Barrie Examiner, 10 Oct 1968, p. 12

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1411 BARRIZ mama ratrnsnuocr6nit re use REAL ESTATE ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENIS SPECIAL NOTICE CASH RATES wagemenb Marriages and Detthg Sikh Aarmeamta tnnxlnun to wards Cardaofthankstfiwdsl additional north it no word 1n Mermflarn no verse Verse count line urn Corning Events BIRTHS macros arr arid ran arias 311 ins Role Suret name wish to announce the aim at their run tsrolt Allen on rumy tube race the loyal vrp tnia Hospital nounsM the norl Victoria rte ilal on Sunday October Mr and 1411 Godlra or in Napier 51ml Barrie neon roman Lynn lbs on arr and ran noi lam15 Newton street an pleased to Announce the birth or their similar OriyaLash 11 lit MD iiriy October was AGLBDo Me Heather 3111 are DInsed in Innflunte lite arrival or Ian rev on mending October lm torts Hornitai FREE From Classified AN EXCITING NEW MOTHERS PAK Value to $250 Containing very useful assortment at well known items for mother and baby Yours FREE when you place May announcement at your babys arrival in the Birth Notice Column oi EXAMINER WANT ADS trained Birth Announce rnel1t writer will assist you in warding your announce meat and arrange for you to receive your tree Moth ers Pals from PLAZA DRUGS PHONE 72824l4 Barrie andvnlstrict Residents Only PHONE 7754114 ENGAGEMENTS armspNsTcNeilr and Mn smiley Guns Street name an plea to aa nnuirce lire cnillxcmerrt or their Older daughter Nanny amino Gerrard Thorns Stone sum Ind Ilrs Tbnlms stone to on street Barrie The mlrrilgn will take place Saturday October as 1958 at up pm 111 SL Meryl Roman Catholic Church Barric DEATHS ctleanuLVi rpm Boydle ley at Simeon Mlnfll Breton on Tuesday kick 11m John soyd Cunningham husband of the In Annie Mexnkiat and near other at Ethel run any Graham and annual In his oath year ram Lily Thomas ntnzxa ChlpufliA in ton in tuner1 serum on many opium 11 at pm interment Alllsinn Union Cemetery 1or service at the funeral dilPEI REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE RAWN Rani Flute Mk2 BAYFIELD 51 7269451 WE IN RURAL PROPERTIIX BEDROOM noon is miles from Barrie on well travelled road Priced to sell at 77300 with terms BRICK HOME nodbarmxgnic sci naming lp Erglrnaysmnp well kept road Priced to se with 000 down BEDROOM BUNGAIDW Large living room kitchen and garage centrally located on large nicely tread lot Terms may be arranged Eycnlngl caii VLnrry Torpoy hill Rawn Dick Draper CORBY Real Fetate broker and Appraisers Dirnlop St Phone 7le is and mortgages arranged on low monthly payments We buy your present lot and hid mortgages BUTCHER BUSINE$ Well equipped showing excell ent returns bedroom modern home attached Plenty ot park ing space MELBQSE AVE Te rtic family home bed rooms finished basement with fireplace custom built large family room spacious dining living room with log burning fireplace neautilui roalt floors throughout Attached garage Close to schools BEECROFI GATE Compact bedroom brick bun galow large livingdining com bination finished basement Beautiful condition throughout choice location TRGOMINC HOUSE Owner out of town Real money mailer with small investment renal Tarale or MLS Angus Halt Wasagi Bea filiiyearold cobblestone galow buiroorns curing room kitchen Heated sear attached gum ituated on large corner lot Bordqed by mature trees lose to Inkesbore and golf course OVendor offers excellent terms bun cat Call Dave or mt HURRY HURRY have Just listed this brick ranch style home with attadmi garage Prch would you be lieve under $15000 with low down payment low taxes and low carrying Worth looking into You decideriiren call me have the key Call Pat Car ter 43am no toil charge NEW LISTING Situated on Marion Crescent lovely bedroom bungalow recreation room attached gar age Carries for $1 monthly including taxes For inspection call Marg Klein mum HIGHLAND CRESCENT Just at the city limits and just $23000 Added features Recreationroom orkshop Extra bathroom lBroadloom Cali WandaEdwards 7292011 nsvntan oarsr alartoh Neon1 Icolrn Baker Dolly lilortell rsllu neazan PHOTO MIS 58 WORSLEY STREET starting October Mulilplemtinlm BmiolndDiurichedEatstnBoudlnc shalt1N Convenient bungalow with linersl CARSON NOW RENTING Modern hirsuite apartment building with elevator to All apartments cable TV brondloom In hallways stove and retugerator supplied balconies on most apartments quits resiv finirai streetLJhis modern apartrnehtnusernalurerwonderful natural gas for building heating and walk heating Possession Call 7266461 paorrm For sale ily scones large kidaen wallkept old home Strelburae mom ch mam ROLL YOUR OWN CIGAREITES On any one cl sevrral tobacco fanns we have listed For poinlment phone Pat Byrne at 6717 HOME NEAR SCHEIO AND BUS 111 rsrarr HARVEY wean mcv Form SA is REIIRINGORJUSTSIARHNG ervy Ford nail unit aunts 725m ORBIT INDLING 7m FRANK MALL DBAYFIEIDW PROPERTY roe SAL EMORYgMI LER 726188l REALTOR 67 DUNtOP 61 01m rar urn y1 lemma dialog morn drnand garage pridedaiudiyilmCflKsullliiu mmvzaaoaoournoun in hammered manMiliecebatbprintewdihoedarnithen Mute GotdSpenoer New mtclmtodulimitaonpavedlroad Call EXCEED ACRES inInliisfii with from building Wmawvadmdcmamqwm LARGE TOURIST HOME and amp hits home in good coalition WWIIon for air 315 located on This In hrln older canvas large lot My himy mow own Tolerde cartoon srmcm Pm ANTON roan cote NELLES Realtor hula lo1m mm mam SELL YOUR HOME rear Wu arias creasing Large uncompieted hasnnent for the handy man to design his own recreation room Attractive garden and sortwad lugs Asking 3500 Call Alan Wardie moist STEPS CITY HALL Downmun charming older bedroom solid brick home on quiet street $18000 Call Jim Stow art 726m THRIVING RESTAURANT BUSINESS For the family that wants to work together it even has its 01111 living quartersa Shed room apartment to help keep those annual expenses down There is barber shop attached to the restaurant which brings monthly income of 3150 So why not start cooking by call ing Fred Itenncy 4536406 Al liston collect snaprm TELEPHONE marl intercom system hiika iliagus lea Cavansugh or man 51 CIDSE TO CAMP BURDEN loo acre farm with 90 acres of working clay loam Older iii storey home in good condition with all modern conveniences Large bank barn has shaped addition The price is right Call now THE PRICE IS MVOURABLE to the most careful buyer year old bungalow with large bedrooms large tamily size living room with very modern kitchen with built in stove Full basement has completed recreation room Call now to make enappoint Charlie Read Don Campbell Fred Taylor 315 Paul Penman Smith Campbell 74MORTGAGE MONELr tan Hammond 7260961 7256681 773420 7264405 WE NEE YOUR LISIlNG KEEPUP WITH THE DEMAND FOR HOME let us dlswssaelling your borne at no cost or diligetion to you Fra fast action and satistaction call 7261405 dw or night YOU WILL BE GLAD THAT YOU DlDl EVENINGS CALL Frank Wainwright 7261743 Frank Nailel nil6696 Tarn Foster 57 CAMPBELL Palm MLS am muss 7284705 72543313 72347389 OPS REALTOR mom Ako has good pond 77137817 1ugn Plowman 7250243 Doug Campbell Ron Allan Don Marshall Richard Dick PHWOJQREALTOR 7282377 APPRAISAIS nonmsors RENTALS COUTTS AND CO OWEN SP 7254435 AVAILABLE Photo MLS Realtor EVENINGS Jnjlnle wrtta box 13 Dick Hartley 72am Bill Macknesa lies 77164715 All Rosa Res malls Russell Smith Res 7289996 FOR SALE OR TRADE ACRES and small cottage on paves ma mute or name will sell or trade Ior house needlnl repIra Ind renovations in or clo hammer TRAVEL TRAILERS mutants MLS REALTOR nun mm ROGERS 81 raoesnrrroe SALE EL INESON 7584294 Catherine Militia7290040 CONNELL Piioto Realtor humor manr EASTflt the nvnnrncs Five p111 rioao new cara rawsrmmm consumerism MORTGAGES DIMEDlATB Ist and 2nd Mortgage Loans Anywhere ON ALL HOME FARMS AND coalruarcuu normal 90 0F VALUATIONS If You Need Money 71 tonaolidatt dlhll hull or modsus miinibli 11 monument worthwhile 1111 Write or Phone 72641981 Mortgage Funding SminipsrililrSca Hengevrkionurip lfitlflu no you own Ifnrlngtl may end mlrpro to 1111mm 1am wilioreven ling 111 inning on or Nadia mm um AVAILABLE Novrmbur pa tint mortgage ltenombln rltu triteen plybis monthly writ no In Rnrril alumina LOTS FOR SALE anorrr rs rpm of mixed pupil lnltllIV soil wppa lsrisll auahltiy at beach and nrlnle Writ Bog rm Barrie hlmlntt pm 0R RENT aMAnr nous 11 Ann for or rent Suitbid to couple to Dhonl steam DUPLEX rots nil or rent locates in sira gélstlcct Anrur Telephone MOBILE HOMES TRAI LERS SALETRENT WRUSSEIL CHURCH MobiieiIomes II General Glendale Iravelux Parts and Service Cash or Totms up in 1Yoarr l70 BURTON AVE 7289869 oaarrnare pedronm good condition fully equipped Ideal first home or summer cot tsgn Telephone flflmveveninu or weekend rsez BLENDER cabin trailer in loot 3174117 or beat olfel sleeps and hitch included Telephone no 3949 alter pm nus OPPORTUNITIES SPARE TIME lNCOME Refilling and collecting money tram NEW TYPE high ly coinoperated ispenscrs your area No selling To qualify you must have car references $600 to $1900 cash Seven in twelve horns weekly can net excellent IbTItlBLIlN LIMITED am OUELLEIIII AVENUE SUITE 40 WIND sort omnnro Include phone number RENTALS KEMPENFELT VILLAGE 71 mile beyond the city limits on the Shanty Bay Road TOWNBHOLISES Gardner DEVEIDPMENTS tBarrie Ltd BEAUIIFUL WOODED SITE BEDROOM UNITS SIOVB AND REFRIGERk IDRS ELECIRICAILY HEATED N75 $200 monthly NOW RENTING TELEPHONE mason ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT PER MONTI Whit 1elepnu111 maoirs bsnnoosr house for rent large room near Schools and down town also at 1111111111 Availabl November Telephone means Trrrlua bedroom i101 in rent References required AvllIIbla October 15 Telephone norm me pm iran bedroom town houses Available October 15111 eras lIer manna For Iisrthcr Information telcnhonc 12372121 between 1111 pm 1131 dryappryn nxncurrvrr home bedrooms rlmriiea rcciutinn 11111111 can end near schools and snapping Avail lblt Novemher $181 monthly Telephone realm HOUSES FOR RENT GIan FALCON IR If mum cvenlnl at p111 Queens Park area mm Dow GORDON cows 377 iei trailer 111111 equivncd olei IUItNrsllan home lor rent 1mm MEMORIAMS BartramTreasured memoriel or our precious baby naurirter Ind sister Lori who lclt us to he with and seven years ago tod October ii i951 she tell asleep without goodbye But memories or licr will never die Sadly missed by lionmy and Daddy Yvonne Stephen Babbler mila and Susan COMING EVENTS ALMOST NEW SALE THURSDAY OCI10 130 pm to pm ST GILES PARISH HALL 95 Cook Street COME AND SEE Auspic St Giles ACW STVINCENT DE PAUL STORE HOURS Wednesday 26 pm Friday 25 and 743 pm fisaturdaylo any 330allier Street Basement of Jerrys TV COFFEE PARTY BAKE SALE COUNTRY FAIR TABLE Friday October 11 9til am iii1130 am BURTON AVE UNITED Baby sitting service roceeds for CUBS and SCOUTS RUMMAGE SALE FRIDAY OCTOBER 11 1030 AM TO RM TRINITY PARISH HALL Collier Stv Barrie Auspices ACW Ivy CLASSIFIED TELEPHONE 7232414 Box Numhe cunldiential iteiiii Lcttrr Boxes will held only in pm day preceding 11 bilcatiorr at noon 111 Saturday 111111 exception or Granules leav advertisements which mm in by moo noon precedlna dry 24 worm rurNrilitm rerun ADVERTISING Casir Discount Itlter rova iron with in dnvn single Insertion appel word Tivo consecutive Irrurtlong liar ner word pu lnrerllpn Three consecutive trlselttnnxv it per word per insertion intsl true sir con gt recutlya Insertions an er word per insertion total $504 aluitlpia nsrlttons nnv be ordered an dry up results obtained to Mr rent an dilional char it mm not paid withp eat 10 scans Over 1825 feet on paved road Close to town Terrific potential 17 ACRES Just oft Sunnidale Road 11500 feel frontage Nicely wooded alsosmeil creek stunt MARSHALL HAM GRETA ZIETARA 7min LAURANS mil Alliaton await mm Gunnus news Ellw 0R0 STATION bedroom electrically heated bungalow living room has din ing area modern cupboards in kitchen utility roomiuli base ment carport and patio on large lot nicely landscaped Contact MYRTLE MacLEOD Barrie 7734759 DOWN TOWN BARBIE Lstorey stuccn1houseoffica arid workshrrp downstairs bedroom apartment upstairs on nicelot Central Contact MYRTLE Mac anon name mam 140 ACRE FARM 40 acres bush 100 acres work able bedroom insul brick house small barn and norage river runs through property Contact MYRTLE MacLEOD Barrie W759 KEITH 111111mron AREA REPRESENTATIVES babcock Barrie mm Colbourne snoud islerm II Macbeod barrie 7234759 Spencer Thornton 458521 Fitzsilnmins Chlilll ASS26M El Snow Siroud tan3116 Ed Green Harrie 7le Tom Fitzsintmins Churcth 1567620 BettyNewton Hawkestone till2103 181 EGLINTON AVE TORONTO 12 Envelopes Draw tickets Letterheads iernravstamps Wedding stationery Cheques FIIEE nsllrrAtss 01v PRINTING unnns EXAMINER Commercial Printing ful three bedroom back No looa 119 Dunlop St East 21 New bedroom home Large Int of town Call it Carson midi add um sisoo DOWN $76 month on one open mortgage bedroom home Only three blocks Ling 7268114 Norm Syphptt 7131533 Russ Carson 7266161 Bill Hamilton 7256375 Rupert hieGratb Einrvale 739112 Bill Lang 7168114 COMPANYV is Bayiield aural raoro MLS Ramona Mortgage Find Available Move right Into this neat from downtown Callbiii W5 Free Customer Parking Ilrry attractive storey Colmial style and home 111111 attached garbag Spaelrlrnrsbligingandy dining room family Size kitchen ooms we need lot bnmediate session Call Olin Goodhead nxOEtmtrr 11111 Here is an opportunity to live without having to worry about your Mortgage payment eadrmonth houses for the price of one Live in one and rent the other to pay for the Mortgage hill price $20900 1witii moderate down payment Owner will bold Firm Mortgage for the balance Call Lou Goedernondt to view these properties £1ngme cam r1ii VHS1566 GRANT HI EAR TIEMS Cm GODme WuLBiDWELL71 Mortgage iinrdsavallable 38 COLLIER ST TEIEPHONE 72893430 51 to refill TIEW DWLEX Older borne fulb duplexed Upstairs apartmént renting for $85 monthly Owner occupies downstairs bedyomi modernized apartment new Iurnace new dounney separate entrances Call Nancy McKenzle Irrrnnnmcvswc Nearly new superny built brlrcir and stone located among fine homes in Barrievirw Heights including panelled family room walkout from dining room to balcony0ther features include bathrooms and bedrooms Reasonable terms can be arranged owner Is transferred call Mary Morrison warns amwncr arromit warr MAR MORRISON 7WW33NAANNCYBHIIIBKENZIE SHELSWELI and WILLSON mailman racers MORTGAGE prom THE INCOME MAKE THE DIFFERENCECosy olderlour bed room borne separate two room apartment withbath double drive waya garage One block from post office Maire your appointi meat now This excellent inaomeborne wilinot last long Call Ilirs armorslass No 1218 large rooms re do 72 sale 50 YOULLNEVER REGRET THE DAY you looked sttllis beauti split home wlioaachann begins light at the front door included are such feahrras as five piece bath room ensuiie large family morn den and two piece washroom adjacent tliirdcuiside entrance Carries for $112 principal interest and taxes To see in home call Olilick Lambert 72845001 No mtl TIRED OF CITY LIVING liave iookat this Wobbdroom bungalow five miles small Barrie with large kitdren living room three piece bath full basement Moderate downpavment Vendor will hold first mortgage 1421111 7264423 WALTER couirs 7mm Appraisals Listings invited JOHN WHITE 72$th Delisnap stem swtrr HARVEY s1vlrr we DEWSNAP PETERS 129 bradiord St PRIVATE home rant SANDY COUITS 728418 pm Ms Realtor INSURANCE WHITE ooaayfield St 72121071 novmrrl Dont forget to transfer your INSURANCE and it you need utrs coverage of any kind as STEVENSONS llS DIINIDP SI 731180 canditlnanclevhone 726ml actor EXAMINER WANT liDS 7282414 November to June adult couple bedrooms bmadiaomed Iulov lnlilc hell double garage lots at privacy scenic minutes to limp ping plan nerercnces silo month guplur utilities Telephone no IIEDROO bungalow on out aide lnnncdiatc possession siso vmonthlv maximum one teen anus bedroom home lvliiahn November west and of Barrio siso bedroom town house aw sillblo November Cali nak er 7234406 ELVA MILLS 72113749 no ins Realtor vzoasos rzimas mmrs unease ssrrlc rANKs SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Modern radiocontrolled trucks IILE BEDS INSTALLED AND REPAIRED MROBERTSONI ANGUS 5595 20TH PIKE Tank Sales Scull WILES LTD Realtor 7711 24111 PLANNING ON BUILDING NEW HOME Coniact Peter Light BEAVER LUMBER 735541 Older nrtoley batch etached nur schools and central Telephone 7159911 numnmo not wanted anywhere in the city as panic unit have all war dining mi PAVING ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS PARKING LOTS BARNYARDS Free estimates in thefailolving areas Barrie Epsdiurd Allis tnnCollingwnnd and Newman ket1 Also free estimates an ce Tanh Ind werper Bedaimfllled 94584 services Alla lat wlnted within our mule of city limits Telephone nus re Estate 726040 zoo soaps ornrora lam or waste de wanted within in miter ot arr Assam representinx Emory Miller Paramount nerd modernizing bulldlnsr Inn to or so acres sooo to Als Annie Incl unoanowN numlnl cottage home JDILIWI treet lat sum133 area spears 7266625 ativa for Leggs Ltd Realtor noun and foundation or sale to be moved from 11m Infill good rapt somatinn telnnbone London 00 ACRES OF CLAY beautuuily laudsclukd Luge banaped barn with water and hydro instaued Telephon OrIIlll 20 ACE borne allowankd also1 in reasonable so mile radius Call itoilhvMpMastcrf was mumglmu 1111 another warn pans Carson it Carson nu earns 72min Telephone Harvey Weber 111 estate 72MB name mile miles to owlre 1111 snoop down In on Telnnhona 6811517 WI mile to skiing in represents Holly Strait Toronto my roomy nr turtiru FARMS FOR SALE LOAMLAND4PLUS gosones modem home set in grounds FARMS WANTED wnu giving mu cumin st merit work 7236545 SEAMLESS FLOORING SEAMLESS memo Heavydulypiasuc proof only type of floor unaffected by alum To ALL maker Part1 eerrpries Nswand uren nicyaIu ror llle or 0mm LOOKING ran olnn lelndn tor CI GARAGE FIDORS PATIOS Telephone collect TsuBONE PAVING CO Painswick Maniéri Paving Italian Expert Co of Barrie Free Estimate Work guaranteed 7260031 134 sass 1111 skid never needs wax acids alkalis AL ROBERTS 4495343 alchLEs Bfirfln Bike anon CALL US rust we are Skilled in our Service and will giveyou Prompt Attention classroom SERVICE harem GUIDE SHINGLING outta mt Roof nan flux Gard armada on lnio IM iRONING mama per burst warning and trenlngzflso lz palm Pinkun and deuver PRESSURE PUMPS PUMPS Washing Machines Small Engines Ross PUMP anrwrcn Phone Cookstawn 4W ALUMINUM SERVICE ALUMINUM Sailstoring doors and windowsr siding store fronts COMPLETE INSTALLATION Direct factory prices WATTS RR sinolll PAINTING PAINTING d1 DECORATING INTERIOR EXTERIOR Aisosign painling European experts VAN NOORTWYK Jill Rose Street 72W intuition AND lhtldor Paintl slsa Paparhngthg Reasonbl rater Free ostlanltls 1134159 mun neurons ulterior and lot Von reasonabll Ru titImam call mmsm gt BLACKSMITH PROFESSIONAL iBLACKSMITH Handmadashoes specially Telephone Bohr as PENETANG st mrloo some DRIVING SCHOOL ntme Driving School Leera to Drive tna Modem War For an nnintlaent Phone rascals SAW SHARPENING BARBIE sharpening Centre lawn minors knives etc ararlun rhInd uatug mill Owen MOWER REPAIRS MADIGAN MOWER SERVICE For All Makes Air Cooled Engines Reel any Rotary Mower Sharpening HAHN ECLIPSE LAWN AND GARDEN EQUIPMENT 171 Burton Ave 7281121 HEATING Limited Time Only FREE 200 GAIS OIL with every furnace installed BRISIOW Plumbing and Heating Duniop Barrie mason Evenings 7733474 SIGNS SIGNS OF ALL TYPES by competent sign writer earn BENNETT 7288872 01 7283536 CARPENTRY sxrarulZNcED clrvnntlrl tor Irarnewnrk houses cottages eta Telephone nation EAVESTROUGHING NORTHERN EAVESTROUGH 4872121 31 SPECIALIZING lN ONE PIECE EAVESTROUGH JANITOR SERVICE nttle mes gaping servl lured noun rpm moan nr mails HANDYMAN ml or do yoir rair cipauau INSULATION awe nmrlon lnrula Ire umrtea Grlarantnnd wo haumnnl yards siomil any Tlisy Scott hummus

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