Raynauds bisoneel caii Cause Ulcers JOSEPH mower am Deer Dr Muinuzr allmti stand that Reyna sense lneuidile Besides taking medilt cation presulbed by my doctor and giving up smoking is there anythinl else that can be done to retard this diseuei MR8 II Raynauda disease is consid erably diiierent imm many at the diseases we are inmlliar with it is not an inieeiion not causedbygermsltlsmta breaking down or weakness oi some organ Rather in the simplest terms it is misbehavior of part oi the circulatory system it is mat ter oi spasm or constnetlon oi the small arteries oi the ex trnmities When lhcse spasms occur circulation is sharply re TELEVISION WTWTFAW him TORONTO azin an too Zerv can innc cum 1Hnuaa rmy Il In LUCY llSuoei umu 25 1Nrwr 410 IllVacation 11ml eGiiiilanr Illlnd 7Dlilnl Gina 1mnltonla neiov Ahinsnretnr Calm liGiflillna iriana nNen 100 amm sHawnil INewa Sonili smo JUn Sillfl ePerry Mlan 1unflerdnl liMlh mm UhClE iicnrtoonr 119 iiGhoit Muir 70nerati 530 zwntr in mm StAtt sinr out niierer too lIGet nMovia Youre Younr 1Phu am iNewa Yeather Sharia iiNe Wuthrr snurta nnewitcned lliieire aorihn sun liDhu Jubilee 7leiany SATURDAY OCTOBER 19 MORNING AND AFTERNOON 100 14am and Horn 11h Dance zciuten Carlo tsununu Sawdu ncanoon Playhoufl azoo ZDick Tracy 7GoGn Gopher Lawtonaim liA 5min Pim two llthby 11ou Friends no no Hanan nacm iuurs aunuy Rand Runnen the island vuockcisaln MW zMarlna noy 11Jun smvo 14 Allan iimvo 230 iaem and mu 92m itéfi acnuin Scarlet in 150 IArrgien SUncle oï¬nbby 9blavie zzoi 1215 Buwiillii SATURDAY OCTOBER 19 EVENlNd gt 545 1Hurse hm 11411 An Jllattr Polo tFtsninz llllihlllie Hay and Track 7ana 9Lttre It mo ZAdam son BCamnairh Candidate rum Hui the enema aWioe warm at snorir iivoyaro aLezt Sm 510 Hollnxe now LMobv Dick oo slllovie 1101mm 500 Jo 2iiovie zcoilere Talent eNews 7tanie iWhlte Featherl Hearts Hot Seat 1lCoilexe Footbali 4KOEens mu SUNDAY OCXQBER 20 MORNING AND AFTERNOON on iomo vazmln of Truth itiiaoeinotreila nugt Paris hro ZAnicuiture vsA 7Chrisionlaers llBiblt Starlet 1910 zTnir tr auernid oLookuo 9letl 1on rhith Dick Wm it Answer Harmon oi Tomorrow ilMvinz wm 114mm mo 3Cathedrai Tomorrow eIane Runner TGullivnr iirather Meehan 1110 liFathni FTom and Jerry 7PaneryeGllmbv IClflaan Pleyhanie llClthednl Chimes 1MB wilege Hiltli ul onaumrn Roadkill ltaiienvourriel TiLiATL BETHE ages OFTHE Abonzs ETTA KETT rumor moans it EVENING 7Neur Sparta itSecond Hundred Years 1iii Take Title eTrhtn or Cnnieuucnce 11onui llernrl Mommy Mull ltall liPettienlt Junction at 17715 villa wan Entertliriruelit liHalau ticroea 2Name oi the Glllil l1Gomer m3 1151 IBanlm lli eoney as 7Batman nSninnriuan Huber Herons 7wua nut itlcirok nka Ana iii zUndetdol aaohin liood Hcrculiild nnr onaunau izoo zniieman ml Grunin auan IAFL manhuntr ssmt Why son Safari 7cnmpiomhin ilchronlcia Iioo zDeeth Valley nay rierly kits Auocinie sGono Guy Hackle Gleason aoo JNHL Hockey 111 26km and Mn hiulr eMv niree Sour 7Yawreucc Welk tluic Birds ilhe Hniieiynh Trail 7Petticnlt Junction 1Hollywnod Palace liPrisoner Mac LHymngtle FPaoer Cape arnunnarauer Hanan Hurt 4in Process TBuliwilikie eriiatures billion Houtxum 4Conversltlon won 7Discnvtly kwnn You Ware lhlglll ul iItaliin divine Hr Hockey WEEK MOM tarded in the atieded areal Bills or toes blaneh dr nliation la suddenly reduced mil diasase varies rreatty in ty symptoms on one patient in inother Numbness Ilide cold feeling may be all it anmoia to in some individual although that can beunpleaa Int enoulh letherIJtcanoauaealood deaioiacliinaqrboeause otre peatedty curtailed circulation can lead to ulcers which era must diiiicuit to heal Abstinence iron tobacco is of prime importance use smoking constricte the small blood vessels and adds to the basic difï¬culty oi Raynlude disease Avoidance oi cold is important both trim the stand point at immediate comiori to the patient and the act that ex PROGRAMS ii BUFFALO nurrnw ii HAMILTON mo 1nlovle this line Who Never Weather vuil ladln IA comnot Inon nicrlu 11Mov1a suo 1Wilt sonnatt anon 2star ner lWill Sonnet 1am zstnr mt Linen orni Weather moo sNeuu Weather soon iNwi Weather Swm 111o liPllrre Elflnii 10 1Ioimny Clnflll Huey Billion Ihiovla Strait mam an iron Rivera mm Vim Ind hire on Lucy 5mm mi Toe aPema Probe liven Hour 4M innnd oi stunner izio oninvtn an Fleur Murder wryman iao 115 112mm Souae Iuo resum President ewertem Jamboree c1nu And Your Penalty Troutmu flinlltti lCamera on more lllzhlurriznt of inith zunhnt 1nnuir tlvirai Review 7Olirmtc Gum rtï¬outooor Sportsman 41 7nuu iiWrealitnr Time 230 zcmtert Show lYlnDic Games 50 mg ii limo an 7NCAA GINO Show tilmi 190 fill at Tn 111 PillM SMovie JJtnlllb Black Knilhtl eMovi ivak chosen 1Dn eiuannix oiymnica liMovie The flames Telle mark ii 11 1100 9Nawa Weather siplnnigrn that nn Bomber vr nc 1110 Jthta Detective Story 1135 iizao art on aNewa weather ireroar some 1dr Spam 11o enounn nhia 7Llnmie lznn Ha Club enoy Ami 66niaii World Hoectrum The ure Truth olive acounuy Calendar 4Pm Football 7Elueorint inf Bultalo urnu Space Ara Llie ntaig will ii IIKFuulaiXCl mo Knoer nu 7issucl mo Answer Football we lllt ll written up lainvia rontract 9174 iiNm Weather Control of Remuda therein may depend imitati Jutisr JONES er or how thoroughly some un derlyiiil condition can bear rnctnd Since nervous tension can be intros mild sedation can he helpiui In some Ievere cases rympaliioetomy flitting out oi certain nerve truth which con trol the arterial spasms may halt or limit proï¬les oi the dis ln occasional idiopathic cases cases in which no physical cause can be ioundl there have even been instances to which vnychiatrie treatment has halted the disease All at which soar to show how varied and By JAY with mate Dear Dr Mother have tried taking birth control pills prescribed by my doctor ior painful menstrual periods but flndthatoneoithelidedteda ir severe depression was wondering it another brand would helmElli it might Smaller doses are appearing in some at thonewer tablets Change at brand as well as of dosage might help you cOuinncramnoLg ascxear You ministernun inn nrJack ï¬nesse tingurine West hand at Six Clubs North leads the king oi spades which you win with the ace When you cash the AK oi trumps you learn that North started with the 046 How would you now play the hand togive yourseli legitimate chance to make the niuai OM32 QKQMS lwa unions 152 You are declarer with the West hand at Three Nutrump North leads the air oi spades which youwin in dummy with the queen How would you play the hand aan eQ 652 onus 9x752 any rm UK QAJH Youronly real hope is to get rid both your spades on dummvs dinnionds before North can talie the lead with trump to cash his queen oi spades This can occur only it Southhas the singleton nine ten or lack oi diamonds and you should there iore shape your play to provide for this one and only possibility at making the contract Cash the are at diamonds li South iollowa with the nine ten it North started with tour monds you are home because you can discard the 104 01 spades hetero North can ruii lo etiect you play on the basin that the North hand looks up proximaiely like this SKQG HJm N975 GQJS TCnshthe AK of hearts in order to learn whether the suit is divided it is continue with heart lovessure nine tricks II it turns out that South was dealt iour hearts to the queen which you would team aiter the second heart lead shiit your at ientton in diamonds by playing the king and iinesslng the tank It South wns dealt either the erx or Qx oi diamonds you still makeulna tricks li you discover at trick three that North started willi lDur hearts to the queen play dia mond to the ace and continue with heart toward dummya lack This also assures you at our heart tricks and honou UEQLV premature heart or diamond tin ease You must iirst cash Ilia AK oi hearts in order to give yourself the maximum chance of making the contract Duly aiier you do this can you really know the best way to prone SUNDAY omaun 20 EVENING I100 LPii Football 11114mm Hobo mo 35m llPulae llTiliy Talent Timt smo JOlylnnic Game 4Iinimai Worn 7Olvmnlc Gaines Hintamed world llGentle nan azio aNemr Weather Snort 1Amtrur Hour ov showdown on The wail iiLano of Giant SlWr 11walt Disney Hiltr Century ano Mace The Nation itwinret Izou aToinmv eLuria 71mm BUlliest Town mo 1ni an l°t BWd ZAdveniures at Hue ltlnve on Room zWlltDimey sGmon Item VGllllie Ben nPat rauiaou itIiiovie moody tannins zniotheninLaw hat Dream of lcannli iiLuanaura LPii Pauison llliW 21mm Dilier 3le It In Ihlisaion rmmrrihie ocomnton 1131mm Piece Iolymplc Games time 7New1Weatha Snort llNewa Weethei Swill Hunk the Giant GLr in 11m 7hiuricni Showcase 11o ZSteva Alien 3Movle mainline twain tM av Simon 7Movie Rmuiem Ior Heavywelnt Rio Bravo iiuunrA 11io DBeat oi Pmtia ltllder attacir Queen niiIiY icnosswonn nqnosa Counterfeit tyre uounin Filter stone 10 Once more 12 Selects and Dumb 2Asststed 269m river pass tPlateau hEggn partner Sceylnn mean alla opera house 11 Puinlless 15 Reoolleeta 19 Imponl zo Crenttva society anhr 21mm 221eatum otn nnoacape 24i1oint 25 Much 25 Mil 31 thntrlcl azNLana nickname 33 Radar rignni 3L Electricians tarme short minill celebrity in1925 38anLise phenomenon insanisiunent 41 Small find 47 Grenta 43803 flax Three ol cards The Mouse Falcon 11qu Kuehlcr DATt bKAY BUl PROMISE nor Y0 STEEP NO DATING RECKLESS VDEiVERS THATS AN lDOWN WIIEiWjiil IIIIFMWI II 22riatlen uke part 230m PIS point unr clnmnlt tton 9n Rt mm Yumar Anewu raaenng eria 2913uudoner ratone 27Lapae 28 Elevated Readily mmnfld so Church parts so Pugtliat 35Cil 37 Gael Printers measure BLONDIE 37 WHATHAPPENED TO THAT em LIKED HAvewrseeN The ouzuiingtu avoid is SECRET AGENT Buzz SAWYER DONALD DUCK TRANKSHOYS WOULDNT IT BESROOVV IF 1M ISTAKE TEENMER coats RESIST CANT WANTING TDRIDE um Ans sm WWW ATKINSON PONTIACBill 210mm tEVELOF WURMINEMISS lllLL TilE marrow co naemourn BEEAIISE THERICM ORE iii THE UPPER lEVELS MAS BEEN EXHAUSTED THE DEEPER WE 50 THE TillNltER AND EQORER THE VEIN BECOMES d9 0NHMEJUHIORK WT WIN TB MERE Willi WiltYou HAVE RIGHT TO eoonmmuzami£ vim tomrvi AND SEE THIS WATER EEIDWKHIS LEVEL weo as macro To use PthPS Tue roar mum PROHIBITNE