slAYNEIt Horticultural Soc iety is completing busy year highlighted by record airm mcr show and active civic linlt provement program The pre siliconth Gotham right wascommended or his active leadership by Lorne Wyant CréemosefP1dns To Extend Terms past president at recent meeting air Gilliam has been member Iormore than 95 yearsExaminer Photo Flower Group Lauded Eor Siayner Program srAYNEa tStaff busy program of civic beautiï¬cation which included planting oi mo roses and also maintaining alno public flower gardens was re viewed here by Alex Oriham bresident of the Stayner Horti cultural Society Our society has had an ex ceptionally active year said Mr Culham as he told of the garden work garden tours to Rochester and Hamilton and of the flower shows We had one no the largest iall flower shows lnour history he said in re ference to the annual show at Stayner arena which attracted more than 400 entries rimVICGAEDENS Among flower gardens main tained were those at the town lail at the arena and at Cen tennial and other parks While he stressed these were all important Mr Qilbam con sldered the greatest achievement or the society was its encour agement of home gardens in which residents or Stayncr take much pride We have had many beautiful home gardens this year he said praising the members and others who have thus contributed to home and community beauti ï¬cation We believe this impor tant In civic pride Mr Culham gave much credit to Dr lves honorary pre sident of the Stayner Society and member almost sincelts in caption 45 years ago President of the Ontario Horticultural Soo iety in 1967 Dr Ives won pro vincial and national champion ship or gladioli exhibits at Toronto TWICE PRESIDENT Dr Ives inspiration and en couragement to others in col tivating flowers also was referr ed to by Mr Ouiham Mr Oulv ham himsell has been mem West Gwillimbury Plans For Vote BRADEORD staids Nom ia andhe election wdlbe on inatlon meeting in West Gwil linlbury township will be held on Monday Nov to and it an election develops it will be held on Monday Dec The West Gwillimbury council which is headed by Reeve Keith Langtord also made provision in its election bylaw or an advance poll on Sahrr Nov 30 The election will belor lire 1969lt7D council and Mentor the area school trustee West Gwile limbony and Bradford iornn ward one which will elect one trustee to the new lamember Sirncoe County secondary and public school board which takes over administration or these schools on Jan Folseparate school election Bradford and West Gwillimbury form ward eight which will elect one trustee to the 14mamber tounty separate school board Nominations ior this board also will be made on Monday Nov Clubs Enter Guelph Contest AMJSTON Staff Bradford and looksth HI clubs will be represented at the 1968 Hi Pro vineial interclub competition at Guelph on Friday Oct 25 Anita and Ron Orr of RIB Bradford will represent the Brarliord 44H dairy club while Keith Robertson of RR Stroud and Lloyd West or an Brad ford will represent the looks town on dairy clld Members at the teams will be reorde to judge dairy cattle andanswer questions pertaining do management and career dairy herds bour MISS PINECREST Every Mood Dec Besides heave Langfnrd who is completing his ï¬rst twoyear term as head of the council since succeeding iorrner warden Herb Hughs the council members in elude Deputy Reeve Arthur Wright and Councillors Orville Hughes John Fennel and Rob ert Sturgeon Deputy Reeve Wright has indicated he intends to retire from the council tor the time being for business rea BOIISI ber of the Stayner Horticultural Society or 25 years He has been president twice having served in that office first about lf year 380 We feel the society has ac complished great deal for Stay oer said Mr Clrlhom native of nearby Edcnvale and resident here most of his life Mrs Cul ham who was ollylena Spiker before her marriage was Stay aer girl As host group for the district 16 contention oi the OntarioHor tlurltural Society the Staynor society had busy me with or rangerheats and the words at commendation received from de legates was gratilyingjo the members The one day can vention ior an area extending from Huntsville to Becloa was held at the new United Church hall which was crowded for the sessions We were very pleased the success or the In ting said Mr Culham along with Dr Ives and another former presi dent Lorne Wyaat Mr Culham assisted in welcoming Harry Miller of Midland was in charge of the sessions al district director AOCUSESPBILOSOPBEM MOSCOWiAP iA Soviet newspaper has accused phllaso phers Jeanvlaul Sartre and Her trandRusseil of mine forces with anticommunist propa ganda by opposing the Soviet occupation of Czechoslovakia Literaturnaya aneta Literary Gazette says Russell Briton and Sartre Frenchman are at least inadvertently aiding China and the United States by encouraging united front of antiSocialist forces against the Soviet Union Elnora ENGAGEMENT RESERVED PERFORMANCES Every Ticketvlioidereuaranteod asm Ill new sore ll splendor The lilttsllliilgnlllï¬ï¬‚lll plctnrc ever WHORE Stafl Extra aiaa of human council terms to two years will ba taken up at the next meeting ofCrcemora oouadl it was disclosed by Reeve Wilfred Warden Reeve Warden now complet ing hisde Year as head or the Creemora council said pre liminary discussion indicated council wished the term to with ride with the Simone county school board term This would mean that the normdi elected shortly would take oifics for two year Nomination meeting has been set for Monday Nov to and the election will be held on Monday Dec For county trustee election keunore is in word with Not tswasaga and StaynerNoltawa saga has the remonsibiilty ior the arrangements for this admin attun which also will be held on Monday Nov 10 Colleagues of Reeve Warden on tile Craemoro councii cluda murralllors Alex tIcAllister liar vey Pelligrew Gerald Blatibura and Frank Hart operatorserrsx DEBENTURE PASSED AlllISlON Stall Notice has been received by Allistoa olflclah confirming that the On taria Municipal Board has ap proved debenture lsruo at $700 000 to raise money for ï¬nancing new uaioa public school LEGION OFFICERS LISLE Stall Joe McAdam has been installed as new presi dent of the Lisle branch at the Royal Camdian legion Other new ofï¬cers include vicepresi dents Kan Taitand Mike Nim igeon treasurerloe Maiiey see retary Gordon Davis and serg cant at arms Stan Nixon George Moore is the iuuncdlala past president CODWATER NOMINATION WLDWATER Stall Nom ioatlaameeting or the village of Goldwater will beheld on Monday Nov 25 week later than the nomination ior area school trustee it wasunnouac ed by Reeve Ernie Miller Cold water is grouped with Madonte Matchcdash and Orlllia towiship in ward to elect county trus tee with the latter having re sponslbility or arranmng the meeting Special BeautifulAlllbergiowtunlblersbyAnchorHockingZ Reflect Expansion 0R0 STATION Stall W0 mens institutes in Simone Coun ty condone to carry an an ex panding program it was shown by annual nouns by Mrs Victor OfBrlca new county public relations ofï¬cer Mrs OBrien stated there wereoow lo branches oi the in stituta in six areas of ihecouaty There also has been growth in the Federated Womens lasii tulcs of Ontario which have set goal of 550000 tor the Macs donnid institute as the 75m an niversary mien ACTIVE lt YEARS The Womens Institute was founded at Stoney leek in it and quickly spread to various parts oi the province The ï¬rst in Simeon County was organized at Scotch Settlement acor Brad lord early lawn Branches al so were fanned at Cooksiewa and Tbomton the same year Members at the Womenslnv stiiutes of Ontario have had close agoclatlon with tbeltlao donnid Institute since its inund tng in 18M The $0000 oblce rive will ban to make it poglble for more girls to enroll in tha home economics course Ontario branches Seontributed 5606509 to the pennies for friendship tund generally consid ered the liloline oi the Assoclat ed Country Women oi the ld TURKEY SUFFER analNan tStaft Annual turkey supper of Stoyoer Centen nial United Church will be held on Tuesday Oct 22 from to 730 pm it was announced Ontario branches also snaillb Irtcd $247555 from Nov 31 im toAuLalJQflJatbeUNm gilt Organized under the food and agricultural organization of the United Nations lreedom from hunger csnmaign money donut cdtotbisproiectlstobeused tor the building at training centre at Villa Maria Colombia Estimated cost of the build ing is $2000 Colombia Is among Will Show County 4H Calves lit Winter Fair AWN Stat Six South Sirncoo 4H club members have entered thou club calves in the 156i Queens Guineas monetition oi the Royal Winter Fair which will be held at Toronto next Allrsixrhave obtained the re quired points in their own 4H club work The members hacindc Murray Codlrane of an Thornton Bill McKenna or till Loretto Alan Sorouleroi tilti Strand Sharon Sheffield of RR A1 listen JohnVnncise of RR Stayaer and Paul Wilson at RR sued Enchoftllecalvos entered has ado an average daily gain of at least two pounds over ï¬ve monlb test period irom May to October The calves include Aberdeen Angus Hereinrds andfllortbom breeds Guthri pram withsertolu nutrition problems nan NEW ram New Simone County prudent Mrs Douglas Day of RR New laurel served as vicepresident during the past two year and was of much assistance to Mrs Donald Harvle Harvle Set llamenr immediate past presl dent Silo has already started her new duties as president 0m friends were pleased to see Mrs Howard Campbell at moved up to ï¬rst vice praident Mrs Gordon Mallioa or Tottenhanl is second vicepres idant and Mrs William Sibtborpa of Wycbrldga again secretary trcasurcr Mrs OBrien succeed ed Miss Sadie McQueen oi Stay ner as public relations oiilccr Area presidents for the six munly areas include Mrs Benveuutl ior Silocoe East Mrs Lenaox ior Simeon Kempcn felt Mrs Phil linsbrnohe for Simcoe North Mrs Gordon Mala lien for Simone South Mir il French ior Simcoa Centre and we Dumond for Sirocco est MUSEUM WORK Simeon County Womens lastl tqu founded the county museum and operated it for some years before turning the project over to the county The present mu scum building at Midhurst cone plcted 196211 operated by board in which the Womans la stituta has representation Mrs George Holt or Thornton gave museum report at the recent coalt veaiion at Coldwatcr which prov ed oi partlculnr interest to the delegates Olllyl9i each witharly gasolincpurchasc at Fora limited time only local Shell dealers as oï¬eling 111685 good roaring gt tumblers at much below their annual costéjnrt 19¢ ear itdl any gmolme mam These elegant 12tounce tumblers are ideal for everyd use or for entertaining lhelograocfd shape and glowing amber color add rich cheerful look no any table setting The special rounded safety riniresists chippingfandmakes themlmore gt comfortable to drink fro The heavy base is speciaflyydesignedimvsaibg mas PM guard against accidental upset it msnaramo Collect as many as you lrke 13er to any particlpa Shell staï¬on 50X displaying the Amhcrglow Tumbler sign and start yollrcdilaction today OFFICE Ljurr 19 each with any gasoline pllrehere SIIeIL WE voogetoeaoerol Amherglow Tumblersand good mileagcaf5helh tmwwmlmennwiï¬iflioï¬ï¬mmim MEIROCOIDR Sum OLIVlAchAVILLANDW FOR TABLE RESERVATIONS oaANQUErs PRIVATE PARTIES PHONE resms Highway 21 Noraas miles Ironl Barrie tmllo wartv towardAntcn Mills casino FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE srlrsNow