annals mm remar cement in in momma CARS FOR SALE menu Ahlne MlII ur shrew is run renown mom roman All Lonatit ochninth tron leieplbene mew uni Moor nan naurtoooruiecnninezainzm na unit mun mountdon AI ms ins raring Moor nunlodriu nunarr motor tulle null Drums in mm nun blue ismtux some ins mua I365 mu Olt Mu Biscayne than our mienungainnfgm 53 in aggwrm sins rumou us or mm AUTO REPAIRS mm sJPEiTsoNAis eeend workshops wMINDY IEAIEEErlZSflll or visit the NEW SIDES It Hobo Street Barrie HUNTERS Accommodation available in or ganized hunt cam at Bear Lake Nov 11 to 16 for 14 men per innn includes lodge food cooks guides etc Phone MES InnIIle In an Iranamnion 10 um WANran launde Vs unsung AA II WW LOST FOUND mnuahnmlu mmï¬ï¬fm To HELP WANTED MALE FEMALE BROOKDAIEPADK INN Motel Tavern Dining Room OPENING NOVEMBER Urgently mks full and part tlme warlayoec In the following capa ties ODinlog room wantuses Maintenance MInimian node 10 education primed Poadliyn nun wt andrtdmeasiifslnsunocelnd ï¬ï¬perhwr Ambth OCocklall lungs waitresses end waiters Cashlara We have an opening for Inning111 wanted Air us In PiaIv telephone ran7171 NATUIAL vriAMle ami iiulth Poaa Sta ligand Hour ransmission Ltd Automatic Specialists Mary St 7353241 PERSONALS DRESSMAKING EXCLUSIVE Dresses Coats Suits Bridal and Evening Gowns lilade to Measure For An Appointment SCHOOL CALL 4363045 STROUD Ia wonsmv sr moon SIMCOE COU glottal till RIDE IIM WM MI MUDDY to ND 10 IMMBIMO n°u£tii€ttt In con Inna or men WOMENS COLUMN LEARN MEMO Govermnent Chartered Sdaooi Thorough training in all bran nhcs of beauty culture DERWIN HAIRDRESSING MARKET PLACE FARMERS MOBILE GRINDING MIXING SERVICE On Your Farm 0r At Our Mill MOLASSES BLENDING PREllthES coronaimam couer snaps noun GRAINS inc uoaua rims To serve vou Since 159 MOBILE FEEDS SIRDUD 4364231 THORN UNIONVIIJE 2971544 OR HIENERGY MILLS LTD NEIVIIIARKET our aosaiiz FERTILIZER Fall wheat Hay and pastures Fall Plowdown EVERY ANALYSIS BAGGED 0R BULK Truck Spreading Service HURONIA FERTILIZERS LTD Alliston 4353681 When cattle move into new environment they undergo Increased susceptibility to disease Every day your cattle aren Help your cattle through this stress period by feedihg SHUROAIN 13 Feedlot Stattor Highlyyfcrtiï¬ed with antibiotics this palatable low energy fe when moved into feedlot today mind usual be 1m um way In um Rut urnnu for we too on Telephone Lietots HWY 27 COOKSTOWN ed is designed especially to help overcome the stress placed on cattle For more information about SHURrGAlN 13 Feedlor Starter drop in and see your local SHOEGAIN Dealer Prcnt lost sales personnel KItchcn help Experienced personnel only Apply in person only 150 Dunlap West mmcm mart erdu coo public Apply in BlRITE SOI BLAK lunar runny ii No curt MALE HELP WANTED GOJD name And mall in suitbin for old enmamtcmr YOUNG MAN Wanted an apprentice tn lcarn oil pha ses of the printing trade at The Barrie Examiner Some know ledge of typing preferred This position offers secure future and all emphyeerbeneflis Apply to perm In MR SHEPHERD THE BARRLE EXAMINHI to pin dolly Salaam to an additive to tri duSiXY larvlco outlonl flute etc Ilechanlcal mm or unflcl mu Write an HINT EUR THE BRIDE AND GROOM Watchclassified Ads for terrific furniture and ap oliauce bargains NTY exocriem In and 113 Barrie thumbin no no mo out or lull time Madman leads closer experi enced only ConstructIon damav moist LINOI YPE OPERATOR wired ror cmnporlnl room vi 111 Barrie Examhu cm Inch and 11111 compfly benefits Apply lilr shepherd mam one order cook rroulrea for yur runna employment nceiirni wflrklng condllmu Au min my binelflu ngntutcllï¬nlflwngl uen nunn my mini Demo CADET AKER ror rant nauunm sunning urea coulple presume Telephone mean 41 DEKALB PULLETS More and more poultry men are choosing Dekalb PUIIets Started readytolay and dayold chicks For service or help on your poultry problems call CRAIG HUNTER POULTRY FARM LTD SIROUD 4551111 10an min in mint circulation manner or large Clnldlln pub 11mins comedy rum be nut and ambitious no sales experience Irims uli Tar Hamli POLLED HEREFORDS BREEDING STOCK Guaranteed HOLDEN CEDAR raniis Shanty Baymoist necerun inn men COLOR TECHNICIAN M14 or 7364106 himniélh It ASST sit on rte From Och 28 196B Dullu CASE is best FULL RANGE or MUNICHAL UTILITY Loaders Eucavators etc Backed by Service EAGLE EQUIPMENT tilts ellJen will be aim mama Tsunaiderltlon is llama Examiner REPRINTS It you would like to have re prints 01 any news pictures take by our staff photographers please call at our Business 01o ice tlehsro spiny we cannot accep ODE ers 4589102 ATTENTION BEEF AND DAIRY PRODUCERS Make sure of your feed costs this winter Book beef and Dairy Supplements now at aifirm price through to March 1969 Take delivery at your convenience Extra discounts for volume and bulk deliveries as announc ed in GoOp News SIMCOE DISTRICT COOPERATIin sanvrcas uA PLEASANT PLACE TO DEAL stressstress means slow down in growth rate and doing their best costs you money Full or parttime benchwork tub and salary by negotiation Fringe full time position ertl Box DIE rnnsscns In counter rub re nousmmim to can nousamm required for Au Earn 25 commission mum order ton Have Your FEEDER CATTLE Arrived IUColtllr at mva Mechanic BARRIE LOCATION purplettcn oi roman mm ip Lb motor medunh experience WI fill our requlranents Germany paid homltat inmnceeecideot pension benefits surï¬ngrm uaaxini ammw PHARMACIST full time experienced phermacishMust be neat and abIe to meet the person to DRUGSC STREET OR TELEPHONE 7282429 EMPLOYMENT WANTED mum women would like to IIIZLIIer Tyson winch mood SALES HELP AGENTS REAL ESTATE Tncn 1mm sun out uiu ruir futn uoincma real mate llltmln Hill I211 nulliï¬ed with EllHO and Ill irlétiihiir DEIDRE and mash FEMALE HELP WANTED PHYSIOTHERAPISTS for HQME cARE SERVICE to Kingston Barrio Windsor Kitchener Varied caseload Ex cellent benefits Car applied and available for personal use Contact Directorof Physiothlxapy ran CANADIAN Annmns AND RIIHIMAIISM SOCIETY 45 Charles St 177 TORONTO START AT ONCE Earn big money supplying AVONCbrlstrnas gifts Wig train you represent AVON Write Mrs Tonl Smoluk RD Box 4115 Bar rte or phone to FEMALE PLANT PERSONNEL Required on rotating shift basis Mth fullamployee benelt tits Please apply in person to SALADA FOODS LTD Church St ALIJSTON CLERK for hudwm store Appl 1n Dustin Aiinnnnin Hardware Em noan WAriflEss wanted for warts Experience not essential gob 400 mu neiepnnn more Ivnmuss redulnd full or parta time emzrlcnced preterm good working runaIIInnr Telephone 715 1011 before van warmass wanted rvcxporleiIccd minim employmcnljur evenlnll pun to 5day week Am in person to Pinm Italla is lilulcaster sour quitea for modern day olerain plant in Barrie Good working con dltlons Ind for man Write Box r1111 Barrie Examiner live our weekly children phone 7157711 more 17111 Gnu reentan inr panup Ind department of local weekly news paper creative or artistic Ability deslnd Cell Mr ï¬ler mom on home Middle bred to live Thm ï¬lms or an marten mm or semi In to commence Immediately leis vhone 7mm mere mm EXTRA INCOME FOR CHRISTMAS for our home products No no livery oi collectlxilL Aopb Lim mutea Eon King sLV West Ham erratum with the and hm We require nut clean intell cnt people to mist in our ounuty lnrpec kitchen hostels ms and rent room we wvrlfl nutterms Excellent ï¬nal tratninq transportation after 11 Pmuend canroe ior lavrice mint For interview cnu moon PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY ACCOUNTANTS Rosa HARRISON Phone MD Elm tars arm 1318me FUNERAL HOMES sTEcKLEY FUNERAL HOME 11 LEGAC AUCTION SALE Saturday Octoberl9 It 12 p111 shin fw HRS JDHNSIONE AND EVENING 155 milunorth ofElmvlle on Hwy fl Sale of farm main cry household furniture appli ances antiques etc Turns cub No mave AMBER COLWIIL ooeer COUNTY OF SIMCOE muouuholdmlulrnltin deems antes 25 rumch sold or arrears of taxes in the SEMEYI OCIOIIEI 19 County ol Stance has been pre 13150 pun sharp flat head Ford acetylene Welders electric Eh JESSIE BRYSON Tucher or Piano strain Registered Musc Teacher pared and was published in an advertisement August 3rd 1968 the Outslo Giselle Copier the raid list of leads or ad vertisement can be seen in my office List will be mailed upon making application for name to default of payment of taxes asshownonsaldllstonorbe fore Tuesday November nth 1963 at the hour of two oclock EST in the afternoon shall at that time In the Coun cil Dumber County Admlllllv trellon Building Earrie Ontelt rip proceed to sell by public auction the said lands to pay such arrears together with charger thereon if any of the raid lands are not sold on Tum day Novcmbcr thh 1969 an Idinurned sale will be held on Tuesday November 26th 1966 at two oclock TEST JOHN COLEMAN Simeon County Treasurer CountyAdintntstrntion Building BARRIEDntorio BAIHFFS SALE By virtue of duress war rent for rent andhydro have seized the followingchattels of MR AND MRS DWNIS NEEDIIAM RE No 111M lll 0nt that Is to One Viking Food Freem tsp prox 14 it good condition One 1559 Meteor four door se dan 196s licence No 49911 Ser lol No 569mm One 1960 Giovrotet four don scdan one Licence No 1mm Serial No mm will sell the aforementioned chattels by public auction on Tuesday evening October x1968 at 830 prn sharpet To form of AdoltVbnTrrallen sit uated on the 6th line of lnnlstil Township miles east of No 11 Highway Terms cash MYRILL DEAN MIMI JERRY OOUGHLIN auctioneer DATED at Barrie Ont this 17th day of October 1968 13 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Wednesday Nov at noon sharp for NGIIAMS SERVICE srAriorv dn Highway 26 at Minesing Sta lion miles west of the Mid hiirst Reforestry Sale at all propcy and gar age equipment groceries 150 tires and tubes different sizes oil cabin Irailers farm traders 1951 Ford iton cabin chassis 1964 Hon Ch 327 truck motor 2283 motors motors to cabin pop cooler refs13ers cashregister and some house holdfurniture 66 Jaws notor bike 25 cc motor brand new be Internationals furrow ace bu tom plow on rubber 52 Valiant air compressor electric Welder emory stone drill press tire changer pressure grease boom and much with 200 feet of It inNicable bale loader Iï¬o lfoatiac door coach magne tic wheels wiui large oval tires stock car trailed and many many other articles too nmner our to list Terms cash No reserve as the property will be offeredfor sale day of sale if not sold be are JERRY OOUGIHJN auctioneer PROPERTY Garage 36 46 With grocery store built in 15 741311 pumps bedroom home all facitities full basement flowing well The buildings are all in good condition and the size of lot is as none hoperty will be sold subject torescrve Terms and conditions will be given day of sale NEWSPAPER PAGE an so 101leal or your chicken may qu ca etc good mantraKiri id zsc Plus ledzrai Indnrovtndal tax Ava Barrie Examiner MUSIC LESSONS Them HIP prevled 10f Hammad ol LII My Conservatory of Mnflc Toronto All niacin Modern mum 21 Bradford st more ANGUS ROSS at no ac Bank ran and noun EA mom lnltmcuun in Plano Ind Thur Ibo in French LI other nation nhiectl ov stake for the estate of the late Mm OMAIJEY at 112 ELM S11 STAYNER Ia aucnou sAirs Terms cosh No reserve the estate must be seltkd GDJIIGER PIEHER Auctioneer Phone 4154M Collingwood AUCTION SALE Saturday October 19 at 1230 pm sharp for MRS JESSIE MITCHELL at VALLEYS GARAGE 10 MAPLE AVE BARBIE Sale of all household furniture Including electrical appliances bedding llncna dishes silver ware etc Terms ca AUCTION SALE Saturday October 19 at PJJL following the Mitchclnaler II VALLEYS GARAGE 10 MAPLE AVE BAHIll for the estate of the late ANNIE LUCAS Sale of all household furnituie List includes electri cal appliances dishes linens bedding etc Terms cash No reserve as the estate must be settled JERRY OOUGHLIN auctioneer AUCTION SALE Saturday October 20 at p111 sharp for FRED EDWARDS at but 19 Concession litcdoate miles soth of County Road 23 or one mile north of Cotmty Road 19 Sale of beef cattle pigs farm mchlnery and some household effects Terms cash No re serves Altmlm leVlLL auctioneer AUCTION SALE Saturday November at 1230 pm for owner qNIbarTE At Lot Concession 5Venna Township on Highway 27 11qu straight north of Barrio Sale of farm machinery cattle pigs hay straw grain and some household effects Terms cuh No reserve as the farm is sold JERRY OOUGHLlN auctioneer WATCH for full list October 30 Complete Dispersal of the GLENROBEIE HOL STElN milking herdfbred heif ers 700 lbs milk base DeIzaval bulk coolerSurge mllkers Saturday November at pm sharp Property 01 RALPH ROBERTSON mile east of Highwnyil at Stroud oil it miles south of Bar rie 12 registered and classified VG 18 GP11 fresh since August several due in Novem Mostly unit bred herd founded on Tonal bloodlines Several cows have production records over 1000001bs Plan to attend Terms cash No re serves ARCHER COLWlLL auctioneer AUCTION SALE Saturday November at 12 noon sharp for AUOK SAUNTER At Lotll Concession lnnisfil Township Vi mile east of GIuIchillYIliage Sale of reg istered and grade Holstein cat tle piss sheep Poultry horse farm machinery hay grain milking equipment etc iorme cash No reserve as Mr Saunters lease has expired JERRY OOUGHHN auctioneer WAMll for full list Nov ti AUCTION SALE SATURDAY NOVEMBER pm Sharp for CAESAR MOW At Lot Concessinn12 Sunni dale Township two miles north of Sunnidale Corners and High wayaï¬ or two miles southof Wasagn Beach at tho Oxbow Grocery Sale of beef cattle full line of high class farm machinery Vi ton truck baled hay toolsand some household furniture Terms cash No reserm farm sold ancaan OOLWliLL auctioneer AUCIION SALE of furniture and antiques for the emote of thelatc mscanom Mariam on Saturday November on 17 Hwy in Road Head at 11 san bunch counter AMEN HORNER auctioneer Phone 4684689 WATGI for list November1 AUCTION SALE Saturday November 16 at pm sharp iotfltAllRYliRAIJCK At Lot Concession 10 Vespra 60 Front St ironic GIFTI ny rm nnooiis Embroidcr this enchanting sampler now then fill in vital data when babyarrtves bet this happyangel watch over baby always frame pauclfoifnurscry Simple stitch cry in bright colors Pattern 7167 transler 12 in ins Fm CENTS Icons for each pattern no stamps please to Iillce Brooks care of The Barrie Examiner Needlecraft Dept 60 Front St Toronto Ont Ontario resident add 31 sales tu Print plainly PAT TEEN NUMBER NAME AD DRESS New 1969 NEEDLE CRAFI CATAWG best fri shlons Most new designs to knit crochet sew weave cub broldarl say editors free pat terns inside 50 Book of is Jilly rugs conf plele patterns inexpensive onsy to make 60c 16 complete patterns Send 60c Book No lDeluxo Quilts Book No zMuseum Quiltsé patients for quilts sac Book No Hunts for Todays Living Namexciting collection 15 complete patterns 60c Book of Prize AfghansKnit crochet 12 afghans 60c PATTERNS SIDE GLIDE by ANNE ADAMS IA sinuous slide to oneside then the glisssndo grace at an unexpected pleat ltsdetinitcly dress forholidaying dancing sses Sizes tr 1012 14 16 Size 12 gt but 34 requires yards 39 inch in IXIYFIVE CENTS 65 ctnts in coins no stamps please for each pattern Ontario restA dents addac rains tpnPrlnt plainly SIZE NAME ADDRESS AND summon Send order tn ANNE ADAMS care of The Barrie Examiner Toronto Ont Short on time Morequiclr Easysew styles in our NEW Fallthter Pattern Calalog Plus tree pattern coupon 50c Newt lnstant ng bcolr Savohnurs out fltsew mod emexpert way yer 500 pic hires 011in1 WELL HELP Township on Highway so one miionorth of MinasingVillage Sale of 40 head of beef cattle hey straw grain poultry turn her posts and farmrnnchinery Tenne cash No reserve JERRY OOUGllLlN auctioneer wnrcn for lulllist Nov is Want Ad Section 17 YOU WRITE wantsac alarm results Examiner Tekm will be happy to help you write your classiï¬ed Mk To place your next want ad dial 7231114 direct line lt Wald new SUPERIOR SHRVI ALc M0131wa COS onve om In Wont 5L Elm OPTOMETRY Stephenson Dagmar aciThvuonmIWBnh assets CUMMINGS FEED MILL Z48Vespra St Dial 7284264 cooxsrown roan MILLrmAwnsou D1314584272 BRADFORD FEED MILL JADennis Dial 7753411 PETHICK FUNERAL HOME Chapel of Thoughtful service ZLHOUE SERVICE Bayfield Street Barrle 11 ItsThe Season IO Advertise