Barrie Examiner, 11 Oct 1968, p. 4

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wx Walla Publlefior Published by Canadianguawspuneu leltcd gt 16 Seytleld Street Barrie Ontario MoPhonon Editor William if Ocnmi Mancini rauiar ocroens in France High Education Privilege ThOSe Willing To Learn The trouble in universities in many countries seems to uphold the content ion that high education is highly indi gestible diet Up till recently it was con sideredva privilege to be accepted as student in university Now it seems to have become the unalienated right of anyone to be accepted by these estab lishments of higher learning It is agreed that everyone should have the right to the best possible edu cation provided of course the recipient of this education is thoroughly equip ped intellectually to partake This is not always the case Take for instance the case of Daniel CohoBenditt who not only disrupted the even trend oi the highly respected Sorbonne in France but immediately followed this by going to his native country to stir up trouble and be dragged before the West German courts It is obvious that in such cases tire education thisboy received fgavehim distorted opinion of his rights as well as those of his fellow students We should go part of the way With these agitators and agree that there may be things that could be run better in thme colleges However inthe last resort the say shouldremain withithe authorities in charge Theyhave direct ly or indirecttly been appointed by the taxpayers as their representatives and so YEARS AGO IN TOWNV Barrie Examiner Oct 11 1938 Everything ready for opening 25th an nual International Plowing Match in be held in Simcoe County for first time Ingestion was Highway 26 in Edenvale Mmesmg district Official opening by His Excellency Lord Tweedsmuir Gov errorGeneral of Canada Barrie Armoury for prize presentations Barrie Examiner issued special souven Simcoe County Council spo sored event under His Worship Warden George Patterson Clerk Th easurerTD Harry Carroll Toronto worlds largest farm machinery demon stration held incounection with show Special committee incharge of spatial events included AToner item of Flos Bent Guest of Guthrie Frank Live ingston of Barrie Charles Gratrix of Tay Herb Barker of Sunnidale0rville Todd of Churchill Walter Downey Vespra Frank Hammond KC Bar rte lawyer sworn in as Crown Attorney Simcoe County Housing shortage noted in town Barrie Badmin Club may have to vacate Town al 1f Council accepts offerto rent to Fred Kenney for rolle skating Club appointed special committee head ed by President Jack Hadton Quick action byReg Gray driver for Barrie Allandale Dairy saved llStorey 12 whenhe felloff Bayfield Mrs Alvin Wice Allanv from dr Wharf dalepelected president Simcoe County Womenslnstitutes CNR experi ments his mouth for Banquet at was manager of building work we get tired should be allowed to discharge their duties as they see fit and in the best in terest of those who pay the piper you and Professor Hartle of the University of Toronto speaking to the Canadian School lrustees Association emphasized that costs of education were going up by leapsand bounds and that by 1975 the education bill for Ontario alone would be about $3 billion This is more than the current total budget for the prov ince Building costs have risen to astron omic figures and will continue to do so It is therefore obviousfthat the line will have to hedrawn somewhere and that this can only be done by elimi at tug undesirables from our univers In these groups we should include ag itators advocates of violence all boys and girlswho show any tendency to usurpithe rights conferred onthe facul ty by the public at large This would2 not mean that the student body would zlntirely bepreventedfrorn having say in the ru gof the var ious departments of theioollege It wouldvalso cut down expenses and preventpeoplesecuring an education at theVexpense of the community with eve tual purpose of using this education tin lltsrllllt the immunitieswhioh paid or DOWNMEMORY LANE merited here using ordinaryautomobile on rails with flange attached to rimsof wheels Many te sand entertai young bridestobe Misses Mildred Walls Margaret McMartin ErialVWattcflart Ladyflweedswuir vdlladdress Wo mensCanadian Club Norton Barrie won fishing derby at Meaford Barrie Collegiatertrack team won Tudhope Cup foreighth time Big pointgetters were Ross Malkin Bill Heath Doug Smith Kenn Terry Jack Po erRayKeetchBo Delan mile run only event in which he ated Girls won Thompson Cup for third time with point winneru being Laura RoachHelenAllsopp Bea Me Quads on Lower Fay Handy mac We don Barrie ned Peterborough law firm Priz es for plowing match on display in win dows of Barrie Arcade courtesy manag er Charles Christie Maurice Hau na oiAllandale Hardware made Shlpfi giant of12doaen badminton birds to BC 30miles north of ce RupErl Owner Dick Garrett installed allyear air conditioning in Ice peri Theatre first Ban1e is it that though people have twice asmany ears as mouths it tire them farmore tolistenjthan to talk Life is quiteaproblem When we and when we dont we beconi Riel Triggered1 Income onetime or shdtherbeen de berscouldpointtoapmcesof three popular dispetches lnthls paper cred Rebellion son now dauphin Genend benedia Arnold ee irisrm leelandm arrived at Winnipeg ismCanada signed train agrecmeris with Germany bel gium and Holland Ontario Hydeleouicaysteinopened log on land claimed by Andre New near prwent day Winni peg Naulttrled to stop than butwec biased heipfromhisomsiquisRlel Eidwncunlylsyeamoldbu NEWS ANALYSIS at Berlin ow Kitchener Ont lollMoment to Goneli hlonocdm was unveiled at Que Believe Military Wielding By WILLIAM RYAN AP Special Cornspoudeut Official Pacing accounts at Ginas 19th snnlversary cele bration thisvmonoh bolster an iumremion that the military guiding immense political power The same accounts dan gle before Wearsnets some ten inhalingflueshivariew of nose puzzles Among the puzzles is the great pmletarian untIual rov dhition beginning to fadeawuy after two violent years Has process or omlpmnisc set in anwng top leaders which can bring poivlioal stability What has happened to Chinas mxdeer weapons program after dan zling swift pace up to mid 1991 Chinese press articles make it clear that an elite group of 13 members in ruling the nations 700000000 It equally clear dial the military under Defence Minister Lin Plao Mao itse uings heir apparent occrpies dominant role in governing the country At the same time pm clearewoolngunhffldohlsh places who might not be 21mm ad to bethere DEPART FROM CUSTOM Androids of the celebration departed from recent mm by annmng the presence of the political bureau of the central eonmiuee and making it clear that this body is separate from and greatly subordinate to the using elite none of whose members are included in the politburo before 1966 the politbulo was the albpowen nil governing body or the Com munist party and the nation Atleastsix of the 10 listed an moribegs of the William had at pounced by Red Guard rallies heloesvof Maos thinking Their appeaiiance an pditlnno mem eonnmruise inthe Jasper levels wlfidh could penrmt China to stabilize after are vast dlsmptionod partyr an gov ernment bineaucraoies wmrgbt here have been sum recent demote reports of continuing violence thatlha sadism revo lotion had turned comer as if it had spent mud of its origirml energy Apart from the comin ruingv demrnclatioos of them in lmc been no evi mpfim Examina 15 Hayfield Street Barrie Ontario Authorized as nomad all mail by the Post Oifice De partment Ottawa and for ur postage aranteed Dally Sundays and Statutory Holidays excepted subscription rates daily carrier 50c ekly yearly Single copiex 10c By mail Barrie 57600 yearly Ontario $1200 ear motor Jhiown off $1 yenr0uog side Ontario $14 year Out side Canada British posses siona$15yea USA and foreign $32 ye National Adverhsrng other 425 University Avenue Town to 640 Cathcart St Mont real Member of the Canadian Press undAudit Bureau of Cirwlsttonr The Canadian Press is ex clusively entitled to the use for republication of all news use to it orThe Associated Press or homers and also the Vast Porter Inlied China deuce ol Macs major mode for month President nu Shoo chi whom the pnmeganda cells Chinas Klamshdinv and his al lies appear to have been diur wghly Muted OLDJACESJONE musician remain however at the partyand goverrunent struclt turn as it ousted botmeisso Much of the bureaucracy in the generation which might for the Coronado revolution has been destroyed 1bere seens to be firm link between the mutation of order in China and the liking influ ence of the untiedtomes This mung the mm was singed out Managers wise as the pillar of the Motorshlo of the motorist under the dim contmand of Vicedrnlrman lan Fino great med wall de fendingthccwntryand de looting the great proletariat critical rovohrtlon ihe regime now ruling China bears lime resemblance What was diarted in the Communist convolution All this matrix puz zled Obitm watdiesn wonder When Mao now 75 pm ml of the picture will the We while retaining 00mm trappings bear close resenr bland ho military EMM slim BIBLE THOUGHT thnpliicnt in spirit is helm than be proud in spirit Ecclesiastes 78 when patience runs out pow er iuns out Patienceia pas session that few havennd tew seem towant vcmnlnlydc by aurora mmomn iii Conservative leader Bob sun Held spoke next in support oi the general concept of this mo Lion He was lollowed by Liberal Stanley Haitian parliamentary cemetery to Consumer Affairs Minister Ron hasford and then by New Democrat Stanley Knowles finally Mr Speaker hmourcux announced hour put aside or the consider ation oi private members busi nesa has nowexriredaudjhe motion Tiled without vote being taken SHAPE OF WELFARE The no oi guaranteed annual minute was first publicly mooted just Zia years ReCeivesv LTSrupport otbealtbud with malty should be made available to every Canadian in need at then suggested rut oi ma per month But hcpolut edoutlomothern maybepe flll elruimsiunoes in individual cases calling for more than the minimum Mr Godtn told the House that the Ccnadiln citizen who in Without work and without in come has definite right to live at the minimum level rer omlled and evaluated on the basis at tbncconomic acts oi our national llie The applica The lion of his iommln would re plum almost all those expensive and clumsy trausier pnymentsf whim unwound up nuriwdlim PNKYMIL SOCIAL CREDIT THEORY This explained the tyyearold business man from Quebec province could be done without increasing Inca He pointed out Mmforeln ndnlslubid orally in the House that can 315com to would every unbrnltanlnnual wwwmmumflbz no inoumeu home below the agreed level wouldrccelvc government diequn for the bul unco while their wealthier tel lowr mild be assessed to pay lncomellxoutbcbnlsoitbelr reported income It now Henc one our forlthlsoolmprebeu live we are am neu live interim We in Canada are obviously approaching the moment when the monstrous and expensively ndmlnistered pyramid oi old age penslonrand lemlly nlow once and other weliare hand outs will be scrapped to be re placed by Ihe single and simple GM or NH payable not univer sally but only to those in need WhaLl foundrurrrulnuhm thTsupport for Mr Godinr pr nasal from leading spokesmen of all other parties is that Mr Godin is Credillste and his proposal wins framed luaccurd race with Social Credit mone lery principles AROUND THE WORLD Soviet oves IIidi Cate Curtain Is Really Iron By Pm DEANE Foreign Aliin Analyst Brutlshiy Russia proceed lug steadily towards making its case in Crechoflovakin even worse reports from Prague now say that the Soviet muhns sador there in demanding show trials of antiainmunist pro imperialist plotters Whom will such trials fool Ever slueelxhrushchev rev vealed all the horrors ofthe Stalin regime which lectured show trials these judicial tra vesties have convinced no one this sldeoi the iron curtain and not convince many people in Russias satellites But Soviet leadership is conditioned by its past by its own propa ganda so conditioned as to be like Pavlovs lamuus dogs There is certain ritual to follow Russian hummnlsts think You liquidate man or country for the higher good of MarxismLeninism as preached to serve the intarat of the established leadership but you perform the liquidation with proper ceremony much as prison wardens here in the West prefer to have minister of the filth always meant at hang is carntortingnot for who hardly matter since his suflerlng will soon be over anyhow but for the execu tioner who has to go on living Above all it is mechanian tamiliar thing to do which in better tblndnlogruothingerhar else can the Russian leaders BBUHBH BUSINESS They have internal rivalrtu of their own They cannm sim ply confess to cum apologize pay an indemnity to the Cze choslovoks and walk out The next batch of Rissian leader mith bejabla to do this but not lhlslot This lot must press on with its bullish husinESs And how does one press on It is not the sort oi quatiou for which an answer can be reaa soued out ihere is no reason involved therefore one lells back on itnal How did Stalin manage his brutal stores With proper ritual So send or the party secretary in charge or ril ual What is the prescribed step comrade according to holy tra dition show trial comrade Fuehrer or herr Commm or show triall Capital And torrent those treacherous llhcn Bl Wall Street lap dogs of the Czech press and television to cover it and then Russian edi tors censor the material That is an exquisite form at punish meut At any rate it will keep the Soviet tyrants from thinking all the time about the consequences of their acts in Czechoslovaloa No Economist leader anywhere can talk oi nationalism any moraTha Russians havenow declared openly explicitly that it must place thelnleresls oi the socialist crop above the wishes oi the countrys people Communim wtsldo the iron curtnln are condemned to lose votes And the curtain is seen to be realb made of iron But then these things may not bother lbs Soviet leaders at all ritual cuu cerns them more than reality it was always so with tnbllshed revolutionaries 311 AM Temperatures on Venus are more than 900 degrees Fuhren beltenough to melt lead and one DANCE lllNiECREST sly SAT NIGHT Couples only VFor table reservationn phone 7231028 ItsapIanéz Noitsa once country goes Connmnist super dryweekend

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