Barrie Examiner, 8 Oct 1968, p. 11

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En GreatiShapeV 11mm CITY 40 Dr Psumdimaonmtoe medical nutter overseeing the bcalholthecanadiauohlni team looked ovu Ids duties Monday and pronounced than lngreatshapouihdzcodlw caption Only heavywelm mic Harry Gents lroln Dr Audis home town alumina the re Ithalwatrrontheriylknee coalition which Is stoww dearingtll Cydi Yves hudry Barmald QueV is nursng bruised and strained shouldunit1ercdwhenbnflke stiwcdouthomundtrhlmduo ing ralnsweep meme race None at the 144 Illicit and officials thatmakeuptheCa nadian sound has been in volvedin the civil disorders that have swam mm blexko my GET PHONE CALLS We know nothing aboutll until we darted getting Icic ne calls irotn home Dr and said We know norm of Lhc kids worttng In the Ohmic village are students and are involved in the movaneot but there has itbeen on sign at uorea out hm Says something Done About NHL Investigation OTTAWA CPI Prime Min star Trudeau said Monday something has been done about his June 25 elediion canpalm promlse ho establish study group to investigate National Hockey League control over young players It JobnDiotcobattef the former Comervatiin iodine minister Humbled the Liberal leaders Conninns comment alter re rrunding him at bk election utilise the prime rnlniser said Health Minister ltiunro will deal more fully with the on lion later The health noose was ab 32$ from Monday quefiion pc rheolmk ii digs ii um PUNGIIING aim Jhn Day at Kinztfity Ont ada in lunpiiu at the Pan American Games in Winnipeg Ill 1967 worked otltttn thellfll wading building We havent got thissost ct thing where we train be said But we have got stables riding rings country club mining pool gymnasium with weights bar bells and health club At Dacartc boxing manager tmm Montreal am his drama minimmxwrinm weight about halt pmmd over thdrdlmit Baud any the who mined in France with oamnen who have been here the longest are adopting Fastest to the 74th altitude lien In develapmen are the track athi lctea who rained In Hawaii ML and the swimmers who worked out at Enntt Alta Some Canadian athletes have name acts binding prdflam however Track slim indeed in Canada are showing up In sires malletr than expected FIGHT RESULTS Tokyo Elildo Salabarin 112 Philinolnesa outppinted Speedy Hayase 112 Japan to Tlmpa Fladeveland Wit hams 217 Houston mad Moan Home 195 St Peters Scilmonloellies Tie NLA Finals NEW WESIlIIle 01 New WestrningerSnbmnbel has evened their beddscven National Lacrosse Association final at 11 Monday night by de feating Detroit Olympics 1642 before 1500 fans New Wcsuninstar scored gaeven goals to the finatvpeiood on put the game out of reach lbird game ot the series will be played here Thursday Abe teams timed the iirat period tied 55 but the Salmon beihoeledSHattcitheacoond me Shuttioivoztlh led the Sadmonbeitieo with tour goah out two assists Lnrry Henry had three main Weynek loss Ed Gas and playercoach Sanka had two apiece Single goals were added by veteran Paul Parnell who also had tour assists Al Lewtii yraiie and Dave Tory LGranlly light We Contest GRANBY Que UP The Inst Grampianship fight held bare ended in ampcomes de nison Monday nigh as dieweigbts loey Durelle and late Ptvin pundtéd their my out of libeltog in the 19th round both tighter were trading esnesr the ropes in the uteri iZmunder when they fallout of tanning badly hiltredbisbadrandiiiethrce We and the retereedcddcd to end the match Durelle uho one out at Scrot shot in miles northeaa at Montreal was the favorite in me match tan judges had the Vifi18itfiéd at the Diralle said he was willing to have return mam Granby is 50 miles east or Montreal anon wins Black Belt Competition ORONN CPI Ted Mar on 21 ot TorontoWon the lack belt competition Monday fntght in the Canadian karate hanrplonships by defeating po ocfman George Syl of Viflaneuve of Ottawa he blue belt title outpouri Ingsam Molcdzlri at Toronto flMuIeddiI was knocked iuicon scloustwice by chopsto the neck lathe semitun but was allowed to continueatter being exarnlbcclby donor Domanicstettlo 11 ot ronto woo tbeZnovIoe divison defeating Dean Morrison To ronto There were 150 tram Manitoballntario and the United States petitori Quebec juniorage players Township in mile Bill Squires at Detroit also scored IMF goals Inm Cont milled pair and single goals ware scored by Glen Lotten Elinor Tran Gary Hind Gaylord Rowing Ross Jonu and Bruce Wanlcs Betti learns took 13 shots on goal in the float period but New Westminster goalie has Norman outplayed Detroits May Mar shall New Westaninser played hunts titrea regulars all in jured in the series opener and saw three more players hobbled duringtha contest New Westminster coed Clot Salim Bid his team played bet ter hacauseatthc iniury aitusi tion Salmonbelhaa had only eight seniorage players tor the but eltediveiyused six The Sahnunbetiias played vdtinnut goatieDon Wallis de tencenianlatin Simon and for wardgMacIylu all sidelined with itu Delenoemnn Ken With mstriand tomirod from tallied inlaorflrnce lnturtes and detenceman DaveMattieson le caivad lump near his eye when struck by the bail TORONTO 7P hunting baa mbde through in one southe Ontario and the prov inclat binet will soonconsider application trorn two counties tor huntiugon Sunda depot ment at lands and forests oili cialsaid Monday The countiae wire not named the wtidtite section said the cahInethas already approved Sundsy hunting In Haldimand west of Believille Sunday hunting already legal in Northern Ontario Showotoltile VFAINSWICK BLACKSMITHAND hag at tnelboxtog Tensions JENNY lion rixn entered in the womans pentathlon oi the XIX Olym also in Mexico buy him for adandinz aita ahifil with be long ptgail tiaiitng beflnd her She Used Monday morning at 0t Good moms EdiWk ers Moose are abundant but highwater levels will permit them to reach water without ex yrrxoic Village An warm to Peaceful Olympic Opening MEXICO CFIY CPDOne norm seemed to abate iordio irioment giving organizeraa teetingolreasaurancetho Otvmotc Gameswilt have peaceful opening Sotmday But number namcd Rdmm installed to disrupt yachting events at Acaptlimf the fringes oi the Irmtcal storm unleaéied torrential rain and heavy winds that iorced cancellaan ct all sailing adivltrlm Mondays lbe mom that eased and the one organizers iearthe mod was the one posed by disident sudenta whose battles against the government havelod6o bloody civil disorder Rebel student leaders met so lnfly at IIJE Nflfiomi Univer sity Monday and annotmcd they will Mslugc anymore mass public demonstratiors at lead for the time being CONTINUING FIGHT But the litmus said they will cominue their tight against gov ernment policies in onicr ways 111 is no declaration or pomefihsuid Roberto Raiders one of die leaders of the Corn unused 219 the rebel student governing body Esiaidem told reporters that tears or Imel punitive mens uresby the Mexican Army to put down renewed student rich ing led to the rebel students vision madam said the conuniuae vetoed any more pidriic demon strattons lmoauseif we do the annyvdlicrusnusandkiltus with thar tanks Withoutilhe detmnstrations there should be no more dis turbanccs endangering the Olympics he said Instead the will mm liverhan brigades to spread leaflets in the situate ot obe Mexican capitaiand other major cities to keep the people Manned at the arisen one gle lJsmdoro said Ihe so called tigbtning brigades also will meet secretly Hndlbleakilip Vbetore notice can tckcoaion satEns roman Studeot disorders havefheen going on lorzlh months but the word rioting brokcfmii Inst pain ap5omeropmts plaood the death toll near 50 but the government said 39 were killed Vedneday rite midgnts claimed 20 were killed None of the Canadian Glynmic team was caught up in the riot ing but that didnt keep the folks back home loom worrying saidDr Paul iiauch at London Ont tlicteams medical oilicer We knewmothing about it until 1we started getting tele phone calls tiltm bowel Dr Inuit sooii BE Possum TQSitlttIHEIIPLtlINIULY MOMTEE ntii resort user aey molly 1s tryingout plastic substitute to snow thatrcould let you ski in our bikinlinitil Frdmndrstance un at the Great Gorge Skl Aron looks bittiira somebody dropped couple ot million coaster wagon wheels on closer looti shows 1th wbcelsaieactualiy deb dougbnutshaped plastic discs eacb withdmna of resilient plastlciiosers proi cling up ward You skim those discs and themamiiacturer claims that except tor the ground being brightiyfcolored instead of white the tsnt much ditier ence from real snow nthediscs otter thesania Walden supervisor or slippery and swift grip tor the cutting edgeot the ski preventing sideways sliding according to Plasti vorld inc the US licensee for Snomat And the firm said because the discs are moiildedtrorn tortiflex polyethylenea member of the some critical family as waxthe The discs can be quickly linked together to turn con tinuous mat which takes the shapeand con ur oi the ter rain on will it is placed Some7000 square feetoi dscs archer Gorge at cost at about$150 square 100Llha manulactur er said the mats have been 1d sled anddeveloped on several slopes inEurope three years MOST PEOPLE lISiEN T0 rebel students used at Great toru as Hauch no rim has been no sign at unmt in the Olympic Village Midi is several miles team the site of the demonsra tions in downtowu Mexico Sty Exciurt to mode at nth ides or Hand said the 14+ strong Canadian squad is in gent shape The cyclists who trained In France and the now man who havejbcen here the longed are adapting the fasted lo the 740Mootaltlhale Then come the truck and lleld team and the swims But theyre all corrung along well Dr Hand said In al most every case their blood couatlsimandthntlsgoodit allows the team is responding well In the attitude norms roo mum What worries the medical o£fi protocol is tr get the kidsto watch their diet he said Canadas team tithe largest In Olympic competition since beiore the saéondWorld War part otutiot figures to be the biggest gathering in Olympic historysome 7000 athletes mm 119 mm ibere are sports categories In the may harms that end Sunday Dd 27 The oonGameshava been dubbed by some observers the Problem Olympics gt But Avery Brundage prest dent of the international Olym pic Committee told title 100 congresset itsopening session Monday there have been many Olympics in the past where there wereangunients over ven ues But the problems were overcome and theflcountries themselves had benefitted train the Games ffMexico is well equipped bethe ca al at world sport Brundngesaid GAMES T00 LARGE He defended the Olympic movement but admitted the Gamcshave become too targe and expensive and sunbeam have become aim mnmletdy cohunerdalized is alleged that the Games SERVICE Lure outdated deteatod by oo his and ave organization that mustbe reor ganized hat the are conflicts oasis In an overchanged ind ov ubcatod wt it should never become torurn tor demonstrations We must never allow the Olyrrpiu to housed on tool weapon lire 81yearold llru He hasnt raid whether he will run tora filth touoyaar term as 100 pruident The vote probalt bly is to take place ihinaday Mexican Pmident Gustavo Diaz Oidaz in his mead wel coming the W100 said that the spirit the Ohm will prevail hereand that the government would ensure that this slitit notbetrayed We mil Iulfil our duty sponrs clings EAGLES TRADE BILL ENLADELPHIA Philadelphia Eagles traded quarterback King Hill 32 In Minnesota Vikings Monday for an undisclosed National Foot ball league drait choice The Viifiogs were sorely in need of quarterback after Gary Cuom broke shoulder Sunday and Joe Kapp another Viking quar terback was badlyshakcn up In game against Detroit Lions 1NniA ADVANCES MliNlCll West Germany AP Indias Rannairathan Kidshnan scorcda 62 75 63 victory over West Germanys lngo BY mg sunday to clinch 32 vialory for the lodian team in the Davis Cup internone ten nis MIME The tudians now wiitvmect thellnited Stats in the lnternonc final in San Juan Puerto in Nov 911 our the night challenge Australia holder at the international ten nistlvotu tiring Dmearber CHECK THIS PLUMBING HEATING elitism 19b Baytield promo no ONE MASON murmurs poisonousr PATIOS SIDEWALKS DRWEWAYS ornr Plumbing Hauling gt themselves on shore the department said in new release Friday he best nieces probably will be en loyed by flyla buntcrs Most districts In the cairn deer range predict increased bills this year it the weather in eahxly November Ix reason FAIR DEER TAKE Deer hunting will be only lair however in the Sudhury North Bay and Pembroke districts in the western region deer herds have recovered from heavy losses xuliercd during deep snow In the winter ot 1966 66 and hunting should balm proved in Xenon Sioux Loch out and Port Arthur dim the astonishing number black bear In III areas of the proving made 196 the at the bear the department nyL lJrlyantrnnn hunting should be excellent in northern distrirta and the spring bunt Ihwid be the best In yang GROUE PIENIIIFUL awed hunter Mil have excellent mecca in Sault Ste Marie matron Kapushan sing Cochrane Swastika North Bay and Pembroke districts and results should be good in the nonhern part at Parry Sound distxid Many chicks died in heavy June and July mns so that hunting will be only lair in Keuora Sioux LookV out Geraldtcu and Port Arthur The hunting in agricultural southern Ontario wfll be led Will than usual because at out cold weather that affected this years hatch Success with pleasant will be squat to last years in all ranges except the extreme southimt where it should be much Iinlt proved Other some listed by the do partrnent as in good simply in cludes goose and snipe inlhe James Bay area black squir rels and raccoons ran rm Exhibition runsnav ocmacn not Kings ngganle Looks Bestlls OpeningGame Looms There Is hgenulue air at up tirnism aslbe Kings wind up their prcseasoutralning or their barons Clippers StarIIIIiL Season $3101 AP Cleve land in and Baltimore 0119 pars last In theirrespedrve di visions year ago Inaugurate new American lindqu League season today uudcrnew leader Ibc Barons in the ern Division also under new owner ship havent appointed coach but they have been directed by HolderHy former Montreal Canadlens telememan and onetime coats of the Quebec Aces In tile AllL Deteoceman Aldo Guldolin will be ptaycrcoadt of the End ern DIvisou Clippers in his sec and tenure as Baltimore coach WINS DECISION NEW GLASGOWlCPl Ca nadiao junior lightweight chartp non Les of New wager tordgtNl pounded out minor mom tzrmod decision over lamence Haley ol Stetiarton here Saiuday The bout wa billed by promoters as Canadian lightweight diamon ship match but was not sanc tioned by the Canadianlroicsv sioml Boxing Federation Gilli weighed 133 pounds and Haley 133 opening of the 761nm NHL aellt son Saturday night Oct 12 in would say we In delta lter stronger said con Rod Kelly lip trout havsihree good lines to math loosen had only two last year when the seasonlopened The top line atjhis moment revolves around centro Skip Kxalre acquired in an otteeason deal with the Bostonjruinr WhowIII help the Kings launch Marne adiuiuie at them glewond Forum nutminim Oct 17 Krakn has been working with lettwing Bob Wall moved up from 12 ddeoce Ind 1191 wingltowic Hughes the unsung hem last your the Kings missed the West mmm aim ptonshiprby single point ram my line mango coining an old television phrase The line of Wall Krakc and Hughes which sounds like law yers office has been named the Diggers by team owner Jack Kent Coolie Oiose behind this line accord ing to Kelly is the lord Laba aiere threesome thats baboo slere atcentre between lctt wing Ted Irvine and right wing how elt MacDonald The third line right now Is last years best centre Eddie loyal and Bill Cowboy Fiett Kelly hasnt been able to ind capable left winger with 11K combinati it looks as though Dale Rolfe be shifted back to defence leaving ulis lett wing spot to Doug Robinson In the season gets underway Put your best whisky forward SCHENLEY SHANTYaAY CANADIANWHISKV wsavsrueniaiirrumasnamflm

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