annnmwnohm DETROIT MP Bill Freo nn the Detroit Tiger atelier illio has gone hittesein this World Seder sat in the du¢otit and watched Al Kallne go to the plate base were loaded in the seventh inning of Mondays non Kline the Tigers were trailing and Katine was getting set to face St louis Cardinal reliev er Joe Hoeroer Armin watched Kaline bis thouslils went back to Sun day and continent he heard from Hoerner during the long rain delay iloemer said the one guy lisd rather not plteh to in our lineup was Katine the catcher related The rest oi us are free swingers he said and Kallae kn Then Kuiine probably tolled Hoerneri memory too as he rapped tworun single that sparked the Tigers to victo ry and torced the Series back to St Louis Wednesday with the Cardinals edge now reduced to 31 But it wasnt only Kalines AL KALINE at the Detroit Tigers hits single in sev enth inning of ï¬fth game of World Series with the St lion alivLiherealaownaandl phybyireehanonlannmck at the platerWi1le Hortons mmtomnnmdmaM rageour unnebaek pitching rt tcrt by Mickey Mild as well ill single that triggered the winning threenae rally Tiger manager Mayo Smith now must worry about his sixthgame pitcher lt eoisldbe Bari ston who no the third game with pulledhamstrlnx muscle in his right lea or Joe Sparma who relieved Denny Mahala in Sundays contest And Smith didnt rule out the possibility of coating one with hidsin the algame winner who lost the llrst and tourth games hldAln pitched only in nings Sunday and said alter Mondays game he would pitch Wednesday it the manager nailed him to Loiich is the probable say enthgame starter it one Ila needed Manager lied Schoendlenst of the Cardinals on the other Cardinals at iiga stadium in Detroit Mooday lha bases were loaded and he drove in two runs to put the ï¬lters Setlea But Inlioh scattered only six hits threat lheway and when ieadofl batter Don Wert rtruek out li Wort had gotlen on Smith said wouldve med pinch hitterliut when he didnt figured Mickey had been pitching well and we had two more shots at them Lollch singled andpaiter Homer relieved starter Nelson sltowed beat it 1iwu between nicer and think he mnllee been hohad slid Brock who his Riven stolen bases and a5zt average in the Series said he didnt slide be cause didnt think had to Ind beciuse ol the way Freehan bad the plate blocked Tscored on the playnrocki insisted The television replay Umpire Doug Harvey niled otherwise and the play gave Freehan an extra lift togo withi theone he got when he threw amok out when he tried to steal vior rappeda single to left ï¬eld 1m Brock stormed toward the plate IIOHISPEOtld Detroit loll fielder willie Horton quickly stopped the ball up and fired strike lqcaldzer Bill Erection Brock didnt toudi the plate umpire Doug Harvey ruled Block said the instant replay on television act in the St Look lardlsat oalvdlltZWt Showed he was in my opinion it was the big gee play of the genre the Car dinals World Series stiperdlitlu said was the turning point ahead to aim pitcher is Tim Mchver APWirer pinto Al Kalirie Waitédi Years For The series DETROIT AP Al Kaline didnt begin lilo with silver spoon He began it with brooms And thats probably why Ka line the son of Baltimore broom mailer is luliy appre eiating his first World Series and the key role he is playing for Detroit Tigers Things mean more to you as man when you have to wait Kaline said in the Tiger dress ing room Monday after stroking the hit that made hlrn the hero of victory over St Louis Cardinals You never appreciate any thing as much when its given to you as you do when you have Ilnd Kaline knows What it is to wait For its been 16 years since he started playing for the Tigers and its taken them 23 to reach the World Series The Series has been every tilinEI thought it would he he said never thought Id be so nervous belore the ï¬rst game but was Theres just nothing to compare with the World Se ries lint thats probably why Kn line is hitting 361 today tollow log Motorfour performance in which he strokedavtworun single with the bases loaded that scored the tying and zon head runsand kept Detroit in in anon crank vomwa tCPl Rideau QarletonuRaceway Monday slapped lite suspension from thettraekon two men and barred three others to oneyear tortns AAyreport following the inves tquo Racing Comrru on and ilracir ofticials also recom mended tlie suspensionsgbe hon ored atrall Canadianand United States tracks Tile investigaton started Fri day after ayrou me check of the uncovered foreign in samples oi horse ne Thelmateriai is iorbidden harnessracin Itwith the lifetime suspen slons wereGermaln Lemay of Montreal operator of Lemay we 51 Racing Equipment Ltd and John Pauline groom from nearbyAylmor9ue Given oneyear suspensions were Glorian Main driver irom Waterno Quit John Brnnl allull Qua owner and Cloud Sylvestre Hull trainer man oosnizvrzo Track manager la ren Melheesald in an interview that thousual practice at taking sallva and urinelests alter each race was carried out all season at his track and that no positive test had resulted Nor was there any evidence at rrigged races at the track which hogan ta trotting programs in Au ust an plans to continue at least ecembcr iMcPhta said roullne check at the stable area uncov ered needles syringesand materials that couldhe ioleoted statement rele by the investigators sa There were tive tests butevldence wasloiind of to eign material in samples ol urine of medication not admis sible in harness racing There were no drugslound of any illegal natur However in one vitanuns blood builde etc given to horses for thepurpose otlreepinglhem in peak condlllon were found along with syrin eshypodrirra ins needles andinlectibie MUST nurr nOUan bemay wha operal it his business froma trailer at tha park was ordered to leave the grounds within 24 hours The in vestigators recommended he he denied licence and all privi leges from all race tracks in Canada as tradesmen l7 lln was given his suspen rmndu at nature in jartour and not 111 best inter estsol harness racln gt gt Male charged with possession oi hypodermic needle and pos session oi lniecllbles gota onei year suspension with the recom mendation it be in force in both Canada and the us Brault said the investigators also Sillillid be barred from all Canadian and us tracks along with any horsesha owns Sylvestre charged with the some oliences as Malo also should be denied track privi the Series after they trailed three games to one PROVIDES INCENTIVE alvmys thought was better player under circ stancu like World Series Katine said The big crowd all the noise it gives you that extra incentive Kallne of course got the only real incentive be needed on the last day of the season when no other long wait ended For in season when the gers were rimning in hem of the laid and headed for the American League pennant Kaline seemed headed for seat on the bench during the World Series Slowed by broken right tore arm and gr pull be had lost his job in right Field When he began to come ound Mick eyStanley Willi llorton and Jim Northrupblocked his return to the human dont deserve toplay in the Series Katine said as the sea son drew to clo its killing me but know what Mayo Smith is up against What Mayo Smith thopetroit manager was up against was town decision in which he had to measure sentiment against reality When Smith was throughmeasurlng Stanley was atléhortstop and Kaline in right fBut despite the tact Stanley played shortstop the last six games of the regular season amiin didnt tell Kaline he would be starting in the Series until thefinal day knew shouldnt be thin lngabout it Kaline recalled Butl had toolingSome way somehow thought he Smith has to play me 5mm bet Joe Gnllel and his HIGHLY EXP RIENCED pans give you that pmlelrlonll aly IIALIANB good hair cut to roll your perronallt Dre 195a JOEGALLES BARBER snore MENanArlr arlea CLOSEDALL oarwnnnzsnav iiswnyrnvnron logos in both countries saidtha investigators man rune We had the makings of ahlg Inning and instead at one run one man on and out there were two outs and no nms Dmdr hitting 524 in the Sea rim and bids the Melted life time batting average anorld Series playAlto But he wasnt talking abmitphla hitting aile the game lt was the playiittbe to the plate Brodt repeated quietly hilt iimtiy The was no doubt about it it wamtclose lie Harvey didnt call me outbecause it was close He called me out for not toiichlng the plate touched the middle of the plate Freehan even came up be lrlnd me and tagged mavdiila Sweats arguing Brads insist innar rr The television replay showed Lbeat it saw it on the monitor inour dugout Brodr had oome in staiï¬lng up He barged cinto Frerhan andhoth reeled away from the plate didnt slide Brutal ex plained becausel didnt think ltt have to Andltimrgi£ifldidalidel would have been out Every thingindlcaled the play bedosrandwhenlhitthe plate the batihndnt readied Freehan The unrplge called the play limnediatelyinct alter the tag The only time median tagged me was while we were MELNYK names PHILADELPHIAV AP Philadelphia Fiyera ot the Na tionai Hockey League an nounced Monday that centre Gerry Melnyk obtained in trade with St Louis Blues in being etired because oin heatt conditio Melnylr illyearold father ol two troin Edmonton suffered chest pains last month TbeFlyers team hysioian and two art rpec lists said it he sought to playi tinue his tndlvu DETROIT TIGERS Mar may Inï¬ll LEFT and Al Katine smiling in dream morn after bringing the Tigers plate in the non inning that nnmoir moans eatch er Bill Freeban puts the tag on Lou Biockrot the St Louis Cardinals at the piato IonesrGregflson Now On PGA Tour PALM BEACH GARDENS Elia AP Grier Jonas and Malcolm Gregson nailled dmm spots on point yearsPmlension at Gaiters hodahion tour Mon day by shooting underpar rounds ailerhhe ï¬rst 72 holes at the whole toumament players lones towel the rlrmldev ï¬eld with loinMndvliotal of 285 three strains under par on the PGA course llhe Wichita Kan oollegiate mar wss twostrokes lower than sooccn RESULTS ionoon or man we Soulhport Mansï¬eld Northmmihono lhianmere Orient Divisioan Darltnglon Newportvo Peterbolooghtil oaeaiazvneai midsled Brentford Salaam Lincoln Wrexharn Swamea Melrtyk could eddanger mime Louis Cardinals to it in ï¬fth game at World Swim at Tiger main in Detroit yostinday in the filth tanning at ï¬lth game of World Series at lig et stadium in Detroit today Brock was attempting to sure on Julian Jainers sing idiom Connemara morn NEW roux AP nae Lit iernsaammm mar carom at Detroit takers HaveliilStars InEasiemDiv Monro defl OlymptuaodP taken me had an diem munded out the all atar squad Coaches oould not vote for pinyern hum their own tam MCCREADY IN NETS Named to the second alistar tunnwcre goaltender Bob him Grmdy Montreal and for Orandy Mottreai dim men hm OGrndy n1 Peterboo lpiioh started their be drive in seventh with single and Knline singled with basisload ed to drive in two runs later le to loft butltigers Willie Horton tired to thcplatein time TheQardinasls argued the umpire call in Wire photo meter the destitute and ï¬le aged in the United States celelt tie Sisters of the Poor Roman braces ils tooth anniversary this Catholic order tint operates 52 yearr lt Onéoiihe ï¬nest Canadian whiskiés this country has ever tasted aYsItaEYs ninemun Faraone way ollgh and Wayne Menu of Montreal and forwards Cy 001an of Paterboruigli lion MacNeil of Mom and Train at DalEtaI mm Despite ng or season dianwionshhferai the Eastern Division playoffs Del trvlt had only three players on the list of it sliders Rupp Sent To Barons MINNEAPOLIS AP Minnesota North Stars at the National Hockey League lllon dny reassigned two players anti sntdathiidwillhcsentdown Detence Duane it ob tained from Toronto Maple Leafs in the league draft in June will be asngned no Cleve land Barons of the American HockeyLeeguc to mate player transaction with lllont real Canadians Centre Whit lchedinio will return to Phoenix in the West ern League where he played in issue General manogarooadi Wren Blair said both planes remain the property at the North Stars and are subject to recall Blair also said the NM Stars will start die season with three goaltendels huldoverscea sore Maniago and Gary Bau mon nndroolrie Fern lilvard obtained trom Philadelphia Flyels in the June draft fourth Minnesota netminder Ken Broderick will be ned in the minors later this Tiiiilii Trlorin Ellnto from start toï¬nishi Ourcomplete feeding program will keep your hogs TYLANTHRIFTY all the way cktama and 31 tnca any am as much aofahngsdavdo te why ï¬nd mm wee 33mm Letush ï¬nnleedhogntbnt Italy mt flag reï¬nï¬iiflkï¬apr ii endowment also man lotmedium armament smcon niarnicr coor scavrcas It Barrie Ont Ph mm Thesmart uvayito save and revel Reclining coach seats all resented advance at no extremist Ask about other economy Whileond Biuolaresfandsleapin club carnacoommodation for Intoovation will your lieutenant or WPsseehgrr Sale OIica