Barrie Examiner, 8 Oct 1968, p. 12

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mu mun tut rommnhhunhf Skin Test Positive But Xllay Negative By JOSEPH HOMER HID warmersm are Coltraner e1 JAY Bethe iii 5s iifii Egg gs it test positive dim xroq in title it was written on his nut to not any more hibemi skin tests QAKQMIBI Mdhehavelhwithlpod rsxroo tate skin we nay shouldnt mum he have any more Ii Mm mi PW Pm Pus Pu Dole if radian the test or must ex posure unlu the only sale pre caution is to have regular die xmys in mm little normun 73 skin test some to he one at the most rrdsundristood tests in the bask positive skin test means that the person has been ex Opening leadseven ot hearts This remarkable hand cornea trom rubber brlue game arty new North dialid have posed one 101 the dinner His heart Dear Dr Mentor The skin on my arms and back is blemished nib small brown moles Can posed to the tubemiltxls Bonn and protuetive antibodies against the germ have lormed too main of them be harmful is true that they can be re moved by putting iodine on dunnod hut unwilling to upon us minty for the birds it might have ttniitnl tohe good txtieti inaneu 1y acknowledge his weakness by passing be responded one heart iii in hluod it does not neces san mean that he has tuber culosis only that the exposure has oeeurrm i134 also been shown that persois with negative Inheren lin tests may boeome post alter receiving It blood translu sien from donor who has positivi reaction This is not our moraine it means that the re cipient nas acquired antibodies im the lrunsiltsed blood It does ntt ill eate infection new skin test means that perser has not been ex posed to the germand it he hasnt been exposed to the germ in cannot have tuhemilosis Thus when the skin test is negali there is no need for chest may or tar as tubeleulos is is eoncemed But with p037 tlvu tuberculin test there may or may no be active luhcnculus is so it is necesary tituse some other means to deade the chest xrny Once persons skin lest has become positive it wfil remain positive tnerenller so nothing iur1hcr is to he learned irorri any more skin tests tEyen ii person does have active tuber culosis the skiiilcst is no index of its seventy COPlED ltllIMMlES Anyway when skin test The engineer oi Liverpool positive thereafter it iswise tor Cathedral impressed with the the person to lave chestxray preservative qualities of bitu pcrindieally say oath year min on mummies used lhe ludrlnnlatly it also is pmhle chemical to stop corrosion of for repeated tuberculin teststo girders TELEVISION PROGBAMS BUFFALO BARBIE BUFFALO BUFFALO 10RONTO 111 HAMILTON them can be Unaware at the submi to under other amines lfimed mouse South Jumped to three bothis laiiuretorosuia partner The numberol moles isnt the notrump Soinhcertalnlylloqkod from three nolnnnp doubled important ulna The prlmspal the ohmic notmmp minim at major purport liskulnmnleislitatitmaybe blhashevgarusingnmethod amt mum mummy irritated by wlndi tins sequence owned North should have reamed mm dinvrng or the dialing oi lone solid diamond suit his that South was expuning Inoo belt shoulder strap bro or bid was not unreasonable mal valut from him whidr walnut lioin his viewpoint three nolt 1lo verzmwell knwhheletiidnt trump wrsvcry to come ave He uld have nu out mail bleeds or etisz in am while flag and Md mm dia number home opposite most hands filjfiffi again pmmwf North could have lor nheiirt re moods smco COUNTY um iodine wont remove meta but your docer can do it stiller hy canton or otfice surgery Or it amole is in such location ES to make alscar nbyeutitmaétlc taste no or hog no Mr and Mrs Bridges Tor onto were recent visitors at Canons Mr and Mrs Murray Carson and tumin visited relatives at Sandloid Sunday Mrs Lawson Sudhury was recentvlsitorwith her daugh ter and son in lnw Mr and Mrs Chester Richardson rind tamin Mrs ltleConnell and son ot Hamiltonvisited the lormers niece Mrs Curson recent lttr anti Mrs Carson Mr and Mrs Carson and doom ters Barrie visited at Itlmira last Sunday week Bernard Loilus and Geneltlnr on have gone up north on hunting trip Mrs Darmos willowdale spent iewoays with her nar cntsldr and Mrs Carson Mr and Mrs Wilson of Fort Eriewele also wpekend visitors there smoun By MRS CAMPBELL HI GROUPS Memhers of the three Stmud 4H Homemaking Clubs met in first meeting Sept 28 when Mrs Ethel Mulholland spoke on care eiiiands tent and skin explaining that law minutes day add up to good grooming and pay dividends through the years Mr and Mrs Percy lgoults of South Bend indianaholidoyerl last week with Mrs Samuel mo Broiey and Mrs Fred Wright 7Johnny Canon While here they were guests at Hoev Bishop 7lllavlu tCry For npvy 3111 tNsws Weather JCheckmnte Shorts sorncartr IBewchhed uurt Line WEDNESDAY OCTOBER MORNING AND AFTERNOON silo lozoo vaindow on The zSnao Judgment voiln lEd Allen rim Hummfll Semester 7Lucllle Ball Get Gnlnr sCartaorr Playhouse lllloinent or Truth Window on The yorlo DONALD DUCK TOOK LON ENOUGH GET in ME we hive To sir nits manna AWAY BEFORETHE FIRE osPAierIIENT me usr 5m wane norm oratory tho SturgeowMason weddingron Saturday ltlls Looks is sis tor of Mrs Bralcy HUNTING Elwood and hay Webb and their party returned irom an nual moose hunting on Nesday with three moose They re port Ute weather overly warm as they had no make trip home with the first two bagged so meat would not spoil One oi the animals hada magnificent melt being the largest any in the party had ever seen PLOWING liio annual South Simeoe Plow ing Match was held on the farm oi Lloyd Rimming Oct The weathemiali started with bean tjtul full day warm and sunny but played nranlts in midalter noon when rain squalis scatter ed anumhoi ol spectators and some contestants However most contestants finished their lands and an gathered at Stroud Hall at 630 tor turkey banquet served by Stroud Womens 1n stituteAoeordion music by Wen dy MeQuzirrie and an interesting talk on Plowing Past Present and Future by South slmcoes Queen of the Furlow Christine Sturgess was part at the pro gram Jacki Campbell introduc ed the hnadvtable guestséA lull aecouut of winners and awards appeared on Page of llhurs days Examiner LAST ISSUE It was with feeling at fam ily loss that the many suhcrih cls to the Family Herald read the lust copy received this past week Many homes in the district have been subscribers for three generations and always receivr ed information on some phase of the arm or household that gave help or new tritloolr SECRET AGENT X+9 Note to Mrs YM polyps in the colon are some thing to worry about because of un relative trequeilty with which may ultimately tend to become malignant The sale thing thereinreis to have them removed when lound tllhet have no relationship hemor limiis LAST WEEK ATTNE DOCTORS OFFICE PRINTED PARros Mv mspieARE THE DOC FILLED 2ANIrtt Ht Nu INTHE OF EN RSEHADTOTAKEITRJA PHAkMMIBT DECIPPIERTHE WMOLE THING GRANDMA mason ocronnn nvnnine ilAPierro Berton lEuunitn Durrenr sno oriivllls Diller zNews llUnaer Attack 1News sNewr Weather Sports 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Hnsrtm BDmnv Thom 1iimin House DMovie iigsnd Allen rnnr tlasmun ro Pi li hgfkk Th llllovte tunlv Woman nrid Series News 1Emnlnymcnt rtls tD 2Cntlclntralion llPriendiy Giant 41 EnvuLv Hillbillies Csvrt 9Unele Enhhv lt Letr Tour About It Today tnnctarr House Call m5 4Ncws 125 anuluvment Flt mo knew 7nocuetsnlo 755 ITRUBLODD ISTKVINGTO cum Mlss LILLY ourornlis MINE CHICO MUST warn Hie IMMEoIATELv llrLChez Helene 1100 szlrrrrunaltty Dump will hope Alice never ds out What you think of the groom euro 7Cflplari Kamaruo fililIWElsliv or The 11May we oNews lyetrier sire ns 355 7nlillnz For Dollar itllo ZDivnrce Court Honlact 7Vieatlun Theater Dinner Room 212 Cards ZPu Cards tstr lies Spare Mssex Philtn Hawktye sss Livery BUZZ SAWYER llzln 2Hollywnnd Sonata 7nlnk Van Dyke sBtr Spender liBelore Noon ilzss Weenerr only CRUSSWORD tProtl mat The World Turnr 740 Hlppnnlnl 155 7Chlldren$ Doctor aw ord SH es gasps 1Love Is lir 4Newr Splendnred 12Dinmounted 1Luve Iii Llie 7Newlvwd Game 131ortugueso 7Eewltehed 225 will 9Womenls Wnrld urvrws Wuther gt1 mm at Home Spar Sig WEDNESDAY ocronnlt EVENan Elliott SMirlam Breitnlan 44 gt Trudeau 715 might AndITh City lorone llvlllnlllonu mo 17 god 555 Mood Guvr 180bservts ZPeytnn Flinn mum vturlc Hall zoWhlt srusllc lave 21IBoyIiname ABwerley Hillbillies 22 Function 7Movle inn strrnreiovei zagmfl 930 solvmrlr special troilum Tllk Eamon 100 gt mat Lonnie Zlfliuern Hlganlthon Vlnkn tantalum Acnoss LUnehanged Emil Parcein land llNew Sports lzon vaurrny llNews weather nnm mmrmWhImItnwrm uremia SENTDF soon Iumoos manor PERRJME autism 213uttica amoralrotten 33 momtie euuair Light Datlnl Girlie mama Isomemult 3EUpnltllhad 11Almanac mo auto 75ucxet storm 4Ne Wanther IGeneral Hospital 1590 BPeonle Conflict llNewr Weather snort 2Yun Dont Say iBewurnrd 7Conirnnnder Tom 41 l3 941 5210 ZNews 4v Him vNewr Sunni MUGGS to SKEETE antler Sex 7House Party Love Lucy llSuper Heme THEcaowos ALI comma ovm DAD KNOW ANY GAMES llllnnevmuuner Es HlDlNG TH PEFRESHMENTS ALREADY HpADIfiIAiIs KID STUFI Lilazel 3Pcltienlt Junction Jll or Home of Your Own queue iGllllrrllis lrlrno TNews Wulht lung on Snort om DFllnlstongg lv Andmet ilLllttleot no llllucir ind Yuri smu Inventurex oi rluck in 4an hlnson iGeorre of This nnrrlr 1H um Il iduroinlyuttm Il1 noerdur 361Brlt er Sports 457 MW lNEWS Wrathen So 27Johrl Hazy uIiiiarmm lMovie Irnewar lover err EmailYul to on Hflrl leary zMovtc In Old California 4D tart yruotlluulnLflw rennin soldier ALBle ottoman ETTA Kerr fllflllflfl fillfllfi eMovle mi llrly Ameneln

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