gums nanny Examiner Siait Reporter The rapid rlre cross cumin Ition questions and the scope tlnos lnaudblo answers oi mt noses in court rooms the loot oliencontusing uesilons and the nod oi has that is given assnansweraroallpartoia dlys work tor cant with plifillrI Marsden works both secretary to Judge It ill Carter and as court report er worked as private sec retary tor several years beiora became cunt reporter she said At one time Mrs Marsdeo wu secretary to Atkin son publisher oi the Toronto Star Mrs Marsdcrl will be deia gate to the County and District Court Reporttcrs Association which meets at the Barrie 01r ling Club this weekend The Chartered shorthand Reporters Association at which Mrs Marc den is also mammal meet at the same time The association concentrates on improving the quality at court reporting and developing uniiormity in reporting and transcribing procedures through out the province The mother at two girls both attending lilapia Grove school talked about some problems that the quietest person in the court room has to encounter Every word that is said has to be taken down and it has to be correct explained Mrs Mars den it case is appealed transcript oi the original trial will be required Often an ap pcal will hinge on one said at tria BPEEDESSENTIAL Speed and stamina Ire essen tial tor court reporter The longest trial Mrs llarsden work ed on lasted seven days write at rate of 160 words Eer minute using Pittman short and The trick is to keep your hand and arm very relaxed Most sessions last hours and there ls no brcait unless the law yers wan one to think some thing Another important point that court reporter has to remem ber is to never become involved in the trial shut my mind to what the people are saying and listen to the words know that sounds weird but its the only way to keep tram becom lng emotionally involved said Mrs Marsden Sometlmcs during lengthy quastionlngvsesslon one of the lawyers will ask you toread back what the witness said halt an hour earlier Mrs Mendez explained You hav be able to go right back to the page on which you wrote the words and read it back perfectly You cant ltum and how over word That is why its essential to be as accurate as possible when take it down the iirst tim DEMANDING JOB The job is demanding one llT cm lulu Council non summon Examiner Sllfl will Take your choice 110000 or 250000 This is the numbers game that area city council as it attempts to plot commer cial growt The city has twomajor shop ping plaza developments up tor grabs and an urban renewal study underway that may ulti mately mean the rejuvenation oi the citys central business core ll the developerahave their way it may very well be that come tima tor urban renewal lthere wontbe enough private funds to start the project certain that some it not all of the exlding commer cinl community will suffer The city can expect degen arailon in the conunercial health of its two smaller shopping plan sa whether it accepts either tba 110000 squaredoot proposal by Warren Scott and Associateagior the east side of Hayfield and Oundles or the 150000 square root development by Chezrihelia ltld tor the west sideof the aarne intersection TAX AMSTMENT This would mean thatwlthln ayear the two smaller plazas would apply torsn ustment in their tax burden with an ac cordganylng loss in assusment to city anddwpile con siderable addition to the total commercial floor space in the city the net gain in tax revenue rrliglttbe negligible mosrimporlant ar the citys 800000 square lest oi commercial tour splce is of course the certral business dis trict but the effects at adding 120000 or 250000 square test at shopping area to the city out aide the stream difï¬cult to an City planner Ian McPherson teeisthat both oi these propos his are toolange Ho fay ad diiionrof new space on neigh borhopd basis close to the real dential areas to be served rath er thaniinllarsc shopping plazas taken liking to me said Mrs ask witness to repeat an ans IIIEIIIAN MARSDEN but it does have its humorous aspects Judge Clare has British bull dog named Bully and for some reason the dog has Marsden At times the to ask witness to repeat an ans wer Bully usually IiiS in the library outside the court room but he can hear rrly voice and when he does he whimpera and whines Judge Clara looks down at me and all but says cant you do something about his whining Cutting in and askinga wit nessto repeat an answer isnt as easy as it sounds You cant wer when lawyer is in the middle of some rapid iiro cues tinning The lawyerwould just glow his top said Mrs Mars en The Job calla of last mind and high degree at stamina The dignity and respect the court deserves must also be kept in mind As Judges secretary Mrs Marsden comes into con that with people who want to talk to the Judge 0iten she said People will walk in want ing to talk to the judge about their case They dont under stand that thc judge isnt in position to listen to thorn The amount oiworkrthai any one court reporter has outside the courtroom depends on how often the judge she is working tor is appealed It judge is appealed frequently said Mrs Marsden the recorder will have lot of transcribing to do Sha Faces has district but his view Over looks very sig icant political realty it Barn doesnt take one or the other of the propos als the developers wlilgo out side thevcily Just 100 yards away rrom the proposed locations Vespra township an areaover whi the city has no control and the city has been told in nonun certeln ierrm th the develop era are considerlpg property there colvmmcarao strum Theisltuution ls lurther torn plicatedhy theLiactthata how city plan to guide growth in the city tor yenrsls vpresently under consideration The plates reoltire rezoning and restaging of the land on which they wish to locate The loboi the oil alplan is to aasess and guide com merclal development but it will be several months it laast be torecouncll and the Ontario Municipal Board will approve the plan Until that can only twiddle their thumbs and hope that the developers do not go outside the city It seems apparent that the city must acceptza good sized plus it it is toretain control over commereial growth in its immediate sphere To reject both proposals would be to court disaster tor the cen tral business district To accept theflto000 square toot proposa woul hopetully but not necessarily discourage 000 squar oot Yo dale style shopp all ls tempting bllt represents an in crease at almost onethird the retail iloor spaceoi tho cit alum concur Howaven much Chet hello Ltd argues that the plaza would attract regional shopping pub lie and actually brlng rathm than steal oustomors from downtown this is hard to be lieve Whatisht stake The planner is rightly conccnl ed with retaining tltev competi id bilin oi the centralinlet ter of restricting nesscompellilon bu rather ot ensuring thatonefafg onto thar commercial WWWd0 not demdevelopeithelntercsL while gt Decision on Plazas zlotatrom quality to Cs olle high zsehoolstudenis choc Powerlligh School where lama ikolnlrlvliUniversity in Que dcsoribed Judge Carter as man whosedecisions are seldom Ip peeled GOOD CONDITIONS While tha drama that at times takes place in the court room is alien raw and emotional Mrs Marsdcn described the life at court renorter as pleasabt The conditions are good anti rnost oi the people are very polite Some oi the younger lawyers panic ularly those irom Toronto on aggressive and not as polite as one vvduld like them to be One oi Mrs Morsdena inter ests is history oi the Simon County court house Mrs Mars working as aleourt reporter and is well on her way to complet ing research tor the book she hopes to publish some day At ien lronsldes past president at the Drillia Historical Society said the work Mrs Marsdeo is do ing is excellent Im amazed attha lniormatlon she has man aged to dig upf Mrs Marsden doesnt know when she will begin writing the book am still doing the re warohaior it he said The work is more anything else Some oltha lavy you in Barrie are helping her with the research but it requires lot oitime she says and iew ot the men have very much time to spare Meanwhile the tall sessions of courtbava bagunand the task at taking down every word said in the courtroom comes iirst suitor to the detriment of the whole city because of improper planning It too many cities lack of plan nrog has led to an economic in ability of the central core to compete laced as they are with constant maintenance andreha hillt problems and with assessments The resultisia collapse of the aesthetic image of the city and trancie llnntunctlon oi the margin tai operntion Onerthi la collain this area Barrie Students on hand it Toronto llCLConterence TORONTO i0 Roman trom across Ontario seeking tull ï¬nancial support from the government for their schools meothere in united show oi strength this weekend Attending the Icontcrencefrom Barrias St Josephsilligh ara Gr 12 students Mar Annthel an Patrick Grenie and Mark Cavanagh ainiy Hobie to set up policy town con tutlon and elect board at veers says Joseph Redlcan la yearold Grade 12 student at the meetings are to be held Sat lrrday and Sunday Tlowever were hoping for the name solid support We draw at St Catharines in May he said an interview The delegates representing 1000 tudenta Catholic high schools in tho province plan to call their or ganization the Ontario Cathollc Student delegates or mad of Georgian College Board Gran 76 Roman Cause0iBiast iii Shipyard Clement Wednesday morning AmetIlnrgiealenglneerwlth experience in lodves end the damage they sign to bee city to he the company in its tavestil columnar Shipyards Hid public relations oiitcer Johnlladvig would not reveal the name oi the nor would boreleiio lhanaml at the company carrying out the cclirdnnlcu Iaikysis Mr mans Company oitleialr sIy the ship is not being worked on the only person aboard thaship is mannilh In explosionmseta or device that measures the amount of gas in the air spokesman at Collingwood General and Marina marital said retired chief engineer Ted Featherstone and crew mem bers tisrry$milb apd Gordon Spears are in very good condi tiolrand sllnnldbf reï¬ned soon Mr Featherstone may be released later today Tha tow barge Norman Clement exploded nhile crew members were washing it down imreparation tor repairs to tho The ship ran aground near Parry Sound early last week the Eleven men were aboard ship when it exploded Allwcre injured 3W MEN TheCollirIgwood ShipyIrd em ployl more than 800 men Com pany oiflclals say the explosion hasnot affected any otthe work being done in the yard The bertthIt the Clement now occupies ispotvneededï¬n til October 27 company spokesman said ha expects the investigation to be over by the Weekend We will be working round the clock until completed he said Color Television Repairman Needed The color television boom ap pears tolhavo hlt Barrie One oi the Job openings listed by the local Canada Manponcr Centre is or ullypualliied television repairman with at least three years experience on color sets to do color work only Other jobs available include bakers helper with at least and year of experience painters fully qualiï¬ed and experiencad and sales clerk or paint and wallpaper store Further lntornlation can be obtained at tho Canada Mun power Centre THEY PEDDiiED T0 ORILLiA AND RAISED sm Focunnao APPEAL cw Haws soMile Ride ln annals nxnsnsan minor ocroann ls ms Says No Evidence Genocide In NigerianBlaira Civil War John Roberts member at For liament tor York Simcoe said in urleaso tram Ottaw tilts week that hateltvthero waano ovi dence of genocide in the Biatra Nigeria civil war Then is widespread tear in BiatrI iaaNbeNigeriaoa plan to exterminate the Elatran people who are predominately of tile lbo tribe But thorn is no evi dence to support the suggestion that such genocide is the policy at the Nigerian authorities To myseli at least it seems that despite the atr es which are the magic result of any civ il war the Nigerian are trying activley to limit the slaughter and reassure the understandably terrltiedlbo people Mr Roberts has been appointn ed to the all rs com circadian COLLEG mltteo which is holding contin uing discussions on the Biatran issue This was one of two posts giv en to Mr Roberts as the House at Colmops dedded last week on the membership of its mu mltiocs The other is place on the committee on tlnanoe tnada and economic affairs We are all appalled by the Nigerian dvll war and its con sequences The purpose at the committee hearings to to cstab lish what Canada can best do to relieve the suiterings oi the dvilian populations The committee is for trout agreement on all questions but some tact have emerged it seems certain that although the present taminaisyava it will become avenmore appalling in the near tutu Evening ilgtrrcou¢rseis IsiBuildingi Ayrapid but up oi interestls developing throughout the Geor gian Bay Region lnpart tlmo evening courses being oitered by the continuing education division man McCaguo has lndi cated that the interest display ed by individuals and by busi ness andrcommunity organiza tions basled to thecommence ment at continuing educatlon programs in several centres thr ough out the region as wall as at the maincqllego campus in harrie varietyoicoliege levelbus iness courses will be oitered at the barrio campusthis tail in cluding business organization economics accounting and mar kating college is at pres entdevoloping certiï¬cate and di ploma programs that re recog nized rbyblismeaa du For students who may wish to enter thecollege eventually but laek some at the subjects re quiredtor admission prepara tory programs are being otter ed in English and mathematics campu The groups aim is to con vincc the provincial government that students in Grades 1112 and lit7 in Roman Catholld schools should not have topay tor ili¢ll education through tui tion iees At presen only Grades to 10 lnRoman Catholic schools are ï¬nanced almost entirer by provincialggrants Mr Redlean said the student organization asrtheldearoirthe studentsa although we got cooperation irorn the teachers they have stayed out of gt He said representation ex pected trorn the ofï¬ce of Wit iianl Davis Ontarioyeduca ministtx at Satunla meet ing After the St Cathalrtirazlafv meeting the group se gateslto Mr Davis to discuss the onganizhttcn They werent too encour ingat MrIDavisl othecbut they didnt disoourageus titer Rodi aaid two general interest courses will begin this month eiiectivo com munication and personal iinance and taxation Cooperati with organi tions in the various parts at the Georgian Bay area is iundam tal in establishing sound exten sion programs states Ford chairman oi Continuing Education in cooperation with the department at education and the Barrie Chamber oi Corn rnercey courses in business law human relations andrcommuni cations will be started this month The course leaders are Robert Fleetharn oi canadian General Electric and Donald Sugg Barrister President Crawlord stresses that development at broad co ng education pro gram by rgianColleg tended to help meet the needs oi the people in the community tor academic improvement and general enrichment The college has alreadybegu to establish cuntin educati eutres in eGeorgian Bay Region with the thought that asmany popu lation centres as possible will diler college facilities to the oom munlty During the last three weeks an early childhood education course began in Bracebridge photography course in Thornbirry and psychiatric nursing course in Penetanguishene These cours asihave all enrolled more stu dents than was anticipated earl ier These caurséswere devel oped aa result ofcnrnmuni cation between people or groups reas concerned and the continuing education personnel of the college MrFord sug gests that any person or organl zatlnn wishing to have specif ic course offered by the college should contact the continuing ucation division Moos Civil soon and French ill InniSIil Site Members oi one provincialleg isiatura and civil servants from across Ontario are learntng French this week at the tonner Allandala Golf Club in Innisiil The golleiublpurdiasedxeari ier this year by the provrnclai government us park vfl ï¬mlmili 11 lit anWlliel months as the site tor the two weelr Progressive Conservative Government sponsored immersion Frenchcourses flhemourse has attracted seven oi thelegislatures ill mberSAIndabouttm civil ac so been offered in oronto while the legislaturewaa in session He said he and numerous other government members had tak en it The course near here started Monday and it is gruelipg 7zl5 3m to 1030 pm day Only Frenchlanguage mag azines and spapers are ARE PLEASED T0 ANNouch that actors ill clean on know associated with thamin the practice 13 was 57 ARRIE0NT of ldw will ha used Earnéd $283 Eighteen Eastvivw Secondary Schoolstudentl pedalled 60 miles and raised $13365 for the United Appeal The story about their travels willkeep them smiling tor months to come Moore conceived and or ganiwd thatth for the in grade rot studems lltreeoi the live girls were unable to complete the trip but they tell pretty good when they learned that two of ti boys also had to be helped me The only injury occurred when Tani Clark had his bicycle slide out irom under him as be rounded corner Cindi Bristow referred to the incident as fthe only wipe out of me day Each oi the students was sponsored by local businessmen and triends The triporganizer Fred Moore bad the most anon sora Every mile he pedalled earned the United Appeal Cindi Erislow had allsonaibf comments to make about the trip Those country roads are jun loaded with does she said Cindi earned nine cents for every mils she travelled but something about her caused Richard Wiggins manta mile man to turnaround and see where she was Cindi says she didnt smile but Richards hike slide out trom under him and he humpedlntoand tinder parked car The only injury was to his pride the trip took two and hail hours from Barrie to Orillia however the return trip reouir lid tour hours Robert Oongdonna ltanda hatcentswmlla man had blr bicycle go out lrom under him as he cameacross the Thunda er Bay Bridge Howeverthere was no damage to either the permitted to he read and tho radio is tuned to orontos Frenchlanguage station The only approval axposrra to Englisitin the night televi sioonaw roundup Spare inneia apentwrlilng daily summary of chapter IoComtode MontoCristo Even meal small talk mus teachers double as to make sure there iano cheating At the end of the twoweek course participants will bava completed 2001mm sored twiceltweeltly conversa tional ernch lessons during ï¬le spring session which about to members began and 30 finished JeanClaune Giguere hired by the governmela in Augdst to coordinate its Wench lnlt structio ogr said total immersloh courses will be of fered thiswintar at George town Ont lodge and at col lege Hull Que bikeorthodrivorlobothcon tlnued Ray Trollope got oil to bad start He had lat tire on the way to school which is other the trip started trom ClasItoacher Mart Crassan said his bicycle had two list than so be gava the students his telephone number and Iskacf them to call him it anyone need ed liit As it turned out his services were needed The students made tha lastWednesday We got day off so we thought it would be great larlr was the way one student described the trip People along the way thought we were coazy but wa kept driving said Cheryl Par tridge She described the trip as lot 01 tun except wb we got to the hills The girls aid at pedal up all the hills on tho boys wouldnt watt whit they walked Jennifer Lennon bicente mila rider got lost in Orillia when the others came to look for me they got lost she said Bam Burns lit Elmvaie The barn of Alan liitchia oi Highway 92 at sidemad lovnear Elrnvale burned yesterday chub iug $18000 damage Ontario Provincial Police said today that the built ng was burnedalmost to the ground They said the tire rnarsbal ofï¬ce was investigating butdsui ed out the possibility of arson gt title STAMP our annuities ger in town or the awcorners to the nelghbou hood amember your last nova howyouta tnstila Inle van pulled away howyo more than halt wished youd hover comet Spare your new neighbors lettings such as theselet thoWalcomaWagon Hostess bring greetings and gltts to make them last at home Help stamp outstrangers Call Welcome Wagon room new arm60 low l0WtREGliLAR oar CLEANING PRICES Plain Dresses rts Pants Ladies Slacks Menis Suits HUR aria Picklip only teasers