lt HARM runsmv Will It SI ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS SPECIAL NOII CASH RATES ntth Marriages nod Depth gnbtbuï¬ootmwnnpta maximum to words Card at Thanh Mi llddttlttnil words per word In limoriam no verse Vern per about line um Corning Events BIRTHS mumRev and am muster Storm or Peter Rectory sorrow 03PM wish to lnnnunce the Wed may October itiilminonvuunr Hospltfl Ind m1 Chan or ouctwnrtn skeet Bun1 In nuunm the vblalthmo lmdgtturlrtter Ilomt on or mm Mr Ind him Peter llmrs Gamble or 125 Dunlop street mt Botrte wilt Id In honor the blrtn or drumer Irmrlt lane on suurdu October lost at the nayl Vittoria Hos pltnl ENGAGEMENTS sonmscnrrmntr Ind sin Smtb ol t1 ounn street Barrie nut to Announce or arm cnmlnl mumrte of their dlullltzr Dlrlrnc to IIr Glrry John son of Mr nd Mrs Se Peel Street Barrie The Inuitre will mt pltce nl du October 25 Ma II no pm in st Georges Anltlcln Chumh BEATH5 IIoUsmN Slur MayM the Novl VthorlII llospltpl norm on Monday October 1950 Lthol Mu Flrgzhen beloved mild or the late Kin ituuston nnfl our mother or King of Big Cedar Pnlnt Beatrice or build grandmother or deny IIIrs Iohn Attlnmni or Lenny Resting rr the Iennrtt indent Home Is artdrord street anrrls lc scrvlct on rdnetdpy at pm Interment sixth Ltnr Ceme tuy Inulstll IAIIIInsoN IIrnry Iosroh Sud dcnlv It In anan General Hosr nun thIondrIr on aaIurdny October Ioso IIrrry vuntesun in Ills 7m vclr IrIr oI strouo be loved nusornd or Irry Ellybells SDllIIlz drrr trthrr or hrs not don Iolorm IIIrr ll chthcriey tinny rnu hits it Young stun lryl boar mndmhor or It lrlnd children Trlends mlv nil the II Kane runrrrt Home Yntttze St at shewrd Avhl Service In to carpet on Tuesday It 51 pm Interment York Cemetery COMING EVENTS Ys MENETTES FASHION FORECAST Wednesday Oct at 330 pm CENTRAL OOLLEGIATE AUDITORIUM Admission $125 Students 75c DOOR PRIZES ALMOST NEW SALE THURSDAY OCI 10 130 pm to pm 5T GILES PARISH HALL 95Cook Street COME AND SEE Attspit St Giles BINGO Legion Hall Barrie EVERY WEDNESDAY pm $300 JACKPOT Good Jackpot Every Week Regular Extra Cards 10 50 Cls ADMISSION OPEN HOUSE Thornton FIRE HALL ESSA TWP FIRE DEPT THURSDAY OCT 10 730 to 10 pm Come and see the new pumpet truck OthI Wednesday too Guy Conan REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE ZKLLTH MEMORIAL PARKone Fully insulated bedroom all electric retirement home large bright living room and kitchen plenty of cupboard space 4piece bath with vanity lull dry cement basement on corner lot full price $23000 Contoct BETTY NEWTON Hawkestone melee LAKE SIMCOE bedroom ï¬breglass insulated cottage large living room kit chen screened sunporch beauti tul view only $1000 do wo knotty pine siding year old Full price 513500 Contact BETTY NEWTON Howkestone IRWIN LAKE SIMCOE bedroom cottage 2picce bath water on pressure cupboards in kitchen living room screened sunporch new roof extra 101 full price $17000 Con ct HETY NEWTON Hawkestone 4074103 DOWNSVIEW DRIVE Beautiful trroom brick bunga low recreation room spacious kitchen attached garage nice size lot close to shopping centre and schools 324500 terms coll Ed Green WHIZL 50 ACRES Rollinghills number ofChrisb mas trees sandy soil old abandoned orchard on 93 high way near Wovcrley $9500 all price Call Ed Green mm 0R0 STATION Electrically heated room bungalow nearly new carport patio large lot nicely landscap ed paved road full price $15 gtllgztorms Call Ed Green 720 THREE MILES Frrom Barrie on 12th line Innis itl acres room house 34 piece bath drilledwoll on pres sure beautiful view clear to CollingIvood mountain 512500 Call Ed Grccn 7284123 KEITH LTLL REALTOR AREA REPRESENTATIVES Babcock Barrie 7705095 Colbournc Stroud 4364M lf MacLeod Barrio 25475 It Spencer Thornton 45093 Filzsirnmins Chhill 4564620 Snow Stroud 4363116 Ed Green Barrie 7234l23 Tom Fitzsimmins Churchill 4562670 Betty Newtsn Hawkestono 4072103 181 EGLINTON AVE TORONTO 12 PHONE 4873333 Eric MLS Realtor Dewsnap 7268366 SUNNIDALE ROAD Prestige area good family home five bedrooms two car garage red brick construction 69 OTTAWAY nearly new three bedroom home im mediale possession now vacant foyer beautilul modern Inteler with loads of cupboards ARMY NAVY AND AIR FORCE CLUB 79 Dunlop St West $300 JACKPOT till NUMBERS ADMISSION 500 In support of the Barrie Rtanch Navy League of Canada BLlGHTY PBINGO Every Wednesday at PIrt NEW SOUTH WARD COMMUNITY HALL Gill St at Bond0IIILLlA 20 FERRIS LANE desirable small family home property clear of mortgage your down payrilertt may do carly possession HIGHWAY 00 easy two bed room home and garage ANGUS close to Camp Borden nice two bedroom home with garage VARIETY STORE service station plus separate Ihrce bedroom home largeshighi way frontage For information on above properties please call Harvey Anita or Eric ANITA svllr HARVEY swnT ERIC DEWSNAP llamas 72430755 725133 CORBY Real Estate Broker and Appraisers 93 Dunlop St Envexopes Phboo 7282419 Draw IIcIreIs Letterbeads BusinessIcards Rerma stamps on low monthly payments We buy your present lat and hid mortgages Imam Inn oanrn ztï¬nignhkhngfsiii Km Alli rm Gunamafliiil 1557 RtIERSLII WILLis LID Realtor ï¬rms Instill1 hams ON ALL PltlllllNG NEEDS lst and 2nd mortgaged arranged to tip Lactic Hit classiï¬ed Add but ESTATE attorst Fort Reliability THE KEY 0r MLS Multiple Listing Servit Barrie and District Itol Estate Board Inc P111710 M15 REALTOR Ironmon mm urmtsuomonomnnums lli YEARS OLD 11th may be the home you have been looking for It is spot leu bedroom side split with pttaobed garage The large trees and sun deck will provide you with your own privalo park ln terest rota only 55 EAST END Here is anodtar tirst dost home with interest role than and carrier for 5121 per month bedrooms family room with imitation fireplace garage paved driveway are some at the features WombYOU LIKE TO LIVE few blocks from downtown or the RVH 11 so let us sbowyou this new listing older homo completely modernized The farm housnjize kitchen is house wifes dream Owner movingto Toronto and is Nutlous to YMYWGA AREA Jbedroomolderhorrteonlotbflxxlsz ForcedairoilbeatJ piece and piece bathrooms nod garage l1 Dink Hartley 1237973 Bill Madmen Res 7160115 All horn tics mono Rusch Smith lies 7288396 INESON MLS REALTOR 7284294 IMMEDIATE POSSESION bedromt mtom split in quiet trced area oi city Bmadloomed living room and dining room ï¬replace Spieee bath washrooms tamily room recreation room tear garage Large and immaculate For further details call Elaine lneson Elaine Meson7284250 Catherine Milne7260040 CARSON Photo MKS amnion 5a WORSLEY srnasrr TELEPHONE mom NAPIER srnmrr Lovely two bedroom stucco borne nicely landscaped 516500 Substantial down payment required Call Russellicarson moist NOW RENTING Modern zzsuite apartment building with elevator intercom system to all apartments cable TV broadloom in hallways stove and rctrigerator supplied Balconlcs on most apartnients quiet resi dcniial street This modern apartment uses nalures wonderful natural gas for building heating and water heating Possession starting October Call 7266401 DOWNTOWN BUNGALOW $3500 full price Small down payment withone open mortgage at $75 month bedrooms good size kIlAJIEII Call Bill Lang 7250114 Norm Synnolt 7282533 Russ Carson TIE6161 Bill Hamilton 7735323 Rupert McGrath Elmvaie 7391121 Bill Lang 7238114 CAMPBELL PHOTO ILLS REALTOR 12 HIGH ST RES 7737389 Ttmtl Easily accessible to schools downtown and recreation areas On Dunlop Street apartments plus owners quarters good income completely modernized Call now acres of wholesorne living in the country with large house and barn storey brick hune has bedrooms living room and farm sitekitchéo There is also large barn in good condition Terms can be arranged Call now Charlie Road mnm Don Campbell moot Fred Taylor 7284205 Hugh Plowman Doug Campbell Ron Allan 4565343 Paul Penman 7208313 Don Marshall 7202357 Smith Campbflll 7237380 RiCilard Dick Beer 72688 ASHELSWELL and WILLSON MlsREAL ESTATE MORTGAGE BROKER LOVELY LARGE auacaww with Splitlevel Entrance 7260429 7260243 Large Large din ing room Ior iull suite Immaculate condition inside and out This custom built home has prize winning landscaped grounds fullyfenced Full basement with oil heating Excellent six and threequarter per cent mortgage and payments of 5140 principal interest and taxes This borne is pleasure to show Call Mrs Atkinson 7284796 Mist RILEY LAKE IN MUSKOKAThree walerrront lots 38 feet frontage 48 miles from downtown Barrie Only 512500 Call Mrs Brown tor details mores No 1208 WOULD YOULIKE IEN OR TWENTY ACRE WOOD 1m 15 minutes from Barrie on hard surface road with low down payment 11 so have loolt at this property Call Keith Mc Master 4496868 No 746 119 Dunlap StEast 7264422 or 7281423 EMORY MILLER 726l 88I REALTOR 67 DUNLOPST tPLEX RULLY RENIEDshowing good return on investment private entrance Call Harvey Weber CHOICE BUILDING LUIit acre of orchard in Priced to sell $3000 Call Percy Ford to new with oedioom homo andsnall aha Excellent Call Sammy Benham MlDIlURSl AREALovely treed acres of land Ideal for mo tel or camping site located onllighway 27 north storey home with bedrooms recreation room dining room and cut stone front Dont miss out on this one Call John Cole Mionunsr mood4 bedroomhome sitIiated on our sheltered Beta lot 703 mortgage VLA qualiï¬ed Requires at him llnum at $3000 do Call Peter Mouton Elm Aid3015 ono irihtgc lfliitn notion IIENqulllqIls SAMMY BENHAM TIErm PETER MANTUN nonma MwmuNa msata rotILL LB FRANK NELLES halo minor Io BAYFIELD smear moms ARDAGH normloo acres of lovelyssubdivision laudiwith good view This property is high and dry Full price 065000 MODERN SIX PLEXHmwing good return on you investment walking distance to downtown Full price $09500 WA good triplaxclose to downtown What have your EVENINGS CALL 7260961 Frank Wainwright 7206681 Frank Ndlus 728120711om Foster ACRES on morn Irno con round of lot 17 content 72mm 04314 TZHJISUB 723bit 7264743 7200806 Stan Hammond Mike Magus Loo Qavanaugh oile uluu Ireeolnt Sunni flit501 IFrllv In vaoid Caldwell snsntl Buy or telephone run ESTATE whammy CHOLKAN calmmomma locnlllï¬ELBIHIMl All munmu than Buoh W2 am IDEALIDMIIW For thiaounit mmeu II we le and but mmummmmw Dawson LR FORSTIR Imt ESTATE 000mm Wm bednuns Eadr apartment has bedrooms kltdlen living morn bath and small village garden land Tractor and some implements mll price $14000 WI bedroom living accommldï¬tion folly modern throughout on thaw you this opportunitan business Phone MorgWabr field EXCEPHWAL BEDROOM HOME With deluxe kitchen large living room with wall panelling ï¬re placey one in living room an other itt the large full busement Call Fred Kenney Allin ton collect JUSI OUISIDE BAREIE moderate down payment will put you to this lovely 3yearold home on tho outskirts of Barrie Separate dinlpg area brood loomed completdy botched basement real beautle gland Wandaalwatda CENIRAL LOCATION Large older home with unlimit ed possibilities as income prop erty Close to everything hos pItal arena and shopping Phone Yvonne Rowe norm and lets discuss the many features of this versatile property IN ALLISNYN We have some real nice homes in that area at reasonable prices 67 BEDROOM BRICK BUNGAIDW ln Borrlcs desirable east end can be bought for only $18500 This house will carry for $13321 Including taxes it has recrea tion room tor the kids and is close to schools if this is what you have been waiting for call John Baker 7204401 $3M armor on em iohnprkor arm will leyrrn Mm IrIrIo June Stewrt Wrndr coward SILLS Realtor 33 COLLIER ST IvlLalA BIDWELL MARY uohlusoN FRED EPLEll more hits Realtor HWHITE 109 Bayiield St 72111071 Appraisals Listings Invited Elva Mills maï¬a John White 7189770 COUTTS AND CO MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE Photo MLS Realtor EVENINGS GORDON Iii JOINTS 727275 SANDY COUITS 7284183 IS RAWN Real Estate Broker 08 BAYFIELD SIX 7293451 RURAL PROPERTIES Evenlnu Ottll Larry Torrey Bill Rnwo Dick Draoer LOTS FOR SALE to acting near 13ml Ind In In tot shanty Bu Itoooeuh noun burn Ind 20 um Hwy Tl 817000 Phonegrzmm Toron Anom Is me around Milli mortlv rnrt wood mull nototlty or beech nd mlple While our D99 Burtl mlmlnlr PROPERTY FOR 5A on RENTI aMALI trousa in Am or ul ononr cream DUPLEX run In or rent IpcntedJM slrn 33 street Anna1elopbone to 5mm 170sz to Anrur room with onto some reptn needed Nenr schools and mm Huntn for unit or terms mulled or arm before to MOBILE HOMES TRAILERS RUSSELL HURClI WOULD You Linc to live CatlPat Byrne 726le IVAN pmwzu mom NANCY lfurmzul OWEN SI 7284405 woman COUTTS 7mm SPECIAleme bygcompotentv algn wrlter lorgdwalltowtllbroadlmlnatlromulmonc timroom tovelyloodsupedlot MWMMLMM be Ipprccloiod Fir oppolnbnent null Gloria Kosutr MARION MT 1th brichbungalow has large living room llmlb liu thtut 3bdroomsoodlesdcupboardrplcptulldivided tluerneotvlith putllltytlnlsbedreuedtlonroornondcxbIzpleeewlsbrpan MW garage beautifully landscaped lot excellent locltlnn close to oil sdtools and bus tentoes $21000 and or $114 principal interest and taxes Call lreoe Fatbu tor oppoint yrneottuloroeet and lovely garden in east end Near school and bus route bol once tatrice rent Why not settle in before the snow tllu 14 litre you detIaiIs this ex on opportun ty Call Alan thdle WY LIVING WITH leME bedroom bottle with the place walkout basement with fire place could be duplemd bedroom wintxloed cottage on property Mlnutesfrom Barrie close to lakeshnre About acres with lovely view Moderate down payment Vendor offers excellent terms immediate ocwpancy Call Days or Dolly Molteil at ML BEDROOM BUNGAIDW with Rat garage for $5th down payment carries for ap proximately sloo monthly and only one mortgage this home is locntld on the outskirts of barrier Immediate possession For Iurthcr detatls call Jim Hig ginsoo 730764 to nirnndoo ntrrcolo DiveDoll ltortell ZdMuirlyn Pol cuter lllnnlh lenllltrtd at Wood bananas bAltltlE ORANGEVILLE ToIIoNro aoanos BIDWELL Mortgage funds available IELEPHONE 7234430 mml latalto ROGERsa CONNELL iPlloto SRealtor DUNLOP STREET EASTAI HI Five Points BIND WW EVENINGS CALL CHAS ROGERS 7283582 TRAVEL TRAILERS lsrr GOLDEN FALCON 19 tn vrl trailer fully taulpprd Inn on TRY EXAMINER WANT ans gnome 12am CALL US FIRST lWe are Skilled in our or Telephone 125mm rlorr nvnNmos cm aheadaw CLITIDDOIIM cum lam zoom mam PLANNING 0N BUHIDING NEW HOME Contact Peter Light BEAVER LUMBER 129 Bradiord St 7285 out and roundtion tor solute bl lnnVld Iron property room or name good run further In forrntuun trlopbooe HM ported before Inaln order nrnl my bl reclined or the lot LODGE with Isle mo Int all lowlnr nubilntlnrt Till Hm rlver 1nd more ram not lqul lll ratminer Is responslalrjorro nuon Good ruler Good hl am or only pol Incorrectly printed loun nrrd homo hunungnr room contra tion of toy navlnhurtnnl and then to Miles Imm lamentloge Bun on to the utlrlt of portion at to It mm or best otter Privile tn Involvu the mbprlntrrpn Bax Brlorbrtflxe or VIIIIOM TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS mm PHONE 7182414 PROPERTY WANTED Auras nnd urumr on nnvfl nun wold ourt will IGI or II IGPAWW $Ini Whdht numtnrr onions on coulcno All about lnlntlonrfltdsfl Impted convsnllncl to ndrlrtlpeu nurture Ihl CIISJI Advrum mourndent mm lll ldv klfldi eh their navenhegsnt lrnntldllhtcb Alter nm lpurtlon in order that any error or omission mu bent cl Illa mun OUIsKIRIs OF BARRIR Wanted To Buy Two or three bedroom house with approx imately one dare of land Wanted To Rent lltlvoll bedroom house or apartnoeht unfurn Is MAIL ALL DETAILS fro BOX No D58 BARRIE EXAMINE BUILDING Lor zoo Acnu or man tuIn or um ln the cltv ot atrrle lnnd Inted wit aInnW llh 20 mil ed Anywher lust have Ill Carson ltd 11W Eventnu Izosld MORTGAGES no You own lottme Indy Iggyfggg orlltlhsraa our murmur llnvnln Mortgage Loanstnywhere hm ON lusumcs can or VALUfrlIONS If You Need Money on runsnlldnt dlbtl on lxlillnl momget or mnrtltllea coming due Home unnmement Any wortbwbtle cause Write or Phone 7260981 Mortgage Funding Simpsorif Sears DUNLOP Member Ohmic Mmlllfll nroxdrr Amclauan Do mmgind orgetto tr BISURANSIE and it yglu mummy coverage any on STEVENSONS USDUNIDP 51 HARRIS Mm WANT ADS WORK WONDERS Service and will give you Prompl Attention CLASSIFIED SERVICE REPAIR GUIDE SEPTIC TANKS lRONING SEPTIC TAN KS PUMPED Modern radiocontrolled truclta TILE BEDS INSTALLED AND PAIRED ROBERTSON IANGUS Ito5595 was Mahlerl Paving Itdl ah Expert 0o ofliorrio Free 21eran Work guaranteed ASPHALT pIIIvnwan menus LOTS BARNYARDS Free estimates in the following areas Barrie Bradford Allis ttin Collingwood and Newmrlr ket Alao treoIestirnates on ce merit work GARAGE FIDORS PATIOS Telephone collect TSLIBDNW PAVING C0 Painswick SIGNs USIGNS OF ALL TYPES PETE BENNEII 7208072 7283536 Truck uttering nutter ortttrtntn Experience Imam IRWIN $2 per bulret walhtu dironln so 12 llPi Id 521101 394658 my pressure pours PUMPS Washing Machines Small Engines mourn ml stun do know out ctrom rannu For All Mike Bllfl Bolrtin out on caper mm noss PUMP SEIIVICE Phone Coolrstowo 1500 ALUMINUM SERVICE ALUMINUM Seltstoring doors and windows siding store froan COMPLETE INSTALLATION Direct facttry prices WAIIS no2 amoun snINoLINs ammo rm Rooting 21v troughlnrt ord mm stroud urn main 436ml INSULATION ammo molt tnmlltton he utlmtza Gunmund wort Tdnphono Sent Mllr 7201M BICYCLES naphtha ID ALL makes Putt no cessoriu New and used Bicycles for me lllrrio site Shop 53 Owen 7mtll SEAMLESS ELOORING SEAMLESS FLOORING tieavy duty plastic pltld prooI never nceds wax only typeoi floor uoaftecledby acids alkaiis AL ROBERTSI Itsom URIVING sCHoop Mrkgoplzdï¬auong heel and II OW rpenlng HAHN scmsnmwn GAEDENEQ PAlMlNGdr DECORATING INTERIOR mmon Also at ulnttn AN 114 Rose street manan AND axe use RENEW mm your or lhterlor anointriot AnYW Ltd Until1b Unit3r NilIAIN mm