Barrie Examiner, 5 Nov 1968, p. 7

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nant or color ful Kirbener WIIerIoornude will be performed in the Barrie Central Colonnade tortun In less than two wee The show which failure the versatile Don Gillies as 0g the leprechaun Isthe type of pro duction the entire family can en ioy The alternoon Wiornunce ls expected to draw good size audienceol youngsters who vii det taste of live theatre for the tin time Mendoers of the ladies Auxil lisry to the Barrie Lions who sponsoring the production here In town traveled to Kitclex ener thispest week to see the play and attend the reception held at the Walper House after wards The group Included Mrs Sergeant president of the sur iIlIsry Mrs Hancock vice president and Mrs Nes bitt Mrs Connery and Mrs Dewsnap all of whom are past presidents Tickets for the evening per formance on Nov to are almost sold out but there are still numberavsilsble for the alter noon show Reserved seatsmay ho had for the Nov l6 perform ante Ticket holders may arrange rucrved seats for nominal charge Those wishing to make these reservations may do so at French Motor between llIe hours of two and five in the afternoon on Nov or northern noascu My Idea of good opportu nity Is making money through winnlng contests one of our readers writes And since this is something could do at home Lisle and the late find myself thinking more and more of becoming the kind of contestant who wins household furnishings cash awards and other extra luxuries if you can tell me how to get started Id appreciate any help you can suggest There are all sort of contests you canshoot at lf you feel lucky and are not dependent on any winnings you may happen to collect to put food on your table and clothes on your back People who have been able to win an award or two say that nannur EXAMINER cumin sonaran lit OntarioFashionsTo Highlight Orillia Womens Conference ORIUJA More than 100 garments will be featured In bright In moving fashion show to be held at womens coalerence In Onllia unWednee ny The Ontario designed and He sled garments provided by Members of the Ontario Fashion institute will be featured at conference sponsored by the Dr lIIIa Womens Hospital Auxiliary Patience And PerSisténoe Needed By contestants hopeful contestant like ourselt should start out by rcso ving to he persistent and willing to take the tlme you may need to come up with some winning answers You may have beginners luck but you probably will have many disappointments he lore you hit anything like win ning streak And If you do win some prises you will find that there will be more nonwinning times when your patience and persistence will be challenged Once you decide to try to make money by entering con tests fit that goal into your daily routine Make It your reg ular habit to save all the labels thatcome into your home as faithfully as you open cans of foodand staples After you have made this he ar BURTON UNITED Autumn Afternoon Gold and bronze colored mums formed the bridal salt ing for the exchange of Vows between Virginia Margaret Fairweather and Robert Alan Robertson The afternoon cere mony was conducted in Baden Avenue United Church by Rev Kenneth qurdon assisted by Rev Douglas Gill of Crcemore Doug Garrawsy presided at the organ and accompanied the soloist Alex Riddell as he song The Lords Prayer and llow Great Thou Art The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Howard Fair weather of Tower Cr Barrie The bridegroom is the son of hire Stuart Robertson of Mr Robert shn PEAU DE SOIE GDWN The bride entered the church on the arm of her father who gaverher in marriage For this Setting wedding Vows special moment she chose full length gown of peau de soie de signed with high front neck line trimmed in ribboned lace and deep Vahtbe back The at train edged with matching ribbnned Inca cluster of petals with seed pearls and crystal held the full length veil of silk tulle illusion slim skirt extended to cardin The bridccarried bouquet of white mums gnrdenias sLephanotis sprays For the traditional something and old the biide were beirloo pearl ring WEDDING amnoawrs Miss ValerieFaierathet at tended as her sisters mind of honor Mrs William Kelly of Stratford and Miss Bonnie Rob sisters and moids mean of Lisle the bridegrooms Miss Maureen Reed of Barrie were brides The attendants wore similor full length sheath gowns of are man silk fashioned on the em no line andteatuIing short boulder copes with ring collars Their headpieces matched the tones of their gowns The maid ot honors gown was moss green and she carried bouquet of gold and hronze pm The bridesmaids gowns were orangepumpkin color and they carried bouquets of white isn Rutherford daisy mums and button poms tinted brange gt of Harrie at tended as groomsman Terry Gilbert of Base BordenWilliam Kelly of Stratford and Ronald Welland ere the ushers Following the ceremony Mn AND Mas ll positivism tired in dress and jacket ensemble of coral wool trimm ed in winter white With match ing accessories carsage ot white carnations completed her costume coring navy blue and costume complemented with pink hat and corsage of pink Carnations The brides travel ensem blepwas fashionedot fuchsia wool accented Willi blackacces series and gardenla corsage After the wedding fripto Lake Placid New York the newly weds will make their home at pm 36 Glenwood Drive Barrie Out ol 4ch guests includ million from Brock Saskatch ewan Grlinaby Pcterbproughi Drayton Elmira Fergu Well and Toronto and Collingw ood ginning set aside two or three hours day for working system atically on contests During these sessions watch for and save every contest announce meat you see To start all possi4 ble odds working for you enter every contest you can lind and enter each one with as many entries as possible since some of the more lucky contest win ners tell methls is one of the secrets of being success in an endeavor like this While you are working on your entries go all out to come up with good gimmicksand clev er poetry Put flair and color into simple writing Use alliter ation line important words Try anything to make your entries stand out from the bunch Photo by Favero PLEASE NOTE our joisw rHoNeuo 7287622 ants in ViolH improvedServlce incoulunctlnn with the Ontario Department of Trade and De velopments wontens advisory committee The institute collab crates withrthe department in the Eedee fashionast com petition aimed at stimulating Ontario design and increasing sales and exports of Ontario fashions loan Sutton executive director of the Ontario Fashion Institute will coordinate and commentaie at the Orillia showing to be held at the Canadian Legion Hall choreography tightly scheduledJSmInute program is by Toronto dancer Lorraine Thomson Behindthesch mar shalling will be the responslhll Ity of Audrey Lertov and Mary Blnmore oi hllss=Suitons stall Music lighting commentary and clothing will combine to cre ated swinging change of motif as the show progresses Models will parade appropriately as the motif changes from Russian through Innocence Military Tango to Viennese Waltz With as many as to girls on parade or time the models will often have no more than minute to make complete chanlo of costume My girls are fastcrfthnn tircl men at this quick change roult tine laughs Joan Sutton liusl Is your bustle Is the cry of the two marshals both intent on maintaining the splitsecond tim ing November Vows At Churchill Barbara June Guthrie doub tcr of Mr and Mrs Maxwell Guthne otyGlilord and Way ne Emerson Kaceshaw of Mr and Mrs Gordon Kneeshaw oi GIIford were unit ed in holy matrimony Nov Churchill United Church Churchill was decorated with yellow chrysanthemums and bronze and gold poms interspcr sedwith grain spikes tor the afternoon ceremony perlornind by RevClure Geddes of Chur chill and Rev Gordon Hunter of Hamilton Gosse of Etobicoke pre slded at the organ and accom panied the soloist Jack as he song The LordsPrayer and Perfect Love BRIDAL GDIVN Given In marriage by her father the bride wore fulli length gown of rosepoint lace and organza fashionedwith lily point sleeves Seed pearls stud tied the bodice of the dress which formed coat edged with scalloped Iace lull cardinal train applinucd with organza mas and secdlpearls extend edyfrom the shoulders of the KW pctallcd beaddressclasoed the shoulder length veil of illus sion tulle The bride carried colonial bouquet of coral roses clrcledwith white caroations smnnanrs Thebridessisier Mrs David Guinn of Etnhicoke attended as matron of honor The brides maids included Mrs Ben nescb of Windsor Mrs WBas son ofScarborough Mrs Wilson and Miss Debbie Guthrie of Gllford Miss Michelle Basson of Scarborough was flower girl The attendants wore similar full length sheath gowns of moss green wool textured ottoman fabric designed on the empire line and accented with fitted coats of matching ottoman Their headpieccs were moss green bows and they carried nosegfils of bronze and gold mums centred with coral roses Wayne Mundy of Churchill at tended as groomsman The ushv ers were John Wilson and Rob en Kuaeshaw ol Giltord David Guinn of ERobicoke and Brian Harris of Toronto RECEPTION Guests werevreccived at the Bayshore Motor Hotel ReceIV ing the brides mother chose printed silk knit coat and dress ensemble accented with green accessories and corsage of bronze and yellow baby mums Assisting the bridcgmoms motherwas attired in an anti one gold sheath dress and coat complementedwith tulle hat of antique gold color and cor sage of yellow rosebuds and white carnatibns FAMILY TRADITION Carrying through family tra dition the brides mother fash Ioaed her going away cos tnme turquoisewool tweed coat and dress costume accent ed with dark green accessories After honeymoon in the Maritime Provinces the couple will make their home at Gold crest Acres Gilford Ont ctm Pwlnnell and Mrs Ross Me rcccipcs and youll world over which combines all or sits file mi daughterof 111111er John Sheddenbl Putt Lbar been entertaining visitors treat Wallacebnrg Ont Miss Dim Eula Miss Gertrude McClure Mllflobha Round Miss Barbara Saunders were the weekend house guests on or onner made their home In Wallacdan OPEN HOUSE gt Last Saturday evening Mr lndMrsJoln Cockburn held open house for friends and oeighboran thclrnew homeon Theresa St Presiding It thstea table were Mrs Cochburns Inotber Mrs George Pearsall and Mr Confr burns mother Mrs loch burn Assisting the hosiesrwere Miss Anastasia Hughes Mrs Tailcrsall Mrs Donald Jay and Mrs Wayne lieaman snowcn PARTIES Prior to her marriage to Alan Robertson Miss Virginia Fair weather was guest of honor at misoellaneous shower at the boron of Miss Linda Rolls Shir lcy St Miss Maureen Reid was cohostess of the party Mrs Clyvnont wcro cobostesses of ad other miscellaneous shower at Mrs Dwinnclls Ro av 51 home Gue sis Included members oithc Beaux Belles Square DanceCIuIr Mrs Jock Parker of Burton Avenue entertained at Fruit Gives Skin Beauty Bonus lts true fruit can beautily your complexion pep it up give It sparkle Try some ot these discover why women today stlii use fruit to give their skins natural lift While avocado pears make de licious eating they are also wonderful skin packs All that is necessary In to spread the hub ter of the avocado pear over theface and lcave on tor 20 minutes The beneficial elfects ot the rich avocado smooth ar look and textural fineness detectaqu tothc eye and to the touch Lemons have always been cel ebrated for their gentle bleach Ing action To revive tired and dingy skin pat on lemon skin freshener cosmellc prepara tion available to women the lhegoodness of beauty lemons Another of Natures beauty hints is to take squeezed out hnlf ol lemon and pour lightly whisked egg your into it Add squirt ol lemon juice or few drops of lemon treshener and ieave this mixture for twelve hours to absorb the all present In the lemon peel When you arelready for beauty treat ment smooth thcvmlxture over your face and neck and leave on for ts minutes This lemon skin pack has wonderfully tonic effect on the complexion SUPPORTRHODONALD TORONTO fCPl The Ontar Io Young New Democrats have formed committee to support the reelection of party Leader Donald MacDonald Mr Mac Donald and deputy leader James Tenwick are to face leadership convention inKitche nor Nov ist7 Mist Maril gem Path gave mindless eons shower party at her Hol St memoirsews Arrangements have been corn plead by St KIHS Catholic Womens Hague for nun rtuze sale to be held Saturday Wfllflili St Josephs auditor ium Muluder St Hours of sale will be from untilt noon ranxwau eanrv Mr and MrsGlh Wiley at Yonge St Barrie entergained Sunday afternoon at farewell party for Dennis Colarnoco who has mootedposition with the advertising and sales of radio station GREY Toronto Mr Col emaoo was formerly associated with CREE EarrIe Party guests included Mr and Mrs Robert Powell Mrs David lfoey Mr and Mrs Alf Shepherd Mr and Mrs Hennan Cauthers Miss Snndra King Mrs Icna Mc Nellb and Mr and Mrs Don Wiley and sons Jimmie and hill in Musicians among the guests provided entertainment which was followed bye buffet supper WEDDING GUESTS Outofclty guests attending the RobertsonvFaicwealher wcd dingin Burton Avenue United Church indudcd the brides grandparents Mr and Mrs John Simpson and Mrs John Preston the brides aunt of Brock Saskatchewan Mr and Mrs Art Eranan and son Slan loy Mrsand Mrs Sid Bachelor Art Franklin and Miss Anne Frtinklin allot Elmira Mr and Mrs Wilbert Brenner of Forgus Mr and Mrs Norman Haggcrty and daughter Linda of Drayton MI and Mr Bey Seigner at Al llston Mr and Mrs Vernon Reds man of Orleans Mr and Mn Ralph Greenwood ofWelland Mr and Mrs Norman Well at Peteeborugh Guests from Grimsby were Mr and Mrs Bob Bearer Mr and Mrs For and son Doug Mr andllrs Ralph Schuert Mr and Mrs ville Snell Mr and ltrsNeIlgt Stuart Mrs Howard Ferris and Mr and Mrs Bruce Manning Other guests Rev and Mrs Douglas Gill of Crnemore Mr and Mrs Ewart Jorden and son Ewart at Toronto Jack and James Mclcan of Base Borden and hits Elli Redman of Cell Ingwood LDI EUCIIRE Winners of Saturday evening euchrc party sponsored by ml 432 in AIIandaIc liall included Mrs Moe Pounds Mrs WWayv land Mrs McNabb Jim Tyn dale lIarold Ayorst and Harry Carter Euchre are hold each Saturday evening and the pt II is welcome TEA AND BAZAAR prcchristmu dessert tea and bazaar will be held this eve ning in the True Blue Hall High SL Sponsored by IDEA 29 the event takes place from 130 until ozso oclock FROMLSI CATIIARINES Don Dickerson of St Cathar ines formerly of Barrie was the weekend guest of Keith Caldwell and his parents Mr ad Mrs rArthur Caldwell of Shanty Bey Mr Dickerson former organist and choir director of St Thomas Anglican Church in Shanty Bay was guestorganist during the Sunday morning worship service KW MUSICAL exooucnous formerly TWIN CITY OPERATIC SDCJETY presents NOV 16 I968 CENTRAL COLLEGIATE AUVDITORIUM fedturing and produced by ooh GILIIES who plays the putt of og the leprechaun Pertutinnhces Only MATINEE 2515 PM ADULTS mo STUDENTS $100 EVENING 815 PM ALL SEATS $150 lImtad number of reserved seats TICKETS from members at Ladies Auxiliary to shutters or rail mans or 7135052 anvawcc RESERVATIONS ron Nonimsr FEE FROIII much morons NOV 10 PM SPONSORED BY THE LADIES AUXILIARY TO THE BAHRIE LIONS cum RECIPE CORNER GRAPE CONSERVE prepared fruit about are lb fully ripe loose skinned grapes and 2c water 72 grated lemon rind lemon juice seedless raisins 1c chopped nuts lav lb sugar lbox powdered fnlit pectin First prepare the fruit Slip Vegetable Treat For Dinnerlime Cantled green beans can make wonderful Iamllydinner veg etable Turn drained beans in to large baking dish use two or three cans it your familyis big one mix in little catsup Worcestershire and chop ed onion and top with crushed cheese crackers that have been wellmqistflued with melted but ter Heat uncovered in the oven skins from about av pounds loose skinned grapes Add water to pulp bring to boil and simmer covered minutes Sieve to remove seeds Chop or grind skins and add to pulp Measure into very large saucepan Add lemon rind and lemon juice raisins and nuts to fruit in saucepan Then makethe conserve Mea sure sugar and set aside Mix fruit pectin into fruit in sauce pan Place over high heat and stir until mixture comes to hard boil Immediater add all sugar and stir Bring to in rolling boil and boil hardll min ute stirlngconstantly Remove from heat and skim off foam with metal spoon Then stir and skim for minutes to cool slightly and prevent floating fruit Ladle quicklylinto glas sesCover at once with inch hot paraffin Makes about medium glasses 14 luorurhnisth MtlSTPEuPlE tusrsu Til IF mi chumswont ADS PHONE onem4 Get into the act Youll have horn blow Sampll ttat villa dltrlng Ipp lclbla Econe pat no time In SWItzarl Exounion Rlltlm Fm lo

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