acontm Spreads Hepatitis1 hy Journal Atom no humor eelmole to mom to Ill itlma other din ioodclothiru ecuthat the patient has han dlediMnm Yeaflaepatitia the rim men eaulea iii can he inn 35 ii contamination in nd lmportent manp ofvlniection to ram swimming orvadln1 in contaminated wa ti which can even inclu wading or awimrrdnz poo Proper chlorination makes them onto however is by direct third means peraonal contact The an at the problem in hepatitis virus aur tndaed flourishes in wate or in moisture 0r oi in the human body which alter all in lauelymoiat go does not alurvtvn an ounrentvery on There la little likelihood ct $031 up the viruc irorn clotlr or ouch articlea but it might be tranrmitted by towels or until clothan Waah hand thoroughly after contact wrth moistartioiea or niter touching the patient who hepatitir Dear Dr Mother lhave very embarruflnl problem bad breath and dont know what to do to end it work with the public and must have pleaaing breath Everythinz eat aiierts my breath My teeth are not the cause asked my dentist Whnt cant do am 35 and urn mouthwaata Please help My tamily ta auileringMra When you any that every thln you cut attectr our breath make me wonder it you arent on the wrong track it doennt mm reaaonable that all toods would have any auch ciiect ihereiore why not direct your suspicions to aomethlng elsesome bronchial or lung can cause moat reurdlea tenant emu an lol hill mm Four nan ago nacutouthoaldeoihianech Lately helliuinumhnea on his ridu aideoometiniea¢own to no mg dootor told an it lamentimeth em ma in tempo nowum from nu blood pmaure MnBDW decline to loin the hi urea in game Arthrilla otthe aplno causing pressure on nerve can cause numbness ilnaiinz or aimilar reaction but it would he more to the polntior your husband to have neuroio list check him over Noto to Buy Yen aye laahesonce pulled out will mm in again but not very rap idly And quit pulling them out not only tor the sake ot your an pearauce but because oi the rink oi intectlon SPORTSBRIEFS EXPO GET FRANCHISE MONTREAL CF Mont real Expos oi bueba Nation Val league announced they will operate Vancouver franchise in the Paciï¬c Coast League on iotatwnership balls with the Seattle Pilots oi the American league The Ramona new club in the expanded Notional league will have their lirst ccnsonnext year BROADCASIER KILLED Lotus Veteran sports broadcaster itarry Carey waa critically tutored early Suh day when struck by car aa he was crossing mother acom 0N PENALTY LONDON Ont to Frank Digirolamo ncored on penalty lddr in Hidden death overtime Saturday to give Torontoa Sene oe College the Ontario College Athletic Annotation Soocer chnnpionahlp with 32 victory over Windsora St Clair College TELEVISION PROGRAMS nunum mom curdAm BUFFALO TORONTO ll HAMILTON TUESDAY NOVEMBER EVENING tam Grisliin 7iIlouaehrt1v aLruve Lucy ustlou Heron a2 1Nm 3an oGllitnn nrmo VEiinhwlm hMovie 11w Elmnon Kid ilHuch and You lna wo 100 Iiitittll Id Harry uaron Love hicy nPerry liduon It 51 gnfeuo on 7T I55 Iuo atNawa Weather 5M we IWtrtdow On To World asunrtu Srth ICaraoon fleet Gama Iggy IlMzmnloymnntfllo ernm anoctnrs House Call oNm fun 1mo nu moo oNewu we 7Clptain Kanaarnn ovnumrty or The Alr llPoneyo in on er Snflm our lddr Dump 1nillin1 For noum 1155 aoxvom Court Iitomoer lton can nPay cm oemnu Snlleh Mine lMau ma GNWI tzoo Snort lNown no ath 7Gulldln1 Lllht 7Dlllun Gama SPorrya Prube ltrarry Macon It aGnnn ltAiananac 1106 SAlnother 31 50 742 storm lGenenl Howitll ï¬gmnll In COMM zm Dont Say SEdll ot NI it 7Cnmmlltder cm emtm llalilxll en Griiiin aWanker Sea 10 nNwa tTrutn Conleourmc 1chu Weat er om FÂ¥ilnlltonel uKllull Fiveo No up artu or Your Own llllllna blend tinutonea bnovlo Ain hitabelaavbtl lï¬ï¬‚uek Ind Yon lAdveniulu oi Huck dPenv Manon Ave bun llPerrv Mason 5J0 IWhlta at Lina zatovle lDlk oPattv 1mra nrlnaa 00 tsitvITNIn Welthor Iantichala nmm Berton 1iectlon cowqu Htewo Walther art ilMv rnm rm mo 1uecuon Dovean lMothertm1aw 1m llAndy com um onnnvwoloi llCiLr moulhf 200 3416 Shean llJudd tï¬ï¬tlltf wanstnnY Novnlunen noonch ANnmljanoN nan no4 7LIIEHJI El gï¬angllkiliuot 7Roolaatahin unevu lIlilhlllte 7nrcx 03m IUllell nohint mu licnex Helena zrmomlity tnvm 7Andv Grtlttth hDaunv Thoma uEd Allen Time 112 SEd Allen Time or snuarea curu or van om SBll spender llEdnro Noon uNewx Weather snort Hen nty lrTum twiwtuneow Id omen nr ltninxn Itlinme WEDNESDAY Novnnxnclt EVENING atPtnm Berton 41Newa ullonevrnoonera 1m zrluel Pattlcoat luncticn or can Wu llAbdy cumin Conn lit it in Wmme Olin toolm mo nmuta niller llllnder Attack euar onortx Day 1NYPD moo Hvlnfln IlMerv 558 um 1640 7n9€3égnun van illNew Spline ulen Berton ELECTION qovnnama 1n Netwa greed eoumn our continu until tn ran nnmn gunmen point local their $3955 Palace thoura mu nouuu a4 llSenrvh For The Itiiieri 7Vini Cuban oltovle Little mot 1v rein Granm 11 ovle Kind 7i 130 7Al The World Illml 14th You should 155 zNm wuuler Lemma nomi mo znaya ot our leea 7MVE in Many Sniendored Thin 1Ncw1ywed Gama It llNewa Weather anon illMovie 11M rm matron 530 LGflflfl Guya 7Peytun mm mo zBvlzHnM special 5Ptahllc Eye lBlverlly Htltbllilee 1ltuvle John Gatorn Pieau Come urom gnu rounr ontvn inn run lFilnl lorton nun Hoe 1Kovta la Muon nm nounu oitw 114am Icmoaf mo Went led the idea and another mode which eciarer rotted There did notecon to hexomit to the play oi the hand will do clamlediholnunpacuttrkk three and East unexpectedly allowed out it now med Impossible to avoid losing diamond and two trumps tor down one but our atouthearted Sonlh iound Limited Farm Plan Dies WASHINGTON an move in the United Statea Camera to limit rubsidlea to maximum 320000 Year to any one term haa been killed because at revolt by more than Republican in an ap parcnt electionyear manned vrel Aa thing now atand anme hi larm operator act millions oi dollars annually either to rubri dlze crops or to compenaata them tor not growing crops it is calculated that since 1961 the us government has paid 311 on alone to iarmera tor not rowlnl wheat iced grains and cotton All three remain in surplus Eepuhllcanlaul Findley oi llllnoln loading sponaor oi the $20000 ceilingrln the iarrnl program hill More the iiouse oi Roprenentativea raid the unlimited payment provision is bonanza or bi opera tora But little oi the money trioidea down to mail iarml era he contends other opp neuta have charged that big iirma are buyingup amall terms leavinl them idieand so cttugqaymentslor not wor ng them Agriculture department tig urea show that last year 9952 iarmerareceived payment at more than $20000 ior atotalod MANN The liona share went to the 15 cottongrowing atntea oi the South e52 tinned with diam nd South tollcwln cult Walt tonnd that he could nah only one mm trick lnaiead imam he hit Wm WM an make lie hailed th diamond rotmï¬with thel but then hadto lead trump may from the tovpreaeut declarer th lart two trichl subsidy Overall uro mini Mwa liyflma Miss own ms msmzso em MANNEKISM or names sown diea including thoseto tobacl co and peanut rowcra have run close to 000000000 In nualiy in recent yearn Cattle iruit and vegetable amen receive no subaldlea Representative Silvio Conte ch=iiiaaal raid of Senate rejection oi the ceiling thnt some aenaton are iced lng at the public trough Sen ator Jamel Eaatland DamMlasla major oot tnn planter and must paid to iarms listed an land Plantntlona lne and Eutland The House reveraal Borne an aurprlae amid government costcuttin that alaahed tor eign aid to 10year low Other domoatlc proxrama were aharply curtailed lnreturn ior Congreaaioual approval oi hla mpgcent it coma tax aurellarzo Prent dent Johnson was plesliiied into cutting hta bucket Critica note that this ï¬gure in equal to the mounttlno 113 in overlihlént on direct aubsidies private in duatry And it is tour timea liar budget tor antimony program point repeatedly driven humn duringlnsl aumr merl Poor Peoplea carn painn here emrmmumwflwd Imfriendbahontlalding oouldhomonlrtmfliy biler crossvvonn aortas Lottnman court Wnrgod 105woritll iarewell JLUphoid 12111111 l3hontpart ILRAInhlowa on tacttyne Manelitea Minimal dayianunI rum hmihora fllluvl 203mm 121mm 21nmartalock partner lttrhlinlmilfy lopmolt format lDlFllmlr IdPotaatt flyituoma artwork 2Woldwtth centnr Dtaeuaattm In 111 freakish manner Poll problem Lnnoepart liloanom tpeolaltiel thiubfllnil otthalalo mm Jimtin naport Lnflliltr tuner em mpg 15 mm oi Véliiflflgfllii thomoooytha minw 311s Jul 21 Bonnet or bride 12 Kind yatation Inland oi ieona birth It Tamed utda Edgar BeIXWlb neaa to ll Finder or otiicn 3e Present Itlllk Soho atyta MonIii 40 Human brotherhood poet IHHVIHI ahbr mootverb xenonin GWTW SLColumnixta IVAEIIIIVA lï¬ï¬‚lllVfl 000 mom irtnn mchwVIM ANUINAVETD SAVING WENE CHASE NIM WITH MY BRDOM AIKEN ootN us Pow lOd 70qu THE NEIGHBORHOOD GRANDMA is ill AFRAID And Has HAD pr meczm lrs WALDDJAD HIS HEAD THERE 6isz ow RAIDING Buzz slewing uses examex YDU JJSiSEErl BET SMEDNE MU DO WHO If FEL BEFORE LONG SHEENFOOT BLONDIE Wacomeow IM N0 EVEN GONG TO ASK HER WHEREVER THERES HORSE RAEING 0R GAMBLiNEf MAYEEMIAMIFLAS VEGAS MONTE CARLO ottjaovl our souuos GREAT vulmuuuiitt DISHmCAtLEn Au Fsug