Barrie Examiner, 18 Oct 1968, p. 9

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DINING Iw lOOx no LMNG rooM I74 flowery rroroou lDOxliID Ground Floor 600$qFt um rim too 5w The Budding Editor The Barrio Examinfl Barrie Ont Enclosed please find name ADDRESS nos tor wbld send me the book entitled SUBURBAN AND COUNTRY HOMES Please make remittance payable to The Barrie Exalniner rmsr In T0 some Hons REPAIR WALLPAPER STAIN QUESTION Rain came in and ran down over the window sill balore We noticed the win dow was open wiped the pa per as dry asl could but in few days light brown stain appeared Uniortunately can not patch because lhave no surplus paper Any advice ANSWER Try your band with water colors and tone down the brown with while and appro priate colors by no nieans as difficult job was you might think even it you never touch ted brush before You dont havcrto be an artistic genlous to disguise the stain surprising ly well Besides you might get kick out of it FRESH SHELLAC IMPORTANT cummomrlm months ago shellacked the floor oi clothes closet Today the clothes are still heaped outside because the closet floor is still so tacky cant Walk on it Will it over dry ANSWER sincerely doubt it Your trouble isvlhat you used over age shellac which wont ever dry hard Any time shellac reaches six months in age toss it out When you buy insist on fresh shellac All you can do now ls remove the old tacky slut onddothe job over again nmcnmo airman QUEsrzorr high wind got my ocean walrus under some at my asphalt shin gles and tore then loose The colors when he patched with new shingles but its still real eyesore is there any kind of paint which will solve this prob Icon ANSWER Even it yougot perfect color match neat trick the dliierence in the shin gles themselves might show up but theres an even better way Give the whole roof coat of paint illlsflype not only has great resistance to weather but makes splendid anchor for the granules on the shingle sur are CHART FOR NAUTICAL SON QUESilON lily lo yearold son is becoming real old salt and want to encourage this on his playroom walk would Boston Harbor and buzzards Bay Cape Cod How can do at ANSWER Stick themon with pure fresh white shellac This will adhere splendidly and also permeate the paper itself Eor good measure brush an other coat over the chart sur faces too This will adds nice weathered appearance It will also make the drarta cleaner and easier to dust you should wish toremove them in the iu Iture alcohol will rotten the she BC Malian National Appeal For More Heariv Donors Momma Dr Plerrc Grondln oi the trel ilaart Institute who headed surgical team that has carried outCauadas five hcart trans plants Thursday issued coun trywde appeaiiorheart donors rundiir urged medical centres throughoutflanada to reier possible donors to the ln stitute liovmbr Damages Miami Ollrces mommies on hair bomb blast today caused what police described as flex tensiva damagelf to sin Miami Deaehiinmnesses including an Air Canadatick office lliI Inihries Pollce said the blast damaged the Air Canada oilice three clothingtstopes stockbrokers office and small hotel No evidenrc was found to act the bombing with Cu brows However pro ous bombings in the us this year have been traced to antiécastro groups Many oiytho previous bomb lugs have occurred at lorelgn govenrmenr no business offices at gountrtu ctlhat trade with na ian government andtourist offices were bombed carller this year in New York LIVES 0N SCIENCE Akaderngorodolr Science Townis aptly named Th re are separate sclentliic ong list of recipients waiting for transplants and two or them are in near critical condition Transport facilities fromany point in Canada have been made available to the institute by the iederal gove vaixlieast twoprivate Albert Murphy 58 Canadas first heart transplant recipient died hours aftcrrhls May operation The third Elie Zoar 5d suc cumbed to stroke 11 days altar receiving now heart Aug so Edoh Dear Land Rosaire Brien 58 the institutes fourthand fifth lent condition Desrivieres received his new heart Sept 26 and Mr hrien was operated on Sept so i£a rooier did his best to match the like to fasten actualcharts or BEDROOM lJG IOP port on hearing aldssays higln Hr lifetime of rod living pleasure Ia certainly offered by lids neat Colonial design liv ing room dining room kitchen and extra lavatory on tho ilrst floor three bedroom and bath upallpoiot to coniortabio living Notethe entry with coat closet the impressive fireplace thespacioustcrraca and the el Icicnt kitchen layout Another Important Icalore is the length of the living area extending torn end to end Standard blueprints for this de signNo2175jCOSI $2000 iortire that set and $600 for addition al sets Blueprints comply with theNatlonnl Building Code at Canada and are obtainable by return mail IiOntsrio residents gist remit per cent sales jlleardwliaby Cry Witness Slates lit Murder Trial common Ont opt neighbor testified Thursday that she heard banging noises In an adjoining apartment the night ninemoulhold Alain iurcolle lta Lacouotte said she lIEBId the baby crying 17 but added that the crying stopped alter she heard two or three banging noises Mrs Lacedette was testilylng at the trial of tile chlld mother Cecile Turcotte 22 oi Cochranc on charge In non capital murder She said she went back to sleep otter hearing the noises and was awakened at can by the childs father who asked her to look at tho baby Mrs Lacouetie said the child was limp and sleapyeyed and had bruises on his face The baby died later to Lady Minto Hospital She said the bruises were not prescnt whenshe lookedin on tha child earlier in the evening while the parents were out The trial continues At the moment we have transplant pa treats werereported in axcel ochrana is as miles north east of Tianns Exchangejvllisiis lire Called on diangovemmen called all number of exchange visits with representatives of Warsaw pact countries to give fconcreta ex pression to national reaction against the Aug 7i invasion of Czechoslovakia Extegnai Af fairs Mlnisteri Mitchell Sharp said Thursday lie told the Commons that vis Its involvingsgovmmcut agen cr were celledontrighi and vats organizations twereJeft to dedde whether to proceed withjplanucd exchanges Organizations which asked governmentv advice were en couraged to cancel exchanges but the government did not on pose those wishingio continue the exchanges Andrew Brewin NDPéToro to Greenwood hoped the inva sion would not be used to re ucecontacts between East and est Mr Sharp said some educa tional cultural and technical ex Pupiir In Grades and to were mum it madmanr en classes at downtown Dantoth fihi main ng an tie blppi the older students chased and MM the younger pupils and made bonfire ct to as protest signs The so pupils were protesting pchool ruler against bur and beards and skirt leng The trouble began Wodnesd when 12 students were susme ed ior leaving school without peanisslon All this started when four young girls swore at the vice principei when he told them to get cleaned up on Wednesday said Nick Ciroltild Grade l2 student He sent them home and they got some at their small boy lrienda to walk out Principal pardon Stewart said nllthose who had leit thelschool would be regarded as truauts it was later reported that most oi them had returned to classu Hearing Aids WAWAKH Consiurh crs Associationoi Caana re pressure selling poor service and high costsvshouldioe watched by the consumer ai fairs department The association filed briei with the department saying the prices or hearing aidrI ranging irom under $100 to over $800 bear no relation to the degree at individual satisfaction obtained by wearers TIAWA OP The Cana chauges ware 19 of troopmmsr BUILDING MATERIAL fiearchestabllhmeulsi ihe sue stucientsf Young IPrlqteSlers Jailed for Fraud ironInner car scv agseud Thur Hawaii notary Mainice vignac who pleaded guilty to 14 charges at forgery uttering fraud and involving total mo Judge Marc laid it was clear to him liut5ale use member of loodilmily who was not in need ot money had damped his cum on systematic basis it had been mailer oi single lraud ior the same amount of $200000 the situation would hails been dilicrent the judge said in passing sentence Highway Death ST CATHARINES Ont CPI Andrcw Campbell 70 of Youngstown Ohio was killed Thursday when his car endn other collided on the Quuo Elisabeth Way near here Hiswiie Jessie 57 and Mal colm Lawson of Niagara Falls Out drIv oi the other car were released irom hospIlt Trisha treatlncotior minor in Eskimos Sale mth or am Eski mo families arrived solely in Cape Dorset In the Eastern Aw tin Thursday three days over due on thcir lsornIle boat trip across Hudson Strait from Art tlc Quebec hanging block has marginal perqu the filled to nuke the tourney in the normal three days They ten Sugluh six days ago nqlhern development do spokesman held Thursday the Eskimos ran into engine trouble or repairs Quebec Bills qvaoac an legislation on education immigration and $011 provincial ombudsnan are listed as priority items by the Union Nationale government as the third session ot Quebecs 3th legislature resinnes Tues ll Premier JeanJacques Ben trend leads of the Union Na tlonale Mowing the death Sept 26 of Daniel Johnson has pledged to legislate methodical lv and efilclcnlly wilh hopes oi concifing the session before as Indian Gallery omwn CF SIan 5cm tary Gerard Pelletiar cut down bearan Thurs day to openolllcially asockIt lothewlutcman Indian gallery at the National Museum of Man The bearsltlo corered the Entrance to winding exhibit which traces the traditional liter pattern oflho tribes of the sub arctic reglon hascdon hunting BUILDING SUPPLIES fishing andpgriculturo and no gulated by the seasons and WW aboard hour seek stile mommy Adieu lIne mm Thursday identi ilcdramaa for the second time uthe rwanholorcedberu Moogttohkehimtotba cockpli oi jun Air Canada vn matrlirtralt and seek to have the plane diverted to Cuba Beverley Atkinson of Toronto was tesulylag at the short huh lug Thursday of Charles La verne Beasley ol Dollar Tex accused of muitipie charges in connection with the Sept ilmhlllckllll attempt some £13 1an coppea ay for help in finding car being log to Garth Lloyd Jones slain Saturday in Portage la Prairie motel no Police issued picture oi car similar to the one Jones was driving when he lelt Wal lnccbtug Out Oct 10 They aisq imod composite picture mm Accuoacv of mandamus firedInto ot flmrmmfi Jones born Swansea had been living It Wllll ferbout eight months wallemploycd II we Ha wuenroute for start our lab Monday lilac Power was Ice 5t Carmichael leldxpttbo itant Blur Power am said Tbursciaythe mov being internationalized and ordinaled Iimdliirmmnmh Wrt ore fiightiorBoatoh ending labour vintto Halifax Rocky loner student Dalhousle Universin hm local Bind rm leader carilerthat Mr Cannlcbui Inilalliax on vacation ll erer Mr Carrrdcahel said thellirport that be and lonee out early Thursday number of people and number of groups moovs or arms wrya or savor gt mm sows1m rs SAWl6 not We can give quickmvlce in supplyin curlommudtmbberltompraatbndg prices Drop in and teller what yo mungwell have ilreodyloruou in couple days Commerclal ninth Division The Bar anrniner QUAGLo IIIIx SATINFINISIIENAMEL IONGtASTlNGBEAUTH DECORATORFINISH risvro us it covrrs IN our corr solo Anowirrnjcuingrr FAST DRYING COMPLETELY WASHIIBLE WHITE AND tHOlCE Or 24 orcoRAIor COLORS ZAZVCInppeIron Barrie bionic1466 Phone 7255566 days till pm Satbrday until

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