menannmmmunnmocmmmuu ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS SPMAL NOTICE CASH RATES Namenu Marriages and Death Birth Annolmcanaehtc mum to Ioldl Cardidllianhlï¬worde Il madam no vase Verne oer own line tn baring Events BIRTHS HAW and Mn lichen sander as berm Skeet onnn the ulna or lionull an oneday incl at the Royal Vie rlr Result DICK All and Ruth ham to announce the birth at drum Alison Ruth Sunday Downer lain lose at floyll vlclorln Hamil nl Blrrt rider or canton and Susan alumnaeMr nne Ilrl ktor mum or in Napier SirRL Burle owner comlnemrl linkr tyllnli nwvrurnnnmmce lne birth or their non Bruno panel ounces nn cdnesdly Dunbar is ml at the naval Vlztorll no vi name ENGAGEMENTS wlmoxnnowwalr rnc Mn Lloyd lvllmx la Holding Ave arrrlu innnrrn oi lldllnd an nounce lac corneallent ol their nauxbllr lnnc lvmnnr in lllr lnan men Beverly nrnwn um in arm ilrs mm Blown clrnule The necclngewln uh place rl Central United church November as loco on CREE VONKMN Ind Mn AIIEn Ck DI Sillyml DINING to rnaunce the cnrrnemenl or their only nanrniu Linda rlrlcl Leah In Mr may Percy lVorlunrn at crcnuon anlulo sail or the late in and am Percy Vorkmln The wedding will lku place suturer November I965 II oclock in Nun Well Untied Church New Innell MARRIAGES mnmenvmnwlon Monday uslnour I4 loss in Toronto II sl hllclmlr Chanel Len VerlidI or ll Ind nan to Mr wry ulnar or name mmwrung 0n WMMS uclonrir isullniax lg ï¬nd Jinn ChIM sc ex en ela nunhem daughter III neupen Willis ilr Michael bin COMING EVENTS BLIGHTY BINGO Every Saturday at 22 pan NEW SOUTH WARD COMMUNITY HALL Gill St at Bond ORILLIA TURKEY SHOOT Every Saturday at 130 pm THE PONDEROSA Shotguns Ammunition supplied Phone 4872346 HALIDWEEN TEA AND BAZAAR WITH BAKE TABLE FRIDAY OWOEER 25 pm to pm Admission 50c Baby sitLing provided Auspices ST GEORGES ACW RUMMAGE SALE FRIDAY OUIOBER 25 930 am to 12 noon AIR FORCE ROOMS 14 High Street Allspices Womens Ancillary Air Force Association and 5th Barrie Cub and Scout Mothers Auxiliary BARRIE EXAMINER WANT ADS WORK WONDERS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE 7282414 Burro nmnn nox needles ohms or so cents ls mldc lai use Examiner Enx Number Identity nr Box Number users LI strictly Bacomdlï¬ntfl Iï¬epllix xes or our me last publication Classiï¬ed sdvertlsenrenu and null us 01 these page must be re ceived by nmcay precedlnl nublluatlnn or noon on Saturday viing thed exrffnllnnnr crannies or semen which min in by 1100 noon nreoedinn day canons on nuancenous an nhnnn Insertion orders are scanned as convenience to the ondvertim Therefore the classiï¬ed Advertising Department requires all laymen land reafheclk sullen mc aey er rim insertion in order lhnc Jin error or nrnlnrlnnr may be nnrlea betnrl ran in order thlt nml may he reruilnd far the lol lowtng dnv nubilolllon The arr rrte mnmlner is responsible for really one innnrmuy printed inm unn or my advertisement and then only in the extent verdict or ad that lnvolvu the misortnt Errors which do not lessen in value or lhuanrusnrnnnl are not eligible ur correction by makegoods The name Ennith reserve the right to cllssity revise or meet any ï¬lm REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE MLs Realtor GRIESBACH more no harm additional lordl per word WILES LTD us 100 Em relcl 100 15¢ per line price on not REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE as ullllly room kilotlendiving room lull bath garage large down Contact TO and DORO THY FITLSIMIIIINS Inmlllll 4562620 KILLARNEY BEACH $18000 Close to lake chaict style bedrooms lots or built in extras garage summer cot tngcincluded Contact 10 and FITTSIMMINS Churchill 4561620 EARNIE 317000 Eslale sale room bathrooms oil furnace main street easily duplexed Garage Contact TOM and DOROTHY FITZSIIIIMINS Churchill 455 262i DOWNSVIEW DRIVE Beautifulrn room brick bunga low spacious kitchen recrea Lion room attached garage nice lnl close to shopping and schools Terms Coll ED GREEN 7284123 SOUTH OF BARBIE Modern ranch style etched clay brick bungalwrlandstaped lot with brick wall lining drive to double garage bedrooms large living room fireplace spa cious kitchen more rooms rear oi garages plus many ico turcs $1000 Call ED GREEN 7286123 THREE MILES Irom Barrie 12th line Innistil acres room house piece bathroom grand view or thirty nililes a$12500 Call ED GREEN KEITH 1111 REALTOR AREA REPRESENTATIVES Babcock Barrie 7286095 Coibourne Stroud 4364357 ill iiiacLeod Barrie muss Spencer Thurman lsoszn Fltzsimlnins Chhill 4562670 Snow Shoud 4353116 Ed Green Harrie 7284174 Tom Fitzsilnmins Churchill lsozazi Betty Newton Hawkcstone tiff21ml 181 EGLINTON AVE TORONTO 12 PHONE 4373333 MLS Realtor 109 Baylield St lacion Appraisais Listings inviied ELVA Mle 7233749 JOHN WHITE 7289770 PETERS Realtor 7282410 AND CO OWEN ST 7282435 MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE Photo ME Realtor EVENINGS GORDON ercourrs nil7m SANDY courrs mom WALTER COUIlS town Real Estate Broker and Appraisers 93 Dunlop St Phone name lst and hid mortgages arranged on low monthly payments We buy your present rs and 2nd mortgages nanmmnnmnn mm ohm 2mm mam LAWS mm Altman 43 mm 611nm mms PLANNlNG on BUEDING announ Contact Peter Ligbt BEAVER LUMBER 129 Bradford St moan sale omen snxnlr Boy Rumbame millil gg wig413 Lelia simcge Foil Cani or monthly IGMVIIOM Elms rnrvan souJun two miles fromcity ol Bunla on acre in with spring rec pondl arrutlrnl red brick bedroom ranch style hunglow wllh our am only your oidlelcohono mo TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS gnrnnnnor Bargains Audit You In Eclassiï¬eéiécui REAuIrsiKre THE HOME or REAL VLESTATEA I94 DUNLOPIMST lloullr lie The gratifyingresponse tocur sincere effort tobring the right property to the right people has made it Dec essary to move our firm to larger premises If you arethinlring oibuyingvor selling home income property farm or acreage please drop in or call one RON ALLAN the courteous sun of Campbell Real Estate Ltd There is no substitute for years of Experience FRED TAYIDR non MARSHALL olcx anon courrs co OWENST REALTORS 7282485 BARRIE nghIand Park Village Go south on Highway No it to city limits or can tracks uun lett oil 3rd road ailer railroad Lillie Ave and our model homes are on first road to the leIt Phase Four New Ready For Your inspection IS Houses To Choose From PRICERANGE 151999 ro $2l500 FEATURES Architecturaliy de signed homes Taxes approximately $180 Built to NHA Specifications Aluminum storms and screens YourIchoice of colors Choice ofbrick where applicable Custom designéd kite chen cupboards Lot size 60 125 and larger No hardwood floors Soidaynccupancy HOUSES OPEN FOR YOUR INSPECTION INTIIE NEW PHASE FEEL FRIIE TO mseiccr THESE HOMES NOW FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL GORDON CQUTTS Ofï¬ce 7252485 Residence 7287275 moor heroin shown 42 QUEEN ST MODERN BUNGAwW with attached garage litul grounds gaslleatcd Small down payment EIJMVALEV new iurnace excellent condition easy rooms LIIarbedroom terms ELMVALE 301 paved drive beau good terms Mike Magus out This clist MEnZGEZRALDLTD Restaurant and building year round business good income Evenings Call Ike Brock mars so wonsnnv 3mm Norm ynnoll flkliaa Bill 7255325 clearances AyAiuAahn MP2 Bill Lana EW Boy on Waite erosion or own CARSON enoro M18 Ramon TELEPHONE Mill Russ Carson 7266161 McGrath Elmvala 759R in Live in THE comm on Io licrlzs land Attractive storey INDUSTRIAL hAno in and mod the ally of Barrie with this FRANK NELLES Photo Realtor ti BAYFIELD mam HAVE YOU BEEN LOOKING WITHOUT RESUIIIS Here is lovely brick bungalow with lull basanent and attadbcd garage You may fish in your back yard as the pond 70 150 is stocked with bass Property consists of 24 acres and potential here or more ponds plus good garden only miles South of Barrie Full price $2000 wonsnhv Zoned conunercial income property grossing $215 monthly taxes only $155 hull price ï¬asco EVENINGS CALL 7254743 Dec Cavanaugh W1 rrank Nellea 7266681 Joe Hogarth SHELSWELL and wnlSoN MLS REAL ESTATE MORTGAGEBROKER NIFTY FOR THE Tm Four bedroom homeidea1 Ioi rooming house plus separate apartment Loads oi parking in the double driveways plus garage Nice family sized kitchen and slap arele dining morn Poll basement Oll heated Good terms Call Mrs Brown more No m1 Two men auen was an harrlrsurfaced ma 15 minuies from Bardeen to Golf Course Asking $4500 each 51000 down Call Keith McMaster 4496868 no 74 Frank Wainwright Stan Hammond THIS IS THE IllJiEElm BUY FARMvIIWe haveseveral good onesio talk about Call Everett Muellqu nilzinc IJOVIELY WEBUNGALOW WITH SPENTLEVEL Large loyer beautiilll modern kindled with loads at cupboards Large dining rodm for full suite Immaculate condition inside and built home has prize winning landscapedgrounds fully fenced Full basement with oil heating micellent six and threequarter per cent mortgage and pamnts otvsino principal interest andtnxes This llinne is pleasure to show Call Mrs Al kinson wwwmioss ammonium Avamma Ground floor walking distance to dowutown Available imrnediateii sins per month Call Mrs Atkinson 119 Dunlop St East Dio jun1422 or 7261423 mom bedroom home with large iamiiy kitchen and pantry eomtortable living room and piece bath fullbasement fully modem Call potential with good locations fair prices and must to see Charlie Rendv Don Campbell Fred Taylor 72151705 Paul Penman gt7 mails Emilia Campbell mnoo ranam W3 HughPluwman Dong Campbell Hon Allan Asa5341 Don Marshall 7284351 Llilichord Dick Beer 7250429 mom mum vmomilornhv no REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE HENRY ElRICK MICHIE RcalEstata Appralsall Mortgages or com mean Harry blirhie Appraker Ted lingual moltt Paddy Miles mm VB ti It mu Amounm II no and wall to newer all naï¬meclin ilndkntd um MAIL In PROPERTY WANTED Inm lh huea boom bunslow in Barrie are Panic uluI nine to ill Wllnn Avenue ADI It Toronto ommn Barrie preferred or three bedroom boull with proximately one am or land no wrlll Box Burlo Inns ex ammo no name nnnm in th lLv nI name Mull have an unisex AIM lot Irde within nlu mill or any llle Telephone nur rell Canon Carton nut mate maul lvenllln mm nllvn fllenl with all cash Ior home arm ccnlnlly lulled Rhemnn no problem our new Realtor ll Owenv sneer Barrie mom LOTS FOR SALE Mum ml in me loin mm on and all Hwy 21 noon on liver mo Ind no rlnnno Toronto on ZCLEAREDLMS PRIVATE BEACH sarmour Lu new Icieobonl in wall or am or nle in not mnun in death with in ny Ioot trailer and other axisll PHM won 23 or will ma or no model sermon 941m BU50PPQRTUNITIES name mi tor nil onto to in health it interested Ill on or all It 813 Main tout MOBlLEl10MES TRAILERS SALE RENT RUSSHL cnuacnfl Moblle Homes ltd General Glendale lravelux Parts and Service Cash or Telma upon Years 170 BURTON AVE moose issz flnmnmg cabin tuner is Idol slnoo or local utter limp end hitch included Telephone our sole alter urn Mom homo so bedrooms rv loud condition Telenhrne afoom anytime or alldlrnn 526 3991 After nos cwsmu no spéfld Denali 56 lent his rel Exclusivelyllunl lshcd wrouiIht iron Pull price $57m unIum riled $75m hlusi rru but our terms were Mobile home cormo INSURANCE to MOVDIGY sf Doo rget to iron or your DISURANCE pl and it you need extra coverage of any kind coo STEVENSONS 115 DIINIDP 51 MIMI Want Ads Dont CostThey Pay DOUG CAMPBELL Pawne Older Morey brie homo rmldntached near school no central Telephone mom JBIDWELL nus Realtor mortgage hind available 33 COLLIER ST TELEPHONE 7284430 ACRES of good commercial property in Barrie would be suitable for almost any industrial project Callent block house and shedand lots of lovely evergreen trees Gall Mrat Elmer 50 ACRE FARM on paved road in miles tromBarnie good build ings apple orchard vendor will hold mortgage Call Mrs ï¬sher LOVELY TREED BUILDING 10 iii Barrie 60 184 Call Mrs Fisher gt VIEW OF THE LAKE eautitul split level less than one year old Attached car garlige Lsbnped living dining room beautig tullybroadloomed Spacious kite en with eating area bedrooms baths panelled iamin room lvlth stone ï¬replace alsogames ronrn on lower level 25 year NRA mortgage Owner hostelred Call Me Morris SIOMIVIIUTERS SPECIAL4Y6 will enjoy fllewami Irlerldly at rnospllere oi ilnsvctlalvnihg bedroom bungalow large living and roorn tehen with lots of cupboards with convenient lanai dry room adjoining Bedrooms andJiall area all attractively carpet ed Must seegit to nppréciateil Mary Morrison Emil hvnhérï¬rmmzrr rzoaocc RUTH lan gt 7284294 MLS REALTOR EXECIJTIVES bedroom custom brick sidesplit in prestigearea broadloom living and dining room panelled Elegant interior family oom and car garage Ternn Call Elaine WmMA Bmwam ANY MORRISON vr risnaa Catherine Mitcqu enoio Mls REALM lsowahlsrn mzho Aeenalsalsf MORTGAGES churns HILLOREI SCHOOL AREA bedroom home with baths large lot witllhees prioedio sell In WOULD YOU LIKE Lo Iivea Iew blocks Irom downtown or the EVli It so let usstluw you this new listing older home com pletely modernized and in excellent condition The lamin size kih chen is housewiles dream owner moving to Toronbo and anxiolsloaellr Dick Hartley name an Maoknesa Res name ll Fr Althea Rea min ilussellSrnllb Res 72899965 ROGERS CONNELLI Elaine heron7284154 eholoim Realtor EAST Attbo Five Pointslllone 728556 EVENiNGS com 1V cans oceansmass nuancesmear