could collect United Church on non wulhescenevol wedding oi local interest when Min Judith Carla Brown exdiang ed vows with Edward diaries Bully nt Barrie The bride is the daughter oi lir aadhtrs Roy Brown at Uthrsonr The MW in the son of tilt and Mrs Edward it Bully at Marina Cr Barrie Standards at mums and glad loli in autumn colors decorated the churchlor the ceremony conducted Oct 25 by Rev ltlulr ol hrnccbridge BRIDAL GOWN The bride entered the church on the arm at her lather who gave her tnmarrlagc She wore slim lloor length sheath oi ir ldescent lagoda crepe destgn ed with on Wire bodice and pelll point sleeves oi lace cape or line rosepolnt lace ex tended to cathedral train Fahric roses and petals lashl loned the brides headdress and caught her tour tiered veil ol silk illusionSha carried bone out at red roses ltiss loncl Lees at Oak Rid gesvattcndcd as maid ol honor The bridesmaid was lliss Trudy Manson at Oshawa and the flower girl was Miss Brenda Tebby 0i Huntsville THEME 0FBRIDE Carrying through the theme at rihc bride the aitcndanls wore lull longui sheaths oi blue chit lon with long sleeves of rose polnt lace Back panels oi chil ton iorrning slight trains Matdiing headpieccs oi blue rosepoiat lace and white satin ribbons were worn by the at tendanls and they carried bas kets ol white and blue mums Chris Staplciord oi liuntsvilie attended as best man The ush ers werePeter Brown at litter son and David Myers or St Cathariaes RECEPTION Following the wedding guests were received at the Canadian Legion Hall Huntsville The brides mother wore salmon pink brocade dress with match ing pink accessories mink stale and corsage mums comptemcntcd hcr cos The bridegrooms mother chose moss green silk shan tung ensemble accented with harmonizing accessories and corsage ot yellow Sweetheart roses For travelling the bride don ned twopiece blue suit trim Photo by hour Graham Brasebrtd lllR AND MllS EDWARD CHARLES BUFFY pink orchids Oshawa Oroao Emsdalc and Barrier mod with blue lax lur hlack ao cessorics anda corsage oi baby On return trom the honey moon to Ottawa and other cash crn points the couple will re side at 196 Burton Ave Barrie Out ol town guests attend ed irom St Catharines Morris hurg Toronto levack Sealorlh Waierdown Aylmcr Huntsville Bracebridge By IDA JEAN KAlN An underweight young lady longing to add pleasing pounds writesu weigh mere so pounds nm ï¬velootone tall and skinny all around is there any that can gain more weight she pleads Yes indeed And while youre about it why not go on health building pmgmm that can give you glowing good looks and pos itive wellbeing Hows your appetite it you havent much appelta it could be you are anemic in that case the family doctor will suggea mare iroarlch and energy hoostiu loods Lack oi appetite can stem tram nundier ol lac tors Faulty lood habits irregu larin ol meals hurried eating constipation and ovartatigue Talk with good medical man about your health and lood hnb its Some minor changes could put you on the right course It you have pretty lair appe iite but you still do not gain then you are eating barely enough tood to cover your cur rent needs Extra calories are required tor gaining PLAN YOURMEAIS it takes high quality calories to build better body The nu divided into tour groupsmilk Grandpdrenié Advice Must Be Selective And Sparing By GARRY MYERS lhD Grandparents oiten write me nl their concern that their grandchildren are not under stood by their parents or that the younger oncsare not well disciplined and that those over six or seven are not brought up to share in the home drudgeries and responsibitiest Olten the grandparent is right but her own son or daughter or inlaw is not usually ready to follow ad vice from grandparent Grandparents are wise who rarely or never give voluntary advice to their own children and who give it sparingly when it is asked tor Often lhnve thought that ii grandparents for their ad vice to their ow children who are parents just as doctor or dentist does this advice would be appreciated Surely it would he more selective and sparing Here is letter from grand mother who worries that her Win lag up lor toss Vladea at Victoria who is one otCnnadaa top lemala athletes on Ahe t7membec Canadian team competingia til three granddaughters and 12 are not helping about the home She writes Al leel badlyabout three of my grandchildren and t2 who no notlike to help about the house When go there lnr Sunday dinner always go Into the kitchen and start washing dishes1tll tho breahtaat dishes are in the sink since morning Then the other makcs the girls come in and dry dishes Thcy pout and scowl all the time even though try tn tell lunny story or sing or whistle to get them in good mood just cant like that attitude and cant say anything to my daugh ter in lirwVhat can do NOT OPTIhnSTlC My reply in part can understand your cnnr cern about those three grand daughters can imagine how you were discouraged over their attitude when you tried to get them tashnre in usual home luw wise way in trying to win those girls to share in that chore cheerlullyt As you continue vie iting in that home you might get some desirable results But in spite ol yourwisdom and about the luture home responsi bilities these girls will shoulder Let me suggest that you avoid exhorting those girls about their need to do more in their home Avoid dropping remarks in their Presence at any time about the lack at responsibility in most Avoid condemning your daughter llilBW in your private talks with her spouse your son instead you might ate yourscll with her by build ing on her strengths in other di rections gt gt drudgery can see how you feel whenyou write cant say word to my daughterin do admire yourskill and By IDA BAILEY ALLEN KEEP am THE TllIM Need High ang Foods In Weightvï¬aining Diet Woloen AgreeiConicérniogf ran annals mummauesmv novwass no firm AllJIlï¬nfidlj is my 15th noddine anniversary HusbdndsiUnfoithluinessg strengthens your case girls and on neurons thought trite to you but that letter trim the womanwho caught her huEnad with her younger sister was my story only it want my sister it was myoiecc My husband swore it would neverhappon egala liebegged soup meat polio vegetable lniit group and bread and or reel group Plan your meals around these mential lood groups lor they yield plus values in nutrition The good nu trleatatn foods work together call it teamwork 0a welth nnced menla you can be win ner it you are not interested in breaklnst do something about that You want more bounce and verve so start the day with nourishing meal liavesome cereal with milk toasted raisin bread and bitot bone with glass at milk Breakfast is In ideal time to include vitamin so have orange lulee or tresh grnpelruit 0n alternate mora higs have an egg toasted English mutiln with manna lade and glass at milk plus hot beverage Youll gala How about lunch Dont post pone the lunch hour until you feel all gone Relax and take the tin3 to eat balanced meal not lust coke and hot dog Between meals have hour ishing pickup but not mveet tor that dolls your appetite Din nor should be well rounded when you leel tired it you can relax and lie down belore dia ncr your load will do you more occasion was 4th or tag and we were the hills who shocked fflltodfllith anger and grist when told my mother the next morning was ï¬ling Jar divorce she said Are you going to divorce man you love give up your home your place in the commu nity and deprive your children at lather because of cheap little tramp Mother theartold me ol slmllarlnoident involv ing my own devoted lather They had been married less than three years when she caught him with neighbor Alter we both had good cry pulled my shoulders back painted asrniie oa my lace and Teenage Teacher For College Math nasr musmc Mich tar 1Walk into Edith Sterns trigo trillonally important loads are cleverness lm not optimistic discover more ways to ingrati the avelia is Lorna ES Israel Thetirother in two was stricken bypollo in her annuvasrlnn opens tal the sellbasting turkey is ï¬rst displayed tovthc guests uidque and exclu sive method which puts crea mery butter deep inside the breast legs and thighs So as it roasts the turkey hastes itseli tram thaioside ou annivth METHODS gt To use thaw the turkey in its bag in the relrigeratoc tar to days or thaw at room tempera ture or six to nine hours and linish in the relrigerator about it hoursDo not thaw the tar key in warmrwatettlleep the thawed turkey retrigerated Use within 24 hours after thawing Turkey may he prepared by ei her at the lollowag methods UNCOVERED PAN ROASIING Freedie drumsticks Remove the neck from thebody cavity and the giblets hour the neck cavity Place the neck and g1 blet a2qtsaucepan Cover with water and sinuer untl lorkvtender Use giblets and brolh tor stalling or grow Stult the neck cavity andtasten willta skewerhslilif ihe body cavity and relasielnvtheclatwp Plaéethe turkey breast on rack in the roasting pan Roastlheiangthoi competes in the oumctre dash in addition tothejavelin exit and won aixgold and tour silver medals in the urican parapleg Wtanlpeg last ye amés in or hotel ed onthe roasting degiea oven To avoid over hrowa place loose piece of loil the turkey during final cool ng my alter the bird hiss reached golden brown color covnnan PAN Rosanna Prepare turkey as or open pan roasting Coverthevrnnsting pan lid of heavy duty loll crimde the pflnyo with roaster lid Bake or time indicated on roasting nirte in 400 degree oven Remove tha storing good Get picture in your mind ot yourscll marvelously relaxed and at peace Ah its wonderlul SelfBusting Baasi TUIkéY millfeglstelr 585 degrdees dwhen 1e urke oncaa rune Ttus year the lood news Is atlckywill feel soil when that the sellbasting turkey is pressed because at individual making its debut on national dlilareaces in birds and ovens scale it is spoclallysclected the roasting tlmcmay vary as premiumbred and led and pro much as 30 iniautes See acbad thentaken to side table lor carving uleat thebottorn ol this col uma less cooking time Storage at Leitovers Before remove all stufï¬ng lrorn the turk For easier storage of the meat remove lrorn the bone Wrap the stutt ing and meat inloii Store in the relrigerator or lreezer Tomorrows Dinner Chilled elamato chopped meat cakes yamsl and cranberry sa pumpkin pie coffee tea milk Giblet Gravy it the turkey is roasted un stalled allow 15 to 50 minutes juice baked Isnt adny over 17 She isnt Shes only is nomenon lrom Florida who and worries about her weight oldlooking she added learned the school had an excel lent reputation in mathematics and because it olteredher graduate assistantshlp tovhelp pay costs Her lather is unable to work because or illness and her mother is asnles clerk in bakery The classical music as an in not was the beginning ol years oi disciplined work tor Edith guidedby her lather Aaron whosaid he wanted to create genius in his daughter Edith accepts with reserva tionsher lathers opinion that she is genius believe it is questionable that lvas born gardus she stated it must be the experi ence in terms at ill am genius butvin terms oi creativi ty dont know Edith reads science lictlonvln her spare time She likes niaslc tram classical to pop She has dated and admits to crush or WIL Salt ATKnownf Beauty Aid Some smack at age in you some relish in thesaltaeSsot tlm Shakespeare wrote in King lienry IV But it tooktour more centuries for women to dis cover that salt is readily available beauty preparatlo Many lamous modern day women usa salt as beauty aid For example topdissolve pull iness under the eyes all you need is plot at hot water with tablespoon oi salt With soft cloth gently pat eyelldsaod pul iy spots on the cheeks and soon everythingle be rosy again You can add real ag at the start ol the day aalimur lating salt rub Five minutes In warm bath should he lollaw was exposed to ï¬hnunaday classical music shortly alter birth was readingand draw lng books lrom the public li braryat has an lQ at 154 to 101 depending on the teat Shes lost 20 pounds since starting her graduate work at Michiganstate but would like tolosa more so can llnd lu expensive dresses that arent so lways was lat littie Edith decided to come here attcr graduation ironi Florida Atlantic University because she that was the end of my divorce plans My husband and have had wonderlul marriage some learn many laughs and live heautliul children When lthlnt bt how close lgcame to destroy ing It all shudder Easy to lorglve cheating husband and never mention it again No it worth hardest thing We ever had to do In my tile but It paid huge dividendsVictoria Dear Vie Your letter was about the room received with thesame message didnt real ise that so many wives had stumbled over their husband in the past years Thanks to all who wrote and cheers for the victors The following letter roa rononnow Wednesday will he an excel oomctry class tor lreshmea ati lant period in which Io prescnt Michigan State University and you would swear the teacher new ideas and make plans lnr launching unusual undertakln even though results oi your torts may not be immedlat he can is mathematics phe turns are teasible FOR THE fllRTllDAY it tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope indicates that you should attack major objec tives vigorously nowespecially those connected with your new palion Do not look for immedi ate recognition however since stars promise not much more than routine accomplishment until early next Septetaber when you will enter an excellent twomonth cycie tor orgingon toward desired goals in the meantime however you should get some nice breaks along these lines in January April andor early May me to lorgive hiniltlst is the bushaad olthe woman who wrote butll was so hitter and no incapable at swallowing my iorlde that éduld think oiaoihlt tag but getting em litedjtor divorce cvea though my three children begged me not to Even alter the divorce my husband tried lor two years to win me had butl refused to have anything to do withhim All wanted was to hurt him more Finally he gave up and mar ried lovely young widow with small child He has made new lite tor ldmsell and am lonely and miserable woman who allowed her toolish stub bomaess and lack of humility to rtdn har lite it you think theres lesson here tor others orlat my letter Ann Sign roeRiver oi Tears 11 Tears do and will Thank you ior writing WHAT THESTARsstl By nsracturn llhere financial matters are concerned you should haile tine year ahead with chances to latten your walletladlcated be tween the 5th ol the month and the end oi February also next lllay and done he out oi all speculative ventureshy the end oi March however and make no loans in late April Aha It would not be advisable to specu late or indulge in extravagance next September or October er at matters should prove highly stimulating during the next 11 months with empha sis on romance tor the balance at this month in Fehnta June July and late Septemh on travel in late December early June andor late July child born on this day will be endowed with the talents needcd to make an excellent physician business executive or musician depending upon his leanings 101616 exclusive at Gard ltoneh Mens Shop Thewarmih of shady lingo sweater looks so enchanting1bythe warmth of ï¬replace Perfect gt thedrlppings tram the turkey roasting pan into smea suriagcup Fat will rise to the top Foreach cup ol gravy de sired return tbsp of the tat to ed by rubdown withjsalt until the skin tingles Rinse the away with cool wet in casual comfort for skiing and curlingideal for looking your best the roastingpanand stir and blend in2 tbsp flour wAdd ad gibleta waterstircaok ovu low broth trorrrt oe itthickaned Lia BEAUTY ALDN enjoy the friendly atmosphere at ourexper eneed staff during your appointment Aaaonnee ow brinksPiies brindtuhunngum hmnrrhoidaudnpirdamdz re ed mare null xas mm with th tyea Mimi rhmdapntqluaithrellnvaaitshin od discoriillrirfltnl in faninutlso uni innI modiialua WM In use at use while gently relieving nan actual radu Ihnnkaga idols piano mm Martiaorta tr waceoothnrgughihatthiaimrroge mentmmaiatninod ovau of many months This was lh wanna auhltnncn nh ui holpl hï¬o cellIn Itinulatilnnwtho new tissue Nawaianyunoamataoint mint Indlu to ullad mLugim$rii€imm or your ninhny This sweater masterpiece in de many awards to its iqne shion world Its and Its Beau tul Its Bulky Its$4000 listOur thanks toMadgehenton shown model ling our lovoriteLady Inga to the recent Ys Men ettes Fashion Sho waéri Style Meets toenail out no mo