irmaamnamusitruaanar maxim mu ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS aromas Nollcrs CASH RATES unduenod nuier Birth Amman QIordsl endairman its transitionmuka Lh um lno verso Verso P6 ll cixnlng Event BIRTHS EREE From ClaSsified AN EXCITING NEW MOTHERS PAK Value to $250 Containing very uselu assortment at well known items for mother and baby Yours FREE when you place zday announcement of your babys arrival in the Birth Notice Column EXAMINER WANT ADS trained Bith Announce ment nriier will assist you In wording your announce ment and arrange for you to mceive your lice Motil ers Pair from PLAZA DRUGS PHONE 728241 some and District Residents Only PHONE 728Zi14 ENGAGEMENTSe amourmom urn Anne is our en er nu er Alirfin lur Donald Edward Arnold or lur nn Mn Arnold surgeon or Niven soul 1963 130 oclock mmouoNmoN lllr and am Nicholson of Thenulon Ontn announce the emllement or their daughter slut Lee to Jonvh Aland Wtbcn son or ltr Ind Mrs Wilmer lVUson out The rnurinno will Lake nla Satindry November an lose at three oclock in to alternoon at the Anglican church nemlon DEATHS Pittun NormAt the Royal torta Homltll Barrie Sunday November loss Norma Adlmlou believed will or strummingi 131 Nursing nvnu mo er arlnr Ann testing it the Petition Punenl Home nyfielo Street Barrie Service In the 1le Wed uudry 931 interment Minu tnr Union Ctmetlry MAW lmel mun on Tuesday Novenach rose Jamel WIN Midier alim in his oath yenr unloved hllSMnfl or Illa Ellubedl Morrison dear rather of Douglas Maurice and Harry all or roronto not George or ionmon brother of norm ot sort Prams and Charles or Gnvezlihum dItlso any by waver min huaren In ma unnachbdreu Restlug at the sfockloy Marat Home on wars icy street name Funeral In moments latch BLIGHTY BINGO at prim on locum COMING EVENTS BARNE HORTICULIURAL SOCIETY TOUR 10 ICE pAPADm Bus leaves Wellington Hotel pm Free time until pm at MAPLE LEAF GARDENS Green tickets IVIAL OOSI $450 For lurtller lulormatinn call Miss Yeatcs 7289661 Mrs Mi Ghie Hoyd 01mins ham 726W BAZAAR AND TEA Thursday November 14 to pm TRUE DIME HALL Bazaar articles and home baking AuspicesBEAVER EEBEKAH IDDGE BINGO Legion Hall Barrie EVERY WEDNESDAY $300 JACKPOT $2 NUMBERS Good Jackpot Every Weclt Regular Extra Cards 10c 50 cu ADMISSION REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE REALTOR LAKEsuonE ROAD0RD $4000 down 4bedroom insula ted cottage large living room kitchen screened sunpmh lot is cedar hedged with beautiful view of Lake Simcoc Contact BETTY NWIONr Hawkestone 741m SIMOOE SIDE 0R0 First time advertised only $3000 downwtl bedroom cot tage living room kitchen piece bath screened sunporch storage shed Lot 60 125 Asking $111000 Contact BIIJIIY NEWTON Hankcstone letmm ALL ELEcmlc norm On corner lot Beautiful View of Memorial Park and Lake Sim YIOUR GUIDE shorten FOR SALE toa BETTER DEAL Barrn uuupio Listing sealed and District Rea Estate Board inc SHELLAN AngusM95651 Mum Wasaga Beach 10W DOWN LOW TAXES located in Village south of Barrie Nice older zstoray home In good location Close to schools and showing Owner anxious tosell as he has pur dlased business For low cost livingthis is it Call Ed or Marilyn Jennings IRIPLEX that never vac ant simply because of its con venlcuce in all important nceds oi life Schools shopping trans partition and recreation areas It also has twotun bedroom apartments and bedroom apartment For ï¬lrther details please 0567 ARE YOU TIRED OF ORAIIEPED MODERN LIVING Not the least of the attractions here is the large widespread lot on uhich this line commod ions room now home is sol $10000 electric healing $29400 taxes 08 mortgage Country sin or comfortable family enjoyment Call Alan Wardle 7263464 lidVivian Dalnu Will Lawrence unrr Klein rune Stewart Wand Edward 7282911 call Joseph Dirraoolo BUSth OPPORTUNITY Six unit motel in Ideal location All fumlshlngslndudcd In price Living acmmodntious contain three bedrooms Living room lilt chen and utility room Phone tor an appointment to see this terrific buy call Brian or hlarg Wakeï¬eld at CONVENIENT 10 SCHDOIS Transportation and shopping Three bedroom bungalow situat ed In nice residential area mortgage carries tor $9300 prin cipal intentst and taxes For iurlhcr details call Hannah Pentiand 7288023 NEW HOIIIE UNDER OONSTRUVIION Three bedroom brick btmgnlow Excellent location close to schools churdies and only couple of blocks from downtown For further particulars call Dolly llloltull 7280674 INCOME IIOIIlE Lover nine room home on large lot killiten with lots ofcup boards large living room thrcc bedrooms downstairs upstairs rented slzo monthly Sepnrate entrances Very well priced Call Theresa Byrne W17 M150 mam MEMBERS BARRIE ORANGEVILLE TORONTO BOARDS CARSON riloro uis sawonsmv smear ivoonlvonlaNG SHOP msoo gives you woodworking shop approximately in names motions mail 75 It with modern bedroom apartment above 100 it frontage on BIakeSt with extra lots lacing Slcelc St bargain for home and business together molar evenings motel wins Hero is real Call Russell Clï¬snu 1906 $1000 down now bedroan home clow to smools my mortgage Call Bill Lang WI evenings 7268114 Norm Synnott M7533 Bill Hamilton 7236325 miss onrsnn moist Rupert McGralh Elinvaic 73932 Bill Lang 7263114 INESON MLS REALTOR 7234294 $18900 Spacious new bungalow on beautifully lreed lotless than minutes from downtown Many outstanding ieatures include vinyl seamless floors hroadloorned living room school bus at door potential trout pond Qualiï¬es for Vtitl or excellent temis To inspect this buy call Catherine Milne REAL ESTATE new raw SHELSWELL and WiLLsoN IlltS hilarious Nomacaiaaoltnn mm classroom inrood flair with rm iorr Inuliapartmcnt mutuonm ltwuidbolnodvaots agailcloaciondwok OW gums PAW WEESaul NIH LEW home aepor dialerpartisan print cry centsIL Garage and drltw Oil heated llakeyour appointment now 011er km mm or details No latt our vain Momma three Moan trial bone to Angus Total prloeJlMoo Reasonahlo 1cm Ibr tilth lulamlalhn call Bill Mil1461 No lotr WY IMAM lovelybum in grounds Armkï¬lylowprloclnlhefllmhrdet ilu ihroobedrootnsdcohmityroornandflnlahedmutlonm Bremway to garage mtdoor barbecue YOUR down payment may do Call Jane Ywnl 734111 No litl no Dunlap St East vac1422 or drum FRANK NELLES MILLERital mumsmm mica OLD Em mmlomzeotmmwzet herpoardngaboneixrtwhenaticgotdleaetbccimboardwu barelands are month thoumeposltlon Wa have buyers forlaamtbogroorï¬hmdtémnnhmihadm If you are thinkulg se 118 Iny cr NOW call us and list wilhareally progressive Real Estate lerxmmr PROPERTYBe rpm landlord the easy way$l000 will turn the kidssole with good monthly return an your investment EVENINGS clan mm Frank Wainwright 1mm mews sun Hammond motel 7787427 Mike Magus 7266662 724 ï¬nest Walla mm EMORY MILLER 7264881 REALTOR 67 DUNLQP ST FOR THE YOUNG AT HEAR71 Three Iridroom brldr bimgalow with gleaming hardwood floors large recreation room and attached garage All this and mm on large landscaped lot in good residential area You will be proud to call it yours Call Ken Miler HIGHWAY 21 NORTH FRONIIAGE xï¬a with 30 30 content block building Ideal for buslhess or lruit stand Vendor will hold ï¬rst mortgage Teics phone John Cole lIOLGITE ammo bedroom sldespllthclnse to saloon Leo Cavanaugh Prank Nailed Joe Hogarth Boll Sitter church is and shopping This home has many extras and is priced $500 to sell Cali Gard Spencer SEMI DEMON HOME This is uell kept older home in downtown area with the upper floor renting at slot monthly An excellent opportunity to live cheaply among III the usentlai servicer Asking $25000 Call Percy Fold Mm some moau army mutt amen Miln eaoro ins ammo APPRAISAIS MORTGAGES Romans it mink Hartley 7mm Bill traumas Ru mm la an inn ties mails Russell ninth augment oorel snencer is OWEN mm FARMS WANTED TO RENT mm or Muuinnd sun with soren wanted to nut unmest Ly ruleohone norm MLS Realtor 109 aayrielo 7281071 Appraisals Ll tings invited ELVA MILLS MAS JOHN WHITE mono and REAL ESTATE MORTGAGES IMMEDIATE 151 and 2nd itdPnlhlr 35 WWMAWNS ItYou Need Money RenalBlunt WENor will rztosa Mortgage Funding Amongst Do You alumna RAW ï¬flumhmnnnmmu untrue Bum ticmu LOT FOR silt nun ml 10 m1 on any myorflvg If 61 im Plonl Imnh ul MOEILE HOMES TRAILERS SALE BENT Russnu caution MobileL Homes General Glendale travelux Paris and Service Cash or Telma up to Yearr BURTON AVE msuaaucs NOVINDT Dontfonet to mm INSURAN and It you mod ma coverage at any kind sec SIEVENSONS ll DIINLOP 81 75min SPARE TIME INCOME Reï¬lling and collecting money from NEW TYPE highouailty ooinoperaied dispensers in your am No selling To qualify you must have car releruicea to $2900 cash Seven to twelve hours weekly can not excellent mantltlylncorrie More lull time Forpersonal lntsr view wrile CANAPENN DIS TRIBUTING LtlIlITED oz oiimimn AVENUE sum 404 WINDSOR ONTARIO Iih elude phone number 313mg tickers Envelopes Buslness cards Wedding stationery Ietterheads 7Perma stamps Anlllbll November 15 man Irl triplex on aim Sim RENTALS Houses rouiarnr KEMPENEELTLJE VILLAGE mue beyondue city on tile only Bay Road TOWNJIOUSES ouï¬gmcanv HEATED NOW RENITNG Mm ME naponallh tennu for winter nonthn Atticait arm out 04 oi link nilnl MIDI nor poo luilu nilulna nowmmt bedroom nirr nu tint use per intint1 no me an lit Emu i3 strut No bedroom murmur ML WI Wmï¬ï¬ï¬W HOMES WANTED To RENT max Mom hflml Ind III or be Math link or vtrloitv Tolrphone JVIHI MN In and laultul APTS WANTED mam on seam aunt meat for ntlredcawk Ground floor turdmt inhuman APARTMENTS T0 iisttr THE BAYFIELD APARTMENTS Corner of Baytield and Grow THE ULTIMATE in uiet ele ant Iivl It in bedrogm suites Eleclrlc heating II hydroscrvita cubic it refrigerator stove In modern kitchen ver 11000 nqft inoach suila Soma overlooking bay RENT tic 0P1 gt Adullbliildlng For appointment call 72843016 mmnnartment com with stove and Munich Ind hydro Hlvlll entrance parking Bur stun It coorlm amine possession Ielanhsnn tau aw Including ha no Tiled adults onlyu Tclgnhgnl 12 mamaan modern titresbedroom Cheques rum ESIIMAIES ON ALL PRINTING NEEDS EXAMINER Commercial Ptiniing nonronent with bath linen run plies snltnln tor business nun gnodlrtsm 1le neeunrney nne 1muterinto nannotm shed home anrnnent lammilitia arr gigglionlreheenï¬ni Availsi so and masoni only ii at Vincent street CALL US one bedrooms kitchen large bright living room plenty of at pm NEW SOUTH WARD cupboard space Full dry base Elaine meson72842 Helen Hopkinsmle Catherine lime7mm Tun Foster7215243 COMMUNITY HALL Gill St at Bdnd GRILLIA Bingo Wednesday pin ARMY NAVY AND AIR FORCE CLUB 79 Dunlop Si West $300 JACKPOT mi CONSOLATION ADMISSION one In support of me Barrio Branch Navy League of Canada Chrysanthemum Tea 1968 95 Cook St Christmas Gift Items and Home Baking AdulB50c Children 150 Nursery available Auspices Giles ACW CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE 7282414 ater smart nnir REPLIE charge of so cents is made Tsar ddgmlxltl figurines th Number atlloIlyn somï¬ï¬néet him ore titer lnrt nusliertion my flintth dvunlremenu no new us or their oases must vcclvd irst Mn day punditleg whlloatlonv nr noon on Saturday with the narration Display Isomenll which must one to rev noon nrecedlnz day annoits it cousmorla shone insertion orders accepted as convenience in the advertisers Theretnre tho Clusllled lAdvenfsln prominent require Illadvc ltoktrndly rtcheck their advertisemnnt lemedlltlly lfmiltnt insertion in order that any error organisation my on re fled baton an in order at unto any or rsctliedror tar roi lowing dawpuhllnttlnni no liar rir torminer litrespnnaiblo tor nlv one incorrectly nrintetl inun onnf Anyndveruunieni end then on to the sxtlnt or portion or ad the lnvalvesthcmlanr1nte lnro Knish do not lestn tat velue oi advertisement are not lllllhla or correctlonstw maximum The 111 lbrumluc own the rim to literally rrlzcti any want no Replies to Clasrlilen meat Quiet country living Only 322000 Contact am NEW TON llawlrestone 4572106 KEITH LTD REALTOR AREA REPRESENTATIVES Babcock Barrio WSW Oolbourne Shoud 4364387 MacLeod Barrio 7284759 Spencer Thornton lMli Filzsilnmins Glhih 45526 Snow Slrmrd Imus EdGrecnBarlie M4123 Tom Fitzslmmins continuumaw Betty Newton llawlrestona 4872103 Lillian Roberis 7260927 Marguerite Moore 7232256 181 EGLINTON AVE TORONTO v12 PHONE 4873333 CORBY Real Estate Broker and Appraisers in Dunlop strE Phone mills Lst and and mortgages arranged on low monthly payments We buy your present tat and and mortgages uABlzt Muslims from EMA ZEBIANA 735177 LAURANS mn Allltwn 6576 Farm warms irems Eric MLS Realtor DeviSnap 7758365 Eveningst Derlde Mille PRIVATE Ann Houulldn to LahavSllncoI bedrnamlr its llvlnit Nom dlnlnl room kitchen Cnrrlor monthly Worn or arranged Teleohon 72332521 HAROLD TORSTER 98 Bayliaid areal PEG ILLS REALTORS 756453 Mortgage Hulda Available Free Customer Parking LOIS OVERLOOKING LITTLE LAKE on 190 $6000 each For further information and to vicwlhese properties call Lou GoedarnondL IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR AIIIRACIINE HOME Within easy emailing distance of Barrie see this eyeoaochlug ranch style bridr bungalow with spacious bedrooms family size kitchen witltlarge dining area and living room overlooking nicely treed lot Full basement Attached double garage com plete with clrpola Asking price $21300 Call Irene Forbes for further details EVENINGS CALL mains mom in Iioonn 416375 KLOOSIERMAN 30m misslam rounds cm Goodman Mimi5 GLORIA KOSSAIZ wumKNEE ntxlili hm acaunmr M3131 4569104 71me 7154994 REAL harmonisation PHUIO runs mamas lei DUNLOP or nos 72am mow rm lllE briYs Gmwm increaseine value or this sound invest nt storeysemidetaiited home in eltceileut condition good rincom andvin spotless condition Call now 105 moi fertile land in Vespra There is tourroom house with Srpieca bath and laundry room Forcod air oilturnace Large barn mos call now to View this exceptional value OPPORTUNITY older partmeut home large parking area uuar downtown and school Health Viaso lItliE OOthllIRiY on Ill acres otlaud Attractive storey bedroornhome with large kitchen and pantry Family type living room and piece hath full basement fully modern Ideal Ioragrawlngfamily Oallunw mile sale imperative 7282817 Hugh Plowman 1750429 7260243 Doug Campbell 7260243 7234205 lion Allan 4555543 Paul Penman mil Don Marshall 7782357 Smith Campbell 77389 Richard Dick Em 725889 BIDWELL MLS Realtor Charlic Read Don Campbell Fred Taylor 72194430 hmirvau 1113me men Ila91m NANCY luslr moon itth tmvn ROGERS CONNELL Photo Its Realtor EASlAt tho FIvaPolnta Phone 7205550 EVENINGS cam Tiaom cans Rooms WWW roan EPliElT nrumn nlw lxplnx Mortgage funds available PETERS WILES LTD RAWN heal noon5mm soa barman sr 728961 some or nunAl momma can 72Wld 725899ï¬ is Evenings Larry Torpcy Bill Rawn Dick Draw in COUTTS AND 00 OWEN ST 773H85 MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE Photo MIS Realtor EVENINGS connoN lii oourrs Tiains saunv corms 7mm WALTER coma 7mm PLANNING 0N BUILDING NEW H0ME7 Contact Peter BEAVER LUMBER l29 Btadlnrd St ian storey hadron baths spacious rooms throutmo driveways vflulnble downtown Inclmh Sultabla all Income 55 my to no tn ms Please call mm Gmldbuh NEDUCED for Immeth lo bedroom bungalow attractive live tug room with fireplace hm kite chen with good dlnlng urea Nicely tread grounds low mes Plum cull Mrs Hum TIEDd As flfley hum retltor located at CHEM street 3m DmpelÃ©ï¬ 911 Fred renten am ï¬soall oven 711nm PROPERTY FOR SALE noun or sMItl in Ann DUPLEX neitfaiorin Pï¬mnï¬sg We are Skilled in our Sérvicé and will giveyou Prompt Attention SEPTIC TANKS SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED lIlodern radiocontrolled trucks TILE BEDS INSTALLED AND REPAIRED ROBERTSON 61154495595 Im amt Tank Sales so t1 Tutti and Warner near Inxtl on Will dlmnlmlï¬Bdum IRoNiNc uht Isltin uounto mirt Pinkutt be ID iii iii moo HANDYMAN or an yourinli cloutu basement yards nionns any ad soar mom or miss PAVING Manieh Paying Italian men Coof Barrie Free Estimate Work guaranteed inmost lseassa iii sEANlLESs FLQORING Invisible mendlnl PRESSURE PUMPS PUMPS WashiugMachines Smail Engines ROSS PUMP sanvwr Phone Cookstown 4589015 ALUMINUM SERVICE ALUMINUM selfstoring doors and windows sldlngstore lronb COMPLETE INSTALLATION Direct lactory prices WAIIS RR SIROUD stoma iANiroa SERVICE mama roloiun cloning to homes ofncu ItoII alo eletun service mama sriINGLiNs smutNa mt room new troll hint Grimm Strand 0n hrlti Solbur INVISIBLE MENDING teratlonl nar tux repllrlnflt lute nuanubln Phone main SEAMLESS FLOORING Heavy duty plastic nIdd proof never needs wait onlytypo floor unntleeied by Iclds ulkalia AL ROBERTS $5843 MOWER RERAins MADIGAN MOWER SERVICE For AIlMakes ob Air Cooled Englan hectnnd RotaryMower Sharpening HAHN ECLIPSE LAWN AND GARDEN EQUIPMENT in Burton Ave fiatital cAitivsmv mono reluntorrior rmnsnorr hanrer cottalu rte solemn mt rm BENNEII 72mm or vzaasso vnuan cram Truck Letti gaunt rvice miter ulltnlnhag so years ornenensn moss sroNs BRICK Wonk Eh he milked ant winter wort WEEK ltlnllflld Iconluv ART All atom mt silk saw HARPENING BARBIE Sitrattling Centre llwli Jolson 1V0 TIM citing ill on our CLASSIFIED sniton cums comes REPAIR JACKING COTTAGES Insuliitln nndrenindeuinr HUVRST Hawkestonc ralnraoha onorm so nitivmg senor am hronanrl Driving school Leun to am Lizard pointme noggin sill EAYESTROUGHING NORTHERN EAVESTROUGHING 487212 SEAMLESS ONEPIECE EAVESTROUGH No joints No1enlis EAVESTROUGHING FreeEstimates 436 1543 GORD EVANS Stroud Ontario INSULATION IWWING monthsrink mammaltel rm Molten sonti HIEï¬ll uï¬ pamriuo PAINTING dr DECORATING it INTERIOR EXIERIOR Also sign painting European experts VAN NOORIWYK lit Rose Street 7mm none outrunr Lirerldr nna tonyr1 reason no Cnilmnmm ar IAPIRKANO mun incom work also and mllLkI rnal rules only ion tooamnl so acneswflal ulteto no Mlchlnc sham Bufl