Barrie Examiner, 18 Oct 1968, p. 6

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Mrs Wallain models green and block plaid coat oi wool defined to keep gal looking smart when the chill ms limb mass wears marvellous wool dress paisley patterned in vibrant shades of winds start to blow Worn hora with boots that accent the shapely leg Examiner Phi oo purple green and blue top ped by green hat welldeslsua ed to frame pretty lace Es amxner Photol RECIPE CORNER This recipe combines several other seafood delicacies with the Halibut Steaks SEAFOOD STUFFED normally STEAKS flhailbut steaks about lb each out about Vi thick Salt Cooking oil Stuffing finely chopped onion 8T attendi margarine it crabmeat or cooked chop ped shrimp use canned it fresh got available as mu rooms chopped bread crumbs egg yolk slightly beaten sac and pepper Cook onion in butter or mar garine until spit Add crab or dhliimpmeat chopped mush room bread crumbs egg yolk Mix well Season to taste with salt and pepper Wipe halibut steaks with damp cloth salt each side light ly Place two seeks an loll lln ed cookie sheet Divide stuffing mixture place hall on each steak Cover with second ste sandwich style Hold steal pgitlgxu with try were ops lonztulli Iittlewooloing on Measure steaks including slut up and do PET lcknes oooking time Bake in hot oven 450 degrees It using frozen halibut you may pretax thawitiirstliyouwlshoouse it imzensimply double the cooking orme Garnish with par sley and lemon Wedges Makes lserving umnscorcn sauce 1c lirme packed sugar an cornstarch when 2T butter cold water vs Allow of to brandy or rum In saucepan combine sugar cornstarch salt and but tcr Place over direct host and stir until mixture melts and browns slightly then immediat eiy add water Reduce heat and cook until mixturejthlrkens and all sugar is dissolved Remove from host and add flavoring Serve hot Makes about iii 93 BROMD EAL STEAKS gt with iron The hostess who serves these halibut steaks with orange and bananas will appeal to both the hastebuds andihecyeaofher gum halibut swans mm thick 14 butter or margarine mal Wd Juice of lemon Salt and pepper Paprika sin urn sized oranges peeled andrcut into see atrium length nanas cot wise and their in pieces ouch Plaee halibut steaks on well oiled preheated broiler pan Brush steaks with melted butter inkle with half pepperend paprika Broil for about minutes lnchm fromheat or untillightly browned Turn barelully Ar range fruit around Miami lruitand an with butter or margarine sprinkle remaining lemon juice over and salt P9P per and paprikaBoil 46 min utes longer or until tiah flakes when tested with aiork Tram ter to heated serving planter and garnish with theriroit Makes 46 servings Ii using hooan almpiydoohiathe too time Note sizeof halibut steak They begin to do so irom the sound any reward may be de one oi two or more competing losers One mother posted treatlor the alien GeorgaJiazen and Raymond mcn washeld in ma Presbyteriai represented varies generally nllow onovthird or rum flavoring poundaperoerving MR5 iL THOMPSON mod els yellow iashlon idea meant to be seen and talked about This herringbone minldress with its black velvet touch of glamour is superbly out and has knock ior druwlng ot tcntion to the wearer Best Discipline Can Bér By GARRY MYERS PM All parentahsa some rewards childs inlan with smiles pets and wor oi praise Any body knows that honest expres sions oi approval and celebra tion of successes are powerlui in motivating desirable behav Gi hut vhatabout material rc wards even symbolic nneaJlka stars in principle they too are psychologch sound llow pcnrk on how it is used when and what for certain dilld at three teamed to fall asleep quickly at aiternoon nap time from seeing star on the wall as he awoke star has caused some young tots to awaken dry or wgroom themselves promptly for meals or to hang up their clothes or put their toys away at bedtime But such reward doesnt alr ways pull and when it doesnt it can do harm 0r ti it pulls with children it can do harm to the smrlor one oi two children three and tour whose table cloth was kept more neat The younger child was the winner twice The other grew more unth dy and there arose more quar reliing between them Rewards for good grades by one child in the larnily may have similar bad otiect on anoth er there But it the reward is BOND HEAD MeandMrs Cresswell are visiting their daughter and son in law in Jeanette Penn miscellaneous shower was held in the basement oi the Guitar Chllmh Friday evening in honor oi Miss lrene Jack sooa bride to be About25 members of the Wo mens Institute and triends vlslb edlsirncoe Manor Thursday even lngVand provided program and Mrs liar vey was man and Mru Welch conducted thanksgiving worshipperiod Music was sup plied by Mrs William McArth ur Mrs John Lloyd Mrs Sutherland Mrs Loyd hiiss Wendy Copeland and Steven Calvert Sympathy is extended to Mrs lion in the death of George Haz en which occurred in York County Hospital Newmarket Funeral service was held from the Lewis FImeIal Home Brad lord interment was in the local Cemetery hem Mrs Harvey and Mrs Wil liam milletland attended slin coe County Womens Institute area convention lu Coldwate Oct lound in PRESBYTERIAL OFFICER The October thankotiering meeting of UnitedChtlrchWo nday School room Oct Worship service Thou shalt Love was taken by Mrs Gree Mrs Orr sang two solos Mrs Elmer Pratt South Sim oi Christian Citizenshipand Soc lnilActionwasintroduccd by Mrs Glassiord Mrs Pratt co erodesnch prohIEms asviolenca and hm the results atiect every one the use no drugs and pills and thehaiuifulgiesulta At Family Night in No ember Mr and Mrs Eotham will show slides of their recent trip Suviss Nursing Home Stayner reamed or holding points or gaining points over earlier grades any or all children nt loudly might Usually steward is best when child competes with himsell But tor the reward to pull it mist be within tiie dillds reach tA mflgléi whhusa child was go ting on report card promised him bicycle for thriahnas it be got no Eh again It was hopeless or him He might have won if he had to get one or two lower Fs GETTING nu DEBT certain mother paid her soosix nickel when he awoke dry andaharged him nickel when he awokozfwet He soon got in debt Why did rho lust reward the dry mornings and ignore the wet ones know some successful cases where mark was recorded or each success nothing or failure and the child won cherished prize when receiving twill say oi ten marks however long it took Two cidldrcn one omit the other 10 oi different families who were chronic thumbsuckera overcame thisnuisanco Each strove to keep thothulnh out of his mouth lust tor certain reg ular period pl 15 minutes when he knew he was being observed getting mark or eachperiod success With total of 10 of those markshe won prize an nounced beforehand Theth chlld amounted alter winning lor live periods know can manage myself now dont need the prize Answering Questions How may wa answer the my lchilds questions about In accordance withvyour own beth and convictions Your minister prl will be glad to help crossllno RIMES Si Moo Smith celebrated her 9001 bnmday Oct it at the though bedlast for umber oi years Mrs Smith was born and raised and spent most of her married life in this community Mrs Russel MeElwaln and Miss Agnea Hopldn Barrie wero Sunday guestswith Mr and Mrs Ray McElwain Mrs George Hunterwas with friends here for choweekend Mr and Mrs Winston Smith and family Willowdale were at Mr and Mrs GeorgeSmitlis Miss Jean Barnes and Victor Blunt Toronv to were at tho Barnea homo Mn and MrsCharles Hen drix Jack and Sam Hendrik Dallas Texas guests od Mn Sam All erly folks available commune lagNov Ill currently anon hospital It ranIonahlo For details phone and strong ac reputntlon or creative innova environmental arts The 58 menu opsmoi Pas lions neerliable tor practical myQk wlh big heart 193 HEAL AT comwarm Elécfiolis Mark WI Convention oowwamt saw Mn Doual Day it Now well was elected president at Slan coo Cwnty Womufl Imututa convention at Goldwater Unlicid lunch here yesterday Mrs Day succeeded Mm Don ald limited Kiwi Settle meat who headed the county or ganization during on hotly two year term Promoted to am vica pred dent wal Mrs Howard Camp bell oi shanty Roy with Mrs Gordon htallloo Wuhan second vicepresident Mn W11 tilm Slbthorpo oi Wyehrldge we rationed cometarytreasurer DIRECTORS Provincial directors elected were Mn John Ball at Coll lnzwood with MrsSianley Coon stnn Stayuu alternate and Mrs Mellth of Barrie with Mrs Cecil Baruch oi Elmvale alternate MrsVlclor0Brlcn oi Oro Station was made public relations officer succeeding Miss Sadie McQueen of Stayner Mrs Norman oi Crown Hill was chosen representative to Simcoe County TN and Rotopayers Association with Mrs Gordon inglelon oi Elm vale and Mrs Orville MoClunb oi Wyebrldge auditors Convener of standing oom von FURLQUGHlllQMBRAzll Rev and Mrs Vernon EuLson have been engaged in evangelical and pastoral work in Brazil under the auspices of the UnitedOhurch Mr Hulson will he the guest min New Director Of Arts Group Thetanadian Conierenee of the Arta today announced the appointment oi new National Director Duncan Cameron so of Toronto Jean Louis Bonk prestg dent of theConicrence and an tistio director at le Theatre du Nouveau Monde Montleal said Mr Camerons wide experience in arts administration and his lion would bring added vitality and strength to the CCA pro gram The Canadian Conference at the Arts in professional assoc iatioo of organizations in theatre music ballet visnaharts and Before don Buy FIIIIV TConapare AI To usury nun wonmsnsmm ABOVE ALL PMCB selection To suit Every sunset Invite Yohr inspection obligation mums nmmw cameraman snuannflon unugnreee WillflliiSillliS nrnes Exclusive Farrier who make and sells lure only on Toronto Dunlap st or 734355 ten milieu elected were turf and Mn Joseph human of RR filmylo biotateal march and come menu Mrs John long had finale dischapr wein an mo udoos Mn Donald Mam oi Coilinxwood Mrs Allan Corrlgnn oi Everett was chosencurator of Needs muir historiceand Mn James Lanmn automatons head al the ldiolarshlp oonnnhtcs One hundred and twenty six registered tor the first day of the convention and nealiy as muorthu second day GUEST SPEAKERS Simcoe County recreational dlmctar Peter Cuvill oilBarrle told of the work of his organiz ation Other speaker included Miss ilcienhidmeheridlrm tor of the home economics branch of the Ontario depart ment of agriculture William Smiley Midland teacher and writer Mra Coral Henderson oi Barrie and Miss Joan Warner Alllaton Goldwater Reeve Ernie Mlllor garland calorific welcome to the saga veners reports reflected busy um lrtcr at morning serivcer in thalhurton Avenue Untied Ohmch this Sundw as part of their Mission Poi nthle program scheduled tor the weekend her groups represent all regions at Canada and many are national in scope nonrandoman The Canadian Federation of Business and Professional aneua Club was granted its charter June mo gigantic sale Xevery depqrtmentl through to VOctober 26th at NOVEMBER WEDDING Mr and lies Lloyd Wil cox Herding Ave Blrrio fornnrly oi Midland have In pounced the engagement at their daughter Jane Wyvoons to John Ernest Beverly Brown The bridegroom clad in son at air and Mn Ernest brown Elmvlla The nun rlm will take place in Cflir Uni Untied Chinch Barrio Nov at pm iPhola Favero by WHAT THESTARSSllyi structure FDR TOMORROW Mined planetary influences now suggest that younconirol emotions and do not give vent to temperamental outbursts upecially inthe hours beiora noon You could antagonlto lhoseino position trulqu later in the day it you show lack oi rcstruini von rm mommy it tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope indicate fine year ahead Your planetary in fluence are excellent and you Ihould make worthwhlle gains not only in your lilo work but in personal development as well Jobwise andor in business matters there are several pc rlods when you can make nota hle advancement namely its tween Dacembor lit and March diet in May and September 0n the monetary rout store also promise gains during the nioremcntioned rv hiareh cycle also in June July and August The pciiodbcfiwen now and the end oi January also ncxt March and June should be especially profitable to creative workers Domestic relationships should be harmonious or most althe year ahead and it you are sin gle you may iind yourscil in volved in new romance andor nltarebound during either Nova ember January May late June or late July socalied ro mence next August could prove disappointing however so do not consider it too seri ously Most propitious periods in vtravel Between now and 37 BAYFlELD mldJanuary next July and Au gust child born on this day will be highly sensitive and intui tive could make great suc cess in the fields of music or tit crature Attractive Ideas For First Course Make your dinner look like those oi ismous restaurants in simple in do it you use your in genuity and somcballc ingrai lents lound in the kitchen Food specialists at Macdonald Institute Unlverslt loi Guelph have these sugges one lol mak ingthe lirst course attractivu Gnrnishcs or soup creamed varictiu can includafparxby chives and celery leaves iloely chopped lemon undo olives ilncly sliced grated cheese csv peclally Parmesan or cheddar whipped cream saltrd WW especially cheese popcorn crou tons crumbled cooked bacon THEATRE RETURNS SURREY 30 OPT Childs Own lhaalté program at film for children azaln will he presented in the Vancouver sulnnbof Surrey this your The program spmisored by the Sn rey Parent Teachers Cmmlil aims at showing children films thatnrcprcccdedbyatslkbya it storyteller The child is then en couraged to go to mhliclihrarv les to dnain the book onwhleh the film was based rssr ransom annvicn Open Daily till midnight Friday and salmonyuu inn lit ml ANNIVERSAle look For no rurnruoous VALUES in Our l2PAGE CIRCU

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