enlrptotgsiziug the problems ur planning board and committee lNNiSFlL COUNCILLORS DISCUSS pronoun lnnlstil township council is completing busy year with considerable road improvement done Three members shown INNISFIL NOTES Township Chamber Holds Open House By The lnnislii Chamber of Com mcrce business and social meet ing last week was very success lul Uniortunntely nonmembers did not realize the party was on Invitation to every resident to some and iraternice and con sequently most of those in at tendance were members with friends About lift paid admis sion and large number were winners indruws for gifts some of which were valued as high as $20 The committee in charge of ar rangements beadedby George Burton did good job of keep ing the party rolling The first part held in the main room of Strond Community Hall gave the opportunity to hear President Don Koopmans and others out line what the chamber had been doing since its organization Vice president Denis Sheard aroused interest in telling of dis cussions held with the township council about the $500 savernncc tea to be added to any lot on new development in Innisffl The chamber had taken exception to the change without the funds being designated for specific purpose it has been encouraged by decision of the municipal board which advised the council that such funds would have to be spent for improvements on properties from which they were raised Mr Sheard said he did not feel that charge for such purposes was out of line but as they discuss possible pro grams for 1969 include tlrom left Councillor Russell Stew art Reeve Joseph Cochraue he did not think the funds should be placed in general fund and spent by the council anywhere in the township Over 500 acres now Pains wlck development is awaiting ap proval of the overall plan if water were installed the devel opmcnt would add at least 2500 nowhomes Installation oi water system suitable to handle the area is project that would need consid erable expenditure public utilities commission should he sot up at once to get this plan ning under way Earmarkiug the $500 per lot to cover the costs would not be out of line gt if the developer of properties have to put in water systems they should be assisted from the funds collected on the new dc velopment Mr Sheard also sug gested that public utilities com4 mission could take over distri bution of electricity from the rural hydro TOWNSHIP ANSWER letter to thcchamher frorn thetownship clerk wasread ad vising that the council is still tin decided nsto the purpose of the funds raised and could not ans nor the enquiry made by the chamber PLAN WINTERHim vThe chamber outlined tenta tivn plans for winterama at which snowmobile races and oth or sports would be held Some consideration has been mention and Deputy Reeve Allan Tedd The council is currently com pieting the first half of two year term Examiner Photo ed of using track HALLOWEEN Halloween night which had been considered as one for chil dren has become real holdup in some places Most of those who had anticipated making do nations at the door ran out of supplies before the demand cons ed The small fry who came early were treated generously but as the night dragged on teen ngers took over and became more demanding carrying heavy sacks on their rounds Onc lone collector big carried plastic garbage bag which con tained at least 25 pounds olloot Asked if he did not feel he should quit he answered not until the Point is all cleaned out POLICING lnnisiii police were assisted by nine EMO personnel and all township police with cars kept up constant patrol Nothing serious was seen although some pump kins and other obstructionswere placed on roads in lilinets Point an unmarked car did constant patrol but some street lightswerc blacked out and broken bottles left on roadways At Lokelands party kept chil dren off the streets We heard of one elderly couple in the town ship who answered their door over so times and were complete ly exhausted the next day We would rather give sum oi mon ey or childrens party than be prsier they stated the stock car race zoning in Studied ByCouncil In Orb 0R0 STATION tStaif we have made start but there is great deal to be done before well be ready to consider an of finial plan said Deputy Reeve Kenneth Gilchrist referring to discussions held by Oro council with officials of the Ontario plan ning branch of the department and municipal affairs We have to consider all anglrs and what is best for Oro devei opmcnt said Deputy Reeve christ stating this was the gen eral agreement reached at the November meeting oi 0m coun cil Reeve Kenneth Gillespie who is now away on hunting hill to Parry Sound presided and others present included Councils tors AilanMcLean Wallace Key and Howard Canipbell Tudhope clerk read the minutes and correspondence INVOLVED PROCEDURE in referentLo the involved procedure to work out progres sive planning which would best serve the purposes intended Dep 47 uty Reeve Gilchrist cited expen iences of lunistil Tiny and other nearby municipalities lriuisfil hasbeen working on an ofï¬cial plan for fouryears and hasnt had it settled yet he said in In sour municipalities Orll for one planning rules had to be revised and amended to meet different conditions as they varose We want to work out our plan to best meet Oro needs observed the deputy reeve who said herdidnt believe it paid to rush intoa Plan In the meantime0ro has building bylaw which provides growth and protects property values When an oiticinl plan is adopt ed Oro will he requiredto have of adjustment to hear appeals We are looking into the prob ems faced by others and Iaaru ngtrnm them he said men ioning as one example the pro change at Angus which Essa council asked last Fobnrary mam 0mm We want to know what we are getting into and whats in volved for our ratepayers before we establish anything he com meutedhstating protection of the Bradford Rotary Aids Red Cross Loan Cupboard BRADFORD Staff We would like to acknowledge the many kind words received for our donation said Don Wood bulletin editor of Bradford Ro tary club He was commenting on the presentation by the club of threewheel chairs and four sets ofjcrutches to the Brady ford Red Cross loan cupboard The loan cupboard serves very useful purpose here in Bradford as Elsewhere said in Wood stating theRotarians were glad to helpgut Another Rotary proiectis assist ing with improvements at Brad ford District Centennial Park where they donated playground and other equipment earlier We installed some ihleachers andthc hall screen and we in tend to extend thesof said Mr Wood stating itls hoped these will be ready for Eradfo bail season The presentbleachers saw ex tensive use during itd with Brad ford softballers winning South Simcoe seniorleagueutitle 0f ficials nuns club also express ed appreciation for the Rotary and other assistance which made the Bradford grounds the most underpin the circuit Rocky Coir angelo was coach of the club nnd Leo McEvoy sponsor Players included Bob Jackson Robert DeValk Bob Fallis Steve Simnrda GeorgeIiunt Jim Price Terry Carter Duo can Rick Walker Len ray municipalities This was reliect interest of ratepayers was the main objectiye With 0ro council elected year ago for two years the coming nomination on Monday Nov lit will be for countytrustee only Two Oro candidates George lilacKay and Norman Stoddart have announced they will let their names stand Hunter Russ ell of Midhurst has been men tioned asa possible candidate from Vespra and other nomin ations also are anticipated The nomination meeting is expected to be held in the afternoon Vespra will hold its council nomination on the following Monday Nov 25 at Midhtllst cormnunity hall The present Vespra council headed by Reeve Wellington Dohsoo is completing onevyear term Oro councils tax rate for local purposes was held at is mills dur ing the current year an increase of onemill over the previous year ORO ASSESSMENT There was some discussion bout problems involved in the coming reassessment of Oro which at the present time runs close tothe equalized average for municipalities in Simcoe County When the newassess mentris made according to pro vinclal manual calling forlutt per cent market valuations it is anticipated the Oro total will be more than doubled since this will be thegeneral situation in the county the assessment in crease wont necessarily raise taxation in itself The latter de pends mainlyon spending it was pointed out Goal of the new county assess ing is to bring about better equal lty on modern valuations Until the county reassessing was start ed this year the town ot Coiling wood had the most modern as sessing among the countysvsz ed by the considerable reduction more than 50 per centiu county equalized assessment lor Coiling woodl over its local asibssmcnt For most municipalities the local god efforts of Essa township getting approval for zoning vHughMcEvoyandCamero Per rault Ken sturgeon was but boy assessment had to be raised to meet the county average urges Orricmi Plan For Vésjpra MIDHURSVfVtStri Vuprr township council is studying lonv ing problems labouring toquest by delegationat its November metlng for an official plan to encourage subdivision develop ment Prospects for mom develop room in the hlldhurst Ind illne slng areas were discussed Mine sing has its own community wa ter supply Reeve Wellington Dohsoo pre roan Council Faces Election comm tStatf Adlaia township council will face an election in December Reeve lrcd Baxter and colleagues are now completing the second part of twoyear term Reeve Baxter is completing hos eighth year unthe counciL He started at the same time as dop uty recve Francis Kelly Coun cillors are Russell Slrr Ernie Severn and Peter Cairns Cow Aililiiston Has Pine Record ALLISI0N Staff pure bred Holstein cow in the herd of Richard Perry Alliston has com plated fine record of perfor mance production test As five year old in 305 days on Nichaymiiklng lttnrr phydale Betty produced 18440 pounds of milk containing no pounds of fat with an average test of 439 per cent butterfat This record has breed class average of 159 percent for milk and 191 for fat lhe cow has been classiï¬ed as very good for body con formation and is bythc class extra sire Pabst Walker Oillie sided at the meeting and also present were Deputy Reeve Cari Bonn and Councillots Harry Ad ams Alan Fohnston and George Buic Earl ï¬idznrdson deli read the correspondence LITTLE LAKE AREA Rendered by Sunnidale Flor ore and the city of Barrie Vcspra has had particular dc velopment around Little Lake and other areas near Barrie and more iSaniIcipatcd The town ship council cooperated with the city of Barrie in not opposing annexation of Georgian College area and completion of this col lege is expecch to bring more development in the nearby area We have been discussing the merits oi an official plan with department ofï¬cial fsaid spokesman who said an onthelt spot tour was made and mom rncndnllous are awaited Difficulties encountered by oth or nearby mhnicipalitles also have been given some study and attention Thc proposal for jointvrink with Oro was discussed briefly but it was felt the request should come from interested group be fore action is taken by coun cil The interest shown mom was mentioned as snencourag ing sign NOMINATION SET Vespra continues to have an nual elections and the nomina tion meeting wins arranged for the community hall at lilidhurst on Monday Nov 25 it an elec tion deVelops it will be held week later on Monday Dec Vcsprn residents also will have the own of to make nom lnationslor county schoolhoard at mecthrg slated for Oro town ship hall on Monday Nov 18 Vespra and Oro form ward en ttticd toelect nne trustee to tha lï¬memher board which will take over administration of all secon dary and public schools in th gt county next year 39 anon MIDLAND recent graduate of the Ontario Provincial Police Coi legc at Toronto Consume Adams has been posth to the Chatharn detachment No district native of Midland be attended Midland District High School orsmcr slim5 STAYNER FAIR ROARD STAYNER tStaIf Nottaww saga Sunnidalc and Stayncr are represented in new twoyear dtr ectora elected for the Sumter trade fair board for from Four Stayncr representatives chosen were Keith McIntyre bill Keith Harold Gilchrist and Mrs Char les Jesrop Mrs Elsie McEncln crn Manfred uhngart and Ed splcherwerc chosen from Sun iuidaic and Mrs Janet Dugsan Ray Gcnoe and Mrs Scheil from Nottawasaga BOOST ICE FUND CREEMORE staff Cree more Lions club has pledged $1000 toward the Creemnrn rink artiï¬cial lea fund with payments to be made within the next year ELMVALE MEETING ELMVALE tStaff Area superintendent of schools hi Scott has been invited to dress meeting at lluronla Centennial Elementary School auditorium on Wednesday Nov 20 Teachers students and school board members past and pres ent arc enpectedto attend along with others interested in new school changes Will Present musical Rider In and of the um and the precision of military horseman ship will thrll visitors to the Moment Winterran when themoudcd unitof the metropolitan Toronto notice do partrnent presents the latex vcr sion of their tamed muslcatrrlde in the arenaoi the Coliseum The fair opens on Friday Nor is and maritime through Saturday Nov Formed as lath or 1966 the nmunted unit has already acbicv ed famous one of the leading exponents of this spectacular forrnoljorrnatlon riding The police musical ride is unique in another respect for the various formations are car ried on to the skirt of the pipes of the Toronto Police Pipe Band rather than the mistomory mitt tary bandas has been the case the past The ride iauoder the dime tion of inspectorE Johnson with inspector Sandy Johnston as pipemajor ot the hand Apart from the precision of the ride and the immaculate gmom ing of the horses added color is givenlhe performance by the smart uniforms of the riders males and breaches of navy blue contrast effectively with the white helmets of thortdcrs and the white insignia and shoulder aglctiï¬ Bamboo latices afiut AWARDS NIGHT ELMVALE tStaffl Annual awards to members of Elmvale 4H swine beef and dairy clubs will be made ata meeting to be held here on Wednesday night Nov6 Liquor Voting Lapse Nearly Over 111 Oro 0R0 STATIONVISiaiiII With the necessary lapse of Ihree years since the last votefalllng on Dec Orn township could hold another vote on iiqunrques tions soon inquiries revealed there were no requests made for such vote in the coming election which could be for trustee only on Monday Dec No voting will be necessary it thereis an aeclamstion for trustee Dro is joined with Vespra for county school election purposes and the nomination is expected to be held in Oro township hall on Monday afternoon Nov 19 For mer warden George ifacKay now member of Oriltla District Collegiate board has been the only person yetrto announce he was considering altering himself ascaodldate LAST LIQUOR VOTE In thelast Oro liquor vote held Dec i965 majority favored the sale of liquor under lounge licence but not the so per cent necessary to carry Rec ords show the balloting was 736 in favor and 712 opposed Beverage rooms were defeated on that occasion by 899 to 521 At the same time Oro voters approvedï¬undsy movies by 943 to 602 COUNCIL UNCKANGED council in December since the present members were elected last December for twoyear term the first in Ora Reeve Kenneth Gillespie will start his seventh year as head of the council in January and his 12th on the council Deputy Reeve Kenneth Gila christ will start his second as deputy and his sixth on councii Countrillor Howard Campbell who headed the polling in the voting year ago is complet ing his second year as morn her of council after it years as school trustee including chair man of thearea board Councillor Altair McLean is in ishinghis filth yearas mem ber of council and Councillor Wallace Key alsofhis fifth al though no continuously it liquocvnteia requested the council may actby sending such an application to the On tario Liquor Licence Board for approval ll 25 per cent of quab ified electors sign petition ask ing for such vote the council has no choice but to make the necessary arrangements under existing regulations While there has been some dis cussion outside of official circles spokesman said there has been no formal request for holding such vote at this time How tervaiiopens the way for future gt action if such requests happen tohe made ray examlinen waur Aps PHONE new BLIGHIY BINGO EMBASSY VHAtt ass BLAKE 51 THURSDAY 18 PM ISponscred by Barrie Minor Hockey Assoc There will be on election for ever the lapse of threeyear in as as WARM As tNGERE AND to with red bhlc and aid on pants mnpictc the monk of color The ride unit composed of i6 horses tight black and aim bays is drawn from the pollen stebia at 41 horses and 511nm located in the Toronto area lheridc is not all for fun and show it serves mi pur pose in raising the iandard oi horsemanship and discipline on the part olbotb man and bent Thc Royal Io proud topay wdl deserved tribute to the no of the Toronto police force for thcir contribution to the cess of the fair rni EXAMINER warrr an mono rtemi PARTY ARRANGEMENTS for your BANQUET RECEPTION DINNER MEETING or SPECIAL OCCASION Private Banquet Room seating 100 guests All details can be arranged Ample parking Call now RIVER GARDENS RESTAURANT Phone it Aym PANAVlSlON TECHNICOLOR Evenings 100 900 pan TODAY ONLY Amritsar mom WSW no racoucrns so osmawtiuau now some you simmer THAT COULD NOT HESATISFIEDI commuciaarnmrmc nan inn EXAMINER ASFRIENDLV ks HANosHAkg JORGEN av ax sass uuoaeac PAUL Hanan Dlï¬cit PASSER viéihhdrbihdiEEE lllllhï¬ï¬‚ IV aorusurasno miniï¬iinidivrnu crown uninmno Anhbiiimrrmnivnm 35