NAME AMBASSADOR WAWAVlut James Roberts deputy secretaruen ml at NM or the last tour years has been named Can ndas ambassador to Switzer land ExternalAltair Minister Shara nnnouooed Monday The Slyearoid wartime bflsldlef and armor deputy trade minis or also will serve as ambassa fldor to Algeria POUND not ourvrv NEON it Antonio Casaie 35 of Toronto was lound not guilty oi noncanital murder Monday by reason at in trinity in the Jan 18 death of his Wife Casale had admitted shooting his wile Carrnda 23 with 124mm rifle hit Jus tloe Moorehouse ordered Casate detained in psychiatric hospital ILETmES NEXT MONT KINGSTON CPI Michael McCormick manager oi the Kingston public utilities com ff mission transit system since 1963 will retire Dec 31 it was announced Monday Yorlr Polk Mrt McCormicits assist ant will assume the post Jan PROJECT BEGINS KTNGSIDN CPI Work on $1296000 expansion to the citys water purification plant will begin immediately lo allevi ate midMinler unemployment the public utilities commission announced Monday The com mssion approved tender sub milled by Schwneger Construc lion Co Ltd oi Burlington Ont The project is to be completed in about yearn GUNS FOR HIRE MANILA Reuters Hii plno police contending with pro Oommunisi link and antiCom munist killers in central lizon province now are contending with th eroup izown as the orillas They will kill any body proliuk antilink pro government or anilzovernment all for price officials tnid security conference during the weekend WIIIIDRAWING DBSERVERS MUNICH AP Soviet ob servers at the Czechoslovak Lchuck points along the West It GermanCzcchoslovak border fare gradually being withdrawnI mWest German border police reA jjported Monday RECALL FAILURE VIENNA Austria APt Twelve years ago Soviet troops smashed the 1956 Hungarian up risingt On Monday oliiclal Hun gary commemorated lhe vi Lima oi the counterrevolution CITES APPALLING FACI LONDON AP The British government is preparing to roA strict the promotion of cigarette if sales because at the appalling act of increasing lung cancer Richard Ctossman secretary or social services announced Monday Britain already has some relatively minor curbs on cigarette advertising mninly banning it from television i4 screens before mom ENDS SOVIET VISIT MOSCOW Reuters Fin Prime Minister Mauno sto called on Soviet Presi Nikoiai Podgorny Monday at the end of twoweelt visit to he US The meeting was by Soviet Foreign MinisterAndrei Gromyko and Finnish Ambassador iaakko Hallama BREAK DAM GROUND anwammm no Presi dent Mohammed Ayub Khan of Pakistan broke ground Monday rior the worlds largest earth jandviockuï¬li dam tile 9000leet ¢w long Tarbela Dam across the lt lndusRiver 60 miles west of Rawalpindi Canada is among countries giving ï¬nancial assist PLUMBlNG Er HEATING GLENBRAEJ Plumbing Heail no Iaaynsia mom SANDe GRAVEL Sand Stone All Sites curr VAacoE tIMlTED 7131951 STONEMASON intimates aartazcuaa nos amnwaurs nnrvawm let modems withmswings Wifmiglit downpour gasolihefdowrfthedrain ntmakcthemista eot nling that good mileage slust amatter of good gasoline Good mileage iv ny thing Likespark plugs Just one misï¬ringspark plugco id cut your mileag by 10 That means you could waste gallon in every pnynrg for 50 miles more than you should airiiieage expert da Shell dealer Mileage is his business check your spark plugs regularly iflhe rec ommend change cw ShellChampion plugs can be installed while you vvait Youll soonyrecovcr the ts book oi ups on how to goas far its humble Vcry gallon ofgasoiine When everything is right your car and your driving habits then SupcrrSheile tankfui For every 500 miles you erE Jou could I12 can really show ofl Bttianehelps yuanm quickly And neonate youstart the lasSgasoiine you vaste before you get going ti detergentï¬ghtsdeposits thatcan Build up inside the carburetor These dépositshurt your mileage engine warm up quickly prevent misï¬ring buck coughing and wasted with supersmn Youll get even better mileage withthc help nioui JZSedretxbook