to GET mass mm as carriers Prince will be prosemad to oust atGulbnie oonurrunilyu Thornton who is shown 196a winners of Slmcoe County Janey came canoeï¬tions at the ascdations annual ban hatt on Friday Arnoog those who will be moving awards is John Sheardown oi RR th prize excellent cimsitied cowSally Servant Deslm as arald Examiner Photo Village Status Mme ANGUS Stall Increaslnz simport ior lull village status ior Angus has been pleasing news to George Guargis Angus businessman who has been ad vocating the action for more than two years Aschairmaa oi the industrial deommittee at the Angus Cham ber oi Commerce Mr Gnergis said iuli village status which would provide Angus with its own council and control oi its own allairs would be at consid erable advantage Attire present time restrict ed part oi the builtup area is known as Angus police village which means it has board of three trustees to deal with cer tain local matters but most of the powers rest with Essa townr ship council MUCH DEVELOPMENT mew subdivisions and other growth beyond these boundaries have given Angus and vicinity population or at least 3000 which is more than that at at least two other Simcoe County towns Eradiord has population of about 2700 and Slaynar about 2090 Alliston is aboutsnoo in 1965 anvapplication lrom Angus ior lull village status was tumod down by the Ontario Municipal Board but since then there has heen considerable new development large new subdivision beyond the single lane bridge on Centre street is outside the police village houn daries but right next to it There are also new houses on county road 1Q south of the boun daries as well as elsewhere New homo construction also can be seen inside the village boun daries RECENT DIVISION The part at tho builtup area in Sunnldale along the Breat wood road section at county road 10 also has business places which draw trade irom An as well as the area The vision at the baiitup area also hasbeen the topic oi discussibn and there has been growing eating the Angus area should be tlnited Mr Guergis has been striving to stir interest in action to make new application inrsome time He round considerable support for the move and he now eels the time is opportune for action Secretary oi the Angus village board at trustees and iormer Essar reeve Saniord Page ex pressed what appears to be general view when he said that iuil villagestalus lorgAugusrwas lnevitablc with the community continuing to grow He pointed out that theliighway 90 sign listed the population at 1000 but pointed out there were 1400 names on the last township Stirs Angus Interest volers list ior Angus which did not include children and others not quaiiiyius ior votes PRESS FOlt BRIDGE Residents have been pressing ior new bridge on Centre Street to replace tha onelane structure over the Nottawasaga The increased traiiic lollowing development or new subdivision in this area iustiiiesa twoiane bridge it was contended logical site ior possible civic square for municipal ofï¬ce and council chamber also has received soma attention although others have argued this is pre mature since much preliminary work would have to be done he iorervilloge status could be at tained Supporters like Mr Gucrgis believe ii action is started soon it is possible an application could be made to the Municipal Board in time ior hearingnext spring and perhaps opentheway ior village status by Jan 11970 As village with its own council Angus would be in much better position to provide services to attract industry new lumber mill which started operation unBrentw on road earlier in the year has indicated the potential of Angus is receiv ing more attention The Ontario depart at lands and lorests industry hero has been operating since mo RéStrictéd Animal Areas aaxrea Siam Protests loom ratepayers about the keep ing at iaNnanilnaln in builtup areas were discussed by Essa township mind at its October meeting Afla reviewing the postivn ot oboth sides in this largely rural municipality with growing res dential communities action was delayed while more study is giv en procedure motion moved by Councillor Fred lions and sec onded by Councillor KAElan chard asked the clerk Harold Ball to obtain copy of an In nifï¬lbylaw for study by coun ROAD ACCOUNTS Reeve George Davis presided at the meeting and all members were present Road amounts im the month of September in the amount of $4956211 were pass Irorranaau Pi WICE Visitors Sept 28 with Mrs George Abernethy ere Mrs Elia May Sister andMiss Chapman Toronto Mrs ios Abernathy and Mrs Gray gt0riiiia Mr and Mrs urray Austin Woodville visited Sept so with the latters cousin Mrs 05 Wice Mrs Joseph Walsh spin week wills triends in Tor on gt Miss Christina Senrole has talr err up residence in the Abrams apartments KW DIET lhe October meetingct Wo mens institute was held at the home of Mrs it Davis 25 mem hers and two visitors attending The theme liomefEconomiEs and Health commenced Iby thanksgiving reading by Mrs lloner Themotm Dieting is Miss Joan Warnerivlame onomist ior Sinicoe south Allis ton was the speaker and iollow ed along the same trend oi llronghi as Mrs Robbins and provided ellvltalancedmeals The hostess was assisted by Mrs Forbes Mrs Donor uch iniormatlon ior The camels tough ed The road committee was au thorized to meet with Won ntticiais regarding the building of houses and entrance on Elm street at plan 1300 petition irorn ratepayers for road drainage in the Baxter area was filed bylaw covering the work was authorized eariier The council passed livestock claim of 555 for animals destiny ed by dogs on the property at BritneiL Rre clerk Mrl3ell was an thorized torpay thebalrance ad the Esa library levy this month rather than wait until Decem ber since the board had not yet received its provincial grant ro nmnr musrnas Following discursion nhout comingscbooi changes it was decided to arrange meeting with the Essa area sdiool board smtoriconu NEWS Mrs Elmer Mrs Sill Son and Mrs Robbins Next place oi meeting will be at the homeo Mrs HPotter ilrst Wednesdayrln November Sim coe County Area convention will he held in Goldwater Oct 15 and 16 Mrs Mailion Mrs Mona Anderson andMrs lL Potter attendedthe Simcoe South ex ecutive and directors mee of WI in Cookstowu Oct NEW sruovJ Mrs Ciltiord Ahrams enter tained Fraser Presbyterian WMS at her home for their Se heh Mrs charge or gt The meeting opened with poem entitled Auturnana try Scripture was read by Mrs Wilson followed by prayer by Graham Mrs Leggett Intr need the new study theme The title approach mission with new forms he to ahow other or Christian ac iranomeap the pads kneeling to protectit when be loaded Studied Essct Council Jurisdiction over school prop erties Will be transferred mm the local and area boards to the new county board on 1969 Sunnidale for election at true tee with Eva bavingresponsi biiity ior arranging the nomina Lion meeting For the separate sdrool board Essa in ward six with Coli ingwood Neitawasagahstayner Creamore Wasaga Beach Tos aomntio and innkiil DIsraIcr carers GETS SECOND AWARD ALLTSTON Stall Anat hgactive centennial plus one or display of ornamental didltrwood dried andllve lowers has won second award from District 16 at the 9ntario Horticultural As sociation for Mrs Jim vey of Allistb MEETING AT HAXTER WTER Staiil Essa town ship council which is headed by Reeve GeorgeDavis will hold special rreeting at the npmic Thursday but ipal hall here on 17 at nm come usayasmc ALLISTON Stab Harvest ing or corn has been progressing well in the South Simone area Some corn has been tested with grain moisuro level at less hen til per cent it was eilatedvat the South simcoe McKel Lghtmo Difscimssed be hddlnlhcdkdridantheltlh hera wtthmnty ed in lhelowistwnvenm Eng order takantriiinaeeother municipalities tinthave built as building it wouldscemto indicate um innisfl Gum is re getting rcadyto make credby lirenommxtee were the Wnlltabic for the WEEK oi the meme towulwhich had lighting Eda installed Nico found not meet with mvvai deuded to ask or corn ete prices on the work lnslcnd his Wind an alter covmng maintain and labor in complete tire ball ï¬eld lighlinc lens the pom which are already on hand and the bulbs costing over $1100 which have been purchased and are to be unchanged ilnccessary LDCATIDN Nothing has been said as to the man appropriate ï¬le tor light cdball licltl Many ratepayers who swarm hall garnchietl that sl 19 3P aPl53ll9l the roost appropralte place to eocourage more spectators and that somewhere inthe centre of the populated part oi the township would be more suit flile Location scrim to have been left to the decision th bailplayars committee SECRECY lust why council felt it would not be beg for the public in know what went on at the moat lng at which detaih of costs were discussed is something most ratvpuycmwill wonder botIL flie nutter of spending soveral tholsand dollars at publt lie iundsami how and where it is is not public matter then it scans time it was The enclusioa oi the pres horn com on ï¬ldt braiding Wlth regionalgovernor barging overhead and the pas slimy of larger at con not too distant Iuturc it might appear ml the metro bars are to have tth monument me they are transplanted with regional eon upr his monuments operation at theailaats ouch municipality into district torn norrhea our their taxes ior heat your will be based Willi this is bulimia liaise who wish to mlcallt is amiaront that thorc are no changes in meamount as so tarithe county Msessmeot do pamncnt has not got around to reassmi this area water Diversion Signed T9 Fill Pond lltUtopia UTOPIA Stall Dir on oi Bear Creek water to It pond at the new Utopia Conscr vation Park hasstancd but the mall drainoil willhe done next spring lit the present time the water flow through the newiyconstnrch ed darn ls through the lowdlow valvmpnd ï¬sh ladder Construction work on the Qid itiillroad irorr the Utopia main thoroughfare to the mill has been mostly completed on the McMnstcr side Base of the road on the other side has been built and it wil be given surincing and topping later When pleled motï¬ists will be able to drive through the two sec tions and over the darn beén singled bridgeat the ed Seasoni viuih icy Wolan or hearth he wins it the tax rate rsabait tomiis ur Fisher iecn he ahmdd not and was mogagndmm argmlmig be been There at mam mahmmcmdbataslae roads arc not taxstile the town ship is inmuilol olullo has hasnthere andbowgnuch co rrtvsrarzs Mrs Jans ol the lnnlsï¬i School Boardka her holi days in Ottawa during the innsL vcntion oi the Federal iruateu Association She alluded asa totingdeiegate without any ex pense tothc local board but iound the coslsmade it diiiicult in blend all functions She men tioned the large city delega tions with all expensa covered She did not agree with all the decisions madehy the conven lion Peter Gilt oi notion represen liveoiftha Nottawasaga Valley Conservationa harlty express cd sotiiactionwrththe progress albho work following an inspec lion He said oiiitial operdrg of the park would he held next ytmrll1e Noitawasaga author ity board which is headed by Sunnldala Reeve Lloyd Pridhbm hunt yetsat the date Essa Deputy ltccve Eugene Smith icechnlrmnn has also allowed the progrm oi the work clusciy Mr Gill as reported consid erable progress made in the de velopment nECarnrthers Memor ial Conservation area at Avening Tth is aiSacra per the hind River Plans call for theUtopia Trdde Brémotlon memerpr Oro JXWISON Stall Neale hornet parts at the liuronia mortal areare Media at lend no em annual cool Eng 01 the liumnia Tm As sociation which will be held at nearbyHorseshoe Valley sh re llllislqnlleallor feeling Better Amrer Slam at len Latimer wellknown local real cstaie agent also has been Stevelson hlomodai Hos pilot is irnrch improved Oinlrrnan oi the South Simone Pionccr Museum Mr Lalimcr is one at Allistons best known rmidenis lie was iormer chairman oi the Aï¬ston public utilities convulsion iormcr president 01 the Lions duh and former member at council illr Latimar also has been Al liston representative to the Not tawasaga Valley Conservation MENU An active Conservatii was formerly riding prm of the DuficrlnSimcoe Consen ative Association It son William Latimor ir opomlas real white ofï¬ce on Victoria Street CanCer Unit Maps Cellingwood Plans COLIJNGWOOD Stall nual meeting of the Collangoood and District unit the Canad ian Cancer Society will he held at Slietï¬clda Cedar Inn on iihursday Oct 17 it was an nounced hue Annual reports will be pre sentéd and election at places held for twolear terms Dr Anderson presdent Who omruieting his twin will inside mitteeoiihwwhola meetings is Only allele in the past vs Canhd gs from bank cc The Commerce well Safetydeposit boxes are nah buyWithout paying accrued to cover tdsout mum cunt each monch store the bonds for sun in On Towndip on lllll thy 0a to gt Fromm of total trade II he the main topic of dicsussm the oblect oi the warm lstoexplairiopcoplethapm pose and aims at ournganiu tion aid Ray Alklnsw direc tor and managt at the direclt quanera oiï¬ce in the Sirocco County amunistralive building at Bar1c Dm grams on ï¬nancial promotional planning and other aspects oi tourist trade inmo tion are planned llatnben at wordy councils Chamber at Commence othcinis and Georflnn Bay Regiomt novellrménc council will mod Promotion oi tourism on yearround basis ior the will be given mnior attention Moose Is Bagged By llngus Hunters ANGUS Slam grow Angus hunters have returned home irom the mrth with moose and deer George Gucrgis local mote operator and three sols Ed and Knrorn Angus tortillae dealer and Com at Barrie sev eral days hunting in the North Bay area The sons bagged the moose which rcccivcd much at tcotion here Mr and Mrs Vic Prldnln and tighter Mrs Cross Guer went to the Kirkland Lake area Orville Hilts and Don Mid hurst were among otherAnglia hunters back irom the north George Gucngis ir looked alter Georges Fumiture store While his brothers were away BES NAMELESS Etiquette demands ona reler to the president or the United States only as lilr President or il minded customers bécause 675 is an alumni precedean high return Dominaï¬ona of$50tb$25000 are on aisle her you now at all 1400 branches of the Commerce tereet Let the Cominerce help you to make some punt Tthommercerewmmendathiahond m6 oyaimo eï¬ortlesalyé