mans or pand that met at Steele Street public cdsool last night are lrom 1m to tidal moderator Angus McKay superintendent or the Ccr1ibre Of Trustees Key To Success Of CorintyyBoard Problems facing county school hateos who will take oilice tor the firs time in January came under scrutiny last night at meeting of the Steele Home and School Axociatioo panel made up at Dr Anders Mrs Thelma Cock hurn Noel Stephenson and Mrs Phelps discussed the till range of educational pry blems Angus McKay public school superintendent moderated the panel Dr Anders Mrs Cockburn and hlr Stephenson are all running lor election as tnrstecs lor Barrie The city will have two members on the now pchooi hoard Mr McKay told the meeting that the purpose at the new county board was to equalize ed ucational opportunities in the province Many school boards are unable to oï¬er first class iscilitles because of ï¬nancial or geographical limitations he laid hwo weeks from tonight when nominations for trustees or the new board close might mean the success or failure at the new school board said Mr McKay Dr Anders outlined the pro blerns that would lace the new board Thirty seven school boards were to he suddenly re placed by one school board he said The projected enrollment for the county is 39500 students and 1750 teachers the board must be able to delegate author ity to committees once it has arrived at the philosophy to whidr it wants to adhere said Dr Anders FIRST TASK one of the rim tasks that will lace the new board will be the appointing of director of edu Barrvie public school modem and Mn Thelma Cookhurn Ernie public school trustee Standing is Mrs Pearl lcld man presided ol the home will depend on how well the man or woman carries out the pol icy oi the trustees Mrs Phelps talked about pupil placement and the special scrvloes that would be asked oi the new board She told the meet ing that it oi the present school boards do not oiler kindergarten classes but that all but seven of the school boards oflcr op portunlty classes Nona oi the school boards olier enrichment programs Mrs Phelps maober oi the Ortilla public school board told the meeting that an interim school organization committee of which she was member at of which die was member gramsior ldndengarten and gymnasium facilities The interim school organiza tion corrnuittee was set up to prepare guldiioes and recommen dations lor the new county board DISTRIBUTE COSTS Noel Stephenson spoke about the more equitable distribution oi educational costs that would result when tire new school board made countywide assessments The extension of the anecdotal or no grades report card to the junior and intermediate grades of the Barrie public night by ll Jarman princi pal of King Edward public school at the ï¬rst meeting of the par ents group of the Johnson Street school This year all reporu from kindergarten to the end at cation The director of education serves as the senior academic ofï¬cial for the school board The mess or lailure of the hoard Bill Bell accepts chequoior on behalf oi the Sheltered Workshop Barrie irom Jim Dutiield past presidentoi the Associated Canadian Travol some canaorau phase TorontoDwart writer editor and publisher who urged Premier Joseph VSmnli wood totalre wewioundland into elementary school will he anec dotal in which no marks or grades are used said Mr Jar man last night instead written Taavsirrrts ion sunrirro Woman lera Barrie Branchihe mom ey represents hall at die pro ceeda raised by the AGI car draw last June The balance is be given to thsAdultVOcui 49 internationallynkrioWn social dentist Gait oatId tKen Ser visa moronr school system was discussed last and school association and Noel Stephenson also menu her at the public school board Also on the panel was Dr Anders limember oi the Ear lie told the meeting that the estimated budget for the new board would be in the area 0000 ltlr Stephenson said iSOC was goingto recommend that the old school boards continue as committees oi the new school board until such time as they are no longer needed He said he did not think that there would be an increase in taxes During the question per iod someone asked how the crash programs lor noiv gyna sluma and kindergarten was going to come about it taxes werent raised The questioner mother ol three suggested to the panel that some families move to outlying districts because taxes are lower out there Surely they know that tltelower tax rate means poorer school tooth lties shc said if these people want their children to havca decent education they should move to tbeurhan areas where admittedly taxes are higher but educatlotinlia¢ilities are better New Report Cciid Said Success In First Year continents on pupil progress will be given on social growth aswell as academic and emo ttonal growth he added Mn Iarman who was chair man of the report card commit tee set up last year by the liar lie Public School Board spoke on the topic Reporting to Par ents The 66 parents at the meeting were told the committee recommended the continuation oi parent teacher interviews and the initiation of anecdotal report cards in Grades through garded as success in its first lie regards this year as sec The children are not the same physically emotionally socially temptlo evaluate alchilds pro opposed to child compelng of continuous progress com progress at hisrown rate he patina Centre Edgar Penna mayorgnl Galtlrom any rlo district collegiate board Mrs Cockburn air Stephenson and Dr Anders will run for ol cction lo the now county school board Examiner phoio Thelma Cockburn talked about the recommendations oi the list Dennis report The report is too sidcrcd landmark in he iicld oi education Mrs Cockhurn told the meet ing that parents were going to have to become more involved in education Home and school associations she said arc going to have tohclp parents educate themselves about learning Richard Henderson told is parents attending that he had serious apprehensions over the number oi rurnl representatives on the new county school board that will come into existence next January am shocked and disgusted with the luck oi npmcclation oi modern educational trends on the part of some rural trustees he said The shy washyrlliiu and their inability and unwilling ness to grapple with the philoso phical problems lacing education concern me They only want to deal with pidtlling business prolt blems last year anecdotal reporting was begun iukindcrgartcn and grades one to three with the increase in the know ledge at how children learn remarked ltlr Jarman educa tion lshecoming more and more child centred with greater cm phasis an individualized instruc tion and teaching toward con cepts and basic principles Far ents teachers and educational leaders have come toreallzethal no two children are alike lion Kelcey principal of the Johnson St school said in an interview this morning that the anecdotal report card was re ycar at operation in the primary grades the past academic year and stage in the program and progressive step iorivard in edu cation in every classroom we have unequals lllr iKclcey said or intellectually its really pic ture of life he added in Mr Kelceys opinion the anecdotal report card will at gress against his own ability as with his peers We are getting into the area meuted Mr Kclceyvith this program child will not be held back because of veaknessin any one subject areabut will added Under the no grade system it is conceivable that student could take as low as seven or as mnyas 11 years to advance through the nine years or elem enlary school The report card committee will reconvene early in 1969 to dis cuss the progress or the not pro gram Parents avropasked to com munroateiwith thelrlcnchers and pass on any suggestions they might have regarding anecdotlt al reporting Never needs an ink padl First Easy Efï¬cient Can be ustom ordered to meet any ze shape or message rc quirement PERMASTAMP will reproduce colors line llneshsmnll type racer loga typasrevén photosTin true accurate detail corhihancria nnrnnno DrvtsroN Home exAMthn QnWétinesday Float preparations hare been made or Wednesdays ofï¬cial opening at theltlrroom 500 000 additionto Royal Victoria Hospital Brie opening ceremonies at 230 pm willvbev lollowcd by public tours through the eight stomy ujag until in the ore nlns Tours concluded by 35 Inerti bers oltho hospital stall will leave very live minutes throughout the ailernoon and evening tolenablc as many liar rie and district residents as pos shilc to see the new lociltties Earlier Dr little is senior member of the hospitals medical staqu cut ribbon to oltldally open the btalding Other members ol the oilicial party will include board chalr man Cooke Dr ii Ey nard MP lor Simcoe North Bruce Beer hi lor PeelDull crlnsimcoe John Rubens 1th or YorkSimcoc Arthur Ev ans lilPP lor Simcoe Centre Gordon Smith MP lor Sim roe East Simcoe CountyWard eu Alex hicAuley Barrie May or Robert Bentley him president at hos pital auxiliary Dr Harold Smith chiol oi the medical stall form cr hospital board chairmen Rosier Robert Armstrong and Bell contractor Don Em ery architect Lorne oxloy hos pital stall members Mrs Joyce Kollough Dong and Cameron representatives oi neighboring municipalities llr Cooke said ceremonles will he kept bricl and there will be no lengthy spcoches Conservation Authority Gets Government llid The Nottnwasaga Valley Coa servation Authority has receiv ed approval oi $6000provrn cial grant to aid the construe tiou oi their south Coilingwood flood reliei program The grant is expected to pay hall the cost at diversion chan nel to redirect flood waters that have plagued the south portion oi the town tor many years An artiï¬cial channel will by pas therNottowasaga basin round the flood prone area and take water in to the Pretty River and Georgian Bay Collingwood has requested the authority to build the project and as the main beneï¬ciary will pay the molar portion of the authoritys share The authority has also receivv ed approval oi an additional grant ot $5500 to cover halt the cost of 57000 river bank erosion control project at the Essa Township centennial park Essa is expected to pay most oi the other hall oi the project cost REMEMBEANCE WEEK Mayor Robert Bentley has of iiciaily proclaimed the week of Nov 11 Remembrance Week in Barrie to commemorate Can adas 101000 war dead lrom two world wars the Koreanconillct and United Nations peacekeep ing operations ANNUAL BANQUET The Barrie Horticultural So cielyiwill hold its annual ban quet at St Andrews Church Hall Now at630 prm thzens beautification awards will be presented at that time AQUARIUM SOCIETY The Barrie Aquarium Society will vmeet tonight in the public library ior iish show elections olncxt years executiveand slide presentation entitled Trop icnl Fish and You PLANNINGBOARD The Barrie Planning Board will hold special meeting to night to discuss the new oltlcial plan The plan is ex pected to go before council Nov ii for their approval shimmy chairman chk Boswell and year when itsioliiclal planhas 5Rinqtg Galvanised r0 nomads sr thedinner meeting at the Ys hlcns Club cl Barrie were left to right Ted Bigelow prflrauon oltlccr All chklawyer chairman Dick Boswell and borne Mc Evoy jachool prindpal Dir cusslon was on discipline in society Examiner Photo Discipline in Society DisbtiSsedgBy YsvMen At dinner meeting of the Barrie Ys Mens club last night in the sky Room ntLakevlew Dairy panel discussion was held on discipline in society Barrielduyer All Dick was the rats It introduced by spoke on discipline in the home Mr Dick who is married with lourryoung chlldrcn snld chil dren in the home are ias Inating irustratlrtg chal lenge andgave deï¬nition at on export as someone who createsconlusion out or siml pliclty viewtho home the two parents andthe children as society very small soc lety he said You must have law group oi enloreahle regu lations or else chaos results he added He outlined his own two basic rules oi reasonable ness and ilrmness and noted if goal my children adnrlt it Im not lninllable and kids must learn to real no that the world is toll of er rors Mr Dick said he and his wile Plan To Cut Red Tape For Homebuilders TORQNK CF Ontario plans to cut red tape or home huilders anddevelopers hy giv ing local governments control over their own zoning artd plan ning Darcy hicKedugh munici pal ailairs minister said Mon day Speakqu at symposium on urban iiie in the Wills at the On tdrio Progressive Conservative Association annual meeting Mr ltthcoogh said municipalities with government approved oili ctal plans will no longer have to seek provincial approval inr ngbylaw changes and sub dr sion schemes said the relaxation otvres trictions will apply as Ontario municipalities come under re gional governments over the next few years and have their oiliciai plans approved by the province The hew regional government or OttawaCarleton will have complete control over its zoning and subdivisions sometime next been completed he said EATONS PLEASE Nortoua IINEWIIV PHONENO 7237622 hixtra Llncs lor imprnvhd service shale and are continually in the at all times said never never telia child have as low rigid rules as pos process or re evaluating them Kidsare hoisterousnnd lun lt loving they cant be programcd at last dont that they should be he added living children some latitude of action and carrying out all your promises will gain you the respect at your children it child is promised spanking he should get one though per sonally believe spanking should be kept to minimum Mr Dick spoke of the need to answer children in their own language and the use ol honesty lie carnioned gainst allowing child to work one parent all against the other saying that parents should present common front to their children Summing up his remarks he that you dont love her con ï¬dcncthat she is loved by her parents makes childmuie secure Lorne hlcEvoy principal oi Prince of Wales public school spoke on disdpllne in theschool and passed book called Liv ing and Learning reporter the provincial committee on aims and ablecti at educa tion around the room Mr Mc Evoy said school is childs lirst awarenessoi soclc we try tn earryoverlhe thr gs he cards at borne io lheSchool He discussed education in the past and how there are more good teachers around todaythan ï¬aI napping uses submit ever bclore lie noted however that those teachers were not necessarily the younger ones Ted Bigclow probation oliic er spoke on discipline in the community lie said that there are three major iaulis in par eot child relationships lo consistent measures too restric tlve measures and methods which are too broad or permis sive Delinquent boys oittn come out at homes which are nIn byneurotie mothers who apply inconsistent measures Elgelow said too restrictive home results in rebellious sort or kid who ultimately breaks out in stealing something he continued He said the too permissive home develops selï¬sh person and gave several examples at this type The HarrleYs Mens club presented Al Hopper United Appeal chairman oi theadvance solicitation division with cheque tor tssat the meeting Over 20 members and guests were present mu axraosrvasf WATERIDO Ont CF box at blasting caps lound in the grass near student resi dence may be connected with three explosions which shat tered 17 windows in the Water looiowers building early Hai loween morning frolic said Monday They sad children iound the caps during the week end about lwo blocks from the Towers building 9M rpinM Anpsaup slngaads pnanaoMj 105V rating Alainr913 dining 55 Wilma Ill fJdoluna £th