run reason nonpay sn all umber of the Junior to Symphony second hornr hand have improved tremrn log they received from Tom player accurale dun douva as result ofthc train ing the hummer Collegiate Ba nd series II Brings Top Artists Hare Junta and senior meridian otthe Barrie Oolleélte band bug loinad forces to induce In even blazer aWilli when aornhinad total me than no and Marlow the pit ii the Central Dollmate and thorium Condutor Allen ï¬sher lead the band mm in nestles aesdoa with practiced hand This year the College bani will again mom series of cones The bandhaa decided to spon ior the well known Mval Sian Thw will appear on Dec 11 in January the Kaiyna Ukranian dancers will perform and in February the Toronto SW11 will play an as yet undeddad program The heat oriovakia Nonet of Prague are scheduled tr play in Am Mr ï¬sher said an alternate new has been lined up would the political situation In Credit1+ iovakla prevent the group from coming to Canada the Nnnet is dramber orchestra composed of mamberu one Czech Phil bamronica each of whom is an mist In his own flight The taip ooBarna la part of the groups ï¬rs North American tour The tomato Symphony will pinyin Barrie before leaving rt tour 0t Japan Mr ï¬sher said liarrialn one of the few cities in which the symphony looks forward to playing They can come up for the evening use the excellentfacllttlewa hay and retrmr home the same evening The synnzhonv will not be play lnx any other Canadian city before they leave for Japan The Kalyna dancers group otnew Canadians will perform alsaiea of folk dance In their native commas The group has performed frequently in other Canadian cities Tickets for the series can be new by mail The ram is Box 57 Barrie Sponsoring of nrpeuor calme yrsdescribed as an other aspect of the bands attempt to raise the cultural levdrd the community Mr douhu that there are verymnny cities the siza of Barrie that are offered enterV talninent of such high calibre By bringing in these groups the conmrunity and the vbeneftt be said Uncover Tons AIGON AP Unied stem ground and tomes battled North Vietma eae troops along the northwestern approaches to Saigon and killed cannaluu were eight men killed and 19 wounded Meanwhile combined forces troops on massive ground sweeps up and down the cmrntry continued to unooverthousands of tonsvoflmunitiona food and medical stockpiles apparently starhed own or future attacks The about the sweapaiatn spoil Viet Cong offensivea Still Seek liflle Lake Drowning Victim turd conhnuea today for his instruments together In dramatize one of wthe areal Outlinels Problems RC Chorch iPriesthodd Rev Tom Cain of Oriliia last night toldthe Knights of Colum bia in Barrie that theInflu ence of evolution has resulted in switch from static theology to dynamic develop ing point of view llS lorriesKill 147 my 01 Supplies mvntnam sonl carssay thatthe seizure of more lib miles inrecen inhe Viet Cong and may delh if not abort some ahac MI about 12 fresh stockpiles of war materials and food were turned up Monday from north of Saigon to the demlhtarized zone some ofit buried in no The developments came as gence reports indicating the Communist command may at tumult PemrtstlhIng in the Vway of new offensive before the end of the year Captured oiiicers are reported to have told interrogators they think Hadoi would like on malts heai lines ran mmausr one climaxes in the Wagncrlan ml alc the Barrie Collegiate Band lhere cd hesald tn inology that will meetHula questions being asked New questions and it fixed ye 1thI has hit everyone and priests Ye lost as unprepared and as unarmed as everyone else he said The problem otvauthority in which competency and seniority struggle for supremacy were described he shaking the chinch lhe developing of shared responsibility team approach and collegial deci sions are not taking place quickly enough for mauyyonng priestsst Father Cain The advent of lay advisers was des cribed as very encouraging developmen parish structure is by socioio ts tom of war sup weelrxhas hub of the planned ry spkesmen ofï¬cers weighed intelli Marine forecasts for Great Lakes had at man am Lake Erie Lake Huron Gear in cw min the hme of theNov southeast 10 to20tonlgtrt van clan ess abort ia practising for January concert Examiner Photos perimenla are being conducted to see the old rural boundar ies could not be changed to getter meet the needs of mod urban communities The nuestlun of celibacy that has caused many young priests to leave the church and has sev crely shaken many of those who havetchosen to stay was also discussed by Father Cain Many of the young priests he said would like to have the op tion to marry or remain single Some of us feel that we canbe more loving person if were married And more loving person would be or better priest Father Cain asked the Knights of Columbus to help priests by becoming more formed of the problems theyare laced with to understand the reasons why some men have let the priesthood andto be tolerant and understanding it the church changes its position me back with dale and Mr mourners camel Into their two as they pick up their cue and continue the tempo of the brassy music that prevails hr the Overture to Mignon written by Carlo Jlan CITY New ran atnma EXAMINER reason ocronen 36 IN TOWN LDUNGES Harrison Quartet Bayahnre Danny QueensLea Clarets WellingtonPat Brady Duo TONIGHT NJ ContinentalJackie and Lindsay Dun RoxyThe Double Man plus imperialHang Em High MOVIES arubasco Trustees Warned Noththive Too MuchSay To Advisers HAMILTON CPt ltn Ontar ln cabinet minister illonday warned school trustees against ono STATION ByMRS II CRAWFORD Rev Don Rattan Mrs Rattan and children and theformers mother Mrs Velva Rattan Lindsay spent day recently Starhan The Rattan arc mis with jMr and Mrs Gear Strachan TheRattan areims sionarlea on furlough from Bahia Br Mrs rAlvxn Brennan Hills Duriand Potter Rosemont visith their brother ln law and sister Mr and Mrs Howard Crawford on Wednesday Best wishes are extended to Miss Ellie Day who celebrated her 92nd birthday Oct Sev rai friends and neighbors cali ed to wish her well Stuart Strachan travelled by air from Victoria 11C and spent few days with his par cnts his brother Lloyd sister in law Carol and family helore they returned to Brazil Mrs MaryWillialns chdale is spendlng sometime with her son in law and daughter Mr and Mrs Tom Chiilman family dinner at the home ovar and Mrs George Strach an Tuesday night Sept was followed by open house at the atrthe home of Mr and Mrs Robert Strachanv when dround so relatives and lriendscalled to bid farewell to Lloyd and Carol Strachan OPPORTUNITY Oro United Church Women are having thankqflerlng meet ing Oct 16 attl pm in the church Frank Dingman form erly of Shanty hay will be the speaker Mr Dingman tra velled recently In Japan China and North Vietnam and will bring his impressions and the opinions these people have on the political situation it is subject of current interest and this meeting will be open to hothmen and wpmen Five prizes will beglven at the first euohrein Novemberlor the high scores throughout the month of October iheeuchres ra held Monday nlghts IS DOUBLE Africas Mt maruaro is reallytwo pe he awenzi and Kibo passing too much responsibility to prnlcssional school board ad visers We needdedicated had Swell trained personnellto carry out policy and direction of the board said lroviucial Score tary Robert Welch But remember with every necessary assignment and dcle gotten to stuff please make sure that it is just the inaction that is bring turned over and iltat=you still rctaln the control and the interest and the con cern Mr Welch said in speech to the Public School Trustees AS sodaiion of Ontario that todays school trustee is faced with res porisibilitlca that cannot be taken up one day and put aside the next butwhichy demand continuing attention and partici pation He said English and French must be taught as second lan guages throughout Canada if the historic and cultuala the historical and cultural values of the two founding na tions But all attentinn cannot bafo cused on two races in multi cultural society and wemust consciously pr vent children from rejecting the positive values and pride in the tradi tions of their nattvel Youth on Bleeding From Bullet Wound isyearod Melrose Aveue youth Peter Dodds was adnnt ted to Royal Victoriavllospital this morning with gunshot Wound In lib side Mrs Paid liclrey of uNew ton Street said die hearda bang logon her doorat appromna te lylo arn Whenahe answered she saw Dodde lying on the side walk bleeding Police say they believe the youth shot himsalf EMERGENCY NUMBERS City Police Fire Dept Hospital rented by Dr Menottl The contemporary music although written for build is considered to be tech Studénts ur Late 13 any or Grader pupin from lnnisiil Central and latmy adioois planted 200 trees at in nlalll lakeside park at Alanna Beach today in tribute to Hon Drury UFO premier of Ontario mm 191 ID 1923 The ceremony was sponsored by the lnnisiil Drury Apprecia tion committee whichwas repre Raymond yes of SlaynerA sonof the late premier who died early tn the year at the age of90llar old Drury of Crown Hill was mungthose taking part Mackiem of Barricarca supcr intendent of schools who assist ed in the arrangements and chairman nflhetlnnislii educa tloaal committee also partlcl pated ASSISTEDPUPIIS Mr Drury assisted two Cen tral school pupils Diane Wen er l2 and John Evadslz planting one of the small maples at the park Another we were planted in the highland Cres cent subdivision this afternoon It is an honor to welcome you here to pay tribute to one of Simone Countys most ilius trious native runs said Reeve Joseph Cochranc welcoming the pupils other and special guests toith rk Greet ings also were extended byDeA puty Reeve Alladlodd and other members of the isfil council Elmer Grose William Glbbins and Russell Stewart Donald Beatty chairman reprasented lnnisiil townshipi arem school board and Hess superinten dent of rcforestrailony the dc bonsiablef Hurt When Cruiser In Accident Consiaiiie Don Bonner allhe Barrie police department was injured Monday when the cruis er he was driving and aligbt tntoir driven by John Bever stock of Hertha collided at iheintersectian of Dunlop and Eoclos Streets Cons Bulmer as reported it satisfactory condition at Royal Hmitai hia morning uries were not believed serious but the cruiser waaa total wrach gtBaverstocir has been charged with going though no light nicalty dtIchulL rt place was performed in Barrie lest year by Michigan hand rury poiuncut of lands and tortsis Drivca mentiotcd that lit Drury himself took particular pride in reforestation when he was Ontario premier and tha planting of trees was consider ed most appropriate tribute to his memory The Drury for est was one of the pioneer rc forcstation areas of the county The late Mr Dmry was one of two Simcna Couniy natives to hold the office as first min istcr of Ontario The other was Leslie Frost of unusaypre mlcr from 1949 to 1962 who la native of Orlllla gt Foliowingthe Alcona 8n ceremony officials altende lunclreonat the Continental lhn This Was followed by more tree planting at Highland Crescent Ruled Insane In Death TORONNJ GP Mrs Ar thur Kidd 47 warlound not guilty because of insanity Mon day of the murder of he 11 yearold son Davis Davisaml his brothers Doug Ias12 and Joseph IlWEre shotto death last February as they watched television in their home fourth child Nancy 10 died in hospital from stomach wound Mrs Kidduwhn was lri for DavislmurdelJwas co thto the OntarioHospital in Whitby psychinlï¬st testified at her trial thac sha suffers from para noid schizophrenia or splitpEr sonallty and probably failed to hnderstand nonfiction on the day of the murders KILLED BY TRAINV BAKERSFIELD Calif AP Riohard Hinze 26 escapud serious injuryin collision Sim day in which the other moto out Roy Stevens iii was killed As animlance attendants re moved the body Hinzo6tand ing beside vreckageot hlscar on iha railway trackswas struck and killed bya pasagrg freight train fray EXAMINER wArrt Abs PHONE 1131414 CANVIDB rsERVnroUr 911 Thursday October lolly1968 and on the second Thursday or each succeeding month or Barrie Our Rater MrLionel tart gt dishrotandï¬hroughout Canadamanyn persona and firms in practirally buaineases including all types of orde Construction VProfemonai services Tourist and Reorealional Buainemea Iranapo rtation and leaale and Retail Trades rampammwomr Vandina erytoincreaaeworlringoaptalto start new If you consider that and for other pnrposéa DB can be stem Oil Children areinvitcdtparrange appo tment with the IDIrepreaen tatdve by telephoning Bame0nL7261834 or in dvanc by mungto Program the MI as at we Mr Lionel Hancey at the MidOntano office at more cane 67BColller st entrance from the rear Get in SHAP the safeeftech way with resistive Weight training massage saunaAand steamtbath Ge rid of tension stimulatav circulation AND reduce the risk of heart attack DOWNTOWN LOCATION reincarnat the body of Metroman Who drowned la Wadnisday one Provincial Police decant er ï¬tness EWIW hbnlti weedy inboard look tiNoIWe Blvd Toront Despite the thick week not than Weed banksat Iome points are united aa divers cannot pouchate INDUSTRIAL MENTBANK szor nto Ontario 145 HESOCIETY OF was lialringon the ucsar or PAUL hï¬wéwflrednhlg boats popular He leanellnover Itl Ill3 And tell