TRUDGING THROUGH THE MUCK Water and mud lly through days annual Hubertus hunt at through small pond Dna wo Top Canadian Rider Competes In US Shaw NEW YORK tCPt Olympic gold medalist Jim Day oi King City 0nt lends tourmember Canadian team tonight in the opening ol the National Horse Show at Madison Square Gar den The Sutherin nyearold Day who combined with Tom Gaylord oi Gormiey Out and Jim Eldcr ol Aurora Ont to win gold medal in the Prlx des Nations at the Mexico Olympics will compete in individual and team events against riders irom live other countries Wins EFC Scoring Race NEONTO tCP Halihack Don Sutherin saved it all lor the final weekend in the Eastern Football Conference kicking three converts single and three ï¬eld goals to win the EFC scoring race by oncpoint over Tommy Joe Goliey at Hamilton TigerCats Canadian Football statistics issued Monday show the Ottawa Rough Rider star with 112 points on one touch down 44 converts 17 tield goals and 11 singles Ottawa and Toronto players dominated the top ol the EFC statistics this year and only Bob Trygstad of Montreal and quar terback loe Zuger oi Hamilton hroka the monopoly Trygstad led in tumble rccov erics with live and Zugcr was the top punter with toutyard average in 1H punts Torontos Bill Symon swept the rushing honors with 11V yards Toronto player Bobby Taylor nipped Culley in the pass receiving department Taylor caught 56 tor 983 yards and itsyard average com pared with Coiieys A7 tor aao yards Argo quarterback Wally Ga bier edged Russ Jackson of Otto wa in passing with zoo comple tions in 365 attempts tor 562 percentage Jackson was 171 lur 305 and had 561 percentage 1n punt returns Jim Copeland at Toronto chalkedup lor 514 yards Gerry Ardern of Ottawa had 59 tor 31d yards line rookie Vic Washington hada rimyard av erage on kidtoli returns to lead that department and Ed Learn of Toronto was best an intercop tion returns with seven for 79 yards The statistics SCOItING Sutherin Coitey ll Tucker Flaming Mann Symons Washington nuanma rc NET Are an 16411t7 so 75 137 911 66 so Symons Washington 109 67Bdlfit7 Bethea 5074311 Fleming it too 59955455 PASS RECEIVING No Yds AV LG TI 56 983 176 35 47800 170 44 536 122 68 PMSSING It YDS Pot It 205 3242 562 1103 111 3187 561 55191 2968 523 316160 2616 506 Taylor Collcy Symons Gabler Jackson Williams Zuger Other Canadians entered are Terence tlarchyt Miller oi Duurohin ant and Barbara Simpson and Norma Myer both at Calgary They will rlde individually and as team against squads tram the United States More iclo Britain Australia and Bra 11 Another Gold medalist liill Steinkrnus oi Norton Conn tvlll lead the US equestrian team in the eightoay international show The szyearvold Stcinkraus an editor with book publishing tirm has been mainstayiol the American team since 1951 He had been scheduled to ride Snowhound the horse who car ried him to the Olympic title But the mount came down lame nltcrthc individual Olym pic event and did not go in the team competition it Snawhound is kept on the sidelines Stelnkraus will ride Blue Plum and Bold Minstrel He will he Joinedby Frank and Mary Chapot oi Wallpack NY Kathy Kusuer at Arlington Var and Carol Holmann of North Eraneh NJ ing the event in Wirophoto by cable lrom Copenhagen Baltimore Colts Prepare ToMeet Detroit Lions patrolman an Earl Morrall isnt out or revenge he says But the tact is that Baltimore Colts with Market at the helm already have deleatcd thrceol the quarterbacks lormcr one ployers and they meet tourth the Detroit Lions next Sunday Filling in lor ailing lohn Unl tas Morrall has thrown t7 touchdown passes in boosting the Colts to 74 National Poor hall League record Two oi Morralis touchdown passes came last Sunday in the Colis 2N victory over New York Giants the team that trad od Morrall to Baltimore Earlier the Colts beat San Francisco Aicrs and the Pitts burgh Steelurs both clubs tor which Morall onca played ltsan old thing in sports wanting to beat the teamthat trades you said Morrall in an interview Billy Casper HeadsThe not In $125000 IlaWaiian Tourney HONOLULU AP Billy Casper on the brink otanother moneywinning mark heads the ï¬eld for the$125ooo Hawaian international golt tournament this week over cmtrse he has always played well Casper lresh lrom victory in the Lucky Open in San Francis co is less titan $8000 lrom the mark set by JackNicklaus last year iinish oi tllird or better in the tournament on the Walalao course would put Casper over He has been second here the past two years Top prize in the Hawaiian is $25000 It is the next to the last stop on the pro tour tor the year Play over the snooyard course runs Thursday through Sunday Par is 72 Arnold Palmer is in the ï¬eld or the second straight year He Vics Turn Wins lit GreenWood TORONTO CF Vics Turn threeyearold filly owned by Will Farr at Toronto Monday won the leatured Gihlin Purse for her tirst win in two seasons at Greenwood race track The daughter of Victoria Park edged Real Sensible by three quarters oi length and paid $1060 The two fillies combined for moo exactor on an AND Colophon Br BlLL acne FOLLOW THATDEER 3554 ADEERtS UNNiNGTHE TRACKS WILL namasmasur LINEHFWALKIN ctossnrossras meztoeaaesso of hold flit RUNNING LOOK FDR DEER 516145 DNVOUNGTREEsï¬ARK UHAVE SHRED DEDGE WITH BARE RUBBED AREA NEA saouno came here Irom Australia where he and Nicklaus played two tournaments Nicklaus has returned to Co lumbus Ohio where his wile expects child Casper has more than $182001 in oIlicial money this year and six tournament victories and better than $203000 overall Nicklaus set the marks oi $169000 and $211000 last year 750 Compete in Wheelchair Olympics JERUSALEM it Ahont 75K paraplegic athletes including 23 from Canada took part Monday in the ceremonial opening oI the third Wheelchair Olympics Competition gets under way today at Ramat Gan just out side Tel Aviv concluding Nov 14 Teams lrom Uruguay and Finland arrived at the lastmo ment bringing the number at participating countries to 2B Tigael Allou Israeli deputy prime minister told crowd at 8000 The Wheelchair Olympics haves unique human and moral signiï¬cance at special perti nence today For all of us it is evidence that weakens despair and brings strength of spirit and ionodless faith ctassaa cannon Competition is divided into five classes to graded on degree of competitive ahflity Class lsfor mobile cases out oi wheelchairs with braces while Class A15 least de gree of mobility Team events include relay races volleyball basketball table tennis and archeryhow andarrow shooting at dart board lrom 15ieet1ndividua1 events are track and field tenc ing swimming weight lifting snooker and slalom na igating course with obstacles such as ramps BOWLING any porno Lennon lt Bombardiers Dons Texaco Wellingtons Davy Dippers zzMeeks Bash Simco Draught Zn TEAM STANDINGS gamma DOOBHARDTOP rota of 1663 wss METEOR RIDEAU ZDOOR SEDAN This oneowper ha ageand is 965CHEVLtE drowns tcpi Tha Na tional Hockey Luruer young scoring race has new coleld er Bobby Hull picked up aevrn points to Chicago Black links three games last week to more into ailrstplaee tie with team mate Stan Mikita Both have to potnts but Hull leads Mllita in Kalil nine to live Mtkita is the assist leader with Hull buried the leagua in goal scoring tor the last three sca Ionr and tour ot the last live Bob Nevin New York Bang ers steady right winger and captain sane point behind the Chlugo pair with to goal and if appin o1 cago ipped ta lonrrth place with 15 minus whilerGordie Howe of Detroit Red Wings lumped into ï¬fth place the with captain Jean Bell vcnu at Montreal Canadiens eaeh with 14 points Sharing seventh place with 12 points each are Kcn Wharram or Chicago Ican ltotolle Phll gtGoyette and Vic Hadï¬eld or New York and Phil Esposito ol Boston Bruins Bogatien Vachon and Camp Warsicy last seasons Veziua Trophy winners as the leagues tap goaltcoding pair with Mont rcal Canadians inovcd back intn the neimindlng lead with combined goalseagalnst averaga at 130 lZd Giacomln ol the Rangers continues to lead in shutouts Willi twi Jim Darcy Toronto Maple Leals rookie deleuceman con tinuesto lead in penalties with 60 minutes THE LEADERS Hull Chi ltilkltn Chi Nevin NY Pappin Ch Beliveau Mil Howe Det Wharram Chi Rntelle NY PL Plot 18 to 17 15 to 12 Esposito tins Goyettc NY Hadlleld NY 1961 Eoito zoo Va automatic power steérr ing and brakes radio whitelt walls lull wheel discs ï¬nished in blue with matching interior use 547555 smear with your $1000 trade or cash salmonth n45 ly payments of $5646Annual Economical mder engi Burgundy with complementary parchmenttnterior Lie 527921 51 41 Countoycr Mtl Hampsoo Oak Ilicke Oak gsu Stapletoncnl arson Chi Gilbert nv Delveechto Det Morshall NY Marotte Chi McDonald StL Shack Box gt Orr Bog anconn or contusio raps GP madam 159 4151 in 1419 coo 350 ppm ism WaveletMil Vachon Mti Montna total Johnston has Cheeverslos 300 Baden totals 11 $60 Glacotnln NY 10 W0 140 Smith TM Bower Tor terrible for Tonal blur ParentPhily FaveilPhll Phlll toll 10 Pilate SL1 Hail SLL St hull total 10 Sinlt Oak Olkllpd MALI II sagas sass assess ease to ms BARBIE trunnion TUESDAY NOVEMBER not SaskatchewansEducators lsNaméd Outstanding Lineman REGlNA tCP Defensive tackle Ed McQuatters otSas katchewan Roughridcrs today was named 1968 winner oi the BecketDehtarco Trophy award trophy is named for Mei Becket and Mario DcMarco Saskatche unn players who died in an air crash in 1955 ed annually to the outstanding lineman in the Canadian Foot ball Leagues Western Coniere MICE John LaGrone Edmonton Es kimos defensive tackle who won the trophy in 1967 was sec ond in the balloting by the live Judges lorrncr loothall players representing each city in the coniercnce Third place went to the 1966 winner linebacker Vayna Har ris oi Calgary Stampeders The 1966 Echo COUNTRY SEDAN STATION WAGON brakes Radio Monthly matching parchment Licxxszm $2195 or with your souptrade or cash to monthly paymentsoi $45 01 16 63 V8 automatic poorer steering and ta ate windo Prairie Bronze with terinr Andital rate 1967 CHEVROLET mania 100p HABDTOP no va seat Sip dcs noon 176 ealter whitewalls wheel Brand new tires One With 7000 miles rnde or cash 36 month ly payments automat radio rear Lie or with your Annual Mhntlily Monthly NAME PLAYING COACH MINNEAPOLIS AP Par ker MacDonald long time National Hockey Lustre player Monday was named playing coach ol the Central League Memphis South Stars larm club at Minnesota North Stars MacDonalds appointment by Wren Blair NorthVStars general manager came only hours alter Blair iormally turned over coaching reins oihlinnesotn to Biakley rm John Muckler Desiardtnr LA Rutledge LA Lou Ann totals All goals against earnia any game are charged to the divth goaltender ol that germ tor purposes of awarding the Vezlm Trophy Snutouto Giacomln Bower Vachaa Parent Plauto Maniago Emptyltt tolls Crozi Peninn to minutes Boston tot Philadelphia 111 Toronto 13 Oakland no Montreal 12 Minnesota 122 New York 121 Chicago 114 los Angeles 113 Detroit 105 St Louis we Pitts burgh lot srhNomGs Montreal New York Boston Chicago Toronto Detroiti St Louis Philadelphia Oakland Los Angela Minnesota Pittsburgh Wednesdays Games Toronto at Minnesota New York at has Angcles Philadelphia at Boston Detroit at Chicago St Innis at Petishurgh Thursdays Gamer Pittsburgh at Montreal llinnesoia at Detroit St Louis at Plnladelphia Fridays Giana New York at Oakland to be played atSanFranclsoat Saturdays Glmel st Louis at Montreal Toronto at Los Angech Detroit at Minnesota Philadelphia at Pittsburgh Sundays Gamer Montreal at Detroit Toronto at Oakland NewYerkiat Chicago St Louis at Boston Ci954HitLMAN5 noon snotty with bucket seats your $300 rtrade or moirthly payments oi 519M Ap nual rate oi 1663 1964 COMET owner perfectaecond car Ermine White tvith redburket seats Lic swath$995 or With This one Mommy cash to CAIJENIE DOOR HARDTOP seats tvhitewalls and you odoiew VBVautomatio radio bucket discs Elmilierwhite with black top Lic 94014111 51495 or with $500 trade or monthly ipayments of $2834 Apnualrate Mission Monthly 284354 lull wheel cash it dispatchinancrest nggnggo is cHAizcms this RIFLEiTURNING You HEAD OR POLLING OUTAC MEWS Bombardiers 35gtDavy Dippers at simcoeiDnaughts 32 Macks Esau 32 Dons Texa lingtons High sing Myrt Goodchild 247 Frank Taseona Keith Cntawnua High Trip Shirley McLean 679 Allen Warner 607 MALIBU CONVEme 293 Vtt floor shift radio white wall wheel discs momma that or with your $500 trnda or cash and3 monthly pay cam Annual rate of