is ready The tirst iniectinn will give somarprotectton but seoond willreillinrce it greatly in subsequent years the sen sittslng injection is not needed just boosterueacliyelr Dear Dr Mature use some or the lveliadvertised spray cleaners but they matte me cough and choke lira these sprays harmlul to the user Also the insect sprays EMK The cleaning raysto the best ot my know edge are not harmiui when used as directed but they may be more irritating to one person than another Since your problem cough and choke why not use sim ple cloth mask over mouth and nose Insect des require some pre cautions The labels give necese aary warningssuch as not standing in the way oi the spray sometimes recommend ing the use at masks and gloves to protect the shin Note to Miss or know ot no evidence that ciai sweets ners could have any died on slowing your growth PROGRAMS llMovla ma iron Mistral lGoad Guy 7rmun rum I30 saos trop special orusne 4hourin Hillbilllll 7Movie tlaltn GoldfarbPlnul Coma Home upv aslivai oGnen Acne some ZMLridu LElectlon REM nzum Gllflln 010 palver an weather lundlon Was rs om iians Evethen lPllflfl Berton urn 74am otmn Hoev Bishov 7il ovle ant Khan taint racxltl Rab tuon Storyl rms aaerry Mann LPN PaolnIll mm vs Argonluh iHnt Lina oo 2stm Allen 100 Writ sat th lluullfl 14mm outrun vMovte tm Till 00141 Dllk Hatsat rtuuttt Giant ma 7tAa The World rns 111 snotua Anti 115 OKJMODI 05 MM Wed Nut has an Pa Opening leadten at clubs This column otters natures the rpioita ot the tamed ltal Blue Team which has dorw lasted world championship bridge tortha past eleven years But whathappena when the star suddad members oi this learn play against such other as they occasionally do in invi tation events Does the irre ststable iorce succumb to the immovable obiecl or vice versat Without attempting to identi ty which pair was the lore and which the obletl wa cite this hand played in De ville France in i965 when DAleiio and Pabls Ticei incited horns with their countrymen Forquet and Garozzo Forotter Nd Some traat ruhly drrlAg the vulnerability robin112d aver etlled with tumdtantnnda Gan rouos proper action point is not entirely dear but he started double This proved to clever drain when Garnun and For Hound thedouhlo dummy lne ttt delense to put deniarer down tour 1100 pathtal West led to ten ot clllbl East cubed the MK and turned duh tor that to rulLr Garoaosbiflsd to low heart and declares plactns Parquet With the king went up with the are to lead low spade This was not an overwhelmin lioness hacaun Guano deciarers kins with the are and returned the taamvereti by the queen Alter cashing the king at hearts Forouet led club from this position essaoooa geahréfrmrgiedhwith ml nltt an atebrstaol discarding spade lrllrigglay as he might South nowhad to lose ifhrea trump tricks and go down SIMCOE COUNTY mills GUTHBIE MRS carmanu illera was weiltiiiad dturdl at Guthris United Oct 27 at the it am terle tor the tooth In niversary The regular minister Rev Duncan Planting conduct ed the service Mincsing maia quartotte and the local dtolr urn der the leadership at it HOW ald Campbell provided us Roll MIeKenste of Toronto delivered sarmo on The Responding usurdt At the vening setwce tor ch rom0rn Station sang and Mrs Lois Shoots al Barrie was soloist Rev Barry Dunr bar Burlington rousol his congregation with the apt topic Your th Do you latte lt tor granted At the tiresida latter the service Rev Duncan Fleming set the Seottlshbiood tingling with his bagpipes The floral doc orations at mlIns and roses wara especially beautitul Visitors tor theday Oct were Mr and Mrs BillProctor and Miss Sylvia Taylor ol Tor onto and Mr ltd Mrs Charles Fatum at Hamilton at Howard Campbells Mr ltd Mrs Douc ias Gilchri Judy and Glen Oakville at Harold Caldwell Mr and Mrs Jack MeArthur and ismily oi Orlllia at Mas ona Mr and Mrs Ray Hawkins of Parry Sound at Mel Jamie sons Mr and Mrs Harry Wil cox of Hand Head Mr and htra Evan Wilcox and two sons at Baotou and Mr ind Mrs Rots Campbell of Downaviaw at George Campbells OFFICE HOIRS nlLlsron About so members ofAlliston guests at Shoiburoo Sortety Oct 29 They were welcomed by pres ident Eric Gray ntertainment was provided by young girls lmm Grand Valley who tap danced directed nnd accompan iad on the piano ivyll Hiiiis Miss Roach oi Sheihurne read an article and recited imam ihe speaker was Murray Young tortoer teacher and graduate QM He spoita at the bene ï¬ts o1 horticulture to youth liv ing in an altiuentaoctety Mr Young showed slides at many school yeenhouses ln0n tarlo andsbake highly ot the one at vBanting Memorial High School the evening ended With hatch and social hour Syrrtpathyof thacommunliy Is erotended to the family otErnest Irwin who died in Stevenson Memorial Hospital MKS HOLT ittrs Phoebe Holt wileof the late German Holt passed away weekend long resident of Alliston wet and favorably known Mrs Holt was the lormer Phoebe Graham She is survived by one son Albert and daughterlrone Mrs Per cy Moth Mrs ll Shephard and Mrs Bob Campbell will soon be out Stevenson Memorial Hospital Sornefot the local hunters are propharing tor their annual trip nor Iiaonnmurm bailed dont boflaerme but when Hews 7UMldrenI Donia zoara or our Lives 1Lovl la litany Scleaaores ntn 1Ncwtywen Dans Jo on no say alumnil rant than oer ht OtDosto nitll ll$fllu 100 Zane ertln Hudd llMarv tirifltu orour worta smwr wr titer saorlr tiNewg Weather spiny =3 to wNawtvwaa Gant DAILY ionosswono ACROSS DOWN Lemme Elck nance complaint ssevarata spurttaunt Mrlgrttert 3Paiebmicnr 106oosaoggs 12neat 143 15Mon£yfln Elihu 15140uiu bill notAnlta 18Anbic letter forth French government sum 031 boots Ihbr £Mflisten anew Lubretttaï¬ erahwtn army at gt tank Homo for the bacon to Monogram 11 Fish mine torilath dillo creator 21Upm0l maway Johnson brill Mimnd staid IIanrrnatlog medium lLVMGflAu 29Prtu ï¬thl um rm anion Hohnnv Clflflfl triintrwn oral or 11rr Algtloekw Fl lvle llol Hilly ova tDIsutha anti HI Wlflï¬llp fllfllllflflfl Elfllfll nn unnnnounnn masonInn dgidwtetnroj 11Con mum tN4u 19 On Horticultural Socipty were tho JULIET JONES DONALD DUCK GRANDMA BLONDI secretr AGENT x9 oh hereon earth our our POOR lathï¬guaovrgm mus weasel sveutuo mus aulmmom HIGHNESS nr OOIIIMN nonrue Viennese nor 13 THAT WA 10 FOULYOUE BOY vuu neg51 ant ï¬f transmit TO WING 2312 QnEJ ruler All ts tinChin sUzzsAwYErt MUGGS asagenrsrt VDURMlSSiNS MORTGAGEP MUSIANV MT lit 0055411 vss tstmmtmsnsm rum oto ritual mamas our wssr urn AIM cutso women we mo ALL MY FRIENDS ntttl tlES on Aauslness