SaysUriioniléade is theMdCDoncrldthrone1013 ST THOMAS All hilltints representatives at two large Ontarlontnions have been warned to help Donald Mao Donald retain theleadmhlp oi lhe Ontario immigrath Party or use nines genuick charged here Monday Elli Mr Renwick president oi the national NDP party and deputy leader of the Ontario party told an Elgin County NDP rally the orders were relayed to district representatives oi the United Steelworkers and to inlernnlintr nl representatives oi the United Paekingheuse Workers This is public political par tynot private club to he ma nipulated by power brokers Mr Renwiek told the crowd oi 50 as Mr MacDonald waited his turn In speak The two men lace party leadership convention at Kitehe oer Nov I547 Mr MacDonan said the mat ter was one which should be dis cussed in private by the party not washed in public like linen hir Renwlck is indulging in hit or crying because hes not getting their the unions sup port iies using heavily omo tionladen term of armtwisting lament ior his own loss at the NDP leader said Minister Cleared EDMONTON CF Ii ludi cial inquiry has cleared n1 liooke minister oi lands and i0 rests and iiinmnn ior mer provincial treasurcr oi allegations that they used or at tempted to use their public or iica ior personal gain in Luzpage report mode public Monday Mr Justice Kirby said he mind no evidence to support the allega tions raised April 1967 by Garth Tureott iorrner New Demoernllc Party member oi the Alberta legislature against the two Social Credit ministers The report said the conduct oi both men in some oi the mat ters investigatedeas impru dent and gave rise to suspicion that they were using their ofï¬ce ior personal gain although the sumicion was unfounded Mines Image TORONTO iCP Ontario Mines Minister Lawrence said Monday the image at the min ing industry has not changed in 10 years and is one reason young people wont work in the North He told seminar at the an nual meeting oi the Progressive Conservative Association that the industry stillprojects an oidiashioned image oi horrors at working in mining camp dont think there is prod ucing mine in Northern Ontario which does not have labor shortage lie blamed the indus try ior this situation Passport Violation OTTAWA The mana ger of Toronto travel agency that unwilliqu helped James Earl Ray get Canadian pass port is iaeing prosecution ior violation of aflidavit procedure the Commons was told Monday Justice Minister John Nrner said Henry Mons manager of Kennedy Travel Bureau is to his knowledge the only Cana dian charged in connection with the Ray ease Farmers Unile TORONTOiOP Farmers should unite into single organ ization and worry about the de tails later Says Lionel Sorel president of Quebecs Union Catholique des Ottltivateurs Mr Sore told the annual eon vention oi the onisrio Federa tion of Agriculture Monday that farmers have many problems but unity of their organisauons on the provincial and national levels is the most important Theres only Wasom imitation tls sold is the Most oi mpllmenisi And as smuehdmlnrad organi zation were certainly flat torrid But as many have laarnod thoreasonable iacslmll too oiten iallsshevt oi the real thing m1er news Rand Report DONDON Ont CF The provincial gofernnient plans to implement some proposals oi the Rand inborrclatious report but will ï¬rst consider other studies and the opinions oi labor and management Labor Minis ter Dalton Bales said Monday He told the mo annual con vention oi the Ontario Federa tion ni Labor the Rand propos als will not be implemented be iore studies by the iedcralgov ernment and the Canadian Con struction Association are made public Union Merger IDNDON Ont Xt The United Govemment Workers oi Ontarioa breakaway irom the Civil Service Associa tion of Ontariohas merged withthe 120000 mémher Cuna dinn Union or Public Employ ihCitSO eel atom unit nine new altï¬eddent hereMonda lbe spllnteruoion iormed last sprlngé represented about 3000 Ontario dvll servnpts but had no powers Wont Share Tax OTTAWAQNCP hllnlsterllertson Monday reiect ed demands immOntarlo and other provinces tor share nl revenue irom the iedernl gov ernments proposed twoper cent inereaa in Monte tax No it in not nelotliizle and am absolutely rmseund the tax as it is presented to Parlisl meot Mr Benson told repr ens during break in the iederé alprovinoial meeting otr finance ministers Algonquin Park TOROW OP Mgonquln Park big chunk oi Ontarios midsection Monday became parcel oi the provinces pianto attract vacationers Renc Brunelle minister oi lands and iorcsts announced the parkiwouid be closed to ev eryone hut Lho vaeauoner dur log July and Aligust lie said the master plan ior the park allowed for 04000oi the parks 1862000 acres to be used nsprimitive land where non could meet nature lace to I69 iiowevcrk not veryonc agreed spokesman tor the Algon quin Wildiands League said the plan will do little to correct abuses in the park Some comparativriy small acrnas have been set aside as primitive zoneshut the whole sale destruction of park values commercial interests in the reas aroundthem continues 4565203 aneral Store smut Ph tissues ahlns Genér Guard Homes nton no lhe bonus oi all executives of cans dalrJAd Ind United AlrcnIt ol 1de ltd in the Montreal to glon were put under surveilv lancehiondnyioliowlng the dis coma our bulbs in subur ban Bimini Royal Sunday Wuetappmg TORONTO HV¢ °iiii°ih° it on ice It ave to wiretap to stop crime but only under mntroLol the attorney genernL in sinmember panel discus sion bciornloo people at them tarlo Progressive Conservative Associations annual convention Toronto lawyer Arthur Maloney iorrned the only opposition He compared legal wiretap ping without knowledge oi el titer partyin telephone con versatioonio entesdropplog in contesslonal Thereis level below which we whi not sink to solve criméhesaid Housing Inquiry YELlDWlOilFE Chi The iederal housing in oulry was told Monday the North needsa more equitable housing program Five members oithe inquiry headed by Transport Minister Hellyersatin chillymecting ll hall in borrowedparkasond heard residents and oiï¬eiaiaot the Northwestlerritorles de scribe high housing costs and hitandrnlss pattern oi pro grams toiense them National hearings began in September and report is ex pected soon after the end oi the yeerToday hearings wili be held in Whitehorse 100R2852o inï¬ghtingii 96457 Generates payslsg TIGKETSANDluroouorionnr no WEquwcvhllethmer thechnlnlflflnmlnromrlor Wage Dispute the emanation cei and Hit Gtitord his also remivedrrnsu oi liquorIs Christmas glik The two men have been dismissed Montreath gt moonm cr Queensllinlvmlty ln lilnsdoo on research shots the Notional newspaper siso ptiblhhpd its rendar ediiinns Saturday the day the mentalted the result oi contract dllpute Nine memhasoitho editorial stair who do not belong to the sufldlreportediorwork on both Cancer institute oiCInndn an oouiwed hereMoods Dr lameLCeell Kennedy and Dr ohn Stenhenlinslsill will start their study next January on temporary $5000 grants heroics ï¬g lymcananunnm out nsvdirector earlier this in jail Steelwvrlul they will heellgibla iorlull grants late rats Both Un versity oi Toronto graduates they will study the bodys delenees ainst inlets tion and the re on oi trans planted tissue Domtar Protest WINDSOR Que CF Strlking Domlarlulpand inper Co employees were to mnreh on Quebec City today in the hope they could voice their grievances beiore government oilinlnls The decision to march cam during meeting ot strikers that agreed toeallp temporary halt to in whom armed oecupa tion of the companys plant here The meeting was bold in East Angus abouizs miles cast at are where Domtar operates another mltl also the ohiect ot strike gt iight hand pun wNDoN on 40 Ontar io unionists mm he prepared to gogto jail they are golngto sto pi implementation oi the hand commission recommend enlists aus TERMINitL VByrn kMaple Simeon Stunts Tolepho nest lloISbuigh CilAiliAhi The exec utive oi Kenr preshytery oi the United Church oi Canada met behind closed doorsIMondny to consider Rev Russell liars hurghsappllcntion ior readmis sion to the United Church No jtntement was lssueduiier themeeting Rev Chnrles secretary who had earlier sat any recom mendatiunwould be send to the London Ont conierence which presbytt Nnmwerereiniorczdontheptcket mun 1mm will study at linebynombmotne notice 5° mmmmd plrtment should complete its makeover of most government withering raponsibllitios in om or two years State Secretary Gerard PeL letler said the Company of Young Canadians has pro posed tbennmebt replace ment ior Alan Clarke who andvi rests department eiendedlo an interview Monday department policy oi not allowing interpreters to help applicants who do not speak one at the two oiiieial languages He said when an applicant bring along an interpreter youare examining the late preter and nottha applicant Mr Gage said the tests intro duced this year have been given so iar only in English but the French papers are expect ed iromvme printers any time now oi field servica tor the lands he 990m at SIONEARES narrow nvtttri $3120 WfPumncH i$ Meets inmldMoyreiused to yonmmenl hir Hotshunts resigned irom the UniledChurch in 1065 in10M he wnlchsrged with contributing to juvenile delin quency by allowing Ill apart ment at Park Streetgtinlied Church here to he used ior im moral purposes Huntmg Language renown tCP it you cannot readEnglish and French well enough to pass the new huntingllcence exam youre not qualiï¬ed to shoot game in Ontario says James Gage head if farmers Merger 333 peeredtohothemnlnobmdo blondaytoaposdblemetgerol two rivet Ontario iarnt ms into one in the province much term gt sixnun cormnlttee sppolnh ed to develops merger plan presented two diiierent reports divided mainly untho tnnrhet 111 board 1906 It the will session the Ontario Federa tion nihxrieuitun annual eon ventlon lhres embers oi the OP headed by President Clarita him of Embro fluted the to or so marketing board should each have one represent alive on the provincial mneil oi the proposed new organiza tion The boards which now negoti ate minimum produce prices with buyer or do actual selling Minnhers products would re lain their present iunctions hot would be encouraged to amaL gamnle into iewer structures and would be more closely inte grated with the iarmers organi zation mono no my exam wonr Ans rnone mun cannons SHOPPqu Rent your vacant literature arose so instalment new M3Findnypot11tml lobe Getcoshidrfnrniture no longer used nrd delotlting nhnyarfor thor untried lb yele Cash in on mission strnmonts no longer unused rnndsellir cosh do any all won CLASSIFIED An