Of Health Units Pyflms in ealltllnitadOnhatiomd last weds Manners ummmamuww maimed was MC in cook lie was assisted by RM eotmsitteo MIMI Medias reportedrbaok to my ooondl on on moms oldzemeotiaga Thedty oi Barrie was host at luncheon and thecounty acted as has at an ovgnng dis nor Barrie Alderman Frank Eer au ia dzairmau oi the anode tion this yeah it was through his eliorte that the convention was held in Barrie comment lean the lloor of oouuty council trout beginning mega on Sim wu Aqua when tinyCook said that he had attended his church twicorige tak tore he beget the Sunday coedings or registering visitors The long weekend made oaxttétn dancoposshioiormany delegates who did not get time all from their Jobs SEPTEMBER SALARIES Salaries innisfll Councillors for September totalled $91050 with their expenses accounts This amount was made up as Ll loilows Reeve Joe Cochrano $234 plus $440 expense Deputy Reeve Alien Todd 9176 plus $10 00 Councillor Gibhins $112 plus 60 Councillor Grose $176 plus $1640 Council lor Russell Stewart 5160 plus mono assasssranrs Dining the question period at mnty coimcii the matter or is remnants was dismissed The reave of Tiny township said he was dissatisï¬ed with the form tol records available tor tiling He had seen tho method set tip in neighboring township and leit that records there were in suiilcisnt Some opinions were aired that municipalities going one the reassessment values wouidbe paying through the nose to equalize those who were still on use old system of value tion Dne Cotmrilior said he was The report at Roy Bridle who la in drama of animal control listed the work his depart ment hum Aug to Suit 30 ll follows conniiainta received and investigated 64 animals des troyed or picked up from roads ownere 3t delivered to mind id returns to owners 503 ed on ma deposed ownerilfténts disposedof wild dogs disposed oi liter see sold 14 cash received $101 cash turned ova to pound he er $13 mileage driven by tmek 1539 night duty on sheep kill hig inmtgation hour Claims lorégbeep destroyed amounted CREDIT UNION DAY This week the Credit Unions of Canada will celebrate Credit Union Day lnnisiii held open house Thursday with many mem bers dropping in or coffee This to operating banking sys tem is coming up to its 25th birthday locally with member ship of 2300 and total assets of 81750000 Their ofï¬ce employs six persons and part time as slstant had an active part in getting the innisiil Farmers Credit Rnlon on the mad and am one of its charter members it is really something to be proud when one sees such an meet growing so solidly in the oommunlw They have helped many farmer to get started incrmsuy home has been pur chased through their assistance LISA WARD an to poundsgm returnad to eating THE INTERNATIONAL We hope to see the lnniatii oorrmetliora at the international plowing match at Guelph make oeossttu TRUGBYf 31m EJOHNGMN Mrs Walker and Barbara have moved to Oriiila Our best wishes go with them Ken Meleod and Bryan John ston ieJt Westley byterfor the west coast PRESENTATION shower was held in honor of Mr and Mrs Gordon Sears thee Robertson Friday even ing in the Community Hall Ken Moleod Elianor Elaine Mdeod resented them with ehrdr master end magazine rack on behall ol the community Mr and Mrs John Litster and son John Engichart and Miss Linda McLeod Keith McLeod and Allan Gibson Sudhuryvis lied Mr and Mrslieith hlc hood and Miss Jessie Ulster NON 0R0 Anniversary services will be held in Essen Presbyterian churehhsundayHOot 70 atAil am and 730 pm Speaker will batty kaldttiig Midland ML ronto Even one is cordially invited to at satialied with valuations that had The six year old girl who tend these services Black Students Plan Protest Monday Ottawa MONTREAL GP gimp oftbhdt students and workers announced Thursday they plan serious demonstration in Ottawa Monday at the Jamai Jeanth Conmdssion to noted the Jamaican governments treatment cl Prod Waiter Rod ney This will not be the ordinary dunonstraiilon said Rosie Douglas one at the protest lead err We will be peaceful uniem we are tried to use other methods we are going to see the Jamaican High Oosnmie slouchand we will see him one way or the other The 5mm will hold prelimi nary pmiest here tonight at Sir George Williams University Prof Rodney as professor at African history at the Univer Those blacks in Jamaica stty the Wei Indies Kiln ston was barred from motor itfli tug Jamflna aitcr attending Black Writare Congress in Montreal earlier this week flie government ban touched all strident demonstrations in am Kingston in which three demon urators were killed The protests in Montreal and Ottawa are being coordinated by the Black Writers Congress Committee headed by Mr Douglas and by the West In dian Societies of MoGiil and Sir George Williams universities HAVE DEEPER CAUSES At news conference here Thursday Prof Rodney said the Jamaican restriction on him was the ï¬nal straw and that the Kingston dmnonstrations have far deeper causes Seven Areas Outside Quebec May Be Bilingua TAWA GP Seven regions outsi Quebec where people or French origin lorm more than to per cent of the Sopralaï¬on are prime areas or eslgnation as bilingual dis tricts under the governments new Dimlat language Act The seven were identiï¬ed by 5619199 reporter the royal com Gl mission on am and bi wlturaiism Wm three in Ontario The sevcnntalor regions de scribed by therroyal commission RIB 0ntari six counties along the Ottawa on St Lawrence Rivers comp Carleton Roulrew and Stormont 538 000 population l86000 are of two in Nova Scoï¬a Fr ch and one each in New Bnmswick still and Manitoba The royal commission taund that1in these regions at least 10 per cent ot the population spoke Fraud as mother tongue The Invpereent classiï¬cation adopted in the governments nguage hillgiven ï¬rst read ing Thursday night in the Corn are provid nd en ongin 165000 of them using the French language Northeanera Ontario where those of Fronds origin account $52000 gemmnmaidnts am no lp Sudbury and Tendskamlngmdli triets Those still speaking Franch number 151090 aEssex and Kent counties at the southeastern tip of Ontario an area with total population oimflilo in 1961 There were 65900 persons Wrench origin but only 32400 of them retained the language ouethird at them iivmg in the auto centre of Windsor Digby and mouth noun ties in Nova Scotia with 19300 persons IiiFrench origin in population of transit Mission 72132433 And Examiner wm lie Delivered To Your Home by p111 THERE is NO CHARGE FOR THiS SERVICE VALLEY TAXIJ pRiVEYOllRSELF cans AND raucxs engarry Prescott Russell STONEMASON not go out in the streets to get ed because ot the or any individuukihey did it im th solves have only been in Kingston for nine months so the extent of reaction indicates the depth ome problem He said that despite Mlldul Jamaica is recite ing pct of racism and economic inequity and that this latest in cident had merely hmight the problem to the surface cans are happy people in the sun and that the Jamaican gov ornament is democratiothie just isnt true An armed revolution wealtha nnly answer because the siqu gig had reladiodhsudrldintoler propor ans s5 He said the ban onibis men by was simply an attamptby the Jamaican government to qtdetdy remove person who spoke out about these problems 55 lihe irwih says that Jamalr PLUMBING HEATING GLENBM Plumbing Heel SAND GRAVEL sandiStone no cure varied leMiTED Hwy 2r mp5 marmcns BARBECUEEv pasrossmawanus nmvawavs SHANTY BAY STONECO ll Hwy use Hayfield assess cum mu VAuniverSary Special Mens All Wool Warns SAVE $8l0 1°