Barrie Examiner, 8 Oct 1968, p. 1

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mentions Mr mew 1mm Graham Alt lMYurKNam or mm Pen onionsnorm Sixes Geoffrey St John Sain len 11 at James Man roccives the Gilt Cross from Governor General Michener at ceremony honoring group of scouts at Government House Ottawa Monday Geof irey won his medal tor hls gsl lant action and level headed manner in which he pulled his younger brother Kenneth to safety when he fell into the whitcsbell River CF Wire photo Pruo Nightindré an Prededied Death LONDON CF New York real estate nnenntor tinti Iiadrtoday that hewas about to makeiove to teenage night an hostess 11monhlis ago yhen mindeipanding drugs mind him on momma When the mtginduced night mare wasovcr the girl was dead on the bed beside him mm liipman 31 told court Lipman haspleaded not guilty tattle murder at CialldieDel baine anj rlByearoid French when police discribed asa White and drugtakcr lipman told the court that he and Miss Delbarre had both liken drugs including ism be fore lying down on divan But everyan happened The Lib had no control after that TRIP OF TERROR lihiroan agreed with his mun setihat after taking ISDrlS to to times since 1965ho had never experienced the terrors of that particular trip gt strange feeling came over me and swept over my WE sent of had theldea had gone dead in my body glwas shot into space it was like was on an electrical cur kpt or finuitf phnnniaed own to earth up and found goat going down to the onsortium rfound myself in pit full of snakes lihoy weije large and were entwining themselves aroundan itire was conung mouths realized was hell fighting for my tile was strik ing out at them trying topull them nit Asked whetherhc was aware of the Delharre girl before he left her apartment he said When came to saw Claudio lying on the bed shook her and tried to move her did not get anyreaionse and lrealized something had occurred gt The Eitaminer TODAY Ann macroa cuy News2 Classified14le Comics12 DeathsH District9 national4 Sportsl0 neatrH wuslnghrz ereathent nWrrmenati 15CAPSULENESJ Indonesia Baits 26 Newspapers Mat is newspapers and drawninnluding 10 in Jakarta JAKARTA Reuters The mineral indeed is more newspapers today as it on publication the government considers pornographic burration ministry continued track magazines have had their licences noun Britain CoOrdinaies Labor Talks LONDON Reuters Governme igduatrynvide negotiations manzgmientt and union on have agreed to createa nati a1 councilto coordinate ill the automobile fialdplagued by oerlo oteoaiydtrikes and wallrouts this year gcoyft shooldi Ease Pulse Strings mom mon on The governmen could ever ovtha made the mom tight money sttuaticndn =the housedmilding field it Inge market more attractive for investors canndhn Association at Real Estate Boards was told nday the lanaina Govi Unseats Opponents lANAMA it The government maiori in the National Pittsth unsénted our opposition deputies early today andtlien swam in four pregovernnieu cahdidatesin their places ind Missing Students hotly an gn W3 daysoaeh ofn tound Mm floating jnLatk so sauna Que cm crowd estimated at more than H000 waited in vain Monday night tor an appearance ot the Virgin Mary in this town about 12 miles east at Montreal Men women children per sons in wheelchairs and others oncrutnhes awaited in rain and mud or the Virgin whowas to appear sometime hetween 700 and 900 Most of huge crowd dis persed some time after the scheduled vision failed to air pear buthundreds stayed on through the night Hotels and motels in thatoWnwere filled to capacity as persons cametrom points as tar awayas Callior rua NEW YORK AP ministers ma countries or he North Atlantic Treaty Organiza tion met with State Secretary DeanRusk at the United States Monday night andvagzeedvthnt hhestrafeéic military balance Eiuope has changed asn result Heliyer Blames Media Bo gGloOm NIAGAEAFALIS Ont OP Paul Hellyer nnmstnr of transportsaidJVlonduyJ that an titmosphere of pessnusm and anxiety about Canadian has been spread by news media and expert comentators He told flierannual conference of the Canadian Aseoeiatio of Queens University student 0min Steelhehneted measures tightening security Thousands Vchiit Virgin Apparition Marion and Line told news swat Czediosiovaln A5 decimons Were reached FranCeDjenounoes UNITED NATIONS flu Frances dimtisioction with al tortssofarooeodtbeNigertan civil war was made clear by Mo Mnislar Midiol Dobro Monday in VSM to the 125 country General Asserrdoly ills words stifled up hor ncts neg in the African magn hership which has failed to achieve Nrgorian ceasefire through its regional peacekeep ing organization the Organizi donoi Aliicon Unity Nigerian spokesman asked for time at todays assembly sesdon to reply to Dabre Debra called for selfdetermi nation for the Ibo trihesmcn who are lighting annpparenily hopeless battle to take Blafra aidoi the Nigerian tederntton He denounced obstacles that prevented the dettVeiy of aid to starving victims at the civil war and called for halt fto the LONDONDE AP police guard ed strategic and of Londnnder ry today nfterthrée homemade gasoline bombs exploded rna iresh outburst of nationalist vro lence gripping Northern lre landis second largest city war 51 ONeill summoned his cab et in Belfast the capital to consider The bombs were hurled at two police wagons crashing through barricade of oildrimis and timber that blockedfinrmnin an proach to the citywalis Monday night The bombs missed lt was the third successive night 01 clashes between police and nationalists denouncing discriminati against the six girls ranging in agetrom seven to 13claimed last July the Virgin Mary hadappeared toltheman evening when me teorologists said unusualstorm cloud formations were visible over the area The girlsare Danielle Vin cent 11 Louise Grise 12 Line Grise and threesdaughters of leer SaintJean gtVManon ll Lucie 19 and sevenyearoldi France paper men at that time they spoke with the Virgin and she replied tosthein in soft slow voice advising them to praynnd promising to return Monday Oct at the same timedusk The tour other irls said they had heard theVirgin one Sovietied direct outcome at the meeting NAM foreign minis tars hav scheduled meeting in Europe next month to decide what measures totake to meet thedrastia shift in mflitary de ointment by Sovietlmopx gt No the meeting tobe Nov 416It Mondays which was held during and nitor dl in Bushshotel suite 139 Alhhmhgh to te departmm spokesman Cori Barteh said it was an informal dinner and cat natnre ofthed one waslannithaaized bytii often once NATO Genlt erailtanlio rosio occupation ot agreement Nigeria diipincnt weapons prolonging the fighting France is one of handlul at countries that have remained litnfrn Eadr day said Dobro it beoonics more mnniiest that only solution bwed on the in oontcstable personality of the Blahan people and consistent withthe principle of selfdeter mtnation inscribed in our char Itar can settle that painful prob can CALLl FOR JUSTICE Foreign Minister Kat Yltn1oi Ethiopia which heen lender inoAU attorts to bring about Nigerian cease fire said the conflict stroin be resolved according to the wishes of the Nigerian people whoe on the basis of justice and security for all elements thoipnpulatlonfl countrys Roman Catholic mix norlty Nearly 100 persons have beenimured Police armed with dub and shields moved in to disperse scores oi stonemowing teena ersta ting em with least mpolice were létt guarding key points iiimind Lon deuderrys natioinitst dlstrlcts They were advised to braee themselvesvfor more trouble that are nounoedtoday that he will con Grandmas Bound for Australia NEW DELHI Reuters The Grandma Expresssix London grandmothers in two Landrovers headed iorgt Christmas In Australiaar rived berc today after breakdowns in islanbul and fliflelirnnlt is still on sched The grandmothers range in age born 54 to 61 One grandmother said We thoughtall sorts of things might happen to us hot the triphas been very dirty and Theystill have to travel through India Malaysia Singapore and part of Ans traltaflbeiore reaching Dar wintend their nine grand childrenb henwiclr contests NDP Leadership ionouro Ian Jam Rcmviek naLional president of the NewDunnerch Partyan tea the provincial NDP lead sMp at the partys convention in cherNov 1517 hirfillenwick member ot the Ofltalin legislature for ibmnto gtlliveldale since 1565 and the partys deputy provincial leader since 1967 said he had advised the present loader Donald MacDonald his deciSion Mon ulic styearold former NM ration lawyer said in letter to Mr MacDonald hebetieves he Mild lead the party to victory inthe next provincial election main way be condoch to IDNDOIV CPD Prime Min isteritllsor will fly bu Gibraltar today to meet with Rhodesian loader lan Smith Wednesday in their first simnnit in two years Wilson announced his itigiit plan after cabinet meeting to mind he sought and quickly at tained cabinet approval at his new venturt it will be the first meeting be tween Wilson and Smith since their unsuncssful bid for set tlement on the British wnrship Tiger in Dccember 1966 The announcement said the talks are aimed at discovering whether it would be possible to arrive at settlement at the Rhodesian problem acceptable to both sides louimants who rideoscdwoni of the mectingprlor to the atti eial announcement said the eti Plan To Orbit Three Men lit Kennedy CAPE KENNEDY Fla AP Rocket spaceship and all othcr aspects of the flight were reported in excellent shape today as thc Apollo astronauts hogan final preparations for soaringinto omit Friday on first tlireemun space mission by the United States Navy Capt Walter MSehlrra Jr the command pilot air force Mai Donn Eisele and civilian Walter Cunningham planned to spendrnost otthe day in spacecraft simulator Talks Begin Todayliboard Cruiser ln Gibraltar Harbor PREMIER no simju settlement ot the crisis that has tended to corrode the Canon wealthand split its manners along racial lines Wilson will be accompanied by Commonwealth Sumtery Gemtgo lhwnson ind Attorney General Elwyn Jones Smith will be accompaniedby Jlmice Minister Dammit bard ner Burke and ExternalAlfaizs Minister John Remain The talks will tieunissued the British Wiser Fearing in Gibraltar harbor lthegovernoi1 ofllhod asir 11mm Gibbs Mao loyal to Britain whom Gibraltan the talks the anoman 9333 The announcement dame im mediater aftera calinet meet log st in Downing Stiea wtieh lasted nearlyttvohotirs vArmlfIisi Sévered9Abové Pilotfthjies 15Mi1es For Help roni AMHUR or with his right arm slashed otf iota inches from the shoulder Brian Steed flew hisplaneds miles for help Saturday to write another Czechs To Ratify gtCommitmentsi PRAGltErtAPt llie Endl oslovnk immune partys rut ing presidium met today to rati ty comnutments made to the Soviet Union byparty nlnei Al exaoder Dubcek last week as the price for withdrawal of part of magnum hoopla Du was beamingss arrived to cheers and applause inomabout loo men andhomcn lined unmade party headquar tersParhaps mindhilptvwarna lng again personalitytuilt he didnot acceptboiiquetsor sign autograle ashe has done at previois appearances on the situation imm chapter in the saga ot Canadian bush pilots After spending restful night In hospital here pilot for Austin Airways of Toronto was listed in satisfactory condition today The story came to light Mon day alter his flight tram Green Lair milesinorthot hernto base atlake Shehan Bob Gauthier an er for International Nickel Company of Canada andwho has pri vate pilots llcencesaid Mon dayinna telephone interview they were surprised when Mr Steeiis aircraft arrived ntthe base We didntknow he was cool he just came in hesaid When we opened the door we immediately what wa mug about by the Czerilaoslovak crisis and generalgdiscussion fol lowed Mitohell Sharp Canadian ternal aftaiia minister said lliem was general agreement among the ministers ti unsetthe Netdiadantkialso snesscdfthc flamevmeasme oi none mild Mm The Hanan crew of thoUnited it tEatoola Sash Who gotfa re markablcioo centric Mr Steeds ordeal started moments alter he landed his singleengine Beaver aircraft on Green Lake in the ruggedth of northwestern Ontario to deliv erequipment for lneo Reconstruct Death Of Adventurer MOSCOW Reuters Lone American navigator William 75criiting aloneon his éwrmhatterixi yacht Little One out of food and with hissextant gone spent hlslast hours trying to reps hishroken mas Russian newspapersays rose overboard nto the North Allan tic 549 miles west otlreland lie stepped onto the pant Iand slipptild into thostillwhir rng prope er Aloue at the time Mr Steld was knocked into the water by the impact nndrtlie mmbination hock and cold water revived Orficials of Austin Airways who leased the aircraft andytho pilot to International Nickel Co said Mr Steeti managed crawl back into the cabin of the aircraft where he fashioned tourniquet trorn piece of rope lie looped the end around his head and by pulling his head back was able to apply pressure gt to the nigiuet ndvstarnthe with this makeshift tornn1 qnet iMr Steed managed take ott tram Green Lak fly the 15 miles tnLake Shebando Wan and make goodlanding

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