Pussy cat pussy cat where have you been The answer to throid nursery rhyméi cosmos KITTY quite obvious in the above pic ture Rolygloly the cakilkes to curl up inside the tuha when UNIVERSITY WOMEN New Family Law Project Explained Barrie Lawyers Women may have more say flout their property rights it the new Family Law project put forth by the Ontario Law Re iornu Commission comes before the Ontario legislature What the Family Law project is all about was explained by Paul iicrmis ton and Peter litills to the Bar rie branch Canadian Federation at University Women on Out at Barrie Central Collegiate The guest speakers Barrie lawyers familiar with the pro tect presented some at the pro posals oi the commission and clariï¬ed present property laws Ag present only humand can be brought heiorc criminal court for failure to support his wile and childrcn The proposal at the Family Law project is that the wile can be made to support the husband and both parents must support the child rep This uili apply even to common an relationships The Commlsion also includes maior reforms involving an li legitimate child Any executor advertising or creditors to an estate will also have to include illegitimate children in the no lice Another proposal says that an adopted child whether illog itimale or not becomes part of the adopting lamiw and cannot inherit from any other real par enL Broad changes have been pro posed ior husbands and wives as well The Commission hopes to equalize the husbands and wifes responsibilities by allow ing the husband to pledge his wifes credit for all necessities Present law only allows wives that privilege One oi the most complicated and sweeping changes proposed is the concept of balancing claim which invol ves the settling of an estate Gills and contributions made by both husband and wile during their liietime as well as be quests are deducted from the estatc Theseplus other deduce lions and additions tothc cs tate may result in problems re quiring the lengthy services at lawyer ii the residuary es tate is inequitable the wire has recourse to the courts This also applies to the estate left by deceased wile it is leit this proposal will benefit wife who has been completely left out of her husbands will it isnt in use Examiner Photo Another suggestion made by the Commission concerns the note at house Most husbands and wives have their house deeds under joint tenancy but at present it the house is in the husbands name he has the right to sell it without hlswilespre mission The ncwproposnl would require the consent oi both pal ties no matter who owns the property VALID WILLS in the matter of makinga will it is proposed that holograph will that is one written on scrap of paper or in circum stances here thore are no wit nesses ill bceonsidered val id And in fircumstancls where husband and with are killed accidentally at the same time it is proposed that each estate be dcaltwith separately After spirited question and answer period by the club mem hers hlr Hermiston and Mr Mills were thanked by Mrs Ellis Relreshmenls were serv cd by Mrs ltennethiurnbuil assisted by Mrs Mans iield Mrs Robert Bull Mm Marcel Racine Miss Alice Arch ibald and Mrs wismer woolworih PIC Watch them bei your very eyes KA BALLOON SPECIAL Department Store Downtown Barrie All our bakery products are prepared fresh daily in our modern bake shops accordingto our laboratory tested recipes Only the finest quality ingredients are used THIS WEEK DeapDish Hot am cnlsr rated right heroic Your Choice zollavors Mother guilt rowswblclrethsmplzyedm mm otorlng sou ionredthemothcn coast of Enaland vlalltdg Plymouth Moscows Tiaiiicu Problem CritiCal llOSUOW imam Moe cows teeming pedestridns bave been called4he worlds mostrun disciplined and tbe main cause of agrowing accident rate in the Soviet capital recent mum in home molskaya Pravda the Commu nist youth newspaper called for stricter application of penalties agnlnfl jnyewalkcra and other ï¬destrian iniringern of tratilc ct article written loinllyby lawyer and the newspapers scientific correspondent op we peared to loan in over of driv ers whoin general are equally undisciplined The whole problam of trailic latnllties in ncreaslng as the Soviet automobile industry churn out more and more new cars and trucks in country where traffic is still negligible compared with Western court tries The writers at the article claimed that in most other countries the main traffic at ienders are drivers whereas here they are pedestrians Their main statistical evi dence was the revelation that 70 Mr cent oi trafllc accidents last year involved runover peace trians and 657 per cent of late ities were also pedestrians But the writers gave no ligure for how many of these accl dcnts fatal or otherwise in volved careless driving Nor did they give any ligures that were not percentages Pedestrians they said quite rightly cross the streets where they like and when they like with an inborn indllicrencc to red tralfrc signak ï¬rst be=$l500 Bournemouth and Bath FROM PETERBDRDUGH Daughte Jhlnhslvinx holiday sum idyllic cityrlncludedhlr nnd MrrPnu Bowstuk Md dauflz tors of Peterbomngh They were guests at ctr parents Mr and hire McVeigh at Pure tangSt and Mr and Mrs John Borysluk of Bayilcld Si vhirrandldrsflohn Manoldr and family ol Petcrborough vis Mr and Mrs Eugene Smith of Utopia and Mr and Mrs John Manet Sr of Oodrlngtnn St TEA FOR VOLUNTEERS Dining the week prior to the Residential Canvass of the Unit ed Appcai hira Alan Hopper held get acquainted tea for some of the ladies at her divi sion who will he canvassing or first time Mrs Hopper who is division leader in Word greeted Mrs Lloyd Mrs Sidnncr Mrs Sheri dun Mrs Jay Mrs Grantham and Mrs Cham bars at her Davidson St homo STROUD SQUARE DANCE Orphie Enï¬on of St Cathar ines will be featured caller at special square dance in Sun Sunnyhrae School Stroud tomor row evcning beginning at 830 pm The dance has been ar ranged by Barrie Beaux Eel lcs Square Dance Club and all intermediate and club level dune crs are invited to attend cor EUCERE Winners oi tthlxed eucllre party on Saturday evening by 101 42 included Mrs Free er ilirsui iniax Mrs Mc Nabb Wilbur Gough Harry Car ter and Archie McNabb Another cuchre will take place in AllandaieOrange Hall on Sat urday evening and all card on thusiasts are welcome my EXAMINER warm Ans PHONE mam ltcd with Mrs Manolc parent tighten the inner thighilnewhleh doctors butstte retard What can IdolBUFFALO Door Bell You can ask the doctor towrite short letter to yorrr2oyearoid explaining the necessity of keeping her father KEEPill on TRIM LISorpetric ExefciSes To Tune Iris noymvoncgll Delr Ann undmzWhatduh new hind woil it Lhyur hum comes to her and lake lor adivomel am 39 and have tour wonderful children love my husband and was shocked hospitalized in not her love for her lather but her hostility toward you that mskqucr be have this way Whenyou under tours stand this you will no longer permit her to make you feel guilty which in course be prone motivation Ihighlines And Knees TBy With todays short skirtsthe thigblino and the knees are con spicuously on the spot Com pistols range irom flabblness alongthe inner thighline and at knees to basket ball bulges on the other thighline reader has sent along an isometric exercise to tone and she claims works wonders She writes tiTo lirrn inner thighs prac Lise pressing the knees together verytightly This can be done at odd moments while walung for the elevator the bus and the like it is so easy it gets to be habit Thcinner thighs tighten up alter low daysyou really notice the she promisea To theyoung lady whoaslu how to deal with attyaccllmu ialions on thclnside the knees and tone the inner thigh line the following isometric is the answers Use two straight choirs as props Position sit partway out on chair seat legs extended knees straight Vleet on floor Have back of second chair within reach of feel for youwill need to use the chair legs in press action Place the inside of cad Most people dont recite how rmxhrnonoy has to be squeezed toothpasteor or that mother any productThelma it can be sold Theres an enormous pulley at time and nloneylor product reseondlglorop sprn tasinthen there one thornycost at mnulodming ers new pgcltager Then the product you eventually millions of delicate get ilIEls hes advertising rod so in on ad host an months owmoch on now contain conslrmer must belold ol the advantages olllre product ybe yecrrs and client ï¬rst piece core than losL Soliyour leollr are little brlgll loot against the outside ofeach chair legon the chair in lroat it you Action Presseach foot irr ward strongly toward cadr other Hold muscle contraction for slow count of silt Relax and repeat inward action does thetonlng Its the sitter who gets the outcrwlblghilnu bulges So all sedentary sisters try this be stretch ges Positions Standing leet apart for balance Arch arms over bend to banishythe bul head ï¬ngérs ciasped Action Centring the upillt through the midseclion slowly bead sidewards as far as com loriahle At the end of the bend hol six seconds Mo Comeback to cen tre pull up antl in again strong ly bend to opposite side Repeat twice late execute the bend action live times to each side You will notice results in sin gle week lsomclrics are toning with minimum of etiort but they are not reducing The best exercise you can take to lose weight and improvethe shape of your hips thighs and buttocks in the log indoors or outdoors dog or about 12 to 12 minutes day memo hi on when he told me he has lulled out of love and would be tree so be can rccapturotbatnid feeling WEin counseling and he said ic would beruseless He wants onL Ice lost andflrlgbh coed Two at our children are quite young and Im alrald cannot raise them alone1 um panic stricken and bewildered Indvcant figure out what hap pened What should dot51 Dear 51 it sounds as il your husband has already re captured lhat old testingwith mmcbodyclsc Tell him he fa free to move out but no dl vorce Alter 20 years marriage Ind four children man has no right to flake oitdust because hes found ailttic moreexcite mcnt elsewhcrc lie has an ohli gallon to stick with his family andmake the best at whatev er feeling there is Sometimes these lover boys get their ï¬ll or tooling around when the glumor of stnlcnmo meats and secret rendezvous has worn olf They miss their kids and regain their sanity and Igovback home where they he ong FAST RECOVERY Dem Annlandrcs am practical nurse age at and am working on case which has en driving me nuts The pa tient is man so who wos la lured in an industrial accident ilewas quite ill and severely incapacitated when look on the case four months ago but in the past three weeks he seems lully recovered in fact hes too darned lrislgy for his own good It my husbandknnw how this cripple chases me around the holiness hed make me quit this The insurance company is payroglor the patients care which means hes in no hurry to go back to his Job in the mean time am won out He has given me four raises and the money looks awftu good what should dblM Dear Jlr Any guy who is well enough to chase the nurse well enough to go to work Tell him youre leaving next week No many is THAT good bout manufacturers could not client to invent new products crimproya onyold cries Advertising tells enough people inboul the product to make moss pm ductionpossible and prudiooLTliots in today manufacturing and marketing process advertisan is as essential ds the ingredients that go into the product in the tar and youre spending his money on dental