so am mun mar 0mm ill gut sift PROPERTY FOR SALE REALESTATE ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS SPHIIAL NOT CASH RATES Vmo pa count lino mini Cantu Events BIRTHS FREE From Classified IN elicittun NEW MOTHERS PAK Value to $250 mouthing very useful assortment oi well known Items tor mother and baby Yours FREE when you place May announcement at your babys arrival in the Birth Notice Column EXAMINER WANT ADS trained Birth Announce ment writer will assist you In wording your announcc ment and arrange or you to recciva your iree liloth crs Pak from PLAZA DRUGS PHONE 728Z4l4 Barrie and District Residents Only PHONE 7282414 lumenair and sin Edward clarion or is time st harm in hlnnv to Immune the birth at son ltlundat Seplunbcr so use It Royal vurom limitl dune DEATHS DUMBLL nulen Ila in nayl Victoria Hospit llarr on Harm October lose mien luir Robinson briovrdwlie at Robert Nelson nutrell Ind cur mother at Chlrics or MIDI Creek sikstchcwan Eldrldn ul Hamil ton and violet llitrs Warlord oi strand Survivld by Ind children one grcll mndchlo sister Ind brothers outing at the Jennelt nmenl llama la uranium Street Barrie tor service on rridv ll arm Interment at Pluls cemetery lnnisill IN MEMORIAM anLvt twin memory or dear hueniua uni father mules 5t agili onn passes away October There in plrtlnl from those ore No distance on divide Today in memoryr en We not walk side by side Each gasping day thought at At errntloe nraygr in tau hum thnt lovcd him will be there Msoi ltimed by with run and Emily CARDS OF THANKS BESSBClltlord nrl mt an and llusscll Beto wish In thank rciatives friends and nelxnonun tor helping with and and arrob ihr stock at their tann isle COMING EVENTS OCTOBER FEST FRIDAY OCT 4th 330 PM AM Embassy Hull BAND ALPINE VILLAGE Auspiccs GermanCanadian Club tBarrie Itic TURKEY SHOOT SATURDAY OCTOBER PM mile east ofNottawasaga River on Highway 90 t2 gauge shotguns Shells sup plied IMAGE SALE FRIDAY OCTOBER i30 30 pm TRINITY PARISH HALL 7A Collier St tAusrilces TRINITY WA RUMMAGE SALE SATURDAY OCTOBER to 11 am Salvation Army 60 COLLIER ST BARRIE RUMMAGE SALE Friday October at 130 pm CANADIAN LEGION HALL Collier Street rear door Auspice LADIES AUXILIARY Pickup mason or mZSBO ST VINCENT DE PAUL STORE HOURS Wednesday 25 pro Fridayzd and 79 pm Saturday in nm pm Collier Street basement or Jerrysiv Enrelopes Draw tickers Letterheads Eusiness cards Perlria stamps tiedding stationery Cheques iREEEStlMAiES 0N ALI RINIINGNEEDS Betty Newton to schools hoax2117 PROPERTY FOR SALE REALTOR BUILDING IfllS Innislil Township Overlook ing Highway 400 acre Iota with trontagc Vemra Township to acta lots some with frontage on High way 21 north Contact MYRTLE linctnon barrio 7254759 zoo ACRE FARM ISS acres workable 45 acres bush with river running through property bedroom house barns other buildings all ill good condition Contact MYR TLE BIBCLWD Barrie 7234159 0R0 STATION bedroom electrically heated bungalow living room has din ing area modern cupboards in kitchen utility room iull base meat carport and patio on large lot nicely landscaped Contact MYRTLE IIachD Barrie W759 KEITH 7111 REALTOR AREA REPRESENTATIVES Bnbcocir Parrie nasooa Colbourne Strond 1337 it MBCLOOOJEEIHO 7134759 hr Spencer Thornton 45sec Pituimmlna Cbhllrisom Snow Stroild twild Ed Green Barrlc mim Toni Fitzsimmins Churchill 4567673 Hawkestorte 472101 181 EGIJNTON AVE TORONTO I2 PHONE 4873333 CORBY Real Estate Broker and Appraisers so St Phone mute lst and hid mortgages arranged on low monthly payments We buy your present Is and 2nd mortgages gt NAPIER STREET Attractive setting between new homes Older hmne2 bedrooms kitchen dining room and living room Large sun porch Grounds nicely landscaped ROSE STREET Compact bedroom brick bun galow diningliving room sun deck iinishcd basement recre ation room Close to schools Bus at door MELROSE AVENUE For the discriminating lamily cistern built stoicv beauutiil oak floors in living room dining room and bedrooms kitchen with breakfast area has many extra cupboards ï¬replace in livnig room also in recreation room Attached garage Make olier on this lovely home PAINSWICK Brand new bedroom brick bun galow excellent bnsment Close to schools and store NEW HOMES regarding new homesof qual itybullt by exceptional builders on Highcroit Road arc BAY roturnonu Lots of various sizes available up to 56 acres Ann MARSHALL mam slitmt ZIET MU ARA th All PETEi nmnmmiiavï¬zvm EMORY MILLER ills Realtor 67 Dunlap 1726l88l rtiisr TIME osmosis bedroom brick bungalow with fireplace in living room attach ed garage Large lot Situated just 21 miles irorn city limits on 27 Highway Please call Sammy Benhnm Iron nnnr Three 2bedroom apartments in Angus $100 monthly Heat and hydro supplied VCaIl Ken Miller LOVELY SIDE SPIJII bedroom home on one of Bar ries residential streets close churches and Shop ping This home has many ex trns and is priced to sell Sec Vi Gard Spencer HES Alum mom scram msaia 4751314 718550 HARsz wantIa racer roan sum REMTAM aonnou semenIt Mruzn raralt MANTO mini cow viacow 211314 hr milgsllolith an ll Hm on nine 2c nuamem nil hutfwlIerbnllinarm avllcm 15700 mu terms less on Pinup 3254653 alter mm DO YOU wlntdn on rt intrminrwiiol Titanium nosnol my skimmer when has prions vet2414 Reliability CARSON PRO Ml REAuTLR awosmmm wmzzpaounnsm uow alumna lilodent flsniie building with dcvntor intercom to all continents cable TV broadiocrn in hallways stove and mirtgeruor Enhonies onmcst apartments quiet red dcntlal street This modern apartment use natures wonderful natural gas for building heating and water heating Possession starting Oct Call WI mainunlicmorana New bedroom borne close to public and high schools piece washroom on main floor piece bathroom and bedrooms on second floor 000 7796 mortgage Call any salesman In our oil ice Norm Synnott mists Russ Cameo mist Bill Hamilton 7235325 Rupert McGratb Eimlllil man Bill tang mm CUNLY GLORIA KDSSATL BIN FOBB eaoeesrv soil SALE HAROLOEORSEER use Wenttr Avalhhb Free Contact Parking large noisier sum =wy woven amen rman Ware 84 mace remains down pgmtmi Collar Godmdt Majvlngmndbcm maul brick limitation has lag livid tSuynua roan kitdien beihmnis one very large oodles ol wpboard space lull dividedbnsenuntlllhputlaliyflnldmdmeatlonmmtludmrl piece wadroom Attached garage beautifully landscaped lot emaltant location and close to all Idtools and bus services mam carries for flit Mal intend and taxes Colllrene Forbu for appointment to Inspch Emmaslnwmb noon GOEUONNM miss IIIEARTHUI CLIIT 600mm will want Tuned In mom Loan IL RAY arrt swam CAMPBELL PHON ILLS REALTOR HIGH RB 728738 EXCEPIIONAL VALUEa miles lrom Banie year old lantgn low with double garage spacious kitchen with built in electric stove ctmlortoble living room large bedrooms and place both roan hill basement has completed reacation room that mecls See any at our sales people CHOLKAN CO LTD Iii to Collier SL Ba Angus unseat Shelburno 9mm Vasoga Beach 4293840 UNDER 520000 bedroom brick bungalow love ly lot exccllenl location For turiher particulars call Dolly Iilortcll 7280674 RETIRING Then this is ior youl bedroom bungalow on aouletrced street in Barrie This home is one the few ol its type that come on the market Its priced right would be pleased to showit to you Call John Baker M1 STEPS TO NEW PUBLIC SCHOOL Brand nawa bedroom bunga lowywith attached garage and view of the bay This lovely home can be bought ior $3500 down Please call Iim Stewart 7268288 EXECUTIVE HOME Large stoley bedroom home with exceptional view of Kam penielt Bay Separate dining room and large living room with ï¬replace Cali Marion New man mum ONLY 512000 FULL PRICE Attractive bedroom home in Barrie with piece bathroom and garage 0n beautifultreed int Lovely view of lake Low down payment moves you in Call Alan Wardie 7283454 ON EASY STREET with this brand new bedroom home with attached garage Area is rightso is the price small down payment will sue you into iamily comfort and se curity For more details call will Laurence 7264390 museums somehow Searching or cbmpletely ï¬n ished home Here is home that inst needs your personal be longings and no work May show it to you Call Marg Klein72ll383 moior mam 7134401 NEVIVIgt Garnet on enm ohn Blklr Baker Wllr letncc llIIrg Klein James Stew Wanda nowrd mauso mtelu moon lMMEmATE POSSISSIONTwo magic they can mean It you are Eccles St priced at livingroom large kitchen three backfirst mortgage with low down paymmt need oi repair but would be good investment for rlght person Call KeitbMcMaster was NauruBy LOVELY Lotion soundbw with spiritualism Em ideal income property Priced at realizc that it is money down more no titma ad SHELSWELL and WILLSON MIS REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE BROKER 510500 and 157 Sanford St billy 316300 We have the keys Call Mrs brown 7287265 FOR TEE IIANDYMANAskiug $6400 Ihreebedroolri home with Ls REALTOR rrie mat OOIALINGWOOD so acres at term land lull price $8000 Call Lcs Loveyave Mo 6111 FULL PRICE $17500 lovely irame bungalow in An gus arca bathrooms and bedrooms modern throughout Cali hiarg Wakefield 4495465 ALLANDALE barge older homo completely remodelled interior an extra large lot with low taxes Could quality or VLA0r would be only 7000 Cali Pat Carter 4357999 notnli charge JACK AND JILL Wouldnt pass this one up to 40 mobile home On iully suriac ed illacre lot with paved drive way Large utility extension in eluded Phone Pat Byrne Fll7 any time LOW DOWN PAYMENT 010w end price Olowtsxes Good location Good investment with little uutput Call 7232011 Wanda Edwards IMMEDIATE POSSESSION For low down payment on ex ecutive style home This cusA tom built home Includes extras such as builtin stove and oven broadloomz ï¬replaces one in living room other in completely finished recreation These and niauy other exuas are all or $2650 Call Ed Wood 4872428 ARE You YOUNG ammonscoumm Tired of renting because you the drain Be your own land lord put some eduity behind you Let me show you this love ly bedroom brick home im sure you will not regret taking to minutes of your valuable time For lurihEt details call Ioe Dirrscolo 7260667 Rixllrtun Dlrrlcolo DaveDolly Martel bi ï¬cnnl Pct Carteh Hannah Pentium nod simple words on how much ready for ACTION drive by 56 piece bath Vendor will take lhislllm is in MobileHomes Cash or relins new Years ioyer benutihtlmodern kitchen with loaded cupboard Large diningroom tor lull suite inunaculateoondition inside and out This custom built borne has priza winninglandscaped grounds iulylenccd Full basement with oil heatingEtocelIent 0la95 mortgage andpayments at $140 principal interest nudism This home is pleasure in show Call Mrs Atkinson moles its Dunlap St past 72 1422 rue14in rhino REALTOR 05 APPRAISAIS uoarntnrs haunts ammEMENulioiln Close to downtown situated on but mute and close to shoppin Principal interest and this only $88 monthly gt lt ammo LOTS We have choice of building loin within cannot at Barrie Some with to grow IA til nesmdtlti it Dick Hartley 7mm aill Mackness Res name Richard Raycrnlt moist Russellsml gdlslance lowdm nwmantsltyou wish yourmoney Widtaasenion We accepted until pan calamari REXDALE Ontario todays standards Call now Exclusive VLA PROPERTY ACT NOW lo mes ol land will storey li older home with dining living room kitchen and bedroomsuluily modernited totms available Ills 1338 Charlie ttcad Don Campbell Fred Taylor Paul Penman Smith Campbell TIME 7160 7784105 773433 muss Hugh Plowman Doug Campbell 7250243 lion Allan 4555343 Don Marshall 7182357 Richard tDlrkt Beer 7258897 BlDWELL Huts Realtor 33 COLLIER ST illMA BIDWELL IIARY ttotuusoN ROGERS Photo usuzt 711993 Mortgage lunds available TELEPHONE 7284430 VAN BIDWELI 72mm imch urxusz nestle ACONNELL Realtor DUNIDPSIREET EASTfAt uu rive Points Phone moses nvsumcs CALL FRED EPLETI 7239793 Dewsnap Igdfldï¬s HARVEY sivtn ERIC DEWSNAF AND CO OWEN ST 723Ml15 MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE Photo hiLS Realth EVENINGS GORDON OOUITS 7257275 SANDY COUTIS mass WALTER COUTIS 723231 FOR SALE OR TRADE FIVE acres and cottage south nI Barrie or sale or trade tor tut arid house tglt needgtrcnorflhzgiirii cl an Tdcltlrinatnwrlto no not Barrie Examiner MOBILE HOMES TRAILERS RUSSEILCHURCH ltILS Realtor wits mams more Ltd General Glendale travelux Parts and Service 170 BURTON AVE GLENDALE bedroom good condition tally equipped Ideal lint home 111 tamer lie Telnvhnn H257 Ivenlnll ar wzeknnd BUS OPPORTUNITIES 7m PARTITIME ll In your own businessz all Canadian company specrallz ing inaanew plasticiproduct that is either Esold or leased to established businesses This is proven business We will help you build to steady income in excess cl $0000 per Year Mustrbebondable and able todcvotevat least is hours Week to qualify No bnsio location reoiuied no franchise lees Initial invest mired Write giv brief resume of your qualiï¬cations to XELWONSAUNBY rLID 50 GalaxieBlvd PAR TIME BUSINESS Own andnperatc varcy vend ing machines with ahigh profit product new Canada Each $1000 invested gives you unex cepticnal fastreturnof capl No selling involved Lirnlted iranohls available ntact nolsntii Mcolrlcctlv Vending Operators Supply Co 1700 Weston Road TORONTO 15 homl 77436545 CHAS ROGERS 7284532 PRIVATEe room house but am men on Bullion street EL $2M down Telephony mam FARMS FOR SALE sum no this as nrni lult north at Bank good storey brick home with new drum and bath rocm blm toxeo Please telephone John Cole mam inorgacnllnl aviary Miller Real Estate nun modernlxlggd buildings and 20 acres 35 down miles in Barrie miles rktlnr lies to the like Also to acre nts sloop down in in location Telephone moan mntmousn italic it easier tor the prospect to buy Remember the Articles tor Sale classification is the Peoples Market Place REAL EsTATE FRANK Mlhlmuh mm DRAW Heresaoice mutating ammm that linkbvnerandt tissuemam memorandumiv ice bdldwbenyonanmdy PROPERTY FOR sars NELLES til1m Miamintbcskiamailiormvlfle lainflaunwflhirmhursemllbflnmd lumibroilgtttbaentirapropuwIdcaiioc ymvcllwarrwauad Ptlllptioodi mmirtiwtimstolwlnd EWINGS CALL hills bingo Leo Cavanaugb Cecil MRI tarsus Prank Nell moses RAWN Real Estate Broker 308 BAYFIEID SI 71695 mesa 71811 COUNTRY LIVING near the skihilk just of Highway 400 bedroom brick home conven lenccs and beautilul view Sit ualrd on rolling Sam lot Priced to sell with low down payment 3le was available near Horseshoe Valley Mount st Innis Devils Glen Blue Moun tain and Mansfield sflhills Pricui ironi ï¬ll nEvenlngncidl tarry Torrey allliiawn Dirt Draper SACRIFICE leorflmll dhcdrnotn brltl will hall house with lttlnlt Cd nun belied ll 25 Clndy uric Ami in new ranvlllan varold It hot VIII heating Reasonable down Blymllll or may occupancy roi niriner interm tlhn call Orlllia sauna alter nun Private rate REAL ESTATE OUTSKlRTS Wanted Wanted Two bedroom house ished PROPERTY FOR SALE on RENE slintL uouaa hi Angus tor sale or rent suitpl lnr counts Tel phnnn mews LARGE nanNror In or not or or usedlumber nut storage us ion aunt Palm implement etc South or Barrio lhnlu Telephone nsim LOTS FOR SALE to Acnm hen rd and is use lots Sitnit Bllr 1W Each Pious barn and to acrel Hwy 11 moo Phone vat1m rorontu consider on nine cash Immediltn Stun Hammond moon Funk Wainwright 139110 ioln Poster PETERS WILES LTD Realtor 29A OWEN 51 ms Realtor toe Baytield St 7281071 Aponlnld Listings invited Elva Mills 7204749 John II While 7233770 mzuo PLANNIN ON BUILDING NEW HOME Contact Peter Light BEAVER LUMBER lE bradiord St PROPERTY WANTED OF BARRIE To Buy Two or three bedroom house with approx imately one acre of land ToRent or apartment unturn Matt ALL DETAILS T0 30 NoD8 BARRE EXAMINER noose want othera with or without acreage Minus or Barrie area Must be rcltcnlblv ortcld PrisAM Princlnll only Writ liv lug iull particulars to Box nan Barrie intminer It ACRES wanted Big nay Paint Rnld all cash client will DI IUD 7112 Telephone Russel Carson ml Curran Real Ethic Evenings 72561 BUILDING LOT wanted lnywhul ln Iha cltv ol Blnle Must have all services Alan lot wanted within ona mild nI city limits Telephone Rus all Carson Carson Real mate 72044 Dining menu CALL US FIRST We are Skilled in our Service and will give you Prompt Attention cLAssrrtnn SERVICE scram GUIDE SEPTIC TANKS PRESSURE PUMPS caraamr SEPTICTANKS PUMPED Modern radiocontrolled trucks TILE BEDS INSTALLED AND REPAIRED ROBERTSON ANGUS noises nunn name Tongan 536a We Bed Inat ed leiauiln Mauls45a 4am COTTAGE REPAIR JAcklNG contees Insulating and remodelling HURST Havikesione continuous 030 4675750 lNSULATlON Illme MOD mutation Ff IMAGE Guaranteed VTateplionn Scott nun new DRIVING SCHOOL MODERN Driving School IAIfl In to Modesn at For up with Poona rests JAN ITOR SERVICE mama tron ollan cleaning our ofï¬ces Bin Service mint PAVING Clnninl Mariieri Paving naiianaxnertthjotsame Free Estimate Worklguaranteed 7260081 134ESSA an ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS PARKING LOTS BARNYARDS Free estimates in the allowing areas Barrie Bradford Allis ton Collinswood and Newman ket Also tree estimates once lneht work GARAGEMOORE PATIOS iTelephonecollect TauBONE PAVING CO Painswick lanolin mountain were ADS wOnxhoannsb PUMPS Wasbing Machines OSrnaIl Engines boss Putinscnvtcn Phone Cookstownisbotfll ALUMINUM SERVICE Sellstoring doors and windows siding store fronts COMPLETE INSTALLATION Direct isciory prices WATTS RR STROUI 6207 HEATING Limited Time Only roar wears on with cveryxiumacia installed BRISTOW Plumbing andjleating at Dunlop lame 7296546 Evenings 7755474 aLAcKsnllrn PROFESSIONAL BLACKSMIIH Handmade shbes Specialty Tel phone Bob do numeric sr 72ers SIGNS SIGNS or mas by competentlalgn write earn BENNETT 7288872 or 7253536 IRONIN ownmo o2 or butt and ironing SIX ah Ind deliver SHINGLIN lHlNOLING rm Routine nun trnuahlnr Bord Evin airnuo on tlrlo fldLMI comment Truck Lettering Prompt center to vent exocrien WANT ADS DONT cost HE PliY ltnlc mm In ultimo 1191597 charms comncroa tunttnax renovation Ind hours can un madmannu PAINTING PAINTING dz DECORATING INTERIO EXTERIOR Also sign painting European experts VAN NOORTWYK 114 Rose Street 72846876 Alsm Paoerhmatng Rluonnb nlu tintea we Plin Interior xurior Md within so mtienidoinarrln Call Robert lane mllu ï¬r EAVESTROUGHING NORTHERN iEAVESTROUGH 4872l2l sancmuzmcuv ONE PIECE EAVESTRQUGH BICYCLES mmmALLmlk Plfldilï¬ canortr New and aimch soon 61 SEAMLESS FLOORING smallness mourns Heavy duty plastic skid proot never needs wax only type of floor unatlecledby acids alkalii At ROBERTS nestle MOWER REPAIRS MwIGANMOWM SERVICE For All Makes or Air Cooled Engines litch and Rotary Mower Sharpening HAHN ECLIPSE LAWN AND GARDEN EQUIPMENT 171 Burton live mom Want Ads Don postThen Pay