Barrie Examiner, 17 Oct 1968, p. 22

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multinational1 By JAY aecxett South dealer East West winerable N01 JD 0K0 0Q vnoola one ¢aex eonm aaxqm can qua Opening leadking at clubs Leta assume youre West delt ending against tour spades ha play seems mttiine asiar urally cash ihc Ath of clubs Iveryona allowing suit and hill to Joydlamnnd South win with the ace tells diamond returns in his land with trump wife an ether diamond draws your room and easily make the es oi the tricks iiaking iour seems auinmallc Ind you probably go on to the taxi dcai without giving the mailer iurlher thought yet ii nu study the hand iully you TELEVISION BUFFALO HARRIS BUFFALO BUFFALO TORONTD ll HAMILTON THURSDAY OCTOBER 17 EVENING tnto tWeaker Sex Newt swrakcr Sex tNm llloute Pam Ave um ltSuner Heroes tun turrv Grliiin tTram World Team touunnn trlana illtiaibllel Movie tFrlMl Come the Big Town liiiuck and You to 2liarel kiiounl 7ztu Eon hi it on Filer Illusory we on liMln tront UNCLE llJI auto twnt in Line tconain 74 Spy tlHuclr ltnn we wmner 34mm mo LNewa weather Sootta LNwea Weather Sworn knowilchod liPiern Berton szzlo kwindnw On The world Sttmaner emulat ilvGet Go ng 1Wiudnw 0n tna vorld 1025 zNewa odiv 4Dtxtilrl Hausa Cell ewl 725 Employment all 17am Manny em TRockllahlp ms ANrwa Vanuatuinn Servlca 7Clpiain Kannroo llgltlv£llilv ot The xtPoezya ado oNewa Walthu Sport ms 7Dialinr jor nouan no Divnrce Court 4contart 7vacattnn Theater taxmaan poem cliflll 4Striltes Snares liiissea 7Fllm Feature osleu illelteya I55 tLNawr Howllo nmtt noon ZISmD uoament nno Allen Time 47 Lueuthnaill He can ay outa llMotnent or mm llPitlt Week than ZvHnli mas unto nrta ewe ve at FRIDAY OCTOBER EVENING lBBC Classic 7Hnttte Party net Love Luc lon llVa inn Tllnlr 15m kGiiUlIna island Daian Game intataner BMove Mn inanelnr Calls ttntutaarf talane 7Holattl Ennrta DCountrv 7Newr INaws Weather ports llsmeant lslitta tJmtn nr Conrnouencea 7vOltmulcs 3Star Trek llGnmer Pyle USMC ZFahuiotll snort craortr Dav 1illilesGiIl in Town sotmutu ttrawau Fire0 7Flvtnl Nun ortt liapnltting nsoul Speclll 73 liched DDean Martin 5opntn Loren 7anie trounr atooa Hawuel 1rnat Girl FRmAY OCTOBER 18 MORNlNG AND AFTERNOON 1Emolavnlent File toxin zconcenuatlon ilFrlendly Giant 7Baverlv Hillbillies 7nlek carett uo eUnete nonm tots ttcner Helena ll enonautv llliir prettun Tornu liEd then new wood sou ea 7D nit van in Oata Spendera llBetm Noon tlNewt Weather Sparta Heavardv itNrwe Weather rwttetteo owomrna World tlalngo at Home 1215 tthpnutrnt UR Done llSemh for Tomorrow TTreaaur txla eFllnirtonu 11hugt Bunny 1255 ttSeeuuelr Years ttlt takra Thiei srtawatt sen trrutn or Consequences Weather find you could hm beaten the Nut mw It is the kind oi hundnM pay any attention built it is instntctite nevertheless Instead oi leadng diamoodfat trick ourhen is almost no chance on the bidding ni llndlng yottr pannerwdh the see you should lead trump Now Sou must go down He will with lee castles the ace oi diamonds mile dia Mund reentere his hand with trump and ruiia mother dia mood hythla time dummy it out oi trumps and has only henna ieiL when deciarer tries to reach his hand with heart to draw your trumps you ntlt and the contract in down one There Is nothing deciarer can do to mate the hand after you lead trump at trick tour He may complain about bad luck in ilnding the hearts so but you can always answer that ii he wantssympathy he will lind it in the dictionary it may seem odd that in or der to give yourseit the best chance roiigeiilnrar heart ruli you must lead trump at trick tour but this type oi play is what makes bridge such an in teresting game my axetnnnk WANT abs PHONE 7181414 PliOGliliMS mo 1Drllrllt 7olmptca otIanntx lilierv Griiiin toon nun ttartln Hudd limb oottr World two 9Nen Weather snort llNewr Weather snorta tlzto tlrtarre aarton ttereea lllD Idohnnv Clllbrt lNflu Wllihua Sflflfll 1anh lThe Notofloua hndladyt aluovtt tihe Glanit nun lPerryl Probe liliovie Filoan tn the Fol Hockey tzna ottovt the strange Door 14£VI Alien tNewa Weather sport lzno lnlovte tnlaoa in Heaven tMeet tno ltulrra 7Genuai Ho it ii Dliiov trtneere Reina liiiovle meoutam rnr uléieavywelghii lWnrld setlet Prvulm rrerxnot 1As The World trtooeulna 155 Grtitttn at nza 2DA 01 our thcl 4a 7LI1VG ll MID Snicttdored nil 1Nllewld Game 2215 ilNewl Weather Snorta Ilm 1Dflclmr llfifgi um ii ll Ltra IDaiinl mm BPeml Plflhl llEEHY MAID 27s ITimrout PM ZAndihhl World llTaka to 1seerrt Storm 7General Hospital lPronll in courtch Gil olt 1124 or Ill 7Commlnder Tom DDoctnra llleei mo 7uovl The Man Who Nevar tlrmt ov Hundt launchergarters Don Rickie 1Wiil sunnrtt tnmo Htar trek 1wtlt Sonnett tomo Heron inn ttau divided in 7cnuareni Doctor 200 Dear Dr Molnar thus band in diabetic aadtaker insu lin and seems to have it under control but now he has neuritis The dootar in giving him vita tttin BALM has hadtwo ahota week or three weeks they dont teem to help the pain yet Do you think neuritis la caused by the diabetes is there any other medication ior it hire Yes there certainly is such thin ll diabetic with and it one dmeny good reasons wim diabetes should be kept underva good control possi in addition lard doses oi vi tamin complex as tycll II iz alone tend to help correct the neuritis but three weeks oi treatment is not likely to be long enough Give it time Symptoms oi neuritis can also occur If the blood sugar ht too low Hence the doctor may have to see whether the insulin dosage should be reduced Remmrber ui course that neuritis can occur immother tutors unrelated to the dia betes principally iniections and htlectlons involving the teeth partlcqiarlyflahould be alimlnaied Frankly diabetic neuritis can be minerabie and relentless condition and can progress to serious degree on the other hand have seen nearcripples improve irom the neuritis and return to normal activities and caution Proper contarol oi the diabet es la belle Dear Dr Molnar My son has had lung siege with acne The doctor gave him two kinda of pills vitamin and another which believe was ior hor mone balance They were quite expensive to my husband has discouraged the boy irom reiilllnz the presr criptions and decided to pre scrihahhnsw hyJolilrlg bimeto cut out milk The boy has been in excellent health all his life and has aver aged quart oi milk day At my husbands suggestion he is now drinking no milk at all just tea ieel that since tea has no food value he is losing valuable proteins etc Do you think milk reuse or advances acnelltt think the chance oi milk OFFICE HOURS ta Kn Faun Suddenly you dont think its no wonderful in secretary With great sense of human aoaosa srnuuty LRevived mounta inlway 40uatonau 1151061 11 Resurrectad 11 Point 13 Article oivaiu it Steve or Ethan l5 ml 16 Mimis partner English river 10 au eagles nuloilchel 191301 trainer oajoh wmrnmd on the 10 Receptacle blackboard 21 Biblical 20 Mill Mm 23 Chile 12 Akkfldtln 21Rtlltiva oi loot motel ILFumtw zttrtny enema 32 AIICHD cry BS Implant 35 Gypay Alnericasut bestdressed men iDiiiLY cousswom 724 in EDexterotta 2614 band it are up on that kick Certainly the protein as well as the caidurn conteht is me portant in the diet ll your hot band is going on the theory that iat haaanythlng to do with the mattEr at least getrhlm to per mitiowiatorskknrnilk sothe boy will still get his calcium Dear Dr Molnar The doctor says have an umbilical hernia Can you explain somean about lblil He said it would to be fixed micaliymltet stopped having children but the best thing ior me now would be tonanra girdle The muscles have pttll far apart that ie as ill iar apart that ieslieialhave been exercisingWould thll hole in my abdomen he been exercising Would lltla harm the herniakliin is The unbllictts or belly bttir tnnt can be weak spot in the abdominal wall and hence devol op hernia or rupture it on our rather irequcntiy in inianis bttt niten correstsitseli In adults it will not correct it self and closing it by surgical means is the only recourse 0r dinnriiy it does not give as muchdiscomiortax the more common hernia in the groin but it can be unsightly Until you decide to havesurgery flrrniy iltting girdle is all you condo nbout il Ordinary exerc should not harm it worn enters ganglionWit John Lindsay oi New York was named luesday as one of by the Customs Tailors Guild oi America 0thcra on the guilds ll were entertainers Frank Si natraVic Damonc Doormddas and Don Adams iormcrbase ball star Joe DiMaggio and actor George Scott KILL 57d REDS BANGKOK AP Thai iorcos have killed or captured 6m Communist terrorists in the last three years Prime Min later Thanont Kittiltachorn said Tuesday ihanom reporth 576 Communists killed Iverb tally cont It Elusive one cranal badge rations twtrtty 31Kindo aha ai ELFIaneh 14 Senior 356wlotla or Cheater 355olo Tulioungzix semen goat 0rod 41Killetl Before DONALD DUCK SECRET AGENT X9 1175 MIKE ma THURSDAY came NEW QUEEN MMNS CHANGES ML some ormtr WILLoom TNISACIRESS my tenants t5 etnuDEvDN KneLLPauttees ll cementum 10 PM Altimeter current 10 BE new av me new norm Tumour THISMIGtir euoocsrtnrenrsmc PQSSIaILmesl ZIHVOUAND LAG ARETHE HRSTTWINI OHMMAVBIM LITTLE LEROY HA5 REM re WELL will CARE ms nu SMOKING EN osr How EA NED CA 13 FIX rr mmwuvptonr It Youmums sings rm Am war Matte TROUBLE FR that USEDCAR Rf gr sen aa llPattlcolt Junction mo emu 30n Saran 4Penv lilunn 7Unocraor ttMIn rrorn UNCLE reading matter at Eyes alang DNevllt zHt cna arral vlimb time 41wuo wile West snortm ttnnott and Mn inn into nip MT can our test mom WWW Olith YOU NEEDNT YQii sec OFFICERWN sou once DID NOT COME HOMELRSI Nislfl JiE MBA GRMGO llCartoolu mo 2iVltlia tlv Ann sin out ave Gunwtu mo ontevte tlNw Weather sport MM FNewa Weather Sport liNewa Weather Sport lBowitched llPlerre aertsn war we cure NEW BOY ACROSS THE 7Doeration Entertainment oHrrrr Luv iiGet Smart tYhure Never Too cult illPhil sltvera Hour ttLrlerr amen llzll 1iottnnv caiaen AJoevl atxnup 7ane Strait Jacket 112M CLhillvle lihe Rivera ear ttzto aremr Prone ttnrevta lztn nLtmte Heron MUSIC or Hls HousElLooK or ALL TH cansl first raeea niMurder llWlurut thamouth Illdrum iii Wei 41 Savor gt 48 Subscribe Ialahulli Ilaannual you Ia oMpLNNcDABoUT THE NQlSE AND Buzz SAWYER MUGGStr steamerr errata iié MEIER HAPPENED VilMM AND WORRY nus some ut cur stilt NAMED sewn Mstnot weae causin 0FFICER ROBEle ms mes tunes

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