letliunie hrtalncr ponnnoker ml ssTATr NORTVGAGEs IMMEDIATE lst and 2nd Mortgage Loans Anywhere AU HOME FARMS AND OilmCIAl momma 90 OF VALUAIiONS It You Need Money 01b pamildsll his on has nunm eo IRA Ihlk Mill Write or Phone 7280981 Mortgage Funding SimpsonIISears ucgnomi Todr rrl anrshsodatinu flM AVAILABLE Nam Int meritto mos AVAILAllln Howrah2N rhea psortrsn sons Inuml naybit monthly wnu In Em hullnu ooxou own Muflnrsf Ilad svlllshlo to mimosa Inn We run even lend you mom up or lelel Dinon II an linen MIL INSURANCE MOVINGI Dont forget to transfer your lNSURANtE sndtl you need extra coverage of any kind see STEVENSONS ll DIINIDP ST 131301 vm irz RENTALS ms sputum rrel or downtown lieten Iioor space entnnee Ipr snail Jack nlinlgv téflnpl mun crinn nui min mom HOUSES FOR RENT swoon sunslow will my Anion room cut end available November 1me mam momIve home bedrooms up fill room dlnlnl room WHIPPII kitchen ltnlsncd mmtlon room not Der memo pv motelmom only Televhoncm7mr zwlmiiwoii houis for repi ism ms ztlr Inhoois Iii vs no town 50 per mont Nuvemher Telephc CLIAN modern bedroom rurntsheo house for rent Resp flblo flmllv wI tunln ctrth urrrrenees rrqu red Av sole mealrely or mourn Manhoo mm ONLY ONE LEFT bedlvo To run ms smonm mJluiiah Miamileg mum HOUSES WANTED TO RENT 0R bedroom hours wanted to uni unmrnimco or adults lspls Inans Fllrly cenlni Tele phone 72cm iHousE OR APARTMENT WANTED rrw BEDROOM unrumiriird Iipuu or apartment wanted to rent would Dr¢ler outsidrts or city Pleus wrttc Box 1a Barrie Examiner AMRTMENTS TO RENT THE BAYHELD APARNNENIS Corpigr of Bayticld and Grove HEULTIMATE In quiet elegant llvmg Oi and bedroom suites Eleclrio heating oil hydro service Air conditioning Electric car heaters lpiece luxurious bathrooms cubic ft refrigerator so stove in modern kitchen Over 1000 sq ft in each suite SOIHO overlooking bay RENT $165 UP Aduit building only For appointment call 7288046 MODERN bedroom apartment 3125 per month washer dryer refrlizzrltor stove puking Lom en begin st Vinclnt Earl and lakefront 729mm bedroomaoartznant MET WlY decorated SIch Illfl Mr mdllwrllchqallrd Aldnrirllnl Arid ry rciepnone moi my FURNISHED IDIILm and bath self canianféd $1352 0mm clan heated PIYRIIIE3€C and floor W5 7157042 liter 535 SPACIOUS modern bedroom nuln Ilnol Iplflmenl WIlIi prlvsh entrance heated Dllklxll ll is sparrow ï¬nsalas GKNTLERIAN with bedroom furn IsIIlrI alumnipt wishes tn Khan lime wIIlI two ï¬lms Twirl bedxr TV Avatlahle irn eiy Telephone news mar stereo cable medl pi zen poison unrurnirheo lpnlt for rust stove and nlrtï¬m or supplies Alllntlllu no Available November Telephon moons alter pan sui FCONTAINED bedroom awnnuunw mam eveningq mule Iliiimnirzo nodsitttns ran with kl iieneno run him 11I to mum mon lull tics supplies shuns rerun Telephone mom UNFUIINISIIED one bedroom apart men or not vicinity or hospILal adults only no pets Avatinoio Ini mediately Telvpharre TOE52 alter nm mmimu lpartrnept room nvsntiAinszlsgflplled exasrlélrle 14311 ylnetmln is none viama YUMIJIINISIIED name IpartmenI for until bedrooms living room kltchen mm mm an renown tor Hilde blthronm laundry miuuu palkins ppm with ur heater Available Novmhcr Apply all Bayrloio street an mull mm or uteri ocie mourn EPBTAms unfurnished pn in npmmenl eunmu mkinui Vlvsilabio inrrnea Rent no monthly Telephone no rm aster pp mammal Mons rum limp and tan Ionthn Tunin nus issue mu Nahuml no perilpl usi mom or business husban IN Dll mono aromas mace milhi2 or hosts ARTS FOR SALE Remnants all sizes and prices RED and White nlbhllo cunts tattle saw RENTALS ROOMS To LET to rut ll mun3e Im than out LAID NEW mm own no la tssntoeltlol tel IMAM nodran so be All WM IM an Gib la makmauu IoTIopstRu am most to me Antiyo Hm ipr nu°imnon telpour pm ammo with buntlow will Ibu sm with mother elm prnse min some pflvl mm dose to We ch pneu mam oftr no pm ROOMS WANTED sum hm flu ggimlncln excelled condition ldonhou mom ms for nip in gig MIDI Mlm nownumG man Ill small Montstlwidithtn in Eileen Coil ism mm STORAGE FOR RENT TYPIWIUTKI MN NIIoI me for student penis spv pllld on Diflchun Incl Tu Ks ioI will hunt IUhI Amer fins fesclnllsrz rno soms wood post roles on CRIB ANDMAI PRESSI mrrriemnn matln or £53 nonunion moo rm DMIIQ M713 ARTICLES WANTED LINGood hump wanted mullahs Climb at 715091 Altar run Du stuns hum furniturl iliver rpcsi Econ Antlulle Dollar zoo Dunlop mam an lo not lnvsi Elli tandem whgels Firm Ido Dhspl 1136851 man And tnIIen snowmobiles Tenn phenl nsosss mer pm NSRTHWAY RUG CO LTD The house of fins hrosdloom DOMESTIC ANDVIMPORTED BMADLOOM 67 Collier St Phone 7154311 muxmron no so puplop ï¬t Apanmepl all mm TEMUNKRN sur player All sno PM lciepsane muss mum um um mom mod un deslln renuamn ur coat medium ladies miner mu nnd err call do in Is All on sellout eanai an mist six BIfllI Tent rns Awning cops puny lanyfleid street or niumlrru door noiu or onto Titans Molt uh Bliss runr uh on guitar as om crib smile Includtnl nilMI Um 32 call mono reeord lo 16 Film llutld lie or ruppins Cali Sororenio nm or write hos his iisrrla Examiner WANTED hsrdwvcd IImbor Tenn mp nu Ltd Tch mgnu Emir1m Past arms or tip pornin DOGS It PETS it till JOHNSTONS PETS TROPICAL FISH BUDGIES AND SUPPLIES 236 Callord Street ANGUS Open Evenings 623M lttonnIri 36 Saturday Mom rooms Trimming Profession lropminl III breed plrkIlp In delivery mom Dem pound or isle yam old Egabpllnpo 728 or Stunt militiamoods excellent cop dltlpp full out man tallhit barl bl ions 30er Seal 1mal neeer one 1521 after pm East otter 10xiz uxlmpln Rent Hours for Avslilblc ll Elnll armliner Busi nus office BOATS AND MOTORS nosr mums sviinblu Reason able Telephan moms rar mrthzr inromitlon LAERAMR Rolllave Talk in min old iiicir Dicellent stocir Ind rcxistcied 37s wiIh plpcrs Tclepmm Mldllnd was still pm non storage for runshpllls on trailer up in is root alike and Grove si IACIIIon moo or ggz Reserve storm now no is rn Trailer Te IUNAEOUT wood 55 iii controir and steering tilt bed so for ouicii irpiiam ins1156 alter TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS uie rooms flaMl Pubic Auction Saturday I9 BOOTIIES MARINE LTD KESWICK ONTARIO Phone 4754131 $II00000I Boats And Equipment MUST GO FRUITS VEGETABLES Ind whlto echogs carrots gï¬lfluh for me Teiopnone GARDEN SUPPLIES WELT rotten blrnyud nunvro 14 all old By busIInI or trailer DIIl Ah Datum ml LANDSCAPING 5115 FANCY and Cr Grads rises Snows WclILhY Carlinins on IA ii in own contInert oi sanlord 1ST mummy 71 Pick Your Own silo Telephone no will our up Also iosi cm for my Iriolor silo hnku closed NUMBER top soil for llll Apply urnau ua Conn ruesen All salmon All us amnion inset ARTICLES FOR RINT menumanna Idlersseem am FARMERS MRKT Ian or ad auto and mindth moved Iron For fast urvtes PEONEBARRIEW cutest or uh Rf NICKS DEAD STOCK ZENITH smo NO CHARGE hours any day week RR Famed Ontario limos No most Rick Marne Prop FARM MACHINERY HANK BROWN Dalsvsl Sales Service DAIRY FARM EOUIPIIENIL Compute of WW Farm Equipment Supplies Barrie Holly Rwy mouse HARLESCHURCH Farm Supplies Santos Cass New Holland Dlvid Emu Butt CASH TRADE TERM I78 BURTON AVE mm LIVESTOCK FOR SALE ROM for an suite sldfliI mare pale roln 1c inn Tel Dhone Dorset Mom MARK III well broken mm Em seen It Beasleys ï¬llesppflbof Errrn on Highway to in Plus WANTED Weekly run ourNot slum 7155500 my EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 72324 AUTOMOTIVE ml 2an uneton ms glow Telephone 7150875 alter oclock All day sstuxday for non interma Lion AUTO REPAIRS MISTER Transmission Lid Automatic Specia lists 35 Mary St 7W1 CARS FOR SALE Isso rome door v8 autumn lit rldlo S200 TeIEDIlviIO 12m isss DOM AI condition auto mlle radio outbid1 No phone music er pm 1961 yummy for rain autpmstlc mechanically ditlon Telephone mow ml PONTIAC for ask Under ltandlld bust otter Taoism Jim at scope Iflor pan 1m VOLKIIVAGEN woo door nod con ï¬lm as halter EIIII punkt no 5950 71mm 1960 BUNBFIAM Alpine rports car newly pnlnted nrro wintzr top it oilion $275 off mufï¬n repel nudists Ilsa Faun tor ale door hard I0p Best offer TeIEpIianu no 1440 for Author Infamlllun isso me autnmatlu tron culnur Going vary muons rood runninr nrdc ur Telephone Rm In oxcnptonaliy od condi on road nrw rim mote trap rulio rel up 7M0 under can minimu ml no UNI Telw one sirerapap no imucvur loo blue 1door senn cylinder rtrnssro Lrns ion 8675 Telephone mos Wilson seiner meui vlnl truck busy for sale tn good con siuen Tomxenny ILR snntv Bay moose 1981 Mrme der Ildlfli model moo miles finished In re Ind White stlndnd trump radio 5575 19m Pauline Hoar Mill Stratwhleld cyllndli Intumlltc radio ï¬nished In liver with blue Inkrloi 000 miles Priced 3575 mulch door flan EIgIVIIEO llndll mutoi automatic radio flu ed In white win red interior moo miiu one owner Price 51475 Telephonz mm urns100v IISI MEIROLE HELAII door riff1 5mlyllildsr momoch Illrv mpa clean on MissouriHairdo or further In immense as our top only pippï¬ Ill implie In top con tlon Tolmunl om 9H BEAUMONT which orlxinIlLv sold for 100 um his IIII 1000 miles MIDI Induced Tor only up moire Include auto mltlc Vl bucks In consuls rldlnnstwn floor hlrdtw Phone MIMIK for sale VA ultoml tic power bnkftl Ind Item But after Toiphoill 19¢ PONTIAC with HINDIch tinder our will lira wheel drive Tdgiinigrw nimrnii or Telephone maul im cmw lmpall Convertible vs sutomltic FDWH llwlfllii NW our rldq Lil noonLesich 744315 1150 Birth IIle Gowln 5k It AnRu 1m norm Gisxla soo convertible automltlo power Iteflinl pow er IllInes Very clean throughout owner enr Perlct sushi con dttinn To in nupt can 773461 we en IIIde MID misl all hip 11 II Idul mood on luau 4ARTsIToR SAL 1HT TORsALE 511110me rm TREES sHRuss SNOWMOBILES SKIDtx5uo RCNNS Snowmobile Centre sui halos Parts Accessories tot lllflnst 72mm POLARIS Snowmobiles sum AND sonvuz ALBERT KELI AND SON Allis diatoms Edulpmuit MOTOSKI Sales and Service Repairs to all make mvsum SMALL ENGINE CENTRE 2A Toronto St motto in sinpoo sad cover is comm csu Mias weir punts TRYEXAMINERWANI ADS PHONE mull PERSONALS YOU CAN LEARN LEATHERCRAFI FOR PROFITOR PLEASURE Fm Instruction by qualified craftsmen individual instruc tion Group Demonstrations or weekend workshops TANDY EATHERIuMdi or Wit the NEW 510R at John Street Itsrrie Want an evening of mu Try BARBECUE AND DANCE Corn Roast Wiener Roast Horse and Hussy Rides THE PONDEROSA TELEPHONE 4872346 law to trap tip to It aims wanted myrtle Arriving up and is 21 Please IQIOVBOM NATURAL VITAMIN And loads Burris Health Food Slorz 29 an gansgsaul Hours up oun1lglmlab in swimmmodTlHOMW moon knowing tho flimahouts 35133 13°33 WSW No nio sTrrn xix nu TAKE chad MD to the In Cahln on Lake Fly on Hith way ill miwa between mys VI all1M and Dornl unexpecIen can run Await you plus your early choice for Chrlstmll Its run In visit no lo Clhtn WOMENS COLUMN LEARN HAIRDRESSING Government chartered School Thomgh training in all brun the of beauty culture DERWIN uannESsqu scuoon 12 WORSLEY SI mm EXAMINER qu ADS 7292414 LOST FOUND lumen gun Pmdl Dr lesilll Ell Ion Milk wltzi bllck Ind marklnll Answer to annual childs out Phone 726 BROOKDALE PARK DIN BEAGB hit lhtlildly vltlnl of Muslin Strut ï¬lcklï¬hdhlznll so artist W30 Mills Telephone no IO HELP WANTED MALE HELP WATCHING THE TV TUBE COSTS YOU MONEY Use your free time to develop while you carol Improve your self gain sellrconlideuce Vnnd earn extra moncy No experi ence necessary ConLict GEORGE MCCORMACK 60 NAPIER sr OOILINGWOOD suaryjup To ssoo mommy for retail mens wear Fivedny week Full company benefits Apply MOSTYNS BARRIE LTD 40 Dunlop St Phone 7254701 noon in and in In animus an IEM oxxzfm tabls or liner Measures1m WERNER shun Wt rook wanted must bdrm sooo wages in person to iiorms Rost sunnk Himway It North 3min DRIVERIVANTSD rrnr fullitIiné work Must be 21 years or or ovsr levs Knoll driving net and nod knowledge 25 Emil When on Mini 159 Bradford street LINOTYPE OPERATOR IEflfllled fo In To rod Barrlts 353E935 amnï¬w In IIIIII In Mr snecoliirofwmsn swarm on ellitl All com benollll 14 Nola In Elmy FIMALI HILP WANIID unsahkuunh SALES HELP Br AGENTS rut esulo nieth Aggy on WY It mm Io IIer WANTst Is AUCTION SALIS MICRON SALE and pans trunks Iiivcrwm plduns Iill trims and run pus many many mom wry this and voluliic articles Terms cosh No ruervo the estate must be valued Oouhwood Owner or ntth will not be responsible for loss or mddontrdayofnlo AUCTIONEEIRS REMARKS var hotter Iorvnrd to the Mk Service Calmiulm 170 Box TorontoDominion Centre Toronto Ontario bo fors October 111000 Soo File BET14 CASHTN 0N tho his Fall and Outst rnss rolling soardn Rgpm vaoï¬ï¬ï¬islpï¬ hood Write Mrs ionl Smo iuk no Box as Darrin or phone ML tats Is one the linest have hallthsmportunlty yearwith nothiiig removed try sud min In effort to attend AUCTION SALE Household Funiture Applian Bedding Antiques etc The undersigned hrs received instructions to sell by Public Auction at MIKE NORM OI ELM VALE 0N HWY 21 Saturday Odoher 19 at 1230 pm slurp for MRS JOHNSIWE MR5 CUMMING Goose farther plilows Ibed room mites Bod Dresser and woshstand Chesterfield and chair mohair Antique chtlr rocking chairs Kitchen stool Extension table kitchen clislrs Studio coudl stacip tng chairs floor lamps Bed sids tabla Hassock Washing puncture small Mic min ntIIg illheel Quilts atl linens stop lsdde Can tster sets Silverwarp Dishes Sealers Numerous other arti cles Electric appliances Toas ters Electric fan Groin hind er Hammeriniil and belt Pig troughs Set Iisrrpws grain elevators Walking plow Tools Forks Swede saw Garden till er Set of farm scales Pill wst ET bowl Cutter Busty Terms cash No reserves Owner or auctioneer will not be msponauole for accidents Or FEMALE PLANT PERSONNEL Required on rotating 1th basis with full airplay honor its Please apply in person to SALADA FOODS LTD Church St AILISION warrimss mm long axiom IWIIRE we in no up vs Shiraz17 iIus WW Poison can rum in mans Ohm SEWER 52° illid nu Illrrto malnth no at IIIFiï¬aï¬uyhmï¬lm 1mm beta on 009 EXTRA INCOME FOR CHRISTMAS cull nï¬oltwn scrotum we list Ind op out OPPORTUNITY wt the Elem to suit in our Itiiiunmniy surulv inspec kitchen hulls III and front Nplfl WI supriï¬ unuomu mrum mm in twin mouth runs Eancborln ervisw nu mom during sale day Notlllngto be moved until settled for Buyers from dis tsnce must he ahlor to prove Identity toll dorkif paying cheque ARCHER OOLWILL auctioneer Telephone Barrie jFREE From Classified AN EXCITING NEW MOTHERS PAK Value to $25m Containing very useful assortment of well known itsms for mother llltl baby Yours FREE when you place May announcement of your babys arrival in the Birth NoticeColumn of EXAMINER WANT ADS trained Birth Announco ment writer will assist you inwordlng your announce ment and arrange for you to receive your free Moth arl Pals from PLAZA DRUGS PHONE 7282414 Barrie and District Railtents only REAL ESTATE There Is In immut openlng In our ulu lb for In wanted on II vuu Icontrim with pin up tit can nso sinh mats MALE FEMALE Motel Tavern Dining Room OPENING NOVEMBERI Urgently seeks fulland part time employees in the following capacities ODiniug room waitresses Cocktutl louuxa waitresses and waiters Cashiers oFront desk sales personnel Kltflhen help Experienced personnel only Apply in person only I50 Dunlap West Enveiopea Draw tickets Letterhesds Business cards Peima stamps Wedding stationary Cheques FREE ESIHVIATES ON ALL PRINTING NEED EXAMINER CommErcial Printing IZ TENDERS CANADA DEPARTMENT or INDIAN AFFAIRS AND NORTHERN DEVELOPMENT INDIAN AFFAIRS BRANCH SEALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned will be received gamut pm on October 301960 for the constitution by son AIIIEEAIIONS AND ADDITION TO CHRISTIAN ISLAND AGENCY DWIOE OIWIAN ISLAND INDIAN AGENCY COlIIiBGtJIS shall dot in complete accordance with the tend ering domrments supplied by the tor the purpose Telegraph lenders will not be accepted but tendeer may revise their tenders by telegrarnipmvlded it is received on or before the exact time and data fixed for the reception of tenders The tondening dounncnts will be sidilhlted pt the following pointsfrqnOctobsjioisï¬mmtIIOcwbcrw issuindnslv ISLAND leANAGENCY mummmmn General Instructions to Tendarera Draw nod Specifications1 are attainable at tho Mum outset upon depositof £1000 or eadl set at doolxrisota in the form of mulled draws made payable to the Receiver General of Canada This deposit will be refunded upon return of the drawings and specifications in goodcondlupn to etlio issuerwithln moods from the date on which tenders oios Iillury to persons on property slums Kun symcs snooxs Note the slimming eifect crash ed by cabin and lacs stitch panels Now smart look Knit in portl yoke and sleeve in one piece then rest It dress on circular noodle Potion 7066 detections sizes 324 included FIFTY CENTIJcoInsT for each pattern tnn stamps please toAlico Brooks care of The Barrie Examiner Necdlecrolt Dept 60 Front St Toronto Out Ontsrio residents add dc sales in Print plainly PAT TEEN NUMBER NAME AD DRESS New 1969 NEEDLE CRAFI CATALOG host II shlons Most new designs to knit croshet new weave emlt hroidcrl say editors free pat terns inside We Book of is fifty run coin plate oatternsr lnexpeuslvar easy to minnow to complain patterrirSond soc Book No iDoluxo Quilts Book No zMuseum Quiltk patterns for 12 quills soc Book No Hunts for Todays Living New axcltlng collection 15 complete patterns 80c hook at Prize AfghansKnit crochet sighsns 60c PAnTERNs By ANNE ADAMS Fashions swinging line is topped oft by wide wedding handcoilar For swift sewing lively going choose bright prints linen blends cotton Printed Pattern 4806 Jr Miss SIZE 11 13 15 I7 Size 18 bust 33 takes yards 45 inch fabric SIXTYFIVE CENTS 65 cents in coins no stamps pleaseir tor eacli pattern Ontario resi dents add sales £an Print plainly SIZE NAMEVADDRLSS AND STYLE NUMBER Sendoidei tn ANNEADAMS went The Barrie Examiner soFront St Toronto Out Short on time More quick easysew styles in our NEW FallWintei Pattern Catalog Pius neepattern coupon 50 New Instant sewing book Savohours cut lit saw mod ern expert way Over 500 pink tures Only $1 ROOM ANDBOARD 5an room and bolrd available lunches packed Ii lit laundry or AquaNEED two if slits Telephone mm 1100 Ind board In hula student Urtltrllbly mm Georrtsn ColkI rgrine moo our our ROOM AND BOARD 1N FAMILY HOME WOTu mu an your can APPLES $250per bushel in quantity of Cos Grade Apples ROIHWELL ORCHARDS East of panoramas us Miles Wednesday to Satindsydnlh to Two Bringyyour Own containers Lots of parking space for vuyi xmv lomimli morons Luriij iénvliarrieilOLKSWAGENits To receive consideration tenders must be uhmlttsd no In louder dorms provided dud must be Maborrlpanled willmtified nhequs drawn dlaotsrod bank of Canadapaysbk to the Re icetver General ll Canada or an approvod bid bond in an ngnount equal to ten per cent 110ol dis tender prloe The Department reserves flisflght toreloc any or oil tenders and uisiowestjoihifl willnoinneseirnliy haapdeptod Wm