nip MALEHELP an NO for Cumi univrli om Penan If MARKETPIACE mt attbe beautiful home of Mr and Mrs timid Kitch tor their September intcling Mrs Haney melded and ratio lien and vision attended lire Suthcrizod was appointed to attend honor modem night at Ranting Memorial Collegiate Mrs Hodpon and Mrs Elliot put up Ihe displayai Breton Vtair ilill Institute prcscnltd gift to Ronnie Bayncs who re mired provincial honors at the garden project agittalso to Mrs Mch and Bonnie Haynes lorthclr leadership in the Gnrde Club leaders for the prolm Being Well edandWeIl Groomcd are Mrs McArthtir lrs Ho Mrs John and hi Wood illaprngram committee Mrs Green Mrs Phillips and Mrs Watch had theme of Historical Research and Current Evans Mrs llelcb gave talk on Ntl man Rights playlel with itrsltarvey Mrs Sutherland Mrs Grccn Mrs Phillips rnd Mrs Wcich was enlightening and pcriod at discussion took place with oil mwnbcrs taking part itrs Green and Mrs Phil lips showed pictures at most of IL cg Io HELP WANTED7 ACCOUNTANT ORILLIA Ontario AnAssistantPlantAeconotamlarequiradtoratnPelwinnd hIetaI Produds united plant in Orlliin CandHatestbavelndtisbiaimuliuaxpailmand sitpcvkory abilly Graduate ILIA candidates mnctcned but consideration will he give to an unnamed mutant in id to ttii year at RlA program mthcPlantAccomtamandsssistedbyastaffolm Io persoï¬uel the successful applicant will be responsible for the preparation of mstaod ftuaneiel Adana Inllysia and reme ing of cost variances preparation of budgets lavatory control payroll functions and other rciatad plant accounting duties Reply in writing stating lull particular at education eweslance andth personal to PORCELAIN AND METAL 0N PRODUCERS men are choosing Make sure of your feed host this winter Book beef and Dairy Supplements now at firm price through to Dekalb Pulleis March 1989 Take delivery at your convenience Extra discounts for volume and bulk deliveries as announe Started readytoday and ed in CoOp News dayold chicks For service or help on your Vsmcoe DlSIitiCl cooranAmvs ssnvrcis Mm problems PLEASANT PLACE TO DEAL FARMERS ATIENTI EEF AND DAIRY DEKALBPULLETS More and more poultry Mm liradley Mrs William imminent Ihfr and hits Bruce my unity spent Sunday with tricnds In Oshawa IIUM AN moms Hand Head Womens lmtltute PATTERNS roomy FARM no mean man POLLED IIEREFORDS BREEDING smear Guaranteed PRODUCTS LIMITED Colborne Er Andrew Sin Orillia Ontario SALES HELP AAGENTSgt Sales Representatives WE have some openings in BarrieOriilia area tor young eatiius iastic men to join our marketing team in the sales promotion of our quality tobacco products Player du Maurier Pet Jackson Home at lords Cigars Old Port Cigars Old Port Pipe Tobacco 91d Gum Pipe and Wakefield Pipe Marco AFTER short period of initial training the successful candidate will be assigned territory under the aupervisrou of SaleiManagar and will be responsible tarplanning and achieving mamim cou sumerpurdiiising of imperial Tobacco Products in his territory SUOCWUL candidates will likely be blghschool grams and capable of becoming outstanding sales representatives in highly competitive challenging iield at work good starting salary is available and car ls provided PLEASE write letter of application indicating edixatiooagc experience and starting salary expected to ME LARK Imperial Tobacco Sales Limited 810 YORKMILIS RD DON M11418 ONTARIO or owner count INIIHE COUNTY 0FSIMCOE FOR ARREARS 0F TAXES cu IS HEREEY given that Uigcilst of lands ble be sold for arrears oi taxes In the County of Show has been pre pared and was published in an advertisement August 3rd loci in the Ontario Gazette Copies oirthe said list of lands or ad vertisement can be seen in my oiflce Lists will be mailed upon making application for same In deiault of Payment of taxes as shown on said list it or be fore Tuesday Novernlierl 1969 at the hour ottivo oclock tESiin the afternoon shall at that time in the Coun cil Chamber County Admin tration Building Earrie Onta ria procecdt sell by public lands bu my auction the such arrearsLIogether with charges thereon If any of the said lands are not sold on Tues day November 12thiasa an adjourned sale will be held on Tuesday Novodrbcr 26th 1968 at two odock EST JOHN COLEMAN Simme County Treasurer County Administration Building shunts Ontar NOTICE 10 CREDITORIS AND OTHERS All persons having claims 331 st tbe Estatei of FRAN IS lflilllARCHEr late OI the ge of Angus in the Coinity of simcoe Factory Worker who died on the 13th ofNoV ember Air 1967 are required to file proof of same with the undersigned solicitors ior tlie Ekecutrix bytiie 25rd 3day of Ocober AD I968 after Ch dadle the estatowill be distribu te DATED at Barriethis 24th day of September All 1968 TEWART ESTEN MciURK MILLS 5r DICK Drawerrm BARRLE Ontario Solicitors for the Executrix NOTICE TO CREHJIIORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM AMES CAMPBELL BOAKE ALL persons having claims gaiust the Estate of WILLIAM JAMES CAMPBELL EOAKE late or the City of Barrie in the County at Simcoe Real tate Broker deceased who died on or about the 20th dayiof June 1966 are hereby notified to send to HIEUIIdeISlgIIed on or before the stat day of Deto ber 1969 full particulars of their claims Immediately alter that date the Executricos will distributethe Estate having regard only to the claims ot which notice has then been in celved DATED at Bradletd this tour alaflof September 1568 EVANS snvsu II on 190 BRADFORD Ontario Solicitors for the Executrioei tor the supply delivery and besobrmtbed MOBILE GRINDING AND MIXING SERVICE On Your Farm 0r At Our Mill IIIOLASSES BLENDING PREMIXES CONCENTRATES COMPLETE FEEDS BULK GRAINS MOBILE MILLS TO SERVE YOU Since 1959 MOBILE FEEDS SIROUD 4364231 THORN IllENERGY MILLS LTD Naivimnm our 3min FERTILIZER Fall wheat Ray and pastures Fall Piowdown EVERY ANALYSISBAGGED 0R BULK Truck SpreadingService HURONIA rFERTILIZERS LTD Alliston 43mm l2 TENDERS TENDERS requested on the use aiid or demolition of the buildings on what is known as the BECK STEAD PROPERTY Victoria Street East AWN Ontarim Terms and conditions may be obtained from Cum berlandsBox sis Allistoii On tano or telephone Mill ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OFFICE SEACE BMWALE Submissions are invich from owners or authoer agents to lease approximately 3000 square feet of space to accommodate the Department of Agriculture andFood North Siincoe County Office in the Town of Elmvale Additional requirements All services and necessary parti tioning including sufficient parks mg to accommodate as cars to day and evening Written offers on existing or proposed building will form the basis for future negotiations and should be forwarded not later than October 1968 to Mr Gray Acting utter Prop arty Section Real Estate sliriiiiicsh liftinglineal of Public op ond 416 Dial Ai We Please rder to File No Islam ealiliy Pu ljfei rip rDaIIn arid Ireecly to lay The wayto grow strong healthy pellet isihrough nsiufvoiiieeeurroaim WINTER SAND Sealedteudernwill be received by the undersigned nptn 500 prulttesday0ciober is 1968 no pzilemiuhi Public Works yarva rtStreeiB de not later than November gin Get ymrpunets into WP laying common byrzz weal iiisaaiappraximstetysmtm of screened winter sand Specifications may be obtained from the City Clerk 84 Chiller Street Barrie and tenders must in the covet supplied Lowest or any not necessarily accepted SIRIAUGHAN City Clerk WELL iHELP by using SHURrGAIN met Feeds and Feeding Meth ioda that no been Ifarui iested at the shuncamps Farm lathe timelto start toinaireIa winning team out of replacemeutflock DIopiii today so we candle can the suumamruitet Reading Program that will do bbeibestjob foryou sAnnIiiv CUMMINGS newsprint Ir Dist 72 4284 COOKSTOWN mentionmnwusou Diat4 272 BRADFORD FEEDMILLI Dennis Dial 7753411 HOLDEN CEDAR FARMS Shanty naymats BADGER SILO UNLOADEES and FEEDINGEQUIPMENT SALES and SERVIIES WILLARD DODSON Utopia Ont Telephone 4241216 FARMERS ATTENTION SELL TRADE or SWAP Livestock bnthdinId artist es farm equipment or can vtcei at word ad rates l3 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Tuesday October 15 at pm sharp for CECIL its NORVAL DUNSMORE Onemile north oi the hoivn Hill Cloverlea on Highway Al Sale of on head high grade Hol stein cows bred and open heif crs lteg Holstein bull years Grade bull one year approx 30 ot the cows and heifers are fresh or springing close Terms cash No reserves farm sold ARCHER COINILL auctioneer AUCTION SALE Saturday October at 1230 pm sharp for NORM HUNT At Lot Concesslou lnnislil Township two miles north of Cookstown and two miles east of Highway 27 Sale of all household furnitu including antiques farm mach lrierypoultry cedar ralia Ito rods of brand new wire fencing large quantity oi new steel posts etc Terms cash No reserve as the acreage will be sold JERRY COUGHLIN auctioneer WATCH or full list October AUCTION SALE Saturday October 26 at pm sharp or FRED EDWARDS at Lot 19 Concession Medunte miles south of County Road 23 or one mile nortbof County Road 19 Sale of beef cattle pigs larm machinery and same household effects Terms cash No re serves ARCHER COLWILL auctioneer AUCTION SALE Wednesday0ctober at pm sharp or WAYNE JONES EQUIPMENT roar McNICDLL Featining 25 tractors all sizes and makes manure loaders and Wagons Tan dem boat trailer Diesel Diam ond truck and 36 It tandem mailer CMC dump truck Fork lifts Back titles Bulldozer over 100 items This is rev duct II sale of new and used equipment Terrns can be ar ranged on Massey Fergusnii credits on all equipment Trac tors carried Interest free until January 1969 also any equip ment purchased with tractors 25 WW PAYMENI REQUIRED Plan to attend this aale for good values AUCTION SALE Wednesday October Ipm sharp for MRS ELIZABETH McCAIiE at 148 ESSA ROAD DAREIE tALLAND ALE Sale of all good household furn iture including some antiques Terms cash No reserve as the JERRY COUGRIIN auctioneer AUCTIONSALE Saturday October harp torNELSO WALLIS At Lot Concession 3Nortlu Orillla Township lSmile south ofrtheI Uhthoff QuarrySalon full line term marlilner battle stocloers etc Terms cash No served sold Wit OOLWILL auctioneer con lo wnislay 4854 $155846 NECKLINE NEWS Ry ANNE ADAMS To turn on compliments sim ply turn up in this gracchil glide ot dress with tashlonablc hlrisa neckline buttoned on the double Printed Pattern 4351 New hllsscs Sizes it to ta ta I6 Size 11 bust HI takes IYI yards 54inch fabric SIXTYFIVE CENTS Iss cents in coins no stamps please tor each pattern Ontario ml dents add tie sales In Print plainly size NAME ADDRLSS AND srvus NUMBER Send order to ANNE ADAMS cars at The Barrie Examiner on Front St Toronto Out Short on time More quick easysew styles in our NEW FailWinth Pattern Catalog Plus free pattern coupon We Now Instant sawing book Save hours cut fit sew mod ern export way Over 500 pic titres Only $1 13 AUCTION SALES CAIILE AUCTION SALE Friday October 18 at pm sharp lor JERRY REYNOLDS Atlot 20 Concession 12 Innis til Township miles east of Highway 11 turn at St Pauls Sale 0140 heed ofchaice beef cattle The list includes 14 cows is calves lo yeailings registered Pulled Angus bull tycars old weighing around 1500 lbs tout of the Tay lor herd The above cows are all young and the herd sire has been running with them and the calves are all mm regis tered Hereford bull Terms cash No reserve as Mr Reynolds is going out of the cattle busluess JERRY COUGHLIN auctioneer Complete Dispersal oi the GLENROBBIE HOL STEIN milking herd bred heif ers 700 lbs milk base Debaval bulk cooler Surge milkcrs Saturday November at pro sharp Property of RALPH ROBERTSON to mile east of Highway II at SLroud OR milessouth of Bar registered and classified IE GP ll tresh since August several due in Novem ber Mostly unit bred herd founded on Texal bloodlines Several cows have production records over 100000 lbs Plan to attend Terms cash No re serves ARCHER COLWILL auctioneer AUOIION CHAROLAIS VSALE tst Eastern Canada SM URDAY OCTOBER pm Aiihe farm or John Devips Huiy 27 miles north of Scbomberg Consignedby Ontario and Que bec leading Cbnrolais breeders consisting of 40 Femalespure bredii percentage some lowerjpercentage Bulls pure French Sale will be held tinder cover Lunch counter GIARJCAN SERVICES Sales Managcrs PROFESSIONAL IVACCOUNTANTSj noses HARRISON coconutst Phone viaate countered Accountant Samuel ltnau CJI 1fllsko to Ban FUNERAL HOMES STECKLEY FUNERAL HOME surnttwii senvrcn AT iiooenArs costI 24HOUR SERVICE Bayfiold Street 3===== KNIT COAT ALICE BROOKS Top oII sleeveless dresses rep aratcs with trait coat that reluses to crease and is light weight but ultrawarm Knit cable trimmed goevery where coat to wear right up in coldest weather Pattern mo sizes 32bit included FIFTY CENTS coins for each pattern no stamps please to Alice Brooks care of The Barrie Examiner Needlecraft Dept 60 Front St Toronto lO Onufloflsldeflll add to sales tax Print plainly PAT PEN NUMBER NAME AD DRESS New 1969 NEEDLE CRAFT ATAIIOG best Ia shions Most new designs to knit crochet sew weave em broiderl say editors tree pat terns inside 50c Book of 16 titty rugs corn plcta patterns inexpensive easy to make one Book No lDeluxe Quilts to complete patterns Send one Book No ZMuseurn Quilts patterns for l2 quilts 60c Book No oQuilts for Todays Living New exciting collection Is complete patterns 60c Book of Prize AfghansKnit crochet lZ atghans 60c l3 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Complete dispersal of good fur niture household effects elec tric appliancESsdishes tools and car for TOM BEAMISH to be held our Saturday October 12 an sham at the premises the Village of Strond on Highway 11 at the southeud of thevlllage Terms cash No reservcas the houseis sold and Mr Beamtni is moving away VERNON AYRES auctioneer Stron WATCH for full lisiDct AUCIIONSALE Saturday November 16 atat pnL sharp for HARRY FRALICK At Lot Concession lO Vcspra Township on Highway 26 one mile north ofMinesing Villag Sale of 40 headiof beefiattl hay straw gra poultry turn her posts and farm machinery Terms cash No reserve JERRY COUGItlriN aucrioneer WATCH torIull list Novtt DIRECTORY MUSIC IIEssoNs Teacher or HallmISlllllifll Theory min prepres IDI examination at the Royal Comm unite rennin All man ARCT od method stain mam ANGUS BOSS Tiitaas at am Jason Registered Music Teacher IiItructtun in Piano also tutorin other subtle lbeof subjects BIOMETRYI Noel Stephen it No WERE EDWIN 5h Bin Iis IheVSeaVsDn IV To Adverii in murmur sad the homes In hood ltead these are to be put in the Necdsmuir History Book It delicious lunch was served by the committee ltlrs Velcli Mrs Phillip and Mrs Green The Institute members go to Simeoe Manor on in oclock iEIROY by IllItS MAURICE ltEIII lilrs hlcrvyn Noble spent few days with Mr and Mrs Frcd Noble at their cottoge on the Nuttawasoga River last week Mr and Mrs Grose visit ed ML and Mrs llm McNeil and lamily in St Cathariucs last week Mrs Jenny Walker and Mrs Olga McMillan Barrie were re cent weekend guests at Mrs Ingram Mrsvlohn Reivc Misses Lu ella and Marie rDonnelll were on threeweek motor trip visit ing relatives In Winnipeg Saska toon BrandoaSouris and Cat gary and ï¬nishing their tour at Banll Mrs Norman Spmiilc at Cal gory is visiting her sister and family Mr and ttlrs Jack son Sympathy ot the community goes to rhc family and relatives ofWaIter Conic ho posed away in Royal Victoria limital Sept 23 Services were held at the Lewis Parlois Bradford wit interment at the Sixth Line Cemetery Monday Sept it REPAIR iiow PAY lATEIt ouaur convenient ween rm EXPERT mechanical Body and PAINT WORK Phone izsisti DANGERPIELDS 233 Bradford so earns DRY CLEANING SHIRI senvrcu NUSERVICE CLEANERS 7Ztl2i7l ISANDG GRAVEL sine Stone All STONEfMAeON